
Chapter 114

Chapter 114

On the second day, Shi Yang came over early in the morning.

After a night's rest, Zhang Junbao and his party recovered mentally.

Although they were not in a hurry to go south, they were still a little tired after traveling for more than 20 days.

"When Mr. Huang Shanghuang was the governor of the county, he published the Wanshou Taoist Canon. But later, the Taoist Canon was sent to Kaifeng, and Fuzhou probably didn't keep it." Shi Yang said.

After receiving Fang Yilian's order, he immediately started to investigate the matter of Wanshou Daozang. Although it was a long time ago, he still got a lot of news under his careful investigation.

"No?" Zhang Junbao was a little surprised.

In his mind, even if there is no complete Wanshou Dao Cang here in Fuzhou, at least there are fragments left somewhere, either in government offices or among the people.

"Not really." Shi Yang shook his head, "Originally after the first edition was published, it was going to continue, but there was no news from the court, and it seemed to be nothing after that. I heard that after the Jingkang disaster, Wanshou Daozang might be taken away." The Kingdom of Jin was looted, and then lost.”

Zhang Junbao frowned. Speaking of which, it is impossible to find Wanshou Daozang in Fuzhou.

Although Prime Minister Wen said he knew something, he could only provide some clues, and there was no guarantee that there were any.

After all, so many years have passed, many things are unclear.

"Where are the engraving plates? Shouldn't they be sent to Kaifeng together?" Zhang Junbao asked again.

In fact, his goal is not the printed Wanshou Daozang, but those old engravings.

The gold leaf is among these old engravings.

"I've never heard of this." Shi Yang thought for a while, "Zhang Daochang, I need to inquire about this matter again."

The young master confessed that he was looking for the Wanshou Daozang, but he didn't think about the engraving.

"I thought that if there were engravings, then it wouldn't matter if there was a printed Wanshou Daozang." Zhang Junbao smiled slightly.

It is naturally impossible for him to say that his goal is engraving.

"I was confused." Shi Yang sighed, "Before, I was only thinking about the printing of the Wanshou Dao Zang. After searching for so long, I couldn't find any definite clues. It was a real waste of energy. Zhang Daochang, don't worry, most of the engravings are still in Fuzhou. But after so many years, even if we can find it, I’m afraid it’s not complete.”

"It's better than nothing." Zhang Junbao replied.

"That's true." Shi Yang nodded, "Zhang Daochang, although what I found out now is that the printed copy of the Wanshou Taoist Collection is not in Fuzhou, but this is not necessarily the case. As far as I know, if there is one in Fuzhou, there are only two places with the most possible."

"Oh? Tell me." Zhang Junbao pricked up his ears.

Although the printed version of Wanshou Daozang is not his primary goal, since the people of Six Daozong want to make Wanshou Daozang again, he will definitely not let Six Daozong succeed.

So if there is one, you have to hold Daozang in your own hands anyway.

"One is the Fuzhou government office, and the second is a mansion in the city that Mr. Huang used to have." Shi Yang said.

"The government office?" Zhang Junbao frowned slightly, "If it is in the government office, it may not be easy to go in and search."

"That's true." Shi Yang nodded, "If you know where it is in the government office, it is not too difficult to steal it out. The problem is that you don't know if there is one now. Even if there is, it has been stored in the government office for so many years. It’s in a corner of the yamen, and it’s not easy to find it.”

"Then Master Huang's residence?" Zhang Junbao asked.

"Master Huang's descendants sold the mansion a long time ago. After changing hands several times, it is now in the hands of Mrs. Pu as a residence in Fuzhou City." Shi Yang said.

"Pu Shi?" Zhang Junbao's expression darkened.

That was the last thing he wanted to hear.

"It's very troublesome." Shi Yang's face is also not very good-looking, "If it is someone else, you can always buy it if you spend a little more silver, and then search slowly, but Pu's is not short of gold and silver. If you suddenly want to buy it, maybe It will also arouse their suspicion, which is not good."

"It's really a coincidence, it's so coincidental that people are speechless." Zhang Junbao said helplessly.

As Shi Yang said, if someone else bought the house, as long as they spent more money, they would probably be able to buy it.

But Pu's is different, they are not short of money, they don't care about a house.

Basically they will not agree to sell.

If it is too deliberate, it will make Pushi doubt the motive here.

"Master Uncle, I wonder if there is Wanshou Daozang, would it have already fallen into Pu's hands?" Miao Daoyi said worriedly, "It's impossible for Pu's not to know that this mansion belonged to Mr. Huang back then, maybe they bought it. Did the house go to Daoist Huang's way?"

Zhang Junbao was stunned for a moment, he really didn't think of this just now.

Now being mentioned by Miao Daoyi, it is really possible.

"If this is the case, it will be troublesome. It is very likely that the engraving plate was originally in the mansion?" Zhang Junbao was worried.

If it is still said that the printed version is not in Fuzhou, then the places where the engraving block may exist should still include these two places.

It is very likely that Huang Chang's residence still has engravings.

With Pu's taking over, if there is any engraving, it is very likely that it will fall into their hands.

"I'll check it out now." Shi Yang couldn't sit still.

If it is true what Zhang Junbao said, then there will be big trouble.

Basically, he still thinks that Fuzhou is unlikely to have the printed version, so even if the Pu family now occupies Huang Shang's mansion, he is not too worried.

Now that the engraving is mentioned, his heart hangs.

Most of the engravings were left in Fuzhou, and it is quite possible that they were in Mr. Huang's mansion.

"After all, after several masters, there is no chance that such a coincidence will happen to be obtained by Pu's later?" Miao Dao comforted, "And the possibility of the government office should be higher."

Zhang Junbao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he knew that Miao Daoyi was comforting himself, but his words still had some truth.

"Then I will trouble Master Shi." Zhang Junbao said.

After Shi Yang left, the four of Zhang Junbao had another exchange.

They felt that if any engraving fell into Pu's hands, it would definitely not be in Fuzhou, but in Quanzhou, Pu's hometown.

"It's difficult to get the engraving from Pu Shi." Yang Zhilian shook his head and sighed.

"I didn't expect such a result." Liang Zhiyong was a little unexpected.

After all, Zhang Junbao got this news from Prime Minister Wen, and they still believed in it, even if Prime Minister Wen had stated clearly that he was not sure.

The final result still disappointed them.

The printed copy is basically impossible to find when it is sent to Kaifeng.

When the Quanzhen Sect was compiling the Taoist Canon of the Dayuan Xuandu, it collected a lot of fragments of the Daoist Canon of the Xuandu of the Great Jin Dynasty, and many of these fragments were actually the content of the Taoist Canon of Wanshou.

In other words, they got almost all the printed copies of the Wanshou Dao Cang that they could get.

The most promising thing right now is the engraving left in Fuzhou, after all, it was never sent to Kaifeng.

It is a pity that now it seems that the possibility of this engraving in Fuzhou is unlikely.

Moreover, it fell into the hands of a powerful force like Pu's, so it was too difficult to get it.

"Actually, we don't need to be so pessimistic right now." Zhang Junbao took a deep breath and said, "These are all our speculations, it's just wishful thinking."

"Master Uncle said so." Miao Daoyi also said, "I think Pu's may not have obtained the engraving of Wanshou Daozang. In the hands of the family, maybe the Six Dao Sect will come to the door, and we may be able to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight."

"Daoyi, how can it be so easy to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight?" Yang Zhilian smiled, "Pu will fight to the death for the engraving and the Six Dao Sect? I don't think so. The Six Dao Sect attaches great importance to Wanshou Daozang. For Pu Shi, it might not be that important. If you donate the engraving plate to the Six Paths Sect in exchange for favors from the Six Paths Sect..."

"This~~ must not let such a thing happen." Miao Daoyi said hastily.

That's okay, if the engraving plate falls into the hands of Liu Dao Zong, doesn't it mean that Liu Dao Zong has obtained Wanshou Dao Zang.

Now Liu Dao Sect has changed its previous attitude of only collecting Buddhist scriptures, and started to collect Taoist scriptures. No matter what, this Wanshou Dao Zang cannot be obtained by Liu Dao Sect.

"Let's be optimistic. Of course, we have to prepare for the worst. If it really falls into Pu's hands, and they trade with the Six Dao School, what should we do?" Zhang Junbao said.

"This matter needs to be reported to Brother Zhixian." Liang Zhiyong said.

Originally, they thought that the Wanshou Daozang might be hidden somewhere in Fuzhou and hadn't been discovered yet, so they just came and found it secretly.

But the current situation is completely different from what I and others expected.

Don't say that Pu's traded Wanshou Dao Zang to the Six Dao School, even if it hasn't, it is absolutely impossible for a few of them to seize Wanshou Dao Zang if it is in Pu's hands now.

"It is necessary to ventilate first." Zhang Junbao agreed with this.

They have to make more preparations, such as a head-on confrontation with Pu, or even the Six Paths Sect.

Then more people from the Quanzhen sect will be needed.

Shi Yang went there for three days, during which he would come every day to inform Zhang Junbao of their situation.

Zhang Junbao and the others held back and did not go out.

It is better to keep a low profile at this time, especially when the situation is unknown.

At the same time, they also got more information from Shi Yang one after another, so as to infer the possible whereabouts of the Wanshou Taoist carving.

"Masters, that's all the news I got from investigations in the past three days." Shi Yang carefully explained the news he had investigated to Zhang Junbao and the others.

"So, according to your investigation, Pu Shi probably didn't get the engraving." Zhang Junbao said.

"I haven't heard of any treasures being dug up from Mr. Huang's mansion." Shi Yang replied.

Seeing Zhang Junbao and the others, Shi Yang still had a trace of suspicion after he finished speaking, and he couldn't help but said: "The first person who bought Mr. Huang's mansion back then searched the entire mansion. He thought that Mr. Huang had been an official for many years, so maybe he left What kind of dark room and so on, in the end, except for the cellar that the Huang family informed, no dark room was found. After changing hands many times, the new owner will usually check the mansion. Since the mansion has gone through more than a hundred years, some houses It was damaged for various reasons, and many of them were rebuilt and refurbished later, and no traces of darkrooms were found during the rebuilding process."

Hearing Shi Yang's explanation, Zhang Junbao and the others breathed a sigh of relief. From this point of view, Pu's really didn't get the engraving.

"That means the engraving is still there." Miao Dao said with joy.

"At least judging from the information we have received so far, it should not have fallen into anyone's hands," Shi Yang said.

"So the biggest possibility is the Fuzhou government office?" Zhang Junbao frowned slightly, "So, it is imperative to investigate the government office?"

"Zhang Daoist, I have done an in-depth investigation of the situation in the government office." Shi Yang said with a smile, "Since Mr. Huang, the government office has been expanded once, and the original old government office was used to store some old things."

"Oh? You mean, we can narrow down the scope of investigation?" Liang Zhiyong asked.

"That's right." Shi Yang nodded, "To be honest, the guards at the old government office are not too strict. It is said that there are some old sundries stored there. If so, it is very likely that it is there. After all, for most people, these engravings are actually sundries. I have a map here, as well as some hours and intervals for guards to change their shifts."

Zhang Junbao opened his mouth, wanting to refute Shi Yang's words, but found himself unable to speak.

In the eyes of people like myself, the Longevity Taoist Collection is a priceless treasure, but in the eyes of most people, it is just some engravings of scriptures, not comparable to gold and silver treasures.

"Looks like it's time to visit the government office at night." Zhang Junbao glanced at Liang Zhiyong and the three of them.

The three of them nodded one after another and had no objection to this.

They believed that with the map and guard information given by Shi Yang, sneaking into the government office should not be a big problem.

Just do what you say, without dragging your feet.

The four of Zhang Junbao sneaked into the old mansion that night, actually it was the backyard of the whole mansion.

The front yard is the newly expanded government office, and now all official affairs are handled here, which is the top priority of the guards.

Therefore, the backyard seemed deserted, and the guards and inspections were also much lax.

"Is the warehouse in front?" Zhang Junbao followed Shi Yang's map, and they quickly found the most important target, the warehouse where sundries were stored.

"That's right, it's here."

Liang Zhi opened the door carefully, but the airflow from the door still brought up the dust in the room, and the four of them almost couldn't help coughing.

Fortunately, their martial arts are not weak, but they didn't make any movement.

Sure enough, it is a place that no one pays attention to. I don't know how long it hasn't been cleaned, and even stepped on it. A thick layer of dust has accumulated on the ground.

Zhang Junbao and the others entered carefully. There were many wooden shelves here, many of which had rotted and collapsed, and the things that were originally on the shelves were scattered all over the floor.

"Look for it quickly, remember to remove the traces." Yang Zhilian said in a low voice.

In order to be careful, they had better not leave any traces.

But not long after the four of them investigated, Zhang Junbao's expression changed: "Not good."

Sensing the movement on Zhang Junbao's side, the other three immediately surrounded Zhang Junbao's side.

"Someone has been here recently." Zhang Junbao said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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