
Chapter 122 Blast through the dark room and burn it clean

Chapter 122 Blast through the dark room and burn it clean
"It doesn't matter whoever throws it, it's useless."

The eldest brother of the Six Dao Sect sneered again and again, what are you still arguing about at this time?
Don't talk about Miao Daoyi, even if Liang Zhi used them to throw it over, the sky-shattering thunder would be useless, apart from making a sound, there would be no way to hurt anyone.

The one who answered him was Zhang Junbao's Thunderbolt.

I saw Zhang Junbao throwing it forward, but the throwing distance made the people of Six Dao Sect stunned for a moment.

Because the distance Zhang Junbao threw was really close, almost in front of himself, and there was still a few feet away from the Liu Dao Sect.

"What's the situation?" The people of Six Dao Sect were very puzzled.

"It's all missed? Is it because of fear?" The eldest brother of the Six Dao Sect laughed loudly.

When others heard it, it made sense.

Zhang Junbao was probably intimidated by the situation on his side, he couldn't even hold Zhentianlei firmly.

And there are still a lot of leads, if he really throws it to his side, with the strength of himself and others, he can catch it and throw it back.

They were really frightened by their own side. It was probably the first time for a kid to face such a battle. It is normal to feel fear in his heart, so they also laughed.

Immediately afterwards they saw Zhang Junbao leaping over the wall after throwing the Thunderbolt, and at the same time, Miao Daoyi and the others did the same.

They seem to have come to their senses, are they trying to escape?

After breaking the sky with thunder?

Their first reaction was to chase, but at this moment, the thunder and thunder exploded, and there was a bang, and the mud splashed, which startled them.

I almost forgot that there was a ignited thunder in front of me.

When Zhang Junbao's Thunderbolt exploded and they wanted to pursue it, Liang Zhi threw out the Thunderbolt.

It's similar to Zhang Junbao's Thunderbolt, it doesn't explode immediately when it is thrown, but it is slightly delayed, and the throwing position is almost the same.

They can now be sure that the Quanzhen sect is afraid, and everything they do is to evacuate.

The harsh words before were completely confusing me.

Thinking of this, they felt a little disdainful. Is this the Quanzhen Sect?
"Brother, let's avoid Zhentianlei and rush over." Someone shouted.

It's definitely not possible to rush directly from Zhentianlei's side, but if you make a slight detour, you can catch up.

"Cowardless people run away in embarrassment like a bereaved dog. If they escape, they will flee. How dare they come back and spoil our good deeds?" the eldest brother said contemptuously.

"Brother said yes."

"Quanzhen can't teach so much."

"I don't have the guts at all."

While speaking, Liang Zhi's thunder rang out, and they all showed expressions of disdain.

The Quanzhen sect really escaped, so they probably wouldn't dare to come back again.

Although they still have a chance to intercept and kill the Quanzhen sect if they catch up, the strength left here is slightly weaker.

People from the Quanzhen sect can not be killed, but Wanshou Daozang can't have any surprises.

Which is more important, they are still very clear in their hearts.

After the thunder exploded, the matter was almost over, and they were ready to turn around and go back to the pond.

"Huh? What's the sound?" Suddenly, someone's ears moved, and he sounded suspicious.

At this time, everyone in the Six Dao Sect also heard a sound.

"This sound is familiar." Someone murmured, "The sound of the burning wire of Zhentianlei? And Zhentianlei?"

His words shocked everyone, and they hurriedly looked around, but they didn't find any trace of Zhen Tianlei.

"Over there." A person pointed to the direction where Zhang Junbao threw the fire folder.

There was a small mound over there, and they couldn't see what was behind it, but what they could see was that there was a puff of white smoke coming out from behind the mound.

You must know that the smoke and dust after the explosion of the two thunderbolts was quickly blown away by the wind. What happened after that was obviously not the smoke after the explosion of the thunderbolts.

"Not good." The eldest brother's face changed, "Is there still a thunderstorm hidden there? Get out~~"

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and backed away, but the others obviously didn't react so quickly and took a beat slower.

It's just a little slower, but the result is a world of difference.

A loud bang almost resounded throughout Fuzhou City.

The ground here trembled, the wall collapsed in an instant, and a huge deep pit was blasted out on the ground, at least a dozen feet in diameter and nearly ten feet deep.

The scope of the explosion was not limited to these, it almost covered the masters of the Six Dao Sect on the other side of the pond, that is to say, the powerful ones avoided.

After they stood still, they looked at the scene in front of them with lingering fear.

It's too scary, so how many thunderstorms are hidden underneath?

tens of?
At least hundreds of Thunderbolts are needed to have such an effect.

But how did Zhang Junbao and the others do it?
For a while, they couldn't figure out how they hid Zhentianlei here.

Even if it wasn't Zhen Tianlei, it was still explosives. This amount is not small, how could you hide it from people like yourself?
Immediately, a miserable howl came from their ears, interrupting their thoughts.

This is not the time to think about these things, you have to save people quickly.

It's too miserable, with broken legs, broken flesh and broken bones are blown everywhere, how can there be a whole person?
The eldest brother escaped in time, but the robe on his body was almost completely blown up, turning him into a disheveled beggar.

It's nothing more than a miserable appearance, his face is pale, and he can't stop coughing up blood.

The explosion dislocated his internal organs, but he survived.

The people who were there just now, except for themselves, all died.

He never thought that such an outrageous thing would happen, isn't everything in his own hands?
How did an accident happen?

And it's completely out of his control. He is still in a daze until now, and he can't recover at all.

"Big brother? Big brother, are you okay?" Several masters who had retreated in time by the pond immediately surrounded him, looked at his big brother, and asked nervously.

The eldest brother glanced at them with a dull look: "How many people are still alive?"

"It's just us." One person replied in a low voice.

"Just how many of you are there?" The eldest brother opened his eyes wide and was agitated, with blood gushing out of his mouth.

"Brother, you are seriously injured and need to be healed quickly, don't get excited."

The eldest brother knew that this time it was over, not to mention Wanshou Daozang, whether he and others could escape safely was a question.

Counting myself, there are five people left.

My partner died, and the other two who were similar in strength to the two of them also died, and the weaker one with the same strength as the Mingjiao three died.

"Let's go." As expected of the eldest brother, he quickly restrained his mind and gave the order.

"Ah? Brother, what about the Daozang of Longevity?"

"What are you talking about about Wanshou Daozang at this time?" The eldest brother smiled wryly.

"Not good, the people from Quanzhen Sect are back."

The eldest brother looked over there, and sure enough, he saw Zhang Junbao and his party coming back quickly.

They didn't run away, they were obviously trying to avoid the big explosion.

I and the others naively laughed at them. Looking back now, aren't they all laughing at myself? It's because I'm too arrogant and too complacent.

"Brother, you go."

"Let's go? Where are you going?" The elder brother's expression calmed down, "Help me up."

Two of them helped the eldest brother up.

At this time, Liang Zhiyong and Yang Zhilian had already appeared in front of them.

"It's almost over." Liang Zhiyong said with a big laugh.

"Even if it's a little bit close, it will be over soon." Yang Zhilian stared at the five people and said coldly, his killing intent was undisguised.

Killing the remaining five people will be done in one go, there is no difference.

The Quanzhen Sect and the Six Paths Sect are also in an endless situation, so there is nothing to say.

If he was in this situation, Liu Dao Sect would also not show mercy.

"Ah? Below is the darkroom. The darkroom was blown through and caught fire. Hurry up and put out the fire." Miao Daoyi shouted loudly.

Miao Daoyi's shout immediately attracted everyone's attention, especially the Six Dao Sect's side.

"Okay, okay, you don't even think about getting Wanshou Daozang." The eldest brother suddenly laughed.

He had already seen the billowing smoke rising from the big pit, and soon flames sprang out from the ground. It can be seen that the fire below is very large, and it is basically impossible to fight it.

"You guys blew it up yourself." The eldest brother said again.

It is true that the Six Dao Sects want to obtain the Longevity Daozang, but Quanzhen Sect and other Taoist sects also want to obtain it.

And I don't mean that I have to get Wanshou Daozang on my side, it hasn't reached this level yet.

As explained above, it is best to get nature.

The big shots above obviously want to find inspiration in the Taoist classics, so as to create some kind of new exercises or secret techniques.

His status is unusual, his status is not low among intelligence personnel, and he knows a lot of things.

But that's all there is to it.

Even if Wanshou Daozang is obtained by my side, it is just as a reference.

To create a new exercise, you need to learn from many ancient and modern classics, and Wanshou Daozang is actually one of them.

In his opinion, the Quanzhen Sect may be more concerned about the gains and losses of Wanshou Daozang than his side.

No matter what, they are all Taoist Taoist treasures, and now they are destroyed, the most heartbroken can't be my side, but the Quanzhen teaching these bull-headed ones.

I lost here, and I had no chance with Wanshou Daozang.

As the winning party, it stands to reason that it is natural to take over Wanshou Daozang, but what about the reality?

What is left to Quanzhen Sect is probably a pile of ashes.

How easy is it to put out such a big fire?
Just relying on Quanzhen to teach so many people?

"My side is invincible?" The eldest brother muttered in his heart, probably as a self-deprecating one.

"A dead person, how dare you make such noise?" Yang Zhilian shot directly at the Six Dao Sect.

The four members of the Six Dao Sect wanted to resist, but how could they be Yang Zhilian's opponents?

"Yang Zhilian, Liang Zhiyong, have you become angry from embarrassment?" The eldest brother knew that he would die, but he was not afraid at all, and stared at the two with a smile on his face, "You should be angry. Wanshou Dao Cang was destroyed by your hands. You are a Taoist sect." The sinners who are guilty of this will be stigmatized for thousands of years, hahaha~~~"

His laughter stopped soon, and Liang Zhi slapped his celestial cap with one palm, killing him with one blow.

The four of them were easily killed by Yang Zhilian.

After confirming that these people were dead, Liang Zhi and the two quickly returned to the pit.

"It's so hot." Liang Zhiyong rushed too fast, a little too close to the pothole, and the scorching heat forced him to take several steps back.

"Hurry up and put out the fire." Yang Zhilian shouted.

As he said that, he wanted to rush out to find buckets of water to put out the fire.

"It can't be saved." Zhang Junbao shook his head and sighed.

With such a big fire, even if some water is brought in, it will be a drop in the bucket.

There should be a lot of books stored below, and Zhang Junbao can see from the ashes below that are churning up with the roiling heat waves, almost all of them are ashes of burned paper.

These ashes were swept by the heat wave and kept rising, reaching the highest point and then falling down.

One by one, one by one, one by one, like a heavy snowfall, but it is black.

That being said, everyone should try their best to fetch water, which is better than doing nothing.

Zhang Junbao was silent. Could it be that there is really a printed paper version of the complete Wanshou Daozang below?
If this is the case, these people are really sinners.

The complete Wanshou Dao Zang was destroyed by the fire.

And even if there are engravings, how many can be left under such a big fire?
Of course, his goal is gold leaf, if there is any in the engraving, the gold leaf will not be burned.

But these old engravings are the scriptures of the Wanshou Dao Cang, so they were destroyed like this, which completely cut off the possibility of the rebirth of the Wanshou Dao Zang.

This was an accident. Who would have thought that the location of the darkroom would be located under the explosion point, and a fire would be caused after the blast passed through.

Before, they were all thinking about how to attract people from the Six Dao Sect and kill as many people as possible.

I didn't think about the others at all.

Just now, when I ignited the Thunderbolt myself, I was particular about throwing fire notes.

Liang Zhiyong threw it first, because they all knew that Liu Daozong must be extremely cautious, and their every move would be closely watched by them.

So Liang Zhiyong casually threw Huozhezi aside, this was to dispel the other party's suspicion.

Sure enough, his plan worked.

Since Liang Zhiyong's strength is one of the two strongest on his side, his actions are the focus of the opponent's attention.

After confirming that Liang Zhiyong is fine, then no one will suspect Zhang Junbao if he throws the fire out.

And the torch that Zhang Junbao threw just happened to ignite the main fuse of Shi Yang's hidden explosive array, which was behind the small mound.

Zhang Junbao and Miao Daoyi were the first to arrive here, and they quickly scanned the surrounding situation.

Since Shi Yang explained it, they noticed this hidden main lead at a glance.

When the fuse was ignited, white smoke would come out, so Miao Dao approached him calmly, and blocked in front of the small mound. Although he couldn't completely block it, at least it would allow the people of the Six Dao Sect to discover it later.

In addition, when I threw the thunder from my side, the sound of the ignition of the fuse of the thunder could cover the movement of the fuse of the explosive array behind.

What's more, Liu Daozong and others were basically focused on Zhentianlei just now, and they didn't notice the movement behind the small mound at all.

I did so much before, all in order to divert the attention of Liu Daozong.

They didn't notice until after the two thunderbolts had blown up, it was too late.

Dealing with the Six Dao Sect was a success, but almost all the things in the dark room were about to be reduced to ashes. From this point of view, Zhang Junbao felt that his side could not be considered a success, but only half the success.

This has to be under the condition of gold leaf, otherwise it will be a lose-lose situation, and even destroy the Wanshou Daozang. This loss is probably greater than that of the Six Dao School.

(End of this chapter)

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