
Chapter 145 Infinite orthodoxy may not be broken

Chapter 145 Infinite orthodoxy may not be broken

Of course Zhang Junbao knows the magic of Sleeping Dream Picture, just like what his master said, even if he finds that he can’t make it through after practicing Ruyi Kung Fu, and turns back to Chunyang Sect’s Kung Fu, he will lose less than other sects. It can be made up by the method of sleep.

But Zhang Junbao didn't want this kind of thing to happen, if the Ruyi Kungfu fails, returning to the Pure Yang Sect's kung fu will still waste a lot of time.

No matter what, I have to practice some tricks in Ruyi Kungfu.

Not only did he want to practice Ruyi Kung Fu, but he also had to continue the Pure Yang Sect's Kung Fu in the future.

Of course, when my injury has not fully healed, I can only study Ruyi Gong.

After all, during this period, other skills, especially inner skills and mental skills, will be rejected and cannot be practiced at all.

Zhang Junbao didn't dare to practice forcibly if he really wanted something, if there were more serious consequences, he would regret it too late.

Next, it is possible to gather all the gold leaf, then I will have a complete wishful work, and I have no reason to give up the wishful work.

Even if there was no gold leaf in the old engravings of the Chunyang Sect, Zhang Junbao felt that the content of the three gold leaf scriptures was enough.

He felt that he didn't need to be too greedy in wishful thinking skills.

As long as I can grasp the magical feeling that was triggered at that time, that is, I can avoid the mysterious state of being attacked and the true understanding of the two unique skills of harmless conversion is enough.

With these two miraculous methods, Zhang Junbao knew very well that his future strength would be improved several levels, and he could definitely fight against some old fellows who were more powerful than himself, and he would not lose the wind, or even kill them.

Killing Pu Jie at that time was a living example.

There is a huge difference in strength between myself and Pu Jie, and it is me who laughs at the end.

It was such a thrilling and exciting feeling.

Therefore, Zhang Junbao is very much looking forward to these two miraculous secret methods.

After thinking about it, Zhang Junbao felt that it was a coincidence that he was able to trigger the two secret techniques at that time.

This is my own luck.

It was a blind cat that met a dead mouse.

However, if you think about it again, no matter whether it was triggered by luck or not, if there is the first time, there will be a second time.

After all, I have had a profound experience, and if I continue to study, I will have a direction. I believe that the difficulty of success will be much lower.

As long as you understand it well, there is no reason why you can't really master it.

Zhang Junbao feels that even if Ruyi Gong is incomplete, it will not affect these two secret techniques.

The only thing that worries him now is the sequelae of these two secret techniques.

Zhang Junbao still doesn't quite know whether his sequelae are left after the use of these two secret methods or because he forcibly practiced Ruyi Kungfu.

There is a big difference between the two.

If it is because of the sequelae caused by forced practice of Ruyi Kungfu before the true energy has dissipated, then now that I continue to study and understand, I believe that there will be no sequelae of aging.

If it was left by performing the two major secrets, then I will comprehend and truly master the two major secrets next time, and this sequelae may not be easily eliminated.

If this is the case, these two major secret methods are a bit tasteless, and even if I have practiced it, I dare not use it easily.

It is equivalent to the real forbidden law, and it is the kind of forbidden law that is difficult to resolve the sequelae.

Zhang Junbao soon became less pessimistic. Even if his sequelae were caused by using the two secret techniques, there should be a reason for this.

It may be due to the incomplete scriptures of Ruyi Gong that the two major secrets that I have comprehended are also somewhat incomplete and flawed.

This led to such serious consequences.

If the Ruyi Gong scriptures are complete, this should not be the case.

In fact, speaking of it, this sequelae is indeed terrible, but I am in the Chunyang Sect, and I don't have any worries about my life under normal circumstances, so I don't need to worry too much.

The uncle will try his best to help him resolve the damage to the body and the damage to the longevity.

As for the wounds on the spiritual consciousness, the uncle will also help him recuperate. This is also a long-term healing process.

It's just that compared to the recovery from aging, the uncle is not sure about the recovery of spiritual consciousness.

Whether the consciousness can be fully restored or not, we still have to continue to think of a way.

Zhang Junbao also showed the two jade pendants about longevity and immeasurable skills to real Wuzhuo, and at the same time told him that he had practiced immeasurable skills.

Disciples of this sect are generally not allowed to practice foreign sect exercises without permission. This is an unwritten rule in the Jianghu.

But Master Wuzhuo is not such a pedantic person, and he didn't blame Zhang Junbao for this.

In the past, these sects had such regulations mainly to avoid enmity with other sects.

Even if some skills and moves from other schools come out, if you practice rashly, wouldn't you offend that school?

Therefore, under normal circumstances, all sects are very cautious about the exercises of the outer sect.

Even if you get it, you will often put it aside and not practice it.

Unless it is some extremely astonishing exercises, the benefits of which are enough for them to take the risk of offending that sect, it is possible to practice secretly.

Once this is exposed, it will definitely cause disputes between the two sects.

For Zhang Junbao's practice, Wuzhuo Daoist will naturally not blame him.

At that time, Zhang Junbao used this method to save his life, otherwise Zhang Junbao would have died long ago, so he had to act in a hurry.

Daoist Wuzhuo knew very well about the immeasurable power, but he was a little surprised by the infinite power of longevity.

Unexpectedly, the last master of Wuliang Temple actually created a kung fu technique.

"Since the girl from Dugu's family said that these two pieces of jade pendant contain longevity and immeasurable skills, she shouldn't be wrong." Master Wuzhuo nodded. Their words are still credible. It’s just that Pindao can’t see through the mysteries in these two jade pendants for a while, and it’s up to you to figure out whether you can get the exercises in them.”

"Uncle, I don't know if my nephew Wanshou Wuliang Gong master can be found, but this master nephew Wuliang Gong wants to hand over to the sect." Zhang Junbao said.

When Zhang Junbao was surprised, Wuzhuo shook his head and refused.

"Uncle, is Wulianggong too mediocre?" Zhang Junbao asked a little puzzled.

In fact, in Zhang Junbao's view, Wulianggong is definitely an extraordinary skill in the Jianghu. No matter how high-minded the Chunyang sect is and how miraculous the skills are, they will not be dismissive of Wulianggong, right?

Even if Wuliang Power is not the core exercise in Chunyang Sect, it should be able to become an important exercise. Isn't it worth collecting?
"You have misunderstood." Wuzhuo Daoist explained, "Let's not talk about how the Wanshou Wuliang Gong is. The Wuliang Gong alone is a powerful skill. Therefore, there is no doubt about the power of Wulianggong."

"Then why?" Zhang Junbao still didn't think clearly.

"Maybe the orthodoxy of Wuliangguan has not been cut off." Wuzhuo said after a moment of contemplation.

"What?" Zhang Junbao couldn't help but widen his eyes.

The Wuliang Temple has long been destroyed, which he learned from Liang Zhiyong and them, and Dugu Jiani also mentioned it.

Back then, Wuliang Gong offended the court of the Kingdom of Jin, and then disappeared. This is recognized by everyone.

But the uncle actually said that the orthodoxy of Wuliang Temple may not be cut off, which is too surprising.

Zhang Junbao couldn't help but tell what he knew.

Master Wuzhuo nodded and said, "What you said cannot be said to be wrong, almost everyone has passed it on like this."

"Uncle, is there any secret in it?" Zhang Junbao immediately came to his senses, that is to say, there may be some discrepancy between the rumors outside and the facts.

The master is one of the few who knows this secret.

"Reverend Wangyou is the master of the Wuliang Temple back then. When the Wuliang Temple was destroyed, his life and death were unknown." Wuzhuo said.

"So uncle, do you think Senior Wangyou is still alive?" Zhang Junbao frowned.

"Reverend Wangyou, speaking of him, Pindao had a great friendship with him back then. We were about the same age, and Pindao was a few years older." Wuzhuo's face revealed a look of reminiscence.

Zhang Junbao didn't bother, and it could be seen that the relationship between Master Uncle and Master Wangyou was really not bad.

After all, they are both Taoist sects, so there is nothing strange about forming friendships.

"He's just a bit stubborn. Back then, even if he changed his temper a little bit and gave in a little bit softly, he wouldn't be able to reach Wuliangguan~~~ Well, if he really wanted to be like this, he wouldn't be him anymore." Daoist Wuzhuo sighed for a long time, "Ren Shang The older you are, the more nagging you are."

Zhang Junbao smiled and said nothing.

"Let's get down to business." Master Wuzhuo calmed down his emotions, "Wangyou must have been alive back then. In fact, there was also the shadow of the Six Dao Sect behind Jin Guo's targeting of Wuliang Temple. I, Chunyang Sect, wanted to help, but it's a pity that Jin Guo The Chinese imperial court moved too quickly, which caught us off guard. When we passed, things had already happened and could not be undone.”

"So Senior Wangyou should have a successor?" Zhang Junbao asked.

If this is the case, then the Infinite View really cannot be regarded as a broken inheritance.

Infinite Gong and Longevity Infinite Gong are not things without an owner.

In the past, Chunyang Sect and Wuliang Temple were good friends, and they were both members of the Taoist sect, so naturally it was not easy to take their cultivation methods as their own.

One of my disciples got it and practiced it, but he didn't know about it and was forced by the situation. When the successor of Wuliang Temple knew about it, he couldn't say what it was.

If these exercises were given to the Chunyang Sect, the nature would be somewhat different.

Zhang Junbao understood that this was the reason why Master refused the exercises.

"Let's not mention whether the successor has, Pindao even thinks that he may still be alive now." Wu Zhuo said.

"Ah?" Zhang Junbao opened his mouth wide.

How can my uncle be more than 100 years old, maybe even [-] years old?
But Master can live for so long, that's because of the Pure Yang Sect's skills.

How did real Wangyou do it?
"Don't be surprised. Daomen's exercises already have the effect of nourishing and prolonging life. Coupled with the fact that Master Wangyou's talent is superb, it's not surprising that he can live to this day. To tell you the truth, in terms of talent, Pindao is probably inferior to him First, that is, junior brother, your master can overwhelm him."

Zhang Junbao was so shocked, he knew that Wuliang Guanzhu was very powerful, but he didn't expect it to be so amazing.

"Then he is stronger than Master?" Zhang Junbao couldn't help asking in a low voice.

Master Wuzhuo smiled and shook his head: "That's not true. After all, Pindao practiced the Pure Yang sect's kung fu. In terms of kung fu, they are inferior to Wuliangguan, so in terms of strength, Pindao is still slightly better. Therefore, he Back then, he was a little unconvinced about this, and once mentioned to Pindao that he wanted to catch up with him and make a fuss about his exercises, because he was not as good as him if he suffered a disadvantage in his exercises. At that time, Pindao thought it was just his It’s a joke, but I didn’t expect him to really create a new exercise, I believe this longevity and immeasurable exercise must be extraordinary, maybe it can really compare to my Pure Yang Sect’s exercise.”

Zhang Junbao sighed in his heart, these are really secrets.

Perhaps the high-level people in the world know something, but Dugu Jiani may really not know much about it.

If Master Wangyou is really still alive, no matter whether it is Infinite Kungfu or Longevity Infinite Kungfu, it is really hard to hand it over to Chunyangzong, so he can only keep it by himself.

"Uncle, is it okay for my nephew to practice?" Zhang Junbao still had some doubts.

"Practice." Daoist Wuzhuo waved his hand and said, "You are predestined with him. Since he left these, he probably wanted to pass on the exercises. As for what sect you belong to, he couldn't predict it. It's just that you can no longer practice the infinite kung fu, right?"

Zhang Junbao nodded, now that he is completely out of true energy, coupled with the effects of sequelae, naturally he can no longer practice and display immeasurable kung fu.

"Oh, Wangyou may be dead too. You have obtained these exercises. If he knows them underground, he must be gratified." Wu Zhuo sighed again, "Study well, and don't let his longevity and immeasurable skills be lost. gone."

Wuzhuo Zhenren just said that Wangyou is still alive, which is actually a kind of hope for him.

To be honest, it is more likely that Wangyou died.

After all, there has been no news of him for so many years.

As for whether he has a descendant, Wuzhuo Zhenren also can't say.

As long as this has not been confirmed, it is not easy for the Pure Yang Sect to leave the practice of Wuliangguan.

Zhang Junbao nodded, if he really had the power of longevity and immeasurable, he would naturally not miss it.

The power of Infinite Kungfu is already astonishing enough.

Longevity Wuliang Kung Fu is the painstaking effort of Master Wangyou, he must think that this kung fu method is not inferior to that of Chunyang Sect.

Dugu Jiani said that Wanshou Wulianggong involves longevity, Zhang Junbao thinks it should be true.

Then this magic skill probably corresponds to the Fetal Breath Jue.

Exceed the fetal breath formula?

Zhang Junbao thought it was unlikely.

However, since Master Wangyou created it, I believe that the Longevity and Infinite Kungfu has its magical properties.

Zhang Junbao is currently injured, and even the fetal breath formula cannot completely resolve it.

Zhang Junbao didn't want to miss any possible healing exercises.

Especially under the circumstances that Longevity Infinite Kung Fu should be effective for him, how could he let go?
Having two jade pendants in hand is equivalent to possessing the power of longevity and immeasurable power.

In the future, it will be how to find out the scriptures of exercises contained in the jade pendant.

Zhang Junbao is now looking forward to the future.

These are his great opportunities, coupled with the help given to him by Chunyangzong, Zhang Junbao believes that he will be able to resolve the injury and resolve the sequelae.

"Ruyi Gong, Chunyang Gong, Sleeping Dream Picture, Fetal Breath Jue, Infinite Gong, Longevity Infinite Gong." Zhang Junbao muttered silently in his heart, secretly made up his mind, he didn't want to give up these exercises.

Every skill is an unimaginable existence for people in the Jianghu. Wouldn't it be a pity if I have it now but can't practice it?

That is to be condemned by God.

As for being too greedy to chew, Zhang Junbao didn't think it was a big problem.

There are sleep dream pictures, many of which are impossible for outsiders, but it is not too difficult for the disciples of Chunyangzong to solve.

(End of this chapter)

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