
Chapter 152 1 Sleeping or waking up for only 1 year

Chapter 152

Fan Shu, Du Liang and Jiang Xinwen sent Zhang Junbao back to his residence, and then Fan Shu reported to Wuzhuo Zhenren.

"Uncle, are you feeling better now?" Jiang Xinwen asked.

Although Zhang Junbao's real age is a few years younger than her, but her seniority is here, she dare not neglect Zhang Junbao.

And now they are equivalent to entering the scripture building more than once a month, and this is all thanks to Zhang Junbao.

So she didn't want Zhang Junbao to have any accidents.

For example, because they were too seriously injured to go to the Tibetan scripture building, wouldn't they also be able to get their hands dirty?

"It's okay, just take a little rest." Zhang Junbao actually feels fine now, and he can still recover slowly after each dizziness, "If you have something to do, go and do it."

Du Liang and Jiang Xinwen didn't go back, they were worried.

Immortal Wuzhuo came over after a while, and he checked Zhang Junbao.

"Master, how is Junior Brother Jun Bao?" Yu Ying asked first.

He came with Wuzhuo Daoist.

This time when Fan Shu went back to report to Master Wuzhuo, he happened to be there, so he came over.

"Not very good." Wuzhuo Daoist replied with his brows furrowed, and then he stared at Zhang Junbao and asked, "Junbao, have you experienced more frequent and more severe dizziness recently?"

"This?" Zhang Junbao pondered for a while, "Master, from your mention, it seems to be true. I often suffer from dizziness every day. If I am in a coma, it seems to be more frequent."

Since he is not alone here, he usually has disciples to take care of him, so even if he faints, someone will find out immediately.

After that, Zhang Junbao himself will recover soon.

It's just that this situation seems to be a little more serious than before. Since the increase is not too great, Zhang Junbao didn't pay much attention to it before.

In addition to more frequent dizziness and coma, Zhang Junbao felt that it took him longer and longer to wake up from the coma.

At first, he could recover from a coma almost instantly, but now it would take a quarter of an hour to wake up on his own.

After listening to Zhang Junbao's words, Wu Zhuo's face was extremely serious.

"Jun Bao, it seems that we have underestimated the fact that your spiritual consciousness has been injured." Wu Zhuo said in a deep voice.

"Master, is there really no way to heal the younger brother?" Yu Ying asked first.

Master Wuzhuo shook his head: "There is no good healing method. I thought it would be able to stabilize Junbao's spiritual wound, but now it doesn't seem to be the case. The spiritual wound is still getting worse. Although the speed has slowed down Some, but if this goes on like this, there will eventually be big problems.”

Zhang Junbao was confused for a while, even his uncle couldn't do anything, so he was even more helpless.

Originally, he thought that some masters could use the fetal breath formula to help him recover from the damage to his lifespan. As long as his body had no major problems, his life would be saved.

He has always been a little worried about the trauma of his spiritual consciousness.

It's just that compared to the physical changes, the damage to the consciousness is obviously not so obvious.

This gave him a fluke mentality, and he felt that even if there were some problems with his spiritual consciousness, it should not be fatal.

Now it seems that I took it for granted.

Could it be that the trauma to his consciousness would kill him instead?

"Master, will you kill me?" Zhang Junbao took a deep breath and asked as calmly as possible.

"Jun Bao, I'll tell you the truth, judging from the current development trend, yes." Wu Zhuo nodded, "As you fall into a coma for longer and longer, I'm afraid you won't be able to wake up in the end."

"Master, how long can Junior Brother Junbao live?" Yu Yingxian asked this, and seeing his master frown, he couldn't help explaining hastily, "Master, if there is a rough deadline, we must hurry up Thinking of a countermeasure, there must be a way to treat spiritual consciousness.”

"That's right." Master Wuzhuo sighed, "It's conservatively estimated that it won't exceed a year."

"So fast?" Yu Ying exclaimed first.

Zhang Junbao's heart sank, one year?

If there is no better way, I can only live for one year?

"Judging from this trend, the worse the injury will be in the later stage, it may not be a year by then." Wuzhuo Zhenren said again.

"Master, is there really no other way? What about Master and the others?" Yu Ying asked first.

"There is no good way now." Master Wuzhuo shook his head, "We have used all the methods that can be used in the Pure Yang Sect, but the effect is not very good. If we really want to talk about healing methods, it may only be possible in the world in the Six Dao Sect .”

"Six Dao Sect?" Yu Ying was stunned for a moment, "Yes, that is, the Six Dao Sect is mysterious and unpredictable, and it is not surprising to have some extraordinary skills and secret methods."

In this world, there are things that their Pure Yang Sect can't do, if someone really wants to say it, there is nothing other than the Six Dao Sect.

In particular, there is a person from the Six Dao School, the Dugu family, who is proficient in medicine.

They have amazing attainments in healing and detoxification, which can be said to be the best in the world.

"There has been a situation over there recently, maybe we can ask them in the future," Wuzhuo said.

"Master, did the Tao of the world really betray the Six Paths School?" Yu Ying asked first.

"It has yet to be confirmed." Master Wuzhuo shook his head and said, "However, judging from the current situation, this matter is extremely credible. The world is in a bad situation in the Six Dao Sect. Speaking of it, it is still related to the seventh junior brother."

"Master?" Zhang Junbao asked, "Master, is it because Master killed the Dao Master of the Human World? Originally, the strength of the Dao of the Human World was weaker than the others. Now that the Dao Master is dead, I am afraid that it will make other factions, especially Yinhu Is the palace ready to move?"

"This? That's right." Master Wuzhuo nodded.

In fact, he didn't mean this just now.

Looking at it now, the rumors about the seventh junior brother and that woman were true.

It's just that these things are not easy to mention to Zhang Junbao and the others.

"Junbao, regarding your current situation, I will discuss it with your other uncles." Wuzhuo said again, "Don't put too much burden on you, what I said just now is actually the worst inference. .Your spiritual consciousness may be able to stabilize in the future. After all, the spiritual consciousness is mysterious and unpredictable, and anything can happen. There is also the mentioned world. If they really want to betray the Six Paths, they have to express it. Believe it It will definitely have a miraculous effect on healing your spiritual wounds."

In fact, Zhang Junbao also understood that just now was the worst outcome, after all, no one had encountered such a situation before, and no one could accurately judge the future direction of the injury.

On the other side of the human world, Zhang Junbao felt that they might really betray the Six Dao Sect this time.

He could feel some of this from his contact with Dugu Jiani.

Dugu Jiani is obviously a relatively special existence in the Dugu family. Regardless of her young age, she obviously possesses great power and has a high status in the Dugu family.

Some of her attitudes were actually inspired by the upper echelons of the Dugu family.

But Zhang Junbao felt that she might not be able to get in touch with him again.

It was because of Master that she found herself before.

Because I am the only disciple of the master, I want to get in touch with the master through myself, and then contact Chunyangzong.

Now that the master is gone, my value to them is not that great.

Moreover, Zhang Junbao felt that the world might not have a good way to deal with his spiritual injury.

Dugu Jiani said before leaving that she wanted to go back and look through the ancient books in their home to see if there was any way.

In Zhang Junbao's view, if there is such a method, even if Dugu Jiani has not mastered it, he should have heard of it.

She would say that, probably to comfort herself.

Zhang Junbao didn't have much hope in his heart.

"Uncle, I understand."

"Junior Brother, take good care of your wounds, don't think about other things." Yu Ying first comforted, "Come to me if you need anything."

"Brother, your breakthrough is imminent, so I'm afraid it's not good for me to come and look for you?" Zhang Junbao smiled.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it will be almost a few days at most." Yu Ying said with a smile.

"It seems that you have really looked away when you think so." Master Wuzhuo glanced at Yu Yingxian and said, "A few years ago, you were really too stubborn."

"Master, I made you worry." Yu Ying said with a restrained smile.

"I wanted to remind you a long time ago, but as a teacher, I thought it was a bit smooth for you to come this way. It is also good to suffer a little bit on the road of cultivation. It can let you sharpen your temper and lay a solid foundation, so that you can There is a higher achievement." Wuzhuo Daoist said.

"Master, the disciple has been educated, please save face for the disciple." A trace of embarrassment appeared on Yu Yingxian's face.

How can I say that my disciples are all on the sidelines, and I can't hold back when my master scolds me like this.

"Haha~~" Master Wuzhuo smiled and said, "It's normal to have such a mentality. Okay, seeing you like this, I have nothing to say as a teacher. I hope you can make further progress as soon as possible."

The three of Fan Shu lowered their heads, pretending they didn't hear anything.

"Junbao, you can still go to the Sutra Library, don't be afraid just because of this stimulation." Wuzhuo turned his attention back to Zhang Junbao, "Actually, this is also a kind of practice for you to control your emotions. It is good for your consciousness to recover."

"Yes, Master." Zhang Junbao replied, "There are so many books in the Sutra Library, I believe there must be some classics that can touch me."

"I am very pleased to have such confidence." Wuzhuo stood up and said.

Zhang Junbao sent Master Wuzhuo to the door, and then Master Wuzhuo asked him to go back to rest.

Yu Yingxian and Fan Shu also left one after another.

Zhang Junbao asked the disciples who were serving him to go down first, saying that he wanted to be quiet for a while.

Zhang Junbao was the only one left in the room, and he didn't think about the matter of divine consciousness right now.

Instead, he was thinking about how to hide the three gold foils.

Zhang Junbao took out three pieces of gold leaf from his clothes and placed them on the table.

He stacked the three sheets together, and there were still some scriptures missing on them. The missing content was actually not much, but it didn't look like much. It was just that there was such a little thing missing, and many scriptures could not be read at all.

Zhang Junbao has studied it, but it's not that the last gold leaf is the most important, but that each of these four gold leafs is very important.

The predecessor who left the gold leaf obviously considered this point, and he split the scripture into four parts, each of which contained key scripture content.

Therefore, unless you get the complete four gold leafs, even if you get three, you can't even think about completing the scriptures.

Looking at the three gold foils, Zhang Junbao fell into deep thought.

Where can I hide here?

In fact, no matter where it is hidden, it is better than putting it directly on the body. Zhang Junbao has no objection to this point.

"Speaking of which, even if Yu Yingxian learned the content of the scriptures on the three gold leafs from his uncle, he might not be able to get the complete scriptures." Zhang Junbao suddenly remembered something.

When he mentioned gold leaf and Ruyi Gong with his uncle before, he just read the incomplete scriptures of Ruyi Gong to his uncle. As for the gold leaf, he didn't actually show it to his uncle.

Because the gold leaf has been sewn into his clothes, it is not convenient to access it.

Uncle Shi was not that interested in Ruyi Gong at that time, so naturally he didn't mean to look at the gold leaf.

Therefore, Yu Yingxian could know the content of the scriptures on the three gold leafs, but he didn't know where the incomplete parts were.

This needs to be determined by comparing the vacancies of the three gold foils.

Even if there are gaps in some scriptures, the reading is actually very smooth.

Some of them do not read smoothly and seem to be lacking, but they are actually complete.

This made Zhang Junbao's heart throb again.

In this way, it means that no matter whether Yu Yingxian knows the content of the scriptures or not, he will come to him to ask for three gold leafs.

Zhang Junbao can now basically confirm that the person who took the last gold leaf is Yu Yingxian, and it cannot be anyone else except him.

His change of mind was entirely due to wishful kung fu.

Zhang Junbao could understand his thoughts.

Although his talent is considered No.1 among the seniors, the other seniors are not bad either, and the skills they practice are actually similar.

There is no skill that he can practice, and other brothers cannot touch it.

Because everyone's talent is not bad, and the skills they practice are basically the same, the final strength will not be too big.

If you want to truly overwhelm other senior brothers, then you have to learn something from the scriptures of your ancestors like your own master Huo Long, and it must be an amazing comprehension.

Judging from Yu Yingxian's situation, he obviously hasn't done this yet.

So he put his mind on other exercises, such as this wishful exercise.

The magic of Ruyi Kungfu is no less than the core technique of Chunyang Sect. If he can practice it, it is equivalent to one more magic skill than other senior brothers, and his strength will naturally surpass others.

Yu Yingxian has always been going smoothly, and has always been regarded as the No. 1 talent of his peers.

Then becoming No.1 in peer strength should be his next goal.

For this goal, Yu Yingxian is very persistent.

Moreover, this kind of person's temperament may be a little extreme and paranoid, because he has not suffered too much blow and does not allow himself to fail.

If some brothers and sisters know about Ruyi Kungfu, they will make it clear to their master or uncle, saying that they want to practice Ruyi Kungfu or learn from it, I believe the uncle and the others will definitely consider it.

You can even come and find yourself directly.

But Yu Ying first chose to sneak away the last piece of gold leaf, so his intentions were obvious.

He wants one person to master the complete Ruyi Gong, and will not share it with others.

This kind of person is absolutely self-centered and extremely self-centered.

So the chill in Zhang Junbao's heart became even worse, Yu Yingxian was extremely dangerous to him.

"Hide it, you must hide it well." Zhang Junbao shouted in his heart, the three gold foils are his best life-saving talisman, and there must be no accidents.

(End of this chapter)

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