
Chapter 160 True Qi Transformation and Balance Art

Chapter 160 True Qi Transformation and Balance Art

Food is related to life and death, Zhang Junbao couldn't help but ignore it.

The best way is to escape from here and go outside to find something to eat.

There is no need to think about the way out over the pool, it is a dead end.

He looked up at those cliffs. Compared with them, the possibility of climbing out would be greater.

The cliffs are covered with a thick layer of ice tens of feet up, and some protruding rocks still have snow on them.

From time to time, these ice cones break off and fall to the ground.

Because there is geothermal heat below and the temperature is high, the water vapor from the hot spring rises to the top to pre-cool and then condenses into ice on the cliff.

Zhang Junbao felt that it was not necessary to talk about his situation, since it would be difficult for ordinary people from the world to climb out of here.

The ice layer is slippery and it is difficult to grasp it with force, so you need to use internal force to dunk your fingers into the ice layer, and you have to consume your true energy every time.

I don't know how high it is, the true qi of ordinary masters can't bear this kind of consumption.

Moreover, the ice layer is not strong. If the ice layer slips, people will fall with it, and they will either die or be disabled.

Even so, Zhang Junbao felt that the only way for him to get out of trouble was to climb out, and there was no other way.

He was not aimless, but thoughtful. Although it was difficult to climb out, it was not impossible.

That is to restore one's skills as soon as possible. As long as the skills are deep enough and supported by enough true energy, climbing out will not be a dream.

It is basically impossible for other people to recover their kung fu as soon as possible. Who can practice kung fu to a certain level in just ten days?

And it starts from scratch.

As a disciple of the Chunyang Sect, it is still possible to have a sleep dream map.

Because of the complete Ruyi Kung Fu, Zhang Junbao no longer rejects other kung fu methods, and can practice the pure Yang Sect's divine kung fu and secret methods.

Zhang Junbao felt that he had to immediately practice Chunyang Kung Fu while stabilizing the injury of his spiritual sense, and then use the pure Yang Qi to activate the sleeping dream map, so that he could continuously comprehend the kung fu in his sleep.

Ten days may turn into a month, half a year or even more in a dream.

After all, he has previous experience. As long as there is enough pure yang energy, the effect of Sleeping Dream Map can be restored to the state before the injury in a very short time.

If he had a few more months to practice with all his strength to restore his true energy, Zhang Junbao felt that he had a great chance of going out.

No matter what, he has been practicing Chunyang Gong for so many years, and he is already familiar with it. He believes that starting again will make rapid progress.

As long as there is a way, most of the stone in Zhang Junbao's heart has been put down, at least he can see hope.

Originally, he wanted to devote all his recent energy to practicing the Infinite Skill of Longevity, hoping to completely solve the problem of spiritual consciousness.

Now I have to devote half of my energy to practicing pure yang kung fu, after all, only pure yang qi can stimulate the dream map.

Zhang Junbao felt that this should be the best choice, and he was worried that Ruyi Gong would continue to reject other exercises.

Now this shortcoming does not exist, and the dream map is his biggest reliance.

It allows him to practice multiple exercises at the same time in a short period of time, and multiple exercises can go hand in hand.

One day later, Zhang Junbao woke up from his sleep.

He frowned, something was wrong.

Falling into a dream overnight made him almost practiced for five days.

Both Pure Yang Gong and Longevity Infinite Gong have made some progress.

But problems ensued.

Since Chunyang Gong and Wanshou Wuliang Gong are inner skills and mental methods, there are two kinds of true qi in his dantian.

These two kinds of qi do not seem to be able to coexist peacefully.

As for Ruyi Gong, it is also an inner strength mental method, with its own true energy.

It's just that the true qi of Ruyi Gong seems to be much calmer, basically there is no conflict with the other two kinds of true qi, it just stays quietly in the dantian, with a posture that if no one offends me, I will not offend others.

And the other two zhenqi didn't intend to attack Ruyi zhenqi.

"Could it be that there is only one choice between Pure Yang Gong and Longevity Infinite Gong?" Zhang Junbao whispered.

Generally speaking, a person usually cultivates one type of inner strength, and some people may practice more than one kind, but this does not mean that those who have multiple inner strengths are strong.

Too much internal energy, too complicated, is very likely to cause chaos in the body.

If the true qi conflicts, it is very easy to go crazy.

Moves may be practiced in multiple disciplines, but inner strength and mental methods cannot be practiced, especially if they are not from the same discipline or have a close relationship with the same discipline, one needs to be more cautious when practicing at the same time.

Once a conflict occurs, the consequences will be disastrous.

Zhang Junbao couldn't help but secretly sighed.

He originally thought that Wanshou Boundless Kungfu is also a Daoist Kungfu, maybe there is no such thing, but unfortunately, it is not what he thinks.

Now there is a tendency of confrontation between Wanshou Wuliang Zhenqi and Pure Yang Zhenqi, although it is not so severe, but there are already signs of this, so a decision must be made immediately.

Moreover, you have to make a decision at the beginning of practicing, and indecision will only make things worse.

Zhang Junbao felt that he could still cultivate the spiritual consciousness of Wanshou Wuliang Gong, but he had some problems with his true energy.

If he can't solve it, he will definitely give up Wanshou Boundless True Qi.

Without true energy, the power of Wanshou Wuliang Gong will be greatly reduced. For example, if the spiritual consciousness is strong, it will definitely not be able to meet the expectations of the skill.

Because the growth of spiritual consciousness still needs the nourishment of Wanshou Boundless True Qi, otherwise, even if it is practiced to the limit, it may only have [-] to [-]% of its power.

However, the spiritual consciousness can still grow after all, and the effect of controlling the burst of true energy to multiply the power is still there, so Zhang Junbao is still satisfied.

It is impossible for him to give up on Pure Yang Gong. After all, he is a disciple of the Pure Yang Sect, and the other two extraordinary skills are also closely related to Pure Yang Gong.

The most important function of Longevity Infinite Kung Fu is to heal the wounds of the spiritual consciousness, and Zhang Junbao still can clearly distinguish this in his heart.

Of course, deep down in Zhang Junbao's heart, he still didn't want to give up the true qi of Wanshou Wuliang Gong so easily. Without true qi, the power of the exercises would be greatly reduced, which is always a pity.

He thought that in the future, he might be able to think about it carefully, and maybe he could figure out a way to make the two qi coexist?

After all, there are still some people in the world who practice two or even three martial arts at the same time, and I haven't heard that they all have problems.

Right now Zhang Junbao needs to dissipate the Wanshou Boundless True Qi first, otherwise these True Qi will affect the pure Yang True Qi, thus affecting the effect of the Sleeping Dream Picture.

Now there are three kinds of true qi in the dantian, so it is not so easy to dissipate one of them, you need to be careful not to affect other true qi.

Zhang Junbao couldn't help concentrating on it, wouldn't it be ridiculous to dissipate the pure Yang Qi if he was negligent?

After finally dissipating the Wanshou Wuliang True Qi, Zhang Junbao let out a long breath, this is a laborious task, especially one that takes a lot of effort.

His consciousness is still injured now, if it is like this for a long time, it will not be good for the recovery of the injury of the consciousness.

Zhang Junbao felt a little depressed.

If you want to heal your spiritual consciousness injury, you must perform the Longevity and Infinite Kung Fu.

But once it works, the true energy of Wanshou Wuliang Gong will also be regenerated, and then he has to expend a lot of energy to dissipate the true energy, which will damage his consciousness.

In this way, the recovery speed of the spiritual consciousness will be much slower.

On the contrary, Zhang Junbao felt that when he was rejected by Ruyi Gong at that time, it was not bad that Wanshou Infinite Qi could not be generated.

Of course, this is just thinking about it, if he is really rejected, wouldn't it be impossible to practice the Pure Yang Kungfu as well.

"Huh?" Just as Zhang Junbao had dissipated the Wanshou Wuliang True Qi again, he discovered that the Wanshou Wuliang Zhen Qi had emerged from his dantian again.

Impossible, he hasn't activated the Longevity Infinite Kung Fu, how did the Wanshou Infinite True Qi appear?

Could it be that I still missed something?
The Wanshou Boundless True Qi was not completely dissipated just now.

Thus, Zhang Junbao dissipated this part of his true energy again.

"Oops." Zhang Junbao hurriedly stopped.

He found that when he was dissipating this part of Wanshou Boundless True Qi, Ruyi True Qi was also vented wildly.

Zhang Junbao couldn't help rubbing his temples, it seemed that he was a little tired.

Ruyi was accidentally touched.

Meditate and rest for a while, and adjust the state of mind to the best.

Then, Zhang Junbao continued to disperse the handful of Wanshou Boundless True Qi in his dantian.

As soon as he moved, he stopped again.

"How could this be?" Zhang Junbao found that Ruyi's true energy dissipated at the same time.

He was already very careful, so he shouldn't touch Ruyi's true energy.

After thinking about it, Zhang Junbao felt that it was because he was not cautious enough.

So he tried again.




After three times in a row, Zhang Junbao frowned.

He can be sure that this is not due to his lack of caution.

In the first few times, I obviously succeeded in dissipating the Wanshou Wuliang Zhenqi. At that time, no matter whether it was pure Yang Zhenqi or Ruyi Zhenqi, there was no response, and it went very smoothly.

Why can't it work now?

There is no way, Zhang Junbao can only dissipate this part of the remaining Wanshou Wuliang Zhenqi, and at the same time, it is inevitable that part of the Ruyi Zhenqi will also be dissipated.

After confirming that there is no longevity and immeasurable true energy in his dantian, Zhang Junbao is ready to start practicing pure Yang true energy.

Now he is practicing three kinds of exercises alternately, and no one is left behind.

On the whole, it is mainly based on pure yang power and longevity and immeasurable power, supplemented by wishful power.

But as far as the dantian's zhenqi is concerned, the pure yang zhenqi must be the most, followed by the wishful zhenqi, and there is no Wanshou Wuliang zhenqi left at all.

"It's not right." Zhang Junbao's heart skipped a beat.

What's the matter? He found himself in situations one after another, and they were all very inexplicable.

This time, the pure Yang Qi dissipated a lot for no reason.

For example, when he performed the Pure Yang Kungfu, he increased his true energy by three points, but it seemed that only two points were settled in the end, and the other point was gone.

He had never encountered such a thing before.

Zhang Junbao felt a little uneasy. Could it be that he has been dispersing his kung fu recently, which has affected other kung fu?
If this is the case, then the sequelae are too great.

If every time I increase my true energy, some of it will be dissipated, so what?
Isn't it equivalent to leaking air in his dantian?

Who knows if the true energy in the dantian will slowly leak out like a leaking balloon when one is not practicing?

This result is really terrifying, it is equivalent to becoming a useless person.

"No." After careful inspection, Zhang Junbao discovered something strange.

A part of the pure yang qi disappeared, but a part of the ruyi zhen qi seemed to increase.

In order to confirm this, Zhang Junbao continued to run the pure yang kung fu, the pure yang zhenqi increased little by little, and sure enough, some of the increased part disappeared.

This time, Zhang Junbao has been paying attention to the changes of the two zhenqi in his dantian, and the Ruyi zhenqi really increased.

He didn't run Ruyi Kungfu, and Ruyi Kungfu didn't have the miraculous ability to increase internal energy by itself, Zhang Junbao can still be sure of this.

He noticed that when the pure yang qi disappeared, the Ruyi zhenqi immediately increased, and what was even more strange was that the amount of increase of the Ruyi zhenqi was obviously the same as that of the pure Yang zhenqi.

This is no coincidence.

"How could this be?" Zhang Junbao whispered, "Pure Yang Zhenqi has transformed into Ruyi Zhenqi?"

Transformation between zhenqi, automatic?
This kind of thing is unheard of.

Not to mention the mutual transformation of the two kinds of qi, it is difficult to coexist peacefully under normal circumstances.

Zhang Junbao was a little dazed, the current situation was beyond his understanding.

Here, he couldn't find anyone to ask for advice.

"Could it be the same with the boundless true energy just now?" Zhang Junbao was startled.

Just now, in order to dissipate the infinite zhenqi of Wanshou, the zhenqi of Ruyi also leaked out.

He was at a loss at the time, but now that the pure yang zhenqi was transformed into wishful zhenqi, Zhang Junbao suddenly had some thoughts.

At that time, Wanshou Wuliang's true energy had obviously dissipated, but suddenly appeared in the dantian.

He felt that it was possible that he had not completely dissipated the zhenqi due to his carelessness. Now it seems that it is very likely that the wishful zhenqi has been transformed into the Wanshou Wuliang zhenqi.

So when I was dissipating the Wanshou Boundless True Qi, the Ruyi True Qi was also dissipated.

Because these longevity and immeasurable true qi are transformed from wishful true qi, the two can be said to be of the same origin, and there must be some connection.

Zhang Junbao felt that this guess was very likely, so he immediately began to verify it.

First start to run the Wanshou Wuliang Gong, and when the true energy of Wanshou Wuliang is born in the dantian, it will immediately dissipate the true energy.

This time when the zhenqi was dissipated, there was no change in the Ruyi zhenqi, only the longevity and immeasurable zhenqi was dissipated, because these were not transformed by Ruyi zhenqi.

As for why Wanshou Wuliang Zhen Qi was not partly transformed into Ruyi Zhen Qi like pure Yang Zhen Qi, Zhang Junbao thought about it, and felt that it was still a question of how much Zhen Qi was in each dantian.

The amount of Wanshou Infinite True Qi is the least. Originally, Ruyi True Qi was transformed into Longevity Infinite True Qi to make up for this deficiency. How could Wanshou Infinite True Qi be transformed into Ruyi True Qi?
And the pure yang zhenqi has the largest amount, so it will be transformed into less wishful zhenqi.

This is some kind of balance in the dantian, and it should have nothing to do with the dantian. All of this is the mediation of Ruyi Gong.

Zhang Junbao didn't take any action immediately, but carefully observed the changes in his dantian.

After a while, he found traces of Wanshou's immeasurable true energy in his dantian again, and the number was slowly increasing.

At the same time, the Ruyi Zhenqi decreased accordingly, not only the Ruyi Zhenqi, but also the pure Yang Zhenqi, and all the reduction was transformed into Ruyi Zhenqi.

Once in and out, the reduction of Ruyi's true qi is actually not that much.

Just as Zhang Junbao thought just now, Ruyi Gong seems to want to balance the amount of different qi, a kind of balancing technique?

If he doesn't intervene, Zhang Junbao believes that the amount of the three kinds of zhenqi should gradually become similar, and they will be divided into three parts of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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