
Chapter 190 Separate Actions as Countermeasures

Chapter 190 Separate Actions as Countermeasures

Zhao Yilian's reaction made Zhang Junbao secretly sigh.

I hope she can listen to it, otherwise, if she wholeheartedly wants to rebel against the Yuan Dynasty and restore the Song Dynasty, she may be in danger of her life.

"I'll make a long-term plan." Zhao Yilian glanced at Zhang Junbao and said, she understood Zhang Junbao's kindness.

Hearing this, Zhang Junbao was a little relieved.

I believe that Zhao Yilian will act more cautiously in the future.

"Six Paths Sect really wants to make any plans, but we can't let them succeed." Zhao Yilian said again, "It is very likely that they came here for a certain scripture. I believe you have thought about it."

Zhang Junbao nodded, that's what he thought just now, the possibility is extremely high.

"Of course it would be the best if we can stop them." Zhang Junbao replied, "But you don't need to worry about this matter. The Six Dao Sect really has this purpose, so let me do it."

"Are you alone?" Zhao Yilian was a little worried.

Although Zhang Junbao's skills have skyrocketed in the past few years, even some old guys are no match for him, but he is only one person after all.

And the same old guy, the difference in skill is also huge.

Zhang Junbao is not invincible now, there are still many old guys who are stronger than him.

In case of encountering such an old guy, wouldn't it be kicking the iron plate, that would be bad.

"People who believe in the Pure Yang Sect and the Quanzhen Sect should also come." Zhang Junbao thought for a while and said, "If there is any movement from the Six Dao Sect, they can't be unaware. I will play by ear, mainly because they will take action."

Zhang Junbao once told her that he didn't want to reveal his true identity, even if he was a member of the Pure Yang Sect or the Quanzhen Sect, and she needed to keep it a secret.

She once asked Zhang Junbao why, but Zhang Junbao did not elaborate.

Therefore, she felt that it was difficult for Zhang Junbao to get in touch with people from the Chunyang Sect and the Quanzhen Sect, so he was alone.

Listening to Zhang Junbao's explanation now, she found that she was a little bit cornered.

Zhang Junbao could indeed be on the sidelines as a backup, or even as a backup.

In this way, he is much safer.

"Then I can rest assured." Zhao Yilian smiled sweetly, "But you still have to be careful, the Six Dao Sect is not so easy to deal with."

"I think if I just want to escape, it shouldn't be a big problem." Zhang Junbao replied with a smile.

Zhao Yilian secretly agreed with this.

Zhang Junbao's strength is indeed strong enough, if he really wants to escape, there should not be many people who want to stop him.

In addition, when the Liu Dao Sect meets the people from the Chunyang Sect and the Quanzhen Sect, the main attention must be on the masters of these two parties, and Zhang Junbao will definitely not be so important.

"Junbao, let's separate first and meet up in Quanzhou at that time." Zhao Yilian said suddenly.

Zhang Junbao was stunned for a moment: "Are you going alone?"

"Don't worry." Zhao Yilian said with a chuckle, "I'm in a very good condition now, and my skill has improved a lot compared to before. I used to be able to walk alone in the rivers and lakes, let alone now."

Zhang Junbao knew that Zhao Yilian's words were correct, her skills had indeed improved a lot.

But right now there are quite a few people from the rivers and lakes converging towards Quanzhou, and no one can tell how many masters there are.

In addition, Fang Zhaofu's group must still be chasing Zhao Yilian, if one is not good, she is still in danger.

"I'm looking for my people." Zhao Yilian restrained her smile, "I've been missing these days, they must have panicked, I have to show up, otherwise I'm afraid there will be trouble, especially if Fang Zhaofu and his gang take advantage of the loopholes , I don't want them to have any surprises."

"Okay, you hurry up. Let's split up." Zhang Junbao's heart tightened. This matter really needs to be taken seriously.

The days when Zhao Yilian was with her almost cut off her contact with her subordinates.

It can be said that in the eyes of her subordinates, she is missing, and her life and death are unknown.

If it takes a long time, I don't know what tricks Fang Zhaofu will play.

In addition, the traitor Zheng Hudong betrayed him in various ways.

Zhao Yilian's other subordinates probably don't know about Zheng Hudong's betrayal, so it's not easy to procrastinate.

Also, without Zhao Yilian in charge, it would be difficult for others to resist Fang Zhaofu's pressure.

Obviously, Zhao Yilian would not let Fang Zhaofu succeed, she wanted to seize the property of the Pu clan by herself.

She has not given up on the position of leader of the Ming Cult.

Especially now that her skills have increased greatly, Zhang Junbao knows that Zhao Yilian's confidence is even stronger.

Zhao Yilian left, and Zhang Junbao stood there for a while.

Although there was a scum like Yu Yingxian in the Chunyang Sect, Zhang Junbao was still a disciple of the Chunyang Sect. Master and the others had fought against the Six Dao Sect for so many years. Even if the master was gone, he had to inherit the legacy of the master.

He wants to snipe at the masters of the Six Paths Sect, no matter what they do, stop them, and it will never be wrong to spoil their good deeds.

Of course, the main force of this attack is definitely not himself, but Chunyangzong and Quanzhen Sect.

Then maybe I can still pay attention to Zhao Yilian's side.

For Fang Zhaofu, he can also serve snacks, if there is a chance...

Thinking of this, a cold light flashed in Zhang Junbao's eyes, and he would definitely be Fang Zhaofu if he had the chance, regardless of whether he was the son of the leader of Mingjiao.

"Junior Sister Yixi, I hope you will go to Quanzhou City." Zhang Junbao thought of Song Yixi again, and he couldn't delay this matter.

Along the way, Zhang Junbao mingled with the crowd in the rivers and lakes.

From the people in the rivers and lakes rushing to Quanzhou, Zhang Junbao could hear that they were extremely angry.

Because they worked so hard to open the treasure, only to find that it was empty.

At this time, someone noticed that there used to be a lot of treasures here, but it was a pity that they were emptied.

In the end, they found traces that the Pu family had been here, and it was obvious that the Pu family had stolen the treasures of the Song Dynasty.

The reason why they are so angry is because in their opinion, they should have a share of these treasures of the Great Song Dynasty. Otherwise, what is the purpose of everyone working so hard to find the treasure?
Now that they have found the place where the treasure is hidden, but they have nothing, one can imagine the huge gap.

Not many people can bear this contrast, anger is very normal, and some even lose their minds.

It's no wonder that the Pu family is so rich that they can rival the country. It turns out that they got the treasure of the Song Dynasty.

This is their idea.

As for the silver taels earned by the Pu family for so many years of overseas operations, they turned a blind eye.

In short, the Pu family became so rich by relying on the treasures of the Song Dynasty.

Originally, they were very envious of wealthy families like the Pu family, but then they became jealous.

They dreamed of taking a bite of Pu Shi.

It's a pity that there was no such opportunity before, who would dare to jump out?
Now so many people are almost fighting against each other, making them so powerful that no matter how powerful the Pu family is, they are just one clan.

Later, it was reported that when Ahema was still alive and prime minister, he secretly instructed the Pu family to search for the treasures of the Song Dynasty in the area near Yashan.

Originally, not many people believed these rumors, but after someone drew a picture of the expanding power of the Pu clan, everyone's attitude changed.

In addition to expanding to the north in recent years, Pushi has also attached great importance to the southward coastal area, which is almost as important as the northward expansion.

This is very suspicious.

So aren't they just looking for the treasure of Song Dynasty?

The Pu family is very powerful in Lin'an Mansion, isn't it just that they want to find clues in the former capital of the Song Dynasty?

In short, when a person believes that this is a fact, what the other party does is in line with his ideas.

In their view, the above is the full evidence.

The Pu clan sent people out to clarify, but unfortunately their clarification was ignored.

On the contrary, it stimulated these people in the rivers and lakes.

From their point of view, Pu Shi still wants to play them like monkeys.

So all the way north to Quanzhou, when passing through some towns, all the residences of the Pu family in the towns were destroyed.

All of a sudden, countless Pu's disciples stationed outside were killed or injured.

Those who were still alive rushed back to Quanzhou City.

By now, the Pu family seems to understand that it is useless to explain.

There must be people who understand in these Jianghu people's hearts, but they still pretend to be confused, and they are even fighting secretly, with the purpose of plundering the wealth of their own clan.

Regarding this point, the Pu family was furious but helpless.

Their Pu family is powerful, but not strong enough to be an enemy of almost the entire Jianghu.

Quanzhou City was managed by the Pu family, and it was as strong as an iron barrel, and it was airtight.

Even if it is a master of the rivers and lakes who wants to sneak in secretly, it is difficult to do so.

Today's Quanzhou City has long been under martial law, and no entry or exit is allowed.

Some non-local people in the city were imprisoned one after another, and the Pu family feared that they were the internal agents of those outside.

There was a commotion in the city at the beginning, but it was quickly suppressed by the masters of the Pu family, and hundreds of people died for it.

This is nothing to the Pu family. Thinking back then, the more than 3000 members of the Zhao family were also slaughtered?
The news of the massacre in the city came out after a few days. It is impossible for such a big city to be really airtight.

Pu's suppression of this news for several days is enough to prove their strong control over Quanzhou City.

Countless people from the rivers and lakes had gathered outside the city, and when they heard the news, they were all filled with righteous indignation.

Whether it was really angry or wanted to provoke other people, in short, all sects and forces shouted loudly to denounce Pu's atrocities.

Then someone revealed that Pu Shougeng massacred more than 3000 people from the Great Song royal family in the city. Isn't this a secret, and many people know about it.

But under the suppression of the imperial court, coupled with the current strength of the Pu family, in normal times, no one would mention it too much.

Now that this situation is brought up again, it will be different.

There is a posture of counting old and new grudges together.

Zhang Junbao secretly sighed in the crowd, it's really a good word.

He didn't think that these people in the rivers and lakes were really so righteous. They wanted to avenge the royal family of Song Dynasty and the people who died in the city recently.

They are just looking for a reason.

But this time, Zhang Junbao appreciated their profit-seeking nature.

Because the Pu family's crimes are heinous and full of evil, they deserve to die and be destroyed.

(End of this chapter)

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