
Chapter 25

Chapter 25

"Why is "Historical Records" written?" Ba Shi asked.

Zhang Junbao secretly shook his head.

As a teacher of the emperor, Ba Shi is proficient in Chinese, even if he doesn't understand the whole content of "Historical Records", it is unlikely that he has never heard of "Historical Records".

He is asking knowingly, wanting to catch.

"History of Emperors of the Han Dynasty." Fan Zhi replied.

"Is there a theory of transforming Hu?" Ba Shi asked again.

"Pindao just said clearly that I will go west from Hangu and go west on a green bull." Fan Zhiying was stunned for a moment and said.

In his opinion, Ba Shi wanted to mess around a little bit.

"Is there any specific mention of Lao Tzu's theory of transforming Hu?" Ba Shi asked urgently with a slight smile.

These words made Fan Zhiying speechless for a moment.

At this time, a monk found a copy of "Historical Records", and handed it to Ba Shi respectfully with both hands.

Ba Shi quickly turned to the chapter on Laozi.

"It is recorded in "Historical Records" that Lao Tzu rode a green ox to go out of the customs, and he never knew where he would end up." Ba Shi said with a faint smile, "There is no such thing as Taoist Fan said, going west to transform Hu."

"Going west is naturally Tianzhu, what's your objection?" Fan Zhi replied.

Hearing this, Ba Shi laughed loudly, and it took a while for the laughter to stop: "Fan Daochang is afraid that he doesn't know how big the world is? Is there only Tianzhu in the west? Let me tell you, now there are four great Khanates in the west. How can it be said that it is Tianzhu?"

"Why do you rely on the history books of the previous emperors when you hold the teachings today?" Kublai Khan suddenly said.

Zhang Junbao was helpless.

This is the Mongolian rule of the Central Plains, otherwise, even the later dynasties basically recognize the history books of the previous dynasties, because they are all Han dynasties.

In the past, most of the Central Plains were Han dynasties, and most of the history books contained words that slandered the Hu people, which Kublai Khan could not tolerate.

Kublai Khan's voice made Fan Zhiying and his party turn pale.

But Ba Shi didn't let go of their intentions, and continued: "Fan Daochang, Tianzhu also has "Historical Records", can you hear it?"

Fan Zhiying shook his head: "Not yet."

"The poor monk said for you, #¥%#¥#%%...¥...%¥...%...%%...#¥%#¥#¥#%#" countless words popped out of Ba Shi's mouth. Weird pronunciation.

It took a long time to stop, and seeing the bewildered look of the crowd, Ba Shi smiled and said: "This is Tianzhu language. The poor monk translated it for you. It means that the Buddha condemned the saint to go east..."

It is probably the saying that Bodhisattva went east and turned into Lao Tzu. This time, Confucius was not mentioned. After all, his goal is Taoism. Wouldn’t it be too stupid to pull Confucianism into it?

Fan Zhiying wanted to use the "Historical Records" as a basis to demonstrate the origin of Taoism, but Ba Shi said that Tianzhu also had historical records, and the content of the records was completely different from the Central Plains version of historical records. The Taoists were all confused.

The debate was suddenly cold, and the Taoists didn't know how to proceed with the debate.

After all, they can't understand Tianzhu language, and they can't tell the truth from the fake.

Zhang Junbao was like a mirror in his heart, Ba Shi was obviously talking nonsense, bullying the Central Plains Taoists for not understanding the situation in Tianzhu.

In fact, this is exactly in line with it. Taoism, as the native religion of the Central Plains, is clearly seen by Buddhism, while Taoism is very strange to Buddhism.

Buddhists know themselves and the enemy, so they naturally have the upper hand.

Of course the Taoists knew that Ba Shi was talking nonsense, but they had no evidence to refute it.

Zhang Junbao couldn't help but think of Jiumozhi in later generations of film and television dramas. He read the three isolated copies of martial arts scriptures given to him by the abbot in Shaolin, and relied on his amazing memory to translate the contents into Sanskrit and then back to Chinese.

It is said that Tianzhu already had this Buddhist scripture.

This point is similar to that of Bashi.

In fact, this is because Ba Shi relied on Kublai Khan's support to do this. Otherwise, wouldn't these be deceiving the emperor?
The Taoist side may not understand Tianzhu, but there are still many foreign monks here, so it is impossible for them to understand.

To put it bluntly, this dynasty is still special.

"May I ask what other scriptures written by Lao Tzu besides the Tao Te Ching?" Ba Shi asked again.

"No." The Taoist replied.

"Then, in the "Tao Te Ching", did Lao Tzu mention the matter of transforming Hu?"


Faced with Ba Shi's pressing step by step, the Taoists could only answer passively.

"Also, as far as the poor monk knows, the Lao Tzu you are talking about did not become a fairy, but died in Han." Ba Shi suddenly said something surprising.

"Stop talking nonsense." Uncle Wei Zhiyang was furious, "How can my ancestor allow you to slander him?"

The Taoists were filled with righteous indignation and glared at each other.

My own side has already retreated again and again, but I didn't expect Bashi to be so vicious in his heart that he started to slander Daozu.

Wei Zhiyang continued: "The emperors of the Tang Dynasty honored Lao Tzu as 'Emperor Taishang Xuanyuan', and the Song Dynasty added the title 'Emperor Taishang Laojun Hunyuan Shangde'. Emperors of all dynasties respected Taoist ancestors as immortals."

Kublai Khan was displeased with his words: "For religious debate, don't use the imperial edict of the former emperor."

What do you think of the former emperor one by one?

"Your Majesty, it doesn't matter. The poor monk is not talking nonsense, but has reasons." Ba Shi said confidently.

"Hmph, then we'd like to hear what you have to say." Zhou Zhili sneered.

Originally, Kublai Khan set the tone himself, so it was difficult for them to mention the evidence of the emperor's imperial conferment.

Unexpectedly, Ba Shi didn't care about it. This is boundless arrogance.

Even if the other party is the emperor teacher, their eyes are full of unkindness.

Slandering Taoist ancestors is too bad tempered.

"The poor monk once read "Zhuangzi·Health Master". There is such a record in it. 'Lao Dan died, Qin lost his hands, and came out on the third.' Yu Han." Ba Shi said.

This sentence means that when Lao Tzu passed away, his friend Qin Shi went to offer his condolences, and came out after crying three times.

Ba Shi's meaning is very clear, that is, Lao Tzu did not become a fairy, but a mortal, and finally died.

"Absurd, this is a fable. It is Zhuangzi explaining the Dao of heaven and earth to the world. How can you allow such slander? It is not enough evidence." Fan Zhiying shouted.

"Then the poor monk asked Daoist Fan, your Taoist school has always had the tradition of calling Laozi and Zhuangzi together. As Laozi's successor, Zhuangzi is also a saint. Isn't he blaspheming the predecessors by writing Laozi in this way? If Zhuangzi's words are not believed, why not?" Who can you trust?" Ba Shi said confidently.

There was no sound from the Taoist side.

This is indeed a big flaw.

Although everyone knows that this is a fable, it was used by Zhuangzi to tell the truth, but it was used by Bashi under certain circumstances.

The Taoist side can't refute it at all.

Zhang Junbao also had nothing to do about it, as far as the current situation is concerned, both of them are beneficial to the Buddhist family, and the Taoist school has almost no power to fight back, the gap is too great.

Seeing that things were almost over, Kublai Khan winked at the attendant next to him.

The valet immediately bowed down.

Fan Zhiying and other 17 people were sweating profusely, but unfortunately they couldn't think of a way to break the situation.

The rest of the Taoists who were watching were also anxious, but it was useless to be anxious.

Zhang Junbao turned his head and glanced at Qi Zhicheng, seeing that his face was gloomy, but there was nothing he could do.

Zhang Junbao's thoughts raced rapidly, he wanted to find an entry point, but right now he didn't have any chance at all.

Forcing words?

That definitely won't work, it still needs to be justified.

Especially when Kublai Khan was partial to Buddhism, it was not easy for him to be caught by them, otherwise he would be even more passive.

Suddenly, there was a commotion among the onlookers.

I saw a group of palace guards carrying firewood, cauldrons, knives and guns to the center of the debate venue.

Under the suspicious eyes of everyone, the guards started to set up a cauldron, pouring water and oil into it.

"I've heard that Taoist masters can invulnerable to water and fire, invulnerable to swords and guns, and soar in the daytime by using immortal techniques. I think the oil pan will not trouble you. Why don't you ask the Taoist masters to show the immortal technique so that I can see the demeanor." Kublai Khan said. soundtrack.

Ba Shi glanced at Kublai Khan, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

The 17 people on the Taoist side felt cold all over their bodies. Is this killing them?

The so-called spells are naturally a means of deceiving people.

If you prepare it yourself, you can still deceive others.

But now it is prepared by the emperor, so these are genuine goods at a fair price, and they cannot be faked at all.

If you really want to try it, you will die if you try it.

"I'll do it." Fan Zhiying gritted his teeth and shouted loudly.

"Brother, no." Wei Zhiyang hastily dissuaded him.

"I have long put life and death aside. How can I be so humiliated by them?" Fan Zhiying said with a firm face.

"Brother, if you die in the end, wouldn't the result be the same?" Zhou Zhili shook his head and said, "There is no need to make unnecessary sacrifices."

What Zhou Zhili said makes sense, unless it is really possible to achieve what Kublai Khan said is invulnerable to water and fire, and invulnerable to weapons or guns.

Otherwise there is only one dead word at the end.

If he is dead, the opponent can still judge the Taoist side to lose.

Because he didn't show the so-called fairy art, he could only die in vain.

"Does Taoism have anything to say?" the official presided over by the imperial court shouted towards Taoism.

Fan Zhiying and the others were speechless.

The presiding official turned his attention to Kublai Khan, who was sitting high, and Kublai Khan nodded slightly.

"That's it, Taoism is in the wrong!" the presiding official announced loudly.

Fan Zhiying and the others were ashamed. Everyone knew what the punishment for failure was. Shaving off their hair and going home was a naked humiliation to them.

Qi Zhicheng sighed and closed his eyes, Zhang Junbao knew that he was in great pain.

But these are all prior agreements, and you have to abide by them if you lose, especially in front of the emperor.

"Your Majesty, since Taoism has lost, please issue an order to burn the apocryphal scriptures of Taoism." Ba Shi asked for instructions.

"I don't know if the emperor knows which Taoist apocryphal scriptures are there?" Kublai Khan asked.

"I don't need to mention "Lao Tzu's Hu Jing" and "Lao Tzu's 81 Hua Tu", and the Taoist scriptures in "Tao Zang" often plagiarize Buddhist words and slander Buddhism, so we should be more careful." Ba Shi said.

"In this way, the Taoist school is really hateful. They have compiled so many false scriptures. In my opinion, except for the "Tao Te Ching", all other Taoist scriptures are fake scriptures. They should be burned and forbidden to be circulated by people in the world."

"Your Majesty, no!" Qi Zhicheng stood up suddenly, he wanted to argue.

It's a pity that Kublai Khan glanced at him coldly: "I have made up my mind."

One sentence made Qi Zhicheng speechless, his body trembled slightly, and the anger in it could be imagined.

The consequences of losing this time were something he never thought of.

He had already prepared for a heavy blow, but he didn't expect this blow to be so severe.

He couldn't help but think of Master Huolong. At that time, he had something to say, and he thought he could bear it. Now it seems that even he can't bear the price.

When he was in charge, all the scriptures except the "Tao Te Ching" were burned. Wouldn't it mean to break the inheritance of their Taoism?

A hundred years later, how to face the ancestors of Taoism?
The Daomen side was silent, everyone's faces were pale, and the punishment was far beyond their imagination.

"Do you have anything else to say about the Taoist sect? If you feel that my handling is inappropriate, you can stand up. I am not an unreasonable person." Kublai Khan suddenly said in a relaxed tone.

Qi Zhicheng opened his mouth, but finally remained silent.

No one on the Daomen side stood up either.

Just listen to this kind of words, if you really believe it, isn't that a fool?

Who dares to say that the emperor mishandled it?
Once Kublai Khan is offended, the consequences are unpredictable.


Suddenly a voice sounded, which attracted everyone's attention and shocked them. Someone really stood up?
Is it too long?

(End of this chapter)

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