
Chapter 47

Chapter 47

"Young Master, why don't you ask someone to withdraw now?" Seeing that Fang Yi Lian remained silent for a long time, the woman said worriedly and anxiously.

"It's too late." Fang Yilian glanced at her and shook his head and said, "People who have activated lurkers, even if they don't do anything, they will probably be exposed."

"Then what should I do?" The woman's expression changed.

"The only thing we can do is to do it." Fang Yilian said here, murderous intent loomed in his eyes, he stared at the kneeling people below and said coldly, "Who dares to take a step back when it gets dark, die!"

"Yes, sir."

"You guys step back first, get ready." Fang Yilian waved his hand.

After these few people went down, the woman said with a worried face: "Master, it's too dangerous to make such a forceful move. And they~~ I'm afraid there is something wrong with them."

Hearing the woman's words, Fang Yilian sneered and said, "It's about taking credit. Some people can't stand it before the horoscope is written. For my own selfishness, I don't care about the overall situation, you bastard."

"Master, do you want to report to the leader?" the woman asked in a low voice.

"It's too late." Fang Yilian shook his head, "Now we can only fight. I have something for you to do."

"Master, please order."

"Regardless of whether this time is successful or not, we must stop when we decide. We can't let Yuan Ting follow the clues to follow up. Some people can't stay." Fang Yilian said flatly.

The woman's face became serious, she understood what the young master meant.

This is docking for survival.

Abandon some people to ensure that others can live.

Otherwise, the entire army will be wiped out, at least the intelligence network that has been painstakingly established in Dadu and even in the Northland will be abolished by Yuanting.

"Understood." The woman nodded, and a look of unbearableness flashed across her face, but this look quickly dissipated.

A killing is destined to be carried out, and it is aimed at the people in his teaching.

If the benevolence of a woman is implicated at that time, there may be more brothers in the church who died.

The woman also left, leaving Fang Yilian alone in the house.

"Why did he come here?" Fang Yilian was a little puzzled.

Ahema came to prison, he was not surprised.

But Zhang Junbao's appearance, he did not expect.

In his opinion, it should be because of the Quanzhen Sect that Zhang Junbao came to Ahema.

After the defeat of the Quanzhen Sect in the debate, life was not easy.

How many forces are staring at the Quanzhen Sect's big piece of fat, and any bite will be fat and oily.

So it's not surprising that Quanzhen Sect wants to use Ahema's influence.

And Zhang Junbao, the Huolong real disciple, is obviously a very good communication bridge.

He had already sent someone to investigate, and Ahema didn't help in vain, he wanted a way to live longer.

And this point, Taoism is obviously good at.

In his opinion, Ahema and Zhang Junbao are almost in this kind of cooperation, each taking what they need.

One is to give support to Quanzhen Sect, reduce the impact and loss caused by the failure of the debate, and the other is to give Ahema a long life.

Besides, there shouldn't be any intersection between the two sides.

But now Ahema brought Zhang Junbao to the prison, why?
After thinking for a while, Fang Yilian realized that he came for Prime Minister Wen.

It's no secret that Ahema has been trying to persuade Prime Minister Wen to surrender these days.

I heard that Kublai Khan intends to let Prime Minister Wen become a monk, Quanzhen teaching is not suitable, so Zhang Junbao is really the best candidate, after all, he has Huolong Daoist as his master behind him.

Fang Yilian thought for a while, then put aside these thoughts.

Now is not the time to think about Zhang Junbao, it doesn't matter how he and Ahema are.

The most important thing right now is to see if we can find a chance to save Prime Minister Wen.

Before coming to Dadu, he felt that the preparations for this time were already sufficient.

But after arriving in Dadu, he realized that he was too naive.

He overestimated the strength of the people on his side and underestimated the strength of the government.

Everyone knew that Prime Minister Wen was imprisoned in the Sky Prison, but there is still no accurate information on the specific location of the Sky Prison.

The imperial court strictly guarded against these, and their tone was very strict. They tried their best to inquire but did not get any useful information.

Without accurate information, just rush in to save people?
At least to him it was bullshit.

It's a pity that the people below don't think so, they think the timing is good.

Because tomorrow Kublai Khan will set off on a northern tour, leaving Dadu for Shangdu.

In the past few days, the power of the imperial court has been mainly focused on the safety of Kublai Khan's northern tour, and a lot of troops have been mobilized from various aspects. The defense of the Tianlao has also been affected to some extent.

But in his opinion, even so, his own strength is still not enough.

Thinking of this, Fang Yilian secretly sighed.

Teaching is not monolithic, each has its own thoughts.

The same is true for the disciples in Dadu, who belong to several sects.

Although I am responsible for this time, some people below do not buy their own account.

For example, this time, they actually made the decision without authorization and used the spies lurking in the court.

This action is very deadly and easily exposed.

Even if it is not activated this time, the abnormality of the spies will attract the attention of the court, and it will be exposed sooner or later.

As a result, Fang Yilian was forced to make a move.

Or just flee from Dadu directly.

This is obviously not the result he wanted.

"Wait until it gets dark." Fang Yilian closed his eyes, recharging his energy.

Not to mention that it is daytime, but also because Ahema is in the prison.

Around Ahema, there are many guard masters, either openly or secretly.

It is too unwise to act at this time.

It can only be done after Ahema leaves, and the night is dark and the wind is high.

Zhang Junbao followed Ahema into the dungeon.

The sky prison looks like that from the outside, with high walls, more officers and soldiers guarding, and more frequent patrols.

But when he got inside, Zhang Junbao discovered the mystery.

There are seven turns and eight turns inside, it is difficult for people to get a glimpse of the whole sky prison.

In other words, it is extremely difficult for people who are not familiar with the sky prison to find people or find the exit.

Many times, if you don't choose your way in panic, you may still be trapped in the sky prison.

Because there are countless formations and organs in the sky prison, one bad one will lose your life.

For this reason, Ahema also specifically told Zhang Junbao to follow him and not to wander around.

"The cell where Wen Tianxiang was imprisoned was convenient." Ahema introduced to Zhang Junbao.

When a few people walked to the entrance, a eunuch in his early thirties came quickly from the side, and when he saw Ahema, he hurriedly saluted.

"The servant has seen the prime minister!"

Zhang Junbao was a little surprised.

He knew this eunuch, his name was Zhu He.

When the scriptures were burned in the Changchun Palace last time, the imperial court sent him here as the representative of Kublai Khan.

How is he here?
"Should be here to see Prime Minister Wen." Zhang Junbao thought to himself.

After all, Kublai Khan still cared about Wen Tianxiang, and it was normal for him to send people over from time to time to understand the situation.

Ahema glanced at him, and frowned slightly, it was just a eunuch, he didn't pay attention to it yet.

"But what is His Majesty's order for you to come here?" Ahema asked.

The ones in the palace that he can pay more attention to are the big eunuchs. He doesn't know this guy in front of him. He is obviously a powerless eunuch in the palace. There are many such eunuchs in the palace. on heart.

But this eunuch is here, probably under the orders of the emperor, so he couldn't help but ask one more question.

"Eunuch Zhu was ordered to guard the Tianlao." The steward of the Tianlao replied.

Zhu He nodded repeatedly and said: "If the prime minister has anything to say to His Majesty, this servant can tell it on your behalf."

"Hmph, if you have something to tell, just meet His Majesty directly, why do you need to wait to tell?" Ahema's eyes flashed coldly, and he snorted coldly.

Zhu He's face was full of panic, and he hurriedly stepped aside, not daring to say more.

Zhang Junbao understood Zhu He's intention here, and it was really for Wen Tianxiang.

Or come over and stare at Ahema.

It's not that Kublai Khan didn't trust Ahema, but he wanted to know something about Wen Tianxiang from another channel.

Ahhema must have realized this just now, so he didn't have a good look at Zhu He.

"It's true that the prime minister doesn't need to go to the palace in person for some small matters, it's good to have someone do it for him." Zhang Junbao said with a slight smile.

Hearing this, Ahema's face softened slightly: "Daozhang Zhang is right. Since you are here under orders, do your job well. In this day's prison, watch less and talk less, and keep your mouth shut."

"Yes, yes, servants, remember the prime minister's instruction." Zhu He hurriedly bowed.

"Zhang Daochang, let's go in." Ah Ma said and went in first.

The accompanying sky prison officials hurriedly followed.

Zhang Junbao fell behind, glanced at Zhu He who was still bowing aside and asked, "Isn't Eunuch Zhu going in?"

"Ah?" Zhu He didn't expect Zhang Junbao to talk to him, "It's fine for the servants to wait outside, Daoist Zhang please."

He didn't have the guts to really follow up, he wanted to live a few more years.

Just as Zhang Junbao asked, he followed Ahema.

Zhu He looked at Zhang Junbao's leaving back, with a hint of gratitude in his eyes.

He didn't expect someone to speak for him.

In the palace, he had no background and no backer.

In addition, his identity is a bit special, he was originally a eunuch of Song Dynasty.

After the death of Song Dynasty, he was captured in Dadu, then entered the inner court and became the eunuch of Yuan court.

This identity is naturally excluded and bullied here.

The last time the scriptures were burned, there was no one to go, so he was sent.

This time I came to the prison, but no one came.

Everyone knew it was a deadly job.

Come to give eye drops to Prime Minister Ahema, do you think you can't die fast enough?

Then, he was taken out again.

Thinking of the way the prime minister looked at him just now, he had no doubt that it would not be long before he would die suddenly of illness or be gone in an accident while walking.

Fortunately, Zhang Daochang said something for himself, believing that as long as he is honest, the prime minister will not kill himself.

After Zhang Junbao entered, he found that there was a universe inside, and there were countless large and small rooms inside, and the corridors were like a maze.

After going around for a while, everyone stopped in front of a cell.

The cell was built of green bricks, with only one small window on an iron door.

The heavy iron gate opened, and Ahema asked Zhang Junbao to follow him in. Ahema's guards immediately stood guard at the door, and the prison officials retreated tactfully.

"Prime Minister Wen, I'm here to see you again." Ahema said with a smile.

Zhang Junbao saw clearly, there was a man in his fifties sitting on the bed with his eyes closed, dressed in common clothes, he didn't open his eyes at all to the sound of them coming in.

The surrounding furnishings are very simple, a table and two stools, a cabinet, and some toiletries.

Zhang Junbao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, at least Kublai Khan has not tortured Prime Minister Wen yet.

In my memory, Prime Minister Wen should have been under fifty when he was killed by Kublai Khan, and he looked a little old.

It's no wonder that he devoted himself to the great Song Dynasty, worked hard, and was imprisoned in the sky prison, so his condition was indeed not very good.

This is the anti-Yuan famous official, Zhang Junbao sighed in his heart.

Seeing that Wen Tianxiang didn't pay attention to him, Ahema didn't take it seriously and still smiled and said: "I don't know what you think about what I told you last time? Your Majesty has already promised to let you leave the prison, but it's not easy to become a Taoist monk. The matter is not negotiable. Today I invited a disciple of a master of Daoism, Zhang Junbao and Daoist Zhang."

After finishing speaking, Ahema paused, and found that Wen Tianxiang still hadn't opened his eyes, so he continued: "Prime Minister Wen, please don't get me wrong, Daoist Zhang is not a Quanzhen disciple, he is a disciple of the Chunyang Sect, and he studied under Huolong Daoist."

Hearing this, Wen Tianxiang opened his eyes, he ignored Ahema directly, and his eyes fell on Zhang Junbao.

Seeing this scene, Ahema showed a smile on his face.

"Daozhang Zhang, it's time to work. No one bothers you, just say what you want."

Before Zhang Junbao could reply, Ahema backed out and closed the iron gate.

Zhang Junbao was stunned, let himself persuade Prime Minister Wen now?

How can I prepare myself.

"Prime Minister Wen, Xiaodao has heard of your name for a long time..." Zhang Junbao could only bite the bullet.

And at this time, I really have to say some words of persuasion.

Although Ahema said that no one disturbed him, maybe he was not outside the door, but Zhang Junbao felt that he must have the means to monitor this place.

For example, some guards are outside, and they should still be able to hear what I say.

How can you speak words to save people?
And this is the first time I met Prime Minister Wen, can he trust me?

You have to take your time, first gain the trust of Ahema, and only when he relaxes his vigilance and stops staring at him, can he secretly communicate with Prime Minister Wen.


"If you persuade the old man to surrender, there is no need to say it again." After finishing speaking, Wen Tianxiang closed his eyes again.

Zhang Junbao talked for less than a quarter of an hour just now, going around and around, just some persuasive words, not nutritious.

"Prime Minister." Zhang Junbao called out the door.

After a while, the iron door opened.

"Prime Minister, I have let you down." Zhang Junbao sighed.

"It's okay, you can come again next time." Ahema smiled slightly at Zhang Junbao, and then said to Wen Tianxiang, "Prime Minister Wen, take a good rest, and I'll come back tomorrow."

It can be said to come and go in a hurry, maybe it is really like what Ahema said, this time is to let myself get acquainted.

On the way back, Zhang Junbao thought for a while and said, "Prime Minister, it's too difficult to convince him. Xiaodao has exhausted his words just now, but he didn't respond."

"If it's that easy, how can His Majesty miss it so much?" Ahema shook his head and sighed, "Daoist Zhang, you have a special status, I believe it will be effective if you go a few more times, but it really doesn't work, can you ask your teacher to come forward? "

Zhang Junbao had a look of embarrassment on his face: "Prime Minister, you must also know that my master is dealing with the matter of the Six Dao Sect."

This incident is such a big deal, as the prime minister, Ahema must be able to know about it.

"It's okay, let's talk about Huolong Daoist when he is free." Ahema said with a smile.

Persuading Wen Tianxiang to surrender did not happen overnight, and both he and His Majesty knew this clearly in their hearts.

If you rely on him alone, he really can't do anything.

I can only go to the prison every day as a routine, to let His Majesty know that I still take this matter to heart.

As for not being able to persuade, then you can't blame yourself.

Now with Zhang Junbao and Huolong Daoist, he really has more hope.

If this matter really happens, his weight on His Majesty's side will be even heavier.

Prince Zhenjin has become more and more powerful in recent years, which has greatly increased his pressure.

So he can only make a fuss about His Majesty, as long as His Majesty trusts him, the prince can't do anything to him.

"Then I still have to go tomorrow?" Zhang Junbao asked.

"If Daoist Zhang has nothing important to do, I hope you can go there every day, even if you are persuading Wen Tianxiang for me." Ahema said and took out a token from his body, "This is my token, which can let you You can enter and exit the sky prison freely. You have to keep it safe. Of course, it’s okay if you really want to fall. I’ve already made an agreement with the sky prison. Only Zhang Daochang can enter with a token. If I’m not free one day, Zhang Daochang can go alone In the past, please leave this matter to me. I will continue to ask about the Quanzhen Sect's affairs."

Zhang Junbao cursed secretly in his heart, using the things taught by Quanzhen to control himself, for fear that he would not be careful and not try his best.

But it really suits him.

Being able to freely enter and leave the sky prison is much better than I expected.

"Huh? Prime Minister, didn't you go back to your residence?" Zhang Junbao noticed that something seemed wrong with the route.

"I forgot to tell Daoist Zhang, I'm hosting a banquet at Yingcui Tower tonight, Daoist Zhang will come with you." Ahema said.

Zhang Junbao was speechless, everything was arranged properly, and he didn't even have a chance to refuse.

But I don't have to refuse these things, I can eat as much as I want, and I won't be polite if I drink.

Yingcuilou is the most famous restaurant in the metropolis, and the people who can come here are often princes and nobles.

"Zhang Daochang, you go in first." Arriving at Yingcui Building, Ahema asked the staff of the restaurant to lead Zhang Junbao to the VIP room.

Zhang Junbao and Miao Daoyi did not hesitate, and followed the staff into Yingcui Building.

As soon as Zhang Junbao and Miao Dao left, Ahema tapped twice on the window of the carriage, and immediately a guard came over.

"From now on, you will stay in the sky prison, and Zhang Junbao will keep an eye on me when he goes to see Wen Tianxiang." Ahema said.

"Yes, my lord."

"However, you still have to be a good job today. How are the preparations in the sky prison?" Ahema asked again.

"Don't worry, my lord, I'm waiting for the fish to take the bait. As soon as they come, I can catch them all in one go."

"Okay, then the truth is waiting for your good news here in Yingcui Tower." Ahema smiled slightly.

Explanation: Before Zhang Zhixian and the others wanted to call Zhang Junbao Senior Uncle, Miao Dao called Zhang Junbao Senior Uncle to reflect the seniority of Huolong Daoist. Now that I think about it, Zhang Junbao is still young after all, so it is better to change it to Senior Uncle, Senior Uncle. Point, the previous chapters have been revised.There is one more modification. In Chapter 45, Zhang Junbao said that Zhang Junbao recovered after ten days of healing.

(End of this chapter)

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