
Chapter 73 Ninghai Zhou Family Zhou Botong

Chapter 73 Ninghai Zhou Family Zhou Botong

"Fang Yilian is Fang Tianheng's son?" Zhang Junbao asked.

He wanted to ask if it belonged to his daughter, but he felt that other people should not know this secret, so it was not easy for him to reveal it.

"Fang Tianheng has several sons. It seems that there is no one named Fang Yilian. However, there are many children in the Fang family, who are somewhat related to Fang Tianheng. They are members of the Fang family." Zhang Zhixian told some things about Mingjiao and Fang Tianheng.

Since Fang La's uprising against the Song Dynasty failed and was killed, the Mingjiao had been silent for a while, and the succeeding leaders were all members of the Fang family.

Today's Fang family is very powerful in Mingjiao.

Mingjiao is not only an anti-Yuan force, but also a Jianghu force.

Regarding Mingjiao, Jianghu sects did not attribute it to the righteous way, it was considered to be both righteous and evil.

Since Mingjiao is against the imperial court now, ordinary sects dare not associate with them.

The Quanzhen Sect is located in the north, and it has been canonized by the imperial court. Naturally, the disciples under the sect cannot have anything to do with the Ming Sect.

It is impossible to return the dark to the dark.

After more than 100 years of recuperation, Mingjiao has regained its former power and influence, and there are so many masters in the teaching, even the Yuan court is very afraid.

Zhang Junbao didn't get entangled in Mingjiao anymore, as long as he knew it in his own mind.

Anyway, I just do what I want, as if I don't know Fang Yilian's identity.

If it is sneaky, it will appear that you have a guilty conscience.

Since Fang Yilian had already set off, Zhang Junbao was not in such a hurry.

I stayed at Quanzhen Sect for a few more days, because Zhang Zhixian said that he needed to prepare.

Although he was looking for an excuse to go to the south to preach, but in order to hide the truth from the Six Paths Sect, various preparations are indispensable, so that he can really go to preach.

Three days later, Zhang Junbao and a group of 12 people from the Quanzhen Sect set off for the south.

In addition to Miao Daoyi, Zhang Zhixian's two juniors, Liang Zhiyong and Yang Zhilian, were accompanying him, and the other eight were Quanzhen sect disciples who were of the same generation as Miao Dao.

Zhang Junbao and the others walked south for five days after leaving Dadu, and then turned to the east, heading towards Ninghaizhou, Shandong.

Zhang Zhixian asked Zhang Junbao to go to Ninghai Prefecture to visit the descendants of the friends and descendants of the founder of the Quanzhen Sect, Wang Chongyang, because they were in trouble.

When Zhang Zhixian and Zhang Junbao mentioned this matter, he was taken aback.

Because Wang Chongyang's friend is named Zhou Botong.

There really is such a Zhou Botong, but he is not Wang Chongyang's junior.

Back then, Wang Chongyang went to Ninghai Prefecture to preach, where he took in five of the Quanzhen Seven Sons, namely Qiu Chuji, Tan Chuduan, Ma Yu, Wang Chuyi and Hao Datong.

Since the Quanzhen Sect was first established at this time, Wang Chongyang accepted disciples, but he had to face a very real problem.

That is eating and drinking Lazard.

These are absolutely impossible without money.

Then, Zhou Botong appeared.

Zhou Botong is a native of Haizhou in Ning, and his family is very rich. The Zhou family is a well-known rich family in the local area.

He donated money to support Wang Chongyang, and even built a Taoist temple called Jinliantang for this purpose.

It can be said that Zhou Botong has contributed to the development of Quanzhen Sect, and his contribution is not small.

Therefore Zhou Botong was deeply respected by Wang Chongyang, like a brother.

With this relationship, although Zhou Botong did not join the Quanzhen Sect, Wang Chongyang's disciples such as Qiu Chuji and others still respect him as their uncle.

"There are bandits!"

Not long after Zhang Junbao and his party entered the border of Shandong, they saw someone robbing and killing a convoy.

This is the official road, and it is still in broad daylight. This gang of robbers is too courageous.

"I'll go." Zhang Junbao rushed over after speaking.

Miao Dao was taken aback for a moment, he wanted his juniors to go there.

There are more than thirty robbers in this group, and speaking of them, their strength is average.

It's just that the team hired bodyguards, there were more than a dozen people, and their strength was limited. In addition, the manpower was not as good as the opponent's, so it was very difficult to deal with it.

As soon as Miao Dao followed, he understood what Zhang Junbao was thinking, that his master-uncle wanted to hone himself.

Although these robbers are nothing to my uncle, with my uncle's strength, it is more than enough to deal with these little thieves.

However, he still didn't dare to be careless, and followed behind Zhang Junbao, in case of any accident, he could take action in time.

Although Liang Zhiyong and Yang Zhilian did not follow, their eyes were fixed on Zhang Junbao.

Zhang Junbao didn't use a sword. The sword hanging on his waist was carefully selected by Zhang Zhixian from the Quanzhen Sect's arsenal. It was a sharp sword.

It is usually enough to solve it with fists.

"Who? I'm the Dushan Gang. I'm a Taoist priest of the Quanzhen Sect?" This group of robbers, or the members of the Dushan Gang, were stunned for a moment when they saw Zhang Junbao and Miao Daoyi's clothes.

"What about the Taoist priests of the Quanzhen Sect?" the leader shouted loudly, "The old Taoist priests of Dushan Temple have all had their heads beheaded by the sect leader, how can we be afraid of them?"

"Be careful, this group of bull-nosed people may be reinforcements invited by the Taoist priests of Dushan Temple. Doesn't Dushan Temple belong to the Quanzhen sect?"

"What about the reinforcements? The gang leader can kill them with a single hand, and we have the deputy gang leader, so we can easily shoot them to death."

That being said, the members of the Dushan Gang did not make any further moves, but distanced themselves from the bodyguards of the convoy.

Just now Zhang Junbao rushed in and killed the three of them at once, making them fearful.

Especially Zhang Junbao has many Quanzhen sect disciples behind him.

"Daozhang, help." The bodyguards on the other side of the convoy retreated to the car, and a middle-aged man who looked like a team manager came out and shouted loudly, "We were robbed by the Dushan gang, and we still hope that the Taoist priest People from harm."

"What's the origin of the Dushan Gang?" Zhang Junbao turned around and asked Miao Daoyi who was following up.

Miao Dao shook his head, he is not omnipotent, how could he know all the sects in the world.

However, the sects he didn't remember were basically not popular, otherwise he would definitely be able to know some of the sects with some strength.

"Uncle Master, I think it's not a popular school." Miao Daoyi shook his head and replied.

"What? Is not popular? How dare you insult my Dushan Gang? Our leader is well-known, and Megatron has shocked the surrounding three prefectures and fifteen counties~~~"

"Shut up, you dare to loot in broad daylight, no matter who your leader is, you should be killed." Zhang Junbao shouted.

He didn't expect that these guys would dare to be so arrogant when they saw his Quanzhen Sect and his party.

I don't know if the ignorant are fearless or stupid.

But as a person in the world, who doesn't know the status of Quanzhen Sect?

Zhang Junbao was a little puzzled about this.

"Daoist, the Dushan gang is rampant and harming the people of the fifteen counties. This is the Zhou family's convoy. Our ancestors of the Zhou family have a predestined relationship with the Quanzhen Sect. We hope that the Taoist priests can help to eradicate this evil."

"The Zhou family?" Zhang Junbao was a little surprised, it couldn't be such a coincidence, could it?
"Ninghai Zhou's family." The steward added.

Zhang Junbao was speechless, it was such a coincidence.

But it's not too surprising when you think about it.

The Zhou family is a wealthy family, and it is still so.

It is reasonable for businessmen to have motorcades traveling between states and counties.

"Daoyi, regardless of whether they are the Zhou family or not, the Dushan gang seems to be the worst evil nearby, and they should be punished," Zhang Junbao said.

Let's eliminate this group of people first, even if the Zhou family members don't say anything, they can see that the Dushan Gang is not a good thing, since they met, there is no reason to let them go.

Otherwise, more people will be harmed.

"Boy, your tone is really not small." The deputy leader of the Dushan Gang smiled and said, "Among the nearby Taoist temples of the Quanzhen Sect, the most powerful one is the old Taoist priest of Dushan Temple. He is no match for our leader, let alone Is it you? If you are sensible, hurry up and get out, don’t bring disasters to your own Taoist temple. Can’t you think that our Dushan Gang is a vegetarian? Ah, you Quanzhen sect is a vegetarian.”

The members of the Dushan Gang burst out laughing.

"We eat meat."

"I also play with girls and daughter-in-laws."


"It should be killed." After Zhang Junbao finished speaking, he killed everyone in the Dushan Gang.

After a while, everyone in the Dushan Gang died in the hands of Zhang Junbao.

Zhang Junbao doesn't have much burden on killing people now, that's how he should treat villains.

After saving Zhou's convoy, Zhang Junbao got more information about the Dushan Gang from Zhou Da, the steward of the team, and also got verification from the bodyguard that the Dushan Gang really did all kinds of bad things.

Miao Daoyi took a few seniors to Duan Gang's lair, which is not far from Dushan.

The Dushan Gang is actually a group of robbers who kill and loot, and do all sorts of evil.

It's just that their gang leader is considered a master nearby, so few people stand up to deal with the Dushan gang.

Half a day later, Zhang Junbao, Zhou Da and his party arrived at the nearest small town. The sky had already darkened, and everyone planned to rest here for the night.

Miao Daoyi and the others also came back, and the Dushan Gang was expelled from then on.

In an inn, Zhang Junbao, Miao Daoyi, Liang Zhiyong, Yang Zhilian and Zhou Da were sitting in a room.

Zhang Junbao and the others listened to Zhou Da's description of what had happened to their Zhou family and the nearby Taoist temple under the name of Quanzhen Sect in recent days.

In fact, Zhou Da had already talked a lot with Zhang Junbao on the way.

At this time Zhang Junbao's face was gloomy and dignified.

This is the sequelae after losing the debate.

Since everyone knew that the Quanzhen Sect was suppressed by the imperial court, some forces that were originally afraid of the Quanzhen Sect, especially some local Jianghu sects, began to attack the temples under the name of the Quanzhen Sect.

The Quanzhen Sect has many temples in various places, and the temples also have land properties, shops and other industries under the name of the temples.

These are often good locations, with a lot of income every year, and I don't know how many people are jealous.

Now that the Quanzhen Sect is in decline, someone will naturally rush forward.

Although the Quanzhen Sect is still quite powerful, it is still somewhat neglected locally.

For example, the Dushan Temple is indeed from the Quanzhen sect.

It has been several days since Master Guan was killed by the leader of the Dushan Clan, and no one from the nearby Taoist temple of the Quanzhen Sect sent out to wipe out the Dushan Clan.

It's not that they don't send people, but that they can't.

Not only the Dushan Gang, but also many sects in the nearby rivers and lakes are staring at these temples, and there are quite a few who do it.

The manpower for defense itself is a bit stretched, let alone send someone out.

Moreover, in terms of skill, it does not have an advantage. It is basically impossible to rely on the local Quanzhen sect disciples to suppress the bandits and take revenge.

Called up experts from other places?

This is almost the case in other places, and they have to face many jealous forces.

In just over a month, many temples in the area have changed owners, and there have been many casualties among disciples.

Due to the imperial court, Quanzhen Sect could only keep a low profile, and could only absorb these losses silently, without daring to react too much.

Originally, some temples were handed over by Quanzhen Sect on their own initiative, but these are all large temples, and some small temples in the local area are really beyond the reach of Quanzhen Sect.

To some extent, this also told Kublai Khan that the Quanzhen Sect was shrinking.

Only in this way can Kublai Khan's doubts be dispelled, and Quanzhen Sect will not be suppressed too much.

This is the price Quanzhen Sect needs to pay, and it is destined to shed blood and sacrifice.

Other places can be left alone, Quanzhen Sect has tried its best to call people back, and let those who should be let go.

But the Zhou family was different. Zhang Zhixian couldn't sit still after hearing the news.

It happened that Zhang Junbao was about to go south, so there was this trip to Ninghai Prefecture.

The Zhou family must be protected, otherwise how can they be worthy of the ancestors of the Zhou family?
After listening to Zhou Da's words, Zhang Junbao knew that the current situation was more serious than Zhang Zhixian mentioned.

If there is no one to protect the Zhou family, the family property and people may not be able to protect it.

It can be said that for more than 100 years, the Zhou family did not ask Quanzhen to teach anything, nor did they want to trouble Quanzhen with the help of their ancestors.

But this time, there was no other way for the Zhou family, so they had to seek help from Quanzhen Sect.

The Zhou family is a big family in Ninghai Prefecture, and it is a family of good deeds. They usually behave in a low-key manner, and the children in the clan are also well-educated, so they will not cause trouble.

But when the family grows, there will always be some scum.

A few days ago, a young master of the Zhou family provoked the local Mongolian nobles.

In the past, the Zhou family's apology was almost over.

The relationship between the Zhou family and the Quanzhen Sect is no secret.

But this time it was different. The other party took advantage of the problem and teamed up with many local forces to seek the wealth of the Zhou family.

This move is still a bit jealous of the Quanzhen Sect, so it will join forces with many forces to put pressure on the Quanzhen Sect.

Even if the Quanzhen Sect really made a move, the law does not blame the public, and will the Quanzhen Sect really tear themselves apart with so many local forces?
"Hmph, it's obviously a trick set by the Mongols." Zhang Junbao understood it, and he couldn't help but snorted, "If you deceive people too much, we don't have to be polite."

A young master of the Zhou family had a conflict with the Mongolian nobles in the brothel, and some of them secretly instigated the young master of the Zhou family to lose his head.

Afterwards, the Zhou family also checked and found out the whole story.

All of this is because the Mongolian nobles took a fancy to the Zhou family's property and used despicable means.

Regarding the Mongolian nobles, Liang Zhiyong and Yang Zhilian shook their heads and sighed: "Uncle, can you not do it or not."

"Are you afraid of them?" Zhang Junbao asked with a serious face.

Liang Zhiyong and Yang Zhilian felt a little helpless. When it came to the Mongols, things were not that simple.

If one is not handled well, the matter will be brought to Kublai Khan's side.

The Quanzhen Sect is currently in an extraordinary period, and it has not been long since the debate has passed, so it is not easy to make any noise.

"No, no, it's best not to do anything." Zhou Da was taken aback when he heard Zhang Junbao's words and said hastily, "The patriarch's intention is to invite some Taoist leaders to come forward to make peace. At worst, the Zhou family will pay more. some silver."

"A little more time?" Zhang Junbao glanced at Zhou Da and said, "How much more time? 1000 taels or 1 taels? Or the entire Zhou family property?"

"This~~" Zhou Da was speechless.

Zhang Junbao didn't blame Zhou Da.

The Mongols are indeed a special existence, and they are very sensitive in this Yuan Dynasty.

If it weren't for the Quanzhen Sect behind the Zhou family, other families would have been exterminated long ago.

The Zhou family asked the Quanzhen Sect for help, not to threaten the Mongols, but to act as a middleman.

This is good for everyone.

The Zhou family also didn't want the Quanzhen Sect to be involved in their own affairs, after all they knew the current situation of the Quanzhen Sect.

But the Mongolian's appetite is not small, even if they make peace this time, it will only make the other party more unscrupulous.

If this kind of matter is not completely resolved, the Zhou family will be wiped out sooner or later.

Explanation: This chapter is two chapters combined into one, 4000 words.Let's talk about the update, generally two chapters a day, a total of about 4000 words.It will be updated around 12:10 noon and 12:4000 pm. If there is no update at [-]:[-] noon, [-] words will be updated in the evening.If there are any special circumstances that can't be updated on the day, I will tell you in advance.Let's update together tomorrow night, and I hope you will support me a lot, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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