Chapter 134
After a while, Hua Niang appeared next to Ding Xiang and took her away directly.

Then Liu Yi and Ding Xiang appeared together.

On Ding Xiang's gloomy face, the moment she saw Bian Lang, tears welled up in her eyes.

She tried to hold back the tears, but found it was futile.

How can a person hold back tears when he is extremely sad?
Bian Lang didn't ask about Ding Chengcheng's situation, but pointed to a chair on one side, and said with a smile, "Xiangxiang, come over and have something to eat."

Ding Xiang sat down obediently, but had no appetite to eat.

"Xiangxiang, who sold you to Peach Blossom Cave?" Liu Yi has always had a warm heart, and she doesn't want the weak to be bullied by bullies.

Ding Xiang shook her head, she didn't know who that person was, but if she could see her again, she would recognize him.

Bian Lang felt that as long as Ding Xiang could recognize that guy, that would be enough.

I believe that person will also appear on the draft scene, and then, as long as Ding Xiang points out that person.

After the start of the draft, cheers continued to ring out all around.

The girl who can be favored by Fengyue Field in Taohua Grotto will not be bad in appearance and figure.

Every time thirteen or fourteen-year-old young children appear, there will always be a small climax.

Those wealthy patrons are willing to buy their first night at all costs.

In fact, when it comes to the level of enjoyment, those girls who have been around for a long time are better.

But that blush is enough to drive countless men into madness.

"It's him." Ding Xiang said suddenly, pointing at a person.

The one who appeared in front of the stage at this moment was a burly man who had just bought a 12-year-old girl at the price of ten high-grade spirit stones.

Regardless of whether this person is a subordinate of Jade Hidden Dragon or not, he must be related to Jade Hidden Dragon.

Bian Lang nodded to Liu Yi again.

Liu Yi understood, got up and left.

"Brother Bian, I found that you and Liu Yi are really a good match." Dugu Qiusheng looked envious.

He found that several times, Bian Lang and Liu Yi could tell what each other was thinking just by winking at each other.

Bian Lang said with a smile: "Communication between smart people does not require too many words."

"You can just call me stupid, why do you have to go out of your way?" Dugu Qiusheng picked up the wine bowl, thinking it would be more refreshing to eat wine and watch a show.

Seeing Dingxiang lower her head, Bian Lang said softly: "Xiangxiang, watch carefully, if you see a familiar face again, you must speak up."

Ding Xiang nodded, and could only muster up the courage to continue watching.

A moment ago she was still standing below, waiting to be bought by some old man for the first night, but now she is sitting here, looking for enemies.

But in the following time, she found several figures.

Those people had appeared at her house, and insulted her father's women over and over again in front of the whole family.

Even if she only saw a figure from behind, Ding Xiang could still recognize it.

Under Ding Xiang's identification, Taohua Cave detained many people.

Under torture, those people were quickly recruited.

They are just hired and paid to do things, but they don't know who the employer behind them is.

But Feng Xiao knew in her heart that the employer must be Jade Hidden Dragon.

Jade Hidden Dragon has always wanted to take away the Peach Blossom Cave. After plotting for so long, it will definitely be crazy after starting to act.

But those people don't know where their employers are.

Feng Xiao believed what they were telling the truth, and felt that it was pointless to keep them, so she ordered them to be dealt with cleanly.

Even though Ding Xiang discovered these people, from Feng Xiao's point of view, the suspicion of Bian Lang and others has not been cleared.

Bianlang doesn't have time to follow the trend. After visiting all the interesting places in Peach Blossom Grotto, if you continue to stay, it will be easy to get bored.

If Bian Lang wants to leave, Liu Yi and Dugu Qiusheng can only follow, after all, the treasure gourd that can cross the river is in Bian Lang's hands.

Compared with the colorful world on the other side of the river, they still miss their homeland more.

The Jade Hidden Dragon is very cunning, and the Peach Blossom Cave is also very powerful. I'm afraid this struggle will last for a long time.

You Feng couldn't keep Bian Lang, so he could only ask Feng Xiao to go out in person.

Feng Xiao's complexion is very bad, he has not yet come out of the grief of losing his brother.

She really couldn't figure out why Bian Lang and the others had to leave. Not everyone could enjoy the opportunity to play Taohua Cave for free.

"We just want to go home." Liu Yi explained with a smile.

Feng Xiao said: "After leaving home, I will indeed miss home very much, but I know that the three of you are out to play, since you want to play, then have fun, and go home after playing enough, so that you can relax and live a good life with your family."

In any case, in a short time, she will not let Bian Lang wait for others to leave.

Since toasting does not work, it can only be fined.

"Cave Master, Lord Song is here." Running quickly from one side was the casino steward He Lianxue, a very shrewd little dwarf.

Feng Xiaoxiu raised her eyebrows, thinking that it's not time yet, so why did the vampire come?

"Three, I'm sorry, a distinguished guest is here, I'll accompany you for a while, we'll talk later." Feng Xiao left in a hurry after finishing speaking.

Seeing that Feng Xiao is so decisive, it is obvious that he will not let them leave easily, Liu Yi and Dugu Qiusheng hope that Bian Lang can come up with an idea.

In Peach Blossom Cave, there are so many masters, they know that if they want to fight out, they still have to stay aside.

Just doing that would definitely damage the reputation of Peach Blossom Grotto.

So far, Feng Xiao has been very polite to them, and feels that there is no need to add trouble to her.

Bian Lang thought for a while and said, "Then let's play for a few more days, and we're not in a hurry to go back anyway."

In fact, Bian Lang is quite interested in that "Master Song".

Back in the room, Bian Lang lay on the bed, closed his eyes, had no distracting thoughts, and his ears searched for Feng Xiao's voice amidst the noise.

When Feng Xiao's voice was found, Feng Xiao had already finished the pleasantries with Mr. Song and started talking about business.

In the huge Gathering Hall, there were only Feng Xiao and Master Song.

"Master Feng Cave, I am here this time under the order of the Empress, please leave the Peach Blossom Cave." There was a bit of sarcasm in Master Song's voice.

Feng Xiao's voice was very calm, and he asked lightly: "Where do you want me to go?"

"Over the years, Master Feng Cave has accumulated an astonishing amount of wealth. I think no matter where he goes, he can live a good life." Master Song naturally doesn't care where Feng Xiao is going, he just wants Feng Xiao to leave Peach Blossom Cave.

Feng Xiao stretched out his hand to Mr. Song, and said softly, "Give it to me."

"What?" Mr. Song was a little confused.

Feng Xiao smiled lightly and said, "Since it is His Majesty's will, there must be an imperial decree, right?"

"I am following His Majesty's oral order." Master Song was not flustered.

At this moment, Feng Xiao is sure that the dog official is lying.

Although the Peach Blossom Cave can generate a lot of tax revenue for the empire, in the final analysis, this place belongs to the private property of the Feng family.

As an empress, it is impossible for Taohua Cave to change hands for no reason.

Even if you really want to do this, there will definitely be an imperial decree to clarify the cause and effect, so as not to cause rumors to spread everywhere.

Feng Xiao smiled as she thought about it, and asked, "What benefits does Jade Hidden Dragon promise you?"

(End of this chapter)

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