Chapter 16 Desperate Tian Qingtong
Shangguan Hongyu was carrying Jinchuang medicine with her, which had a miraculous effect in stopping bleeding, and it was the location where she was injured, which was quite embarrassing.

Even with your back to the mirror, it is difficult to deal with the wound.

Bian Lang didn't look out at all, let Shangguan Hongyu sit down, and stretched out his hand to untie her belt.

"Brother Bian, I, I will do it myself." Shangguan Hongyu's voice trembled, her ears were terribly red.

Bian Lang scolded: "Don't be brave, you can't handle this position."

"I mean the belt." Shangguan Hongyu blushed even more.

Bian Lang was also a little embarrassed, and said with a smile: "Then you come."

Shangguan Hongyu untied her belt, and gently took off her shirt, revealing her fragrant shoulders that were as white as jade.

She pulled the clothes in front of her with both hands to prevent them from slipping off.

Bian Lang carefully cleaned the wound, then applied medicine and bandaged it up.

"Brother Bian, thank you." Shangguan Hongyu hurriedly got dressed.

Bian Lang smiled and said, "Let's sleep a little longer."

"Brother Bian, I will accompany you to the Xishen Pavilion." Shangguan Hongyu was worried about this sleep, and when he woke up, Bian Lang had disappeared.

Seeing Bian Lang nodding, she felt relieved.

Along the way, Shangguan Hongyu didn't know how she felt towards Bian Lang, she only knew that she liked staying with Bian Lang very much.

At the thought of saying goodbye to Bian Lang soon, my heart felt like a needle was poking, and it hurt so badly.

Lying on the bed, just closing eyes, barely falling asleep.

Normally, Bian Lang would sleep until the afternoon, but that was the time to drive away the corpse. Now they are going to find Lei Bin to retrieve Rama's body, so it is best to drive during the day and rest at night.

Shangguan Hongyu got up very early, came to the kitchen, and made breakfast for Bian Lang herself.

Sure enough, Bian Lang got up very early, boasted while eating, and bluntly said that if anyone marries Shangguan Hongyu, it will be a blessing from eight lifetimes of cultivation.

Seeing Shangguan Hongyu always blushing in front of him, Bian Lang was sure that the girl had a crush on him.


Lei Bin returned home with Rama's body and told his wife Tian Qingtong to pack up quickly and prepare to leave.

Tian Qingtong was washing clothes, she was stunned when she heard this.

"I don't want these clothes anymore, just bring a few changes." Lei Bin said as he entered the room, pried open the bricks in the corner, and took out gold and silver from inside.

Tian Qingtong came in unhurriedly and asked, "Sir, what happened?"

"Don't ask, just do it." Lei Bin's face was very ugly.

Tian Qingtong had never seen Lei Bin like this before, knowing that the situation was critical, he immediately went to pack his clothes.

Tian Qingtong was pregnant and heavy, so Lei Bin specially bought a carriage.

They ignored them, and after a few days, they had already arrived in the Southern Wasteland.

Tian Qingtong frowned, she didn't speak much these days, and she was in an extremely bad mood.

She hates humid places the most, and the Southern Wilderness is an extremely humid place.

"My lady, I promise, all this is only temporary, we will be able to go home soon." During the break, Lei Bin handed Tian Qingtong a water bottle.

Tian Qingtong didn't answer, and asked coldly: "Master, can you tell me what happened now?"

"Miss, don't ask how you are?" Lei Bin didn't want to say, because he didn't want to damage his image in Tian Qingtong's mind.

Tian Qingtong snorted coldly, turned around and got into the carriage.

"My lady, it's going to rain, we have to leave quickly." Lei Bin's voice was extremely gentle as usual.

When Lei Bin jumped into the carriage, the sky had already started to drizzle.

There is more rain and fog on the distant mountains.

The mountains are emerald, and the birds are singing.

Lei Bin was in a great mood.

Although Nanhuang is uninhabited, it has beautiful scenery and is most suitable for seclusion.

He believed that Tian Qingtong's dislike was only temporary, and she would definitely like it after living here for a while.

"Lei Bin, you said you would withdraw from the arena and live a good life with me." Tian Qingtong was heartbroken, and she didn't want to endure any longer, so she planned to speak up.

Every day she does laundry, cooks, and does housework, just wanting to live a good life with Lei Bin.

No matter how hard and tiring she was, she never complained, and even enjoyed it.

Life is short, and being able to stay with the one you love until old age is the happiest thing.

Lei Bin laughed and said, "We are now going to a place where no one can find us, so we can live a good life."

"What are you hiding under the car?" Tian Qingtong asked bluntly.

The smile on Lei Bin's face froze.

"Although I don't know what it is, I'm sure it's an ominous thing." Tian Qingtong said coldly.

Lei Bin said: "How can it be an ominous thing?"

"Isn't the thing that brought us a fatal disaster an ominous thing?" Tian Qingtong sighed.

Lei Bin didn't answer, but waved his whip.

The whip was whipped on the horse's buttocks, and the horse ran faster in pain.

The raindrops gradually became bigger and denser, and fell on the roof of the carriage with a terrible sound.

Such weather is no longer suitable for continuing on the road.

Lei Bin found a pavilion in front of him, so he stopped his horse and let Tian Qingtong enter the pavilion to rest under an oil-paper umbrella.

Lei Bin returned to the carriage and groped under the carriage.

After touching for a while, he couldn't find what he wanted to take.

"I lost that thing a long time ago." Tian Qingtong shouted from the pavilion.

Lei Bin was taken aback when he heard the words, and rushed into the pavilion in a flash.

"Where did you lose it?" Lei Bin firmly grasped Tian Qingtong's shoulders with a hideous expression.

Pain in both shoulders, Tian Qingtong showed pain, and said angrily: "Lei Bin, you hurt me."

"Where did you lose it?" Lei Bin roared angrily.

Tian Qingtong smiled sadly, and said lightly: "You really have changed."

Lei Bin let go of his hand suddenly, cut the rope with one palm, and only rode on his horse and ran towards the way he came.

The horse pulling the cart didn't run fast when it wasn't pulling the cart, but at this moment Lei Bin, like a lunatic, only wanted to find Rama's body.

Tian Qingtong stood in the pavilion, looked at Lei Bin who was gradually disappearing in the rain and fog, and smiled instead.

She gently touched her protruding belly, and murmured: "I'm sorry..."

After walking out of the pavilion, there was still a violent storm falling on her body, but she didn't feel anything.

On the upturned face, water flowed like a river, and it was not known whether it was rain or tears.

Lei Bin returned along the same route and came to the place where they rested last time.

He remembered that Tian Qingtong had been there for convenience during the period, so he came there based on his memory, and he found Rama's body in the grass.

Tian Qingtong just wanted to throw away Rama's body, and she didn't care at all whether it would be picked up by someone.

But she didn't expect that Lei Bin's attachment to Rama's body was more important than her and the child.

Carrying Rama's body on his back, he hurried back to the pavilion, the carriage was still there, but Tian Qingtong was no longer in the pavilion.

The heavy rain poured down, and Tian Qingtong's footprints were washed away long ago.

Lei Bin frantically looked for Tian Qingtong until the rain stopped.

Carrying Rama's body on his back, he entered the deep mountain alone, and there was no trace.


"I heard that there was a heavy rain yesterday, and a female corpse was washed down by the mountain torrent?"

"Isn't it? I was next to me at the time. The female corpse is pretty and beautiful, and she is pregnant with Liujia. It's a pity."

In the tavern, several drunkards were discussing the discovery of an unknown female corpse this morning.

Bian Lang and Shangguan Hongyu were sitting beside them, waiting for the food and wine to be served.

(End of this chapter)

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