Chapter 163

Yunxiu's pretty face flushed, and she didn't dare to speak back.

Bian Lang put down the tea bowl and said with a smile: "Master Li, I've finished this tea too. I still have something important to do, so I'll take my leave first."

"Kill my son, just want to pat his ass and leave like this?" Li Meng's voice was as cold as ice.

Bian Lang turned his head and asked Yunxiu, "Did I slap my ass?"

Yunxiu shook her head dully.

"I'm not joking with you." Li Meng was furious.

Bian Lang said in shock: "Is this putting on an official air? It's such an official authority, I'm so scared that I almost don't know how to breathe."

As soon as Li Meng waved his hand, more than a dozen guards with broad knives rushed in murderously.

Yunxiu's family was trembling with fright.

Since ancient times, people have not fought with officials, not for other reasons, because they simply cannot fight.

Because of this, those heroes of the rivers and lakes who can kill the dog officials will become heroes in the hearts of ordinary people.

"Take it." Li Meng stopped pretending.

This is Gongxi, it is easy to take down Bian Lang, and then kill Aizi to avenge Aizi, Aizi can only rest in peace under Jiuquan.

The guards held their knives and slowly approached Bianlang.

Bian Lang sat without moving, and said with a light smile, "Let me remind you, for the sake of your family, it's best to put down the knife right now and go home."

"Your grandma's." The guard who walked in the front was a little older, about forty years old, but possessed the cultivation of Nascent Soul, no wonder he walked in front and dared to breathe out fragrance.

This person took the lead, and the rest of the guards followed. When the knife in their hand slashed at Bianlang, there was no hesitation, and there was no pity in their eyes.

Working under Li Meng's errands, I think he usually does a lot of killing innocent people indiscriminately.

The first time you kill an innocent person, you may feel bad, but as long as you do it more times, you will get used to it.

For these servants, killing an innocent person is easier than killing a chicken.

"There is no medicine to save." Bian Lang sighed softly, turned his right palm over, and the power of the palm gushed out, rolled up the group of servants, and rushed outside.

There was a bang bang, and then deathly silence.

Li Meng woke up from the shock, rushed outside a few steps, and saw that the group of servants were all brains splattered, and their souls went to hell.

The monk in the Nascent Soul Realm was no exception.

Bian Lang had already come out of the main hall, and asked with a smile: "Master Li, how powerful is my palm?"

"You..." Li Meng's eyes were full of fear, his tongue was trembling, and he was unable to speak.

Yunxiu's family followed Bian Lang, seeing the end of those guards, although they felt happy, but more fear.

Bian Lang looked at his right palm and said, "Master Li, you must have searched for a lot of people's fat and people's cream over the years. Now you only need to take out [-] top-grade spirit stones, and you can buy your life."

"I'm an official of the imperial court. If you kill me, Your Majesty..." Li Meng couldn't come up with [-] high-grade spirit stones, so he could only scare Bian Lang with the empress's name.

Bian Lang asked with a smile: "Does the Empress know about the evil things you have done?"

Li Meng was choked speechless.

If the Empress knew what he did in Zining Mansion, she would have sent him to the guillotine long ago.

Originally, as long as Bian Lang was removed, he could continue to be his emperor. Who would have thought that Bian Lang's strength would be so terrifying.

To be able to kill a Nascent Soul cultivator with a single palm, Bian Lang was at the worst in the early stage of beheading an infant.

Li Meng knew in his heart that this time he really provoked the god of death.

"Since there is no spirit stone, I'm sorry." Bian Lang raised his hand again.

Li Meng hurriedly said: "Wait a minute, I..."

But Bian Lang swung his palm like a knife, easily slit Li Meng's throat.

Li Meng stared and pinched his throat with his hands, but he still couldn't stop the blood from gushing out.

"Engong, what you did for us..." Yun Xiu's eyes were red, and two lines of tears dripped down her chin quickly.

Bian Lang took out some spirit stones, forced them to Yunxiu, and said, "Live well."

Yunxiu didn't want Lingshi for life or death, but she couldn't compete with the side waves at all, so she had to accept it.

Li Meng's death quickly spread throughout the city.

At first, the people were shocked and couldn't believe the news was true. After it was confirmed, the whole city fell into a carnival.

These years Li Meng squeezed them to the point of being unable to live. Now that Li Meng was killed, life would definitely get better in the future.

But no one can guarantee that the new magistrate sent by the court will be the second Li Meng, or even a more terrifying existence than Li Meng.

After teleporting Yunxiu's family a few times, Bian Lang separated from them and went straight to the imperial capital.

God is very lively.

This excitement has been going on for several days.

Several circuses came to the city, performing everywhere.

The people are very enthusiastic, even if they have seen it again and again, as long as they pass by, they still can't help but join in.

Bian Lang walked all the way, and came across several places performing circuses.

"Master Bian, my lady is here to invite you." Someone suddenly blocked Bian Lang's way.

Bian Lang frowned and asked, "Who is your young lady?"

"Miss Shen." The man replied with a smile, very polite.

Shen Rusui?
Bian Lang originally wanted to enter the palace to find Shangguan Hongyu, but this place is still far from the palace, but very close to Shen's residence, so it's okay to go there first.

When they came to Shen's residence, Shen Rusui had already prepared refreshments.

She was very happy to see Bianlang again.

But Bian Lang could tell that this kind of happiness was faked, and the sadness hidden in the happiness could not be concealed at all.

"Brother Bian, I never dreamed that our empress would be your long-lost wife." Shen Rusui spoke from the bottom of her heart.

Bian Lang smiled and said, "I didn't expect that either."

If he had known that the empress was Shangguan Hongyu, he would have stayed in the imperial capital for a few more days so that he could reunite with Shangguan Hongyu as soon as possible.

There are not so many things that can be taken for granted in this world, everything is preordained in the dark.

One can imagine the difficulty of changing one's fate against the sky.

"Brother Bian, I invite you here because I actually want to tell you a strange thing." Shen Rusui lowered her voice suddenly.

Bian Lang took a sip of tea, interested.

"Those circuses that have recently appeared in the imperial capital have serious problems." Shen Rusui said.

Bian Lang asked with a smile, "What's wrong with the circus?"

"I told my father about this, and his reaction was the same as yours, he thought there would be no problem with the circus." Shen Rusui frowned slightly.

Bian Lang continued to drink tea.

If Shen Rusui really felt that there was something wrong with the circus, he should at least give a reason for his doubts.

"The performances of those circuses are very exciting, and I love to watch them too, so I watched a few more, and then I had nightmares every night, dreaming..." Shen Rusui seemed to feel that something was wrong when he mentioned the key point. Want to say it or not.

Bian Lang asked, "What did you dream about?"

"I dreamed that His Majesty wanted to kill me, many people..." Shen Rusui gritted her teeth.

Now that she already knew that the empress was Bian Lang's woman, she still spoke ill of the empress in front of Bian Lang, she was so stupid.

It's just that this matter is really weird, and she feels that she must tell Bian Lang.

Bian Lang persuaded with a smile: "It's just a dream."

"But in the dream, the empress turned into a monster and started killing people. That scene is really too real." Shen Rusui said roughly.

Bian Lang's heart trembled when he heard the words, and he asked, "What kind of monster did you become?"

"It seems to be... the vine demon, yes, it is the vine demon." Shen Rusui said.

In the dream, the empress turned into a huge vine demon, brandishing thousands of vines, she could bloodwash the entire imperial capital in an instant.

If it was just a dream, Shen Rusui might also think it was a dream.

But if you dream every night and have the same dreams, it will be very weird.

As Shen Rusui said later, it is indeed very important.

Bian Lang thought about it and asked, "Ru Sui, are you sure you only had that dream again after you saw a circus performance?"

"I'm sure that such a dream must have something to do with the circus." Shen Rusui said firmly.

Bian Lang smiled and said, "Okay, I will tell the Empress about this."

Shen Rusui nodded, she still had a lot of things to say to Bian Lang in her heart, but she didn't know how to say them. In the end, she felt that it would be better if she rotted in her stomach.

When Bian Lang was about to leave, he happened to run into Shen Sanmu who had just returned home.

Seeing Bian Lang, Shen Sanmu was slightly stunned, and then asked with a smile, "You're coming?"

"Master Shen has a bad complexion?" Bian Lang could tell that Shen Sanmu looked preoccupied.

Shen Sanmu thought about it, and felt that it might be better to tell Bian Lang about this matter, so he invited Bian Lang back to the main hall.

Shen Rusui got up to make tea again.

"Master Bian, what I want to talk about is a dream..." Shen Sanmu got straight to the point as soon as he opened his mouth.

Bian Lang asked with a smile: "In the dream, did Hong Yu turn into a vine demon and directly slaughter the imperial capital?"

"How do you know?" Shen Sanmu was quite shocked.

Bian Lang was also shocked.

Shen Rusui did not tell Shen Sanmu about the dream, but Shen Sanmu also knew about the dream, so it can be seen that there were others in the imperial capital who had the same dream as Shen Rusui.

Bian Lang told the truth.

"It turns out that Rusui also dreamed about it." Shen Sanmu murmured.

As Minister of the Ministry of War, there were rumors that he would not belong to Shen Sanmu's management originally, but Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment and him were close friends. When he suddenly encountered this kind of trouble, he went to help the staff to see if he could come up with a better solution.

Today alone, hundreds of people came to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to report the case.

They all said the same thing, that is, they would have the same dream for several nights in a row. In the dream, the empress turned into a vine demon and directly washed the imperial capital with blood.

This is a big matter, and the Secretary of the Criminal Ministry has no idea how to deal with it.

He knew that Shen Sanmu was more important to the empress, and hoped that Shen Sanmu could help tell the empress about it.

Shen Sanmu also had a headache and did not agree to this matter.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he returned home, he would run into Bian Lang.

At that moment, Shen Sanmu knew that they were all saved.

Let Bian Lang talk about this, so as not to anger the empress.

Shangguan Hongyu was a matter of the vine demon, and only Shen Sanmu knew about it in the civil and military affairs of the Manchu dynasty.

Now the common people dream that the empress has turned into a vine demon. If the empress finds out, the first thing that comes to mind is that the secret was leaked by Shen Sanmu.

Shen Sanmu's situation has become more dangerous than anyone else.

The only person who can save him now is Bian Lang.

"Master Bian, I can swear to the sky that I will never leak..." Shen Sanmu was expressing his determination when Shen Rusui came in with hot tea, so he had no choice but to swallow the rest of the words.

Shen Rusui put the tea on the table and asked with a smile, "Father, you didn't reveal anything?"

"I'm discussing with Master Bian, you go out and play." Shen Sanmu urged.

Bian Lang felt that Shen Rusui should stay, after all, among the three of them, only Shen Rusui had entered that dream many times.

Bian Lang asked Shen Rusui to stay, and then asked: "Master Shen, have those dreamers seen the circus performance many times?"

"Is there any connection between this?" Shen Sanmu turned his head and glanced at Shen Rusui.

Shen Rusui sticks out her tongue with a smile, meaning that her father doesn't believe her, as long as Bian Lang believes her, that's enough.

Bian Lang said: "Master Shen, can we go to the Ministry of Punishment to ask for clarification?"

Without hesitation, Shen Sanmu stood up and led the way.

The empress's reputation is involved in this matter, which is bigger than the sky. We must hurry up to find out the truth and solve the problem thoroughly.

Because Shen Rusui was the one who experienced it firsthand, she also followed.

When Shen Sanmu asked about this when he came to the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Nian Tianfu, Minister of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, looked bewildered.

When receiving those people who came to report the crime, what he asked the most was whether there was any problem with the spirit of those people. Who would think about the circus if they had nothing to do?

Now the rumors about the Empress turning into a demon and massacring the city are intensifying, and the existence of the circus has blocked the spread of this news to a certain extent.

The circus set off a carnival among the people in the imperial capital, and Nian Tianfu thought it was quite good.

Bian Lang had no time to listen to Nian Tianfu's nonsense, and said: "Master Nian, those who reported the crime must have registered their addresses. Send someone to check immediately to see if they have watched circus performances many times."

"It's not important at all..." Nian Tianfu felt that doing these things was a waste of time.

There are not enough servants in the yamen, and it is meaningless to send them to do such useless things.

Seeing that Bian Lang seemed to be going mad, Shen Sanmu hurriedly urged: "Old man, just send a few people to ask, it's fine."

Now that Shen Sanmu has spoken, Nian Tianfu has to put on a show no matter how angry he is.

Seeing that Shen Sanmu was being polite to the wanderers, Nian Tianfu wanted to ask a few times, what is the background of this kid?
If he knew that Bian Lang was the empress's man, he would be very happy to do it if Bian Lang asked him to clean up the latrine.

After about half an hour or so, the guards sent out all came back.

After questioning, those who reported the crime most liked watching circus performances, and they went to several performances almost every day.

The guards felt that this matter was not important at all. The circus troupe that came to the imperial capital this time was indeed very good, and the shows they brought were very exciting.

The circus performance is so popular in the imperial capital, there are only a few people who haven't seen it.

Bian Lang said: "Master Shen, you have a lot of people on hand, so send people to monitor those circuses."

"Master Bian, no, no need for this, right?" Shen Sanmu felt that it was extremely inappropriate to do so.

Bian Lang smiled and said: "I believe in Rusui, now it depends on whether you, a father, are willing to believe in your daughter."

Shen Rusui is a person who has come back from the gate of hell, and may be able to sense the existence that normal people cannot sense.

"I'll do it right away." Shen Sanmu thought for a while, and decided that he still had to obey Bian Lang's orders.

Even the Empress would listen to Bian Lang's words, and he had no reason to choose not to listen.

After sending Bian Lang away, Nian Tianfu immediately grabbed Shen Sanmu and asked, "Old Shen, what's the matter, it's not like you to obey a corpse chaser?"

(End of this chapter)

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