Chapter 173 The South China Sea Catastrophe
Ao Lan hovered in the night sky, and the strong wind stirred up tall waves.

The waves kept crashing against the shore.

Looking at that posture, it seems that the next wave will rush directly to the fishing village.

Bian Lang could tell that this was Ao Lan's deliberate provocation.

Once he loses, Ao Lan will flood the fishing village.

Natural disasters like this happen from time to time, and they are nothing more than normal.

Even if it wasn't Ao Lan's idea, Bian Lang would not let this happen.

He suddenly rose from the ground and flew towards Ao Lan.

Ao Lan seemed to be waiting for such an opportunity.

He chose the sky as the battlefield, no doubt thinking that the sky is the ruler of the dragon.

Bang bang bang.

Several punches hit Ao Lan's body one after another, but Bian Lang felt that these punches did not cause any harm to Ao Lan at all.

When dealing with Ao Cheng earlier, Bian Lang felt that the dragon scales were extremely hard.

But compared with Ao Lan, Ao Cheng's dragon scales are like tofu.

If there is a Pan Gu axe, one ax can split the dragon scales, and the battle can be ended in an instant.

But even without the Pan Gu axe, Bian Lang was still very confident against Ao Lan.

Ao Lan flicked her tail violently in the air, while pushing back the side waves, she opened her mouth, and blue dragon flames spewed out like will-o'-the-wisps.

Bianlang floated in the air without moving, his face was dull, as if he had been frightened silly.

The blue dragon flame devoured him completely in an instant.

The villagers couldn't believe it. They didn't expect that the fairy was burned to death by the Dragon King at the very beginning.
The South China Sea aquarium standing on the surface of the sea was cheering with arms raised.

Ao Lan's eyes also showed a touch of excitement.

But Ao Lan's eyes narrowed quickly, filled with disbelief.

The dragon flame dissipated, only to see Bian Lang's figure slowly appearing.

When the figure became clearer, Ao Lan was sure that Bian Lang was smiling.

That was utterly heartless ridicule.

"How could you be fine?" Ao Lan asked coldly.

Bian Lang smiled and said, "Ao Lan, you don't really think that you can burn me to death with just one breath of fire?"

Ao Lan naturally didn't think so, but seeing that Bian Lang was unscathed, she still couldn't believe it.

With a flash of thought, Ao Lan opened her mouth again.

Before Dragon Flame appeared, Bian Lang had already disappeared from His sight.

Ao Lan quickly noticed that the side wave was right on top of his head, as soon as he turned around, the side wave had already landed on top of his head.

With a click, a pair of dragon horns were abruptly snapped off by Bian Lang.

The Nanhai aquarium, who were still cheering, was dumbfounded at the moment, and could no longer make any sound.

"The gods are really powerful."

"The Dragon King is dead, will we..."

"With the blessing of the gods, I will be safe and sound."

The villagers were very excited to see the battle.

But after the excitement, some of them worried about the future, and some felt that it was worth dying tonight.

Now they are just alive, starving every day, it is really difficult, sometimes very hungry, it feels like being in hell.

After watching this great battle, it would be nice if everyone died hand in hand.

Bian Lang put the dragon horns into his storage bag, and said with a smile, "Ao Lan, why don't you give me a few more dragon scales?"

Ao Lan turned into a human again, with two streaks of blood on her forehead, flowing down her face, her face was extremely ferocious.

Bian Lang's speed was too fast just now, so fast that he had no time to react, and a pair of dragon horns were broken by Bian Lang.

The most exaggerated thing is that Bian Lang can actually break his dragon horn, how powerful and terrifying would it be?
Now Ao Lan fully believes that even without the Pangu axe, Bian Lang can easily handle him.

It's funny to think about it, they, the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas gathered together, they all believed in Ao Qing's tricks, and Bian Lang was nothing without the Pan Gu axe.

In fact, thinking about it the other way around, Ao Qing couldn't even pick up the Pangu axe, but Bian Lang could easily control it, which shows that Bian Lang is very powerful.

"Brother Bian, I have something to say." Ao Lan thought about it and decided to change the method.

Fighting against Bian Lang will definitely not end well, it is best to cooperate well with Bian Lang.

Bian Lang said: "You want to beg me to spare your life now? It's a pity, it's too late."

"You have to be clear, this king is the Dragon King of the South China Sea, and he has immortal status in the heavens. If you really dare to kill this king, you are making an enemy of the entire heaven." Ao Lan felt that it was necessary to let Bian Lang know that beheading the immortal What kind of consequences will the Dragon King of Jiji have.

Bian Lang asked with a smile: "Then the heavens know all the evil deeds you have done?"

"That little thing doesn't matter." Ao Lan said.

The immortals in the heavens are very busy and have no time to care about the trivial matters in the human world.

Bian Lang said: "Because no one is in charge, I plan to take care of it today."

"It is said that rabbits bite people when they are in a hurry, you really..." Ao Lan was quite nervous, and was already thinking about how to escape.

Although the rabbit will bite people when it is anxious, it still cannot escape the result of being slaughtered and eating meat.

Ao Lan only felt that she was like a rabbit waiting to be slaughtered in front of Bian Lang at this moment.

As the Dragon King of the South China Sea, he has never had such a terrible experience.

Bian Lang clenched his fists and asked, "If I let you go tonight, will you let the fishermen along the coast go tomorrow?"

"Of course I will let it go." Ao Lan felt that Bian Lang seemed to be shaken.

In these years, the number of fishermen killed by them is not ten thousand, but eight thousand.

Human beings are so greedy that the sea is full of fishing boats and the aquariums in all seas have no living space.

If they are not punished, the aquariums of the four seas will become extinct sooner or later.

Bian Lang asked again: "The people who were killed by you before, can they come back?"

"The sea is boundless, and there are dangers hidden everywhere. If there is an accident with a fishing boat, it should be counted on our heads." Ao Lan argued.

As long as you bite to death and refuse to admit the things you have done before.

The heavens will not go to war against the world just because of those trivial matters.

If Bian Lang wants to seek justice for the fishermen who died earlier, can Sihai also seek justice for the aquatic tribes killed by the fishermen?
It's all about survival, and no one is qualified to stand on the moral high ground and try their best to blame the other party.

I have to say that Ao Lan's words are very correct.

But there is one thing Ao Lan has to admit, that is, Bian Lang is human.

If there is a war between a foreign race and the human race, the entire human race will be united like never before.

If you fight for survival, basically there will be no right or wrong, only the strong will be respected.

Bian Lang said: "If I kill you Nanhai aquarium tonight, will you take your anger out on the entire human race?"

There is no doubt about this.

It's just that Ao Lan doesn't believe it at all, Bian Lang dares to do this.

If Bian Lang is just a free corpse chaser, he can do things spontaneously, as long as he feels comfortable.

But Bian Lang has another identity, he is the man of the Emperor.

Once Bian Lang really does this, it will undoubtedly bring a lot of trouble to the Emperor. Ao Lan knows that Bian Lang should know this, so he should think twice before making such a decision.

It's just that Ao Lan never dreamed that in the next moment, Bian Lang appeared in front of him, and his fists hit Ao Lan's body like raindrops.

Ao Lan tried her best, but she couldn't touch Bian Lang's clothes.

Now Ao Lan is sure that even if the four brothers can work together, they cannot be the opponent of Bian Lang alone.

One must know that the Bianlang he was facing at this moment did not have a Pan Gu ax in his hand.

Bian Lang's own strength is already so powerful, and with the assistance of Pan Gu's axe, how terrifying the power should be.

The discussion between their four brothers in the East China Sea was nothing short of a joke.

"What are you all doing in a daze?" Ao Lan got a chance to breathe, and shouted to those shrimp soldiers and crab generals who were still staying on the sea.

Those shrimp soldiers and crab generals are very aware of Ao Lan's temper. When Ao Lan is fighting someone, he will never allow a third person to intervene, no matter how bad Ao Lan's situation looks.

But at this moment when they heard Ao Lan's order, they didn't dare to be negligent, and jumped out of the water one after another, killing Bian Lang.

Seeing this scene, the villagers were very anxious.

Who would have thought that the majestic Dragon King of the South China Sea would call for help when he couldn't beat him.

It's just that no matter how anxious the villagers are, there's nothing they can do, after all, they can't help anything.

Even if the whole village joins together, they might not be able to defeat the weakest shrimp soldier.

Unexpectedly, in the next moment, a bright golden glow suddenly exploded in the night sky.

Those shrimp soldiers and crab generals who had just jumped out of the sea fell back into the sea screaming.

Even Ao Lan let out a terrifying howl, which sounded unreal.

The villagers were all dumbfounded, and no one knew what happened.

Just because the golden light that suddenly appeared was too dazzling.

The villagers could only see Jin Mang, but they couldn't see Bian Lang and others clearly.

Bian Lang didn't think too much about it, he just felt how evil this Ao Lan was.

Thinking about it, there were also a lot of innocent people who died tragically at the hands of Ao Lan.

In the vast ocean, Bian Lang does not believe that all the creatures in the water are the aquariums of the Universal Dragon Palace.

Even in this world where monsters are everywhere, most of the birds and beasts in the forest are not monsters.

Bian Lang wanted a quick battle, after all, it was meaningless to spend time with Ao Lan here.

Unexpectedly, right here, Ao Lan suddenly released a magic weapon.

The magic weapon is a crystal-clear lotus flower, which looks like it is made of crystal, and it grows rapidly as it rotates, and bursts of Buddha singing come out.

The moment the lotus flower appeared, Bian Lang's skill seemed to be condensed.

Bian Lang originally thought that Ao Lan would take the opportunity to attack so as to take his life directly, but he didn't expect that Ao Lan just used the lotus to hold him back. Ao Lan had already fled the moment the lotus appeared.

After clearing out those shrimp soldiers and crab generals who are not afraid of death, Bian Lang flashed to the villagers.

The villagers were all silent, afraid to speak.

Bian Lang said: "Don't worry, everyone, Ao Lan can't escape."

None of the villagers spoke because they didn't know what to say.

I feel that even if all the South China Sea aquariums are taken away, their life will not be easy in the future.

After all, as long as a fish slipped through the net, they could easily kill the whole village.

"You must kill him, you must." The crazy woman woke up at this moment and said in an extremely cold voice.

Even the villagers shuddered when they suddenly heard the crazy woman speak in such a tone.

Bian Lang glanced at the mad woman, and asked, "You know everything?"

"I know all about it." The crazy woman's voice was crying this time.

She will never forget that night.

Originally, she was about to give birth, and she was looking forward to the birth of her child, but unexpectedly, Ao Lan came first.

She thought that Ao Lan secretly came to see her because she missed her too much.

She pretended to be asleep, wanting to see what Ao Lan would do.

Unexpectedly, Ao Lan just apologized softly, then blew into her stomach, and left quickly.

At that time, she didn't know why Ao Lan wanted to apologize, so she wanted to chase her out to find out, but as soon as she turned over, her stomach hurt badly.

That night, she gave birth to the dead Ao Run.

It was then that she knew that it was Ao Lan who killed their common child.

Ao Lan has a noble status, so she definitely doesn't want the dragon son she gave birth to.

Bian Lang smiled and said: "Don't worry, Ao Lan can't escape, you can live with peace of mind in the future."

Judging by the age of this crazy woman, she has not yet reached thirty, so she can leave here and find someone else to live a good life.

But those are the woman's choices and have little to do with Bian Lang.

The crazy woman nodded, her body was still very weak, she couldn't stand for too long, so she sat down again.

Bian Lang then entered the sea to search for Ao Lan's whereabouts.

Bian Lang felt very humiliated when Ao Qing and Ao Ju father and son were allowed to escape in Xihai before.

This time, he will never let Ao Lan escape.

The South China Sea is smaller than the West Sea, and the scale of the cities under the sea is not comparable to that of the West Sea.

If you catch a few aquariums and ask them casually, you will be able to know the location of the Dragon Palace.

But this time, Bian Lang didn't break in, but stayed outside, planning to sit on the sidelines.

Sure enough, after waiting less than a cup of tea, Ao Lan left the Dragon Palace and fled straight to the east.

When he returned to the Dragon Palace, he only brought some very important magic weapons with him. As for other things, he didn't need them.

The most urgent task now is to escape quickly.

When we arrived in the East China Sea, we had to convince Ao Chi not to think about dealing with Bian Lang anymore, but to flee to the heavens for refuge.

First the West China Sea, then the South China Sea, and then side waves will definitely appear in the North China Sea and the East China Sea.

Ao Lan's speed in the water was very fast, but when a side wave suddenly appeared in front of him, he was so scared that he almost choked on the water.

Bian Lang waved his hand with a smile and asked, "Ao Lan, where are you going?"

"This is the bottom of the sea." Ao Lan's eyes burst into flames.

On the ground, his strength will be greatly reduced, but in the sea, his strength will be multiplied, and even if the side wave can breathe in the water, his strength will inevitably decrease sharply.

Bian Lang smiled and said, "Then you see what this is?"

While speaking, Bian Lang raised his right hand, holding the Pangu ax in his hand.

"Didn't you promise not to use..." Ao Lan was terrified.

With the blessing of the Pangu axe, even at the bottom of the sea, he might still be powerless to resist.

Bian Lang smiled and said: "That was our agreement just now, but you escaped, didn't you?"

Besides, Bian Lang might not really abide by such an agreement.

If Ao Lan's strength is superior, he will still take out the Pangu axe when he can't defeat the enemy with his bare hands.

No promise is more important than your own life.

"This king is the Dragon King of the South China Sea, if you dare to kill him..." Ao Lan retreated subconsciously.

Bian Lang said: "You have said this before."

Ao Lan's lips moved slightly, she didn't know what to say, but she saw that Bian Lang had already raised the Pan Gu axe and rushed towards him quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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