Chapter 181

Burn Gongjiazhuang?
Master Gong's complexion changed slightly, but soon he changed into a smiling face again, hehe said with a smile: "Young lady really knows how to joke."

The empire has just changed to a new emperor, but it doesn't mean that the strong can do whatever they want.

If Shangguan Hongyu really did this, the court would not let her go.

Shangguan Hongyu followed suit with a smile, and said loudly: "I'll give you half an hour to escape for your life, and then there will be a big fire, if you are burned to death, don't have any complaints when you get to Lord Yan."

The voice spread throughout the entire Gongjiazhuang, and these words were naturally addressed to those servants.

Maybe those servants usually do a lot of evil things by relying on their power, but if they really want to set fire to Gongjiazhuang, Shangguan Hongyu feels that they should be given a chance.

Run now and still have a chance to survive.

After a while, even if he wanted to escape, he might not be able to escape.

"Woman, since that's the case, we will meet later." Master Gong grinned.

Now that he knew that all the guards in Zhuangzi added up would not be able to defeat a Shangguan Hongyu, Zhuangzhu Gong was not stupid, so he naturally thought of running for his life.

Shangguan Hongyu smiled lightly and said, "Master Gong, you are the only one who can't leave."

"Miss, are you determined to drive me to a dead end?" Villa Master Gong asked coldly.

Shangguan Hongyu corrected, "You chose this path of desperation yourself."

Master Gong frowned, knowing that if he wanted to survive, he had better take a gamble.

Don't look at Shangguan Hongyu's strength when he came in, but it is not so easy to completely destroy Gongjiazhuang.

Master Gong is just a monk at the first level of Qi Condensation. He has cultivated for a lifetime, but he can barely succeed in refining Qi, which is also very shameful.

But being able to become a monk means that he can use storage bags.

Around his waist hung a very exquisite storage bag.

He reached out and patted the storage bag lightly, and suddenly a bamboo tube floated out.

Master Gong held the bamboo tube in his hand and said with a smile: "To be honest, I was able to secure such a huge family business only because I have a very strong backer behind me. It's still too late for you to get out now. When my backer arrives, both of you They will all die, and they will die horribly."

While speaking, he already opened the bamboo tube, and a burst of flame shot up into the sky, exploding an extremely beautiful firework in the sky.

The fireworks are shaped like a dragon, and they will not dissipate for a long time.

Bian Lang saw it in his eyes, and asked with a smile: "Master Gong is asking for help from the East China Sea?"

The fireworks are shaped like a dragon, which is why Bian Lang has such a guess.

Master Gong sneered and said: "Even if you want to escape now, I'm afraid it's too late."

"But before we escape, it's still very easy to kill you." Shangguan Hongyu teased.

Master Gong laughed and said, "Our father and son will wait for you on Huangquan Road."

As long as he thought that Bian Lang and Shangguan Hongyu would die soon, Zhuang Zhuang felt in a good mood, even if he died now, it would be fine.

Bian Lang said: "Then we can wait until your backer arrives, and then kill you and your backer together, so that you can understand."

This is what Master Gong was waiting for, otherwise he wouldn't have said that on purpose.

After the god general from the East China Sea came over, it should be very easy to handle Bian Lang and Shangguan Hongyu.

No matter how rich Gongjiazhuang is, it is impossible to have anything to do with the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

The backer of Zhuang Zhuang is most likely just a crab general.

For mortals, even if they just get close to a crab general, they can become kings and hegemons in the local area.

What's more, even if Ao Chi, the dragon king of the East China Sea, came, Bian Lang and Shangguan Hongyu would not have the slightest fear. After all, they came to the East China Sea this time to target the Dragon Kings.

Gong Zhuang is mainly able to know this, so he must have been scared out of his wits.

After the fireworks exploded for a while, a strange cry suddenly came from afar.

Hearing the cry, Master Gong showed joy and said excitedly: "Here we are, finally we are here."

In fact, the backer came very fast, only because he stood in front of the god of death, Master Gong felt that time passed very slowly.

Before the voice disappeared, a person quickly appeared in the yard.

The man was dressed in silver and had the mark of a fish on his forehead.

This is a fish general.

Bian Lang's guess was right, this fish general is the backer of Zhuang Zhuang.

It is precisely because of this backing that Villa Master Gong was able to make a fortune here.

"Shangxian, you are here." Master Gong saluted the fish general respectfully.

That Yu Jiang looked gloomy, glanced over Bianlang and Shangguan Hongyu, and asked, "Is that them?"

"Yes, it's them. They killed my son, and they wanted to set fire to the Gong's Village." With the presence of the fish general, the tone of the Master Gong's words became a lot tougher.

The fish general looked at the two quietly, only felt that the aura of the two was very different, and asked in a deep voice: "Why do you want to do evil?"

"Since you are so familiar with Villa Master Gong, don't you know who is the real villain?" Shangguan Hongyu asked back.

Master Gong said: "Shangxian, what are you talking about with them, just kill them."

"Are you Ao Chi's subordinate?" Shangguan Hongyu asked again.

The fish general said: "Exactly."

"Then I won't kill you yet, you go back and tell Ao Chi that our husband and wife will go get his dragon head soon." Shangguan Hongyu wanted Yu Jiang to be a messenger.

But the fish general obviously didn't do what Shangguan Hongyu wanted, he stretched his hands forward suddenly, and a trident suddenly appeared in his palm, stabbing Shangguan Hongyu with a swipe.

Shangguan Hongyu didn't make a move this time, just looked at the fish general with a smile.

That weird smile made Yu Jiang's heart shudder. Facing his attack, how could he laugh?
Unexpectedly, before he got close to Shangguan Hongyu, he only felt a pain in his body, and his whole body fell to the ground.

His two legs left his body at some unknown time.

However, due to inertia, the upper body still rushed forward a lot, and the spilled blood exuded a fishy smell, which was very disgusting.

There was no sound in the yard.

Zhuang Zhuang stared, not knowing how this scene happened.

Shangguan Hongyu didn't move, neither did Bianlang, why did Yujiang's legs suddenly break?

The broken legs quickly returned to their original shape, and it turned out to be a fish tail.

Yujiang lay on the ground, enduring the severe pain, and slowly turned his head to look at the waves.

Villa Master Gong didn't see it, but he knew very well that the one who did it was Bian Lang.

That force was terrifyingly strong.

"Who are you?" Yu Jiang asked tremblingly.

Bian Lang smiled and said, "I'm Bian Lang, the corpse driver."

"You are Bianlang?" General Yu was shocked.

If he knew that the people making trouble in Gongjiazhuang would be sidewalks, even if he borrowed ten courage from him, he would not dare to come.

What kind of character is Ao Lan, the dragon king of the South China Sea, and he was beheaded by Bian Lang in the end?
Compared with Ao Lan, soldiers and crab generals like him are nothing.

The fish will be so vulnerable, completely beyond the expectations of Zhuang Zhuang.

While Bian Lang was talking to Yu Jiang, Zhuang Zhuang quietly moved to one side, just wanting to escape quickly.

The servants in Zhuangzi were hesitating, but someone saw this scene and hurried back to tell everyone.

Although those servants haven't received this month's monthly payment, compared to their own lives, that amount of money is really nothing.

For a while, they escaped through the back door.

Even the guards hired by Master Gong who spent a lot of money took the opportunity to escape.

They knew that the end result of staying was to die.

They have already earned a lot in Gongjiazhuang, as long as they are alive, they can earn more, there is no need to really stay here with their lives.

The fish general wanted to beg for mercy, but Bian Lang kicked his head off.

Master Gong, who was running away slowly, turned his head to see him, his legs trembled in fright, and he fell to the ground again.

Bian Lang said in a low voice: "Honey, it's almost time, it's time to set fire."

Shangguan Hongyu nodded, and flew into the air suddenly, with a wave of her arms, flames shot out from her palms.

The fire quickly swept through the entire Gongjiazhuang.

Zhuangzhu Gong got up and ran, but the speed was too slow, and he was quickly swallowed by the flames.

The monstrous fire burned down Gongjiazhuang, but the only person who died in the fire was the owner of Gongzhuang.

Those who escaped looked at them from a distance, and they were very grateful for the choice they made just now.

The people nearby all walked out of their homes and laughed happily when they saw the Gongjiazhuang burning.

But after a brief cheer, all the people fell into extreme panic.

After the Gongjiazhuang was burned down, it must be rebuilt next, and rebuilding requires money.

The money will still be paid to them. Their life is already very difficult. If they want to rebuild a Gongjiazhuang, it is better to kill them directly.

But everyone didn't expect that when they were most worried about the future, gold, silver and spirit stones suddenly fell from the sky.

Everyone was dumbfounded and completely at a loss.

After waiting for a long time, and no one appeared, they dared to carefully hide the money.

As a result, after inquiring the next day, I found out that even the owner of Gongzhuang was burned to death in the fire last night.

Gongjiazhuang, who had oppressed them for many years, was completely finished.

On this day, for the people around Gongjiazhuang, it was even more festive than the Chinese New Year.

While the common people were celebrating, Bian Lang and Shangguan Hongyu had already arrived in Dingdong City.

Outside Dingdong City, there were traces of the battle.

After Liu Yi and the others came here, they had repelled many attacks from the Four Seas Tribes.

On the way here, they didn't pay attention to the Four Seas Aquarium, but when they really fought, they realized how powerful the Four Seas Aquarium was.

Even Sun Wuse and other multi-headed tribes no longer despise the Sihai tribe.

The biggest hidden danger is that Dingdong City is relatively close to the sea. If the Sihai tribe uses the sea to attack the city, it will be difficult to defend.

Fortunately, Bian Lang and Shangguan Hongyu arrived in time, immediately filling everyone with confidence.

The guard of Dingdong City was named Guo Chongyang, a middle-aged man in the Nascent Soul Realm, with a thin body and a sour face, he didn't look like a good person.

But this guy, before the reinforcements from Fort Justice came, led the officers and soldiers in the city to fight against the Four Seas Aquarium.

"Dingdong guard Guo Chongyang pays respects..." When Guo Chongyang saw Shangguan Hongyu, he immediately knelt down and saluted.

Shangguan Hongyu lifted him up with a wave of his hand, and said with a smile: "General Guo, I am no longer an emperor, I am just a commoner, there is no need to perform such a great gift."

Guo Chongyang nodded, knowing that even so, in the minds of all the soldiers, he would still be Shangguan Hongyu and the Empress.

In the previous war against the enemy country, they all followed Shangguan Hongyu, and knew that no matter who replaced Shangguan Hongyu and sat on the dragon chair, they were far inferior to Shangguan Hongyu.

Once Shangguan Hongyu leaves this country, if this country encounters unsolvable troubles in the future, it is estimated that it will only go to extinction.

"Your Majesty...according to our observation, the Four Seas Aquarium should plan to attack with water." Guo Chongyang directly talked about the business.

Shangguan Hongyu said: "They plan to move the sea here?"

"For them, this is an easy thing to do." Guo Chongyang said.

It is also the most labor-saving method to flood the East City with sea water.

The Four Seas Aquarium already possesses the ability to control water, and Dingdong City is close to the sea. Now the Four Seas Alliance plans to attack with water, which is undoubtedly too late.

"Their water shields are also very powerful." Sun Wuse reminded.

After coming here, Sun Wuse originally thought that he would rush into the sea and kill the dragon kings directly, so that the alliance could be completely disintegrated.

But unexpectedly, as soon as he stepped into the sky above the ocean, he was blocked by a powerful water shield.

Sun Wuse tried his best, but he couldn't break through the water shield.

After the Four Seas Aquarium got serious, they were naturally willing to take out all kinds of magic weapons.

Bian Lang turned to look at Hei Wushui, and asked with a smile, "Xiao Hei, can't you break it?"

"No, that water shield is too powerful." Hei Wushui shook his head.

If he could break through, he would have taken Sun Wuse to the East China Sea Dragon Palace long ago.

After the Bianlang made a big fuss in the two dragon palaces of the West Sea and the South China Sea, the Four Seas Aquarium obviously learned to be smart, and directly protected the East China Sea with water shields, so even if the Bianlang came, it would be difficult to please them.

Everyone was discussing, only to hear bursts of booming sound from the other side of the sea.

Everyone looked over and saw huge waves hundreds of feet high appearing on the sea.

The huge waves quickly rolled towards Dingdong City.

Bian Lang said with a smile: "It seems that the aquarium of the Four Seas can't wait any longer."

"Master Bian, can you still laugh at this time?" Guo Chongyang was terrified.

Seeing the huge waves that hit, everyone felt terrified, and felt that as long as they were hit by the waves, the walls of Dingdong City would collapse.

If Ao Chi wanted to attack with water, he should have done it sooner. Now that Bian Lang and Shangguan Hongyu have come here, it would be too late for him to think of attacking with water.

Bian Lang said: "It's just water. If the Shui people think that they can bring down Dingdong City, they are too naive."

"Then what should we do now?" Guo Chongyang didn't want to hear these words, but just wanted to know how to solve the situation in front of him.

The waves hit so fast that the soldiers in the city were shaking.

The rest of the people were very calm. After all, Bian Lang was calm, which meant that Bian Lang already had a solution, so there was no need to worry.

Guo Chongyang has only heard about Bian Lang's deeds, but has never witnessed it with his own eyes, so he naturally doesn't trust Bian Lang that much.

Behind the huge wave, Ao Chi and others all flew in the air, exhausting their respective strengths, so that the huge wave rushing towards Dingdong City would become more terrifying and powerful.

The aquariums from all over the world work together, and all the forces are twisted into one, how powerful it is.

Even if Bian Lang came, they also believed that Bian Lang could not resist this force.

"Husband, I feel something is wrong." When the huge waves approached, Shangguan Hongyu also sensed the danger.

That extreme sense of oppression seems to carry the breath of death.

(End of this chapter)

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