Chapter 183 Drive the corpse to the deep sea

The huge wave created by the three dragon kings and many aquariums was their only chance to defeat Bian Lang. As a result, Bian Lang broke through it seemingly easily by himself.

With Ao Chi's urine nature, he would only do what Shangguan Hongyu said.

"Will Heaven really help them?" Liu Yi asked in a low voice.

From Liu Yi's point of view, the fault lies with the Four Seas Aquarium, not the Human Race.

If the aquariums of the four seas want to survive, the human race must also survive, but if the aquariums of the four seas continue to kill the human race, the human race will definitely fight back.

Even if the heavens know all of this, they should not help each other, at most they should reconcile it.

It would be terrible if the heavens helped one party to deal with the other.

Shangguan Hongyu said: "Heaven Realm has always done things according to their own will, maybe if the four seas give them some treasures, they will turn to the four seas."

"If this is the case, then our situation will be very dangerous." Liu Yi said.

Bian Lang chuckled and said, "Actually, you don't have to worry, the immortals in the heavens are not as strong as you think."

"Husband, have you ever fought against a god?" Shangguan Hongyu asked.

Bian Lang said: "Although that guy says he is a little boy in the heaven, since he can represent the heaven and go to the mortal world to snatch Xingtian's body, he must not be a little boy."

At that time, Liu Yi had also heard Su Jiuyin mention about the god who robbed Xing Tian's body.

Since the immortal failed to take Xing Tian's body away from Bian Lang in the end, it means that the immortal still lost to Bian Lang.

Bian Lang gave everyone the feeling that no matter what kind of opponent he encountered, he didn't care at all.

Those who understand know that the reason why Bian Lang is like this is because his own strength is strong enough. Those who don't know will only think that Bian Lang is too rampant after seeing it.

The aquariums of the four seas have already fled, and it is not easy to find them in the vast sea.

Bian Lang is not in a hurry, he just needs to wait patiently, and when Hei Wushui comes back, he will know where the Four Seas Aquarium is hiding.

"Are we really going to exterminate all the aquatic animals?" Liu Yi asked.

Guo Chongyang said: "If we lose, they will not show mercy to us."

Liu Yi doesn't know the Four Seas Aquarium, but he knows what Guo Chongyang said is true.

The huge waves created by the Four Seas Aquarium are so terrifying, if they can't stop them, the people in Dingdong City will suffer.

The Four Seas Aquarium really has no mercy for the Human Race.

The days of waiting are tormenting, especially the people in the city, those who are capable have already fled.

Although the crisis is temporarily lifted, they all know that the Four Seas Aquarium will make a comeback one day.

The empire is at war with the world, and they are the most unlucky.

After more than a month, Hei Wushui returned to Dingdong City.

The safe place mentioned by Ao Chi feels like it has reached the edge of the ocean, and it is at an extremely deep seabed.

That place was very cold, even Hei Wushui couldn't stand it.

When the aquariums of the Four Seas arrived there, many aquariums could not bear it and chose to break away from the rule of the Dragon King of the Four Seas.

Ao Chi took the Shui people into hiding and at the same time asked for help from the heavens.

Hei Wushui felt that the reason why Ao Chi chose to hide in such a difficult and dangerous place was to show it to the heavens.

Heavenly Realm sent people down to investigate, and seeing that the people from all over the world were forced to such a point, they would definitely feel sympathetic and deal with the human race in turn.

Bian Lang smiled and said: "In that case, before the gods come down, we should deal with the remaining three dragon kings first."

"That would cause trouble." Shangguan Hongyu said.

Despite the war with the Four Seas Aquarium, Shangguan Hongyu never knew how to deal with the Dragon King.

Bian Lang has already killed Ao Lan, the cause of the disaster has been planted, and it is difficult to resolve this matter.

"Boss, are we going there now?" Hei Wushui was still a little worried. If after He left, Ao Chi moved with the Shui people, it would be impossible to find them in the vast sea.

Bian Lang nodded and said, "Let's go now."

"Just the two of you?" Shangguan Hongyu asked.

Bian Lang said: "You can't get into the water."

The implication is that it is useless to go, it is better to stay here and guard Dingdong City.

"We can take a boat, maybe we can be of help then." Liu Yi said.

Shangguan Hongyu also thought so in her heart.

It is actually very dangerous to be on the sea by boat.

Aqua has enough power to capsize boats.

Once the boat capsizes, relying on Bian Lang and Hei Wu Shui will not be able to save too many people.

"Just go with Liu Yi." Shangguan Hongyu laughed.

To deal with the Shui tribe, without Shangguan Hongyu, Shangguan Hongyu will definitely not give up.

Bian Lang just felt that it would take significantly longer to go by boat.

He and Hei Wushui swam directly, the speed must be faster.

Just when Bian Lang was hesitating, Brother Corpse actually made a movement, and sent him the task of expelling the corpse again.

This time he had only rested for more than a month, Brother Corpse has always been very good at squeezing migrant workers.

[Within three months, drive Su Er's body to the Great Rift Valley. 】

Bian Lang didn't care who Su Er was.

It's just that at the critical moment of dealing with the Four Seas Aquarium, Brother Corpse jumped out to interfere, which is really unkind.

But when he saw the map sent by brother corpse, Bian Lang was relieved.

This so-called Great Rift Valley is actually the place where Ao Chi led the Four Seas Aquarium to hide.

It seems that Brother Corpse is also very good at picking the right time, at this juncture, let Bian Lang drive a corpse to that kind of place.

At this moment, Bian Lang became very interested in this Su Er.

The corpse that Brother Corpse gave away at this time must have had a difficult origin.

It's just that the name Su Er is too common, not as famous as Empress Shiji.

Since he wanted to drive away the corpse, it was impossible for Bianlang to swim in the ocean for more than ten days with a corpse on his back.

Thinking of Bian Lang, he said, "Well, let's go there by boat."

Shangguan Hongyu smiled, knowing that Bian Lang would definitely agree to her request.

"Are we all going?" Liu Yi asked.

Bian Lang said: "You and the little monkey boy stay here, in case the Water Clan will suddenly raid Dingdong City."

Since Ao Chi decided to hide and ask for help from the heavens, the possibility of raiding Dingdong City at this time is not great.

Liu Yi is very afraid of the ocean, and doesn't want to go to the depths of the ocean at all.

Guo Chongyang then prepared a big boat for everyone.

The sailors who sailed are all carefully selected by him, who have rich sailing experience and are sufficient to deal with various dangers on the ocean.

When Guo Chongyang was preparing the boat, Bian Lang took Shangguan Hongyu to find Su Er's body.

Su Er's body was not far from Dingdong City.

There used to be a small town there, but because of the flood, almost all the people in the town died, and those who survived moved out of there.

Over the years, there are no traces of people living there.

"The terrain of this place is too low, it's really not suitable for people to live in." Shangguan Hongyu said.

Bian Lang said: "But it is far away from the sea, and the canal next to it is also very deep and wide. I don't think it is a place that will be flooded."

"So my husband thinks that the flood that happened here is man-made?" Shangguan Hongyu asked with a frown.

Bian Lang smiled and said, "The answer may lie in this Su Er."

If you find Su Er's body, you may be able to understand something.

Brother Corpse asked him to send Su Er's body to the Four Seas Aquarium, which only shows that this corpse is very special to the Four Seas Aquarium.

In terms of making things happen, no one can do better than Brother Corpse.

Su Er's body was in the ruins.

Bian Lang swung the Pangu axe, cleaned up the gravel, and then manipulated the corpse with the soul-destroying bell, trying to let the corpse come out by itself.

But the body buried in the ground did not move.

After Shangguan Hongyu asked about the approximate location of the corpse, he struck out suddenly, and a blood-colored vine suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand, piercing into the soil with a whoosh.

When the rattan retracted, a corpse was rolled up at the top.

The corpse was wearing a long silver robe and had a face like a crown of jade. Even though it had been buried in the ground for a long time, it still looked like a fairy.

"This is Su Er." Shangguan Hongyu laughed.

Compared with the name, there is no doubt that this guy looks much more pleasing to the eye.

But Bian Lang's attention was all on Su Er's clothes, he frowned and said, "I seem to have seen the clothes on him somewhere."

"There should be many people wearing such robes." Shangguan Hongyu said.

Bian Lang said: "Look carefully at the material of this shirt, can it really be made in the mortal world?"

After hearing this, Shangguan Hongyu studied it carefully and found that it was indeed as Bian Lang said, the material of this silver robe was very strange, she had never seen it in the thousands of years in the world.

"So husband, where have you seen this kind of material?" Shangguan Hongyu asked curiously.

Bian Lang smiled and said, "On that fairy's body."

"Immortal?" Shangguan Hongyu frowned again.

If this Su Er was a god, how could he die here?

Bian Lang said: "Brother Corpse asked me to drive Su Er's body to the hiding place of the Shui Clan, probably because he wanted to show off the Dragon King of the Four Seas."

"Husband thinks that Su Er was killed by the Dragon King of the Four Seas?" Shangguan Hongyu asked.

Bian Lang smiled and said, "If you didn't do it yourself, who else could kill a god?"

From this perspective alone, one can know that the Four Seas Aquarium is inextricably linked to Su Er's death.

Regardless of the truth, it will be revealed when they reach the Great Rift Valley.

When it was dark, they drove Su Er's body to the port outside Dingdong City.

The boat was already ready, and they set sail directly after Bian Lang and Shangguan Hongyu arrived.

Everyone didn't have much interest in Su Er's corpse, but felt that at this juncture, Bian Lang actually wanted to chase away the corpse.

After the big ship set sail, Liu Yi and others returned to the city.

It is unlikely that the Shui tribe will come to attack the city. Even so, they must remain vigilant and must not be careless.

It is extremely easy to drive the corpse by boat. You only need to let the corpse stand in a specific place and lie down on the waves to sleep.

The journey to the Great Rift Valley is very long, no matter how fast the boat is, it will take nearly a month to arrive.

During these days, apart from sleeping and eating, Bian Lang just sat on the bow of the boat with Shangguan Hongyu, quietly watching the distant scenery.

"Boss, we're almost here." Hei Wushui came to the boat and said in a low voice.

Before that, he had gone to the front to see that the Four Seas Aquarium was still there and had not changed places.

Apparently Ao Chi thought it was safe for them to stay there, they just had to wait patiently for the support from the heavens.

The Great Rift Valley is very safe, and it can also make their situation look very difficult, and it may be able to influence the judgment of the heavens.

According to Hei Wushui's estimation, the boat will reach the top of the Great Rift Valley in half a day.

When they got here, they must have been under the surveillance of the aquariums.

There will still be passing ships, but very few.

Now the Four Seas Aquarium will not attack passing ships in order to avoid suspicion.

Besides, they must know that Bian Lang is looking for them. If they attack a passing ship and the news reaches Bian Lang's ears, Bian Lang will definitely come to check in person.

Since it is hiding, you should hide it honestly, and absolutely not make any noise.

"Husband, you must be careful when you get into the water." Shangguan Hongyu had no way to accompany Bianlang down, so he could only tell her so.

Bian Lang said with a smile: "Don't worry, I have experience in dealing with the Dragon King."

Half a day passed quickly.

Hei Wushui confirmed that the Great Rift Valley is below this place.

Bian Lang shook the soul-destroying bell and said with a smile, "Xiao Hei, you lead the way."

"Okay, Boss, the situation below is very complicated, you have to keep up, otherwise you will easily lose your way." Hei Wushui said.

Although Bian Lang can breathe underwater, he is not an aquarium after all, and cannot leave his own breath in the water, which can be used to identify the direction.

Seeing Bian Lang jumping into the sea with Su Er's body, Shangguan Hongyu stood on the deck with worry all over his face.

It was definitely the first time in Bian Lang's career to drive corpses to the deep sea.

But with Bian Lang's strength, there is actually nothing to worry about.

If you really encounter a danger that is difficult to solve, at worst, just throw away the corpse and run for your own life.

Failure to complete this exorcism is at most a matter of increasing the rebooting period, not a big deal.

Unexpectedly, not long after Bian Langwai entered the water, a huge storm suddenly appeared on the sea not far away.

Sailors are very nervous. In the ocean with this level of wind and waves, most ships will capsize.

Shangguan Hongyu just watched with cold eyes, even with a smile on the corner of her mouth, because she saw the figure of the dragon in the storm.

As soon as Bian Lang left, the dragon appeared. It can be seen that they had been observing in secret, and they appeared at this moment, presumably trying to capture her alive so that they could threaten Bian Lang.

Thinking of this, Shangguan Hongyu smiled even more, and shouted loudly: "Which Dragon King is it?"

"To deal with you, there is no need for the father to personally go out." A cold and ruthless voice came from the wind and waves.

The next moment, the dragon turned into a ray of light and landed in front of Shangguan Hongyu with a whoosh.

Shangguan Hongyu looked at the guy carefully, and found that he didn't recognize him, so he asked with a smile, "Who gave birth to Xiaolong?"

"The next sentence is the prince of Xihai." Nalong said proudly.

Shangguan Hongyu said: "It turns out that you are the fake dragon and real dog that was beaten away by my husband."

"You..." Ao Ju was furious.

But he quickly calmed down, because in a big battle, the most taboo thing is impetuosity.

As long as Shangguan Hongyu is taken down, Bianlang will definitely be threatened.

They all know that Bian Lang has been looking for Shangguan Hongyu for tens of thousands of years, so infatuated, it is enough to show that for Bian Lang, there is no treasure that can compare to Shangguan Hongyu.

(End of this chapter)

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