Chapter 186 The meaning of heaven

The shock in Luo Xiafei's heart cannot be increased.

In fact, he came very quickly, but it turned out to be one step too late.

Among the living Dragon Kings of the Three Seas, only Ao Qing, the Dragon King of the West Sea, remained. Even if he could save Ao Qing's life, it would be considered a failure.

The point is that I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to save Ao Qing's life.

Bian Lang's determination to kill Ao Qing is very firm.

"Brother Bian, can you look at my face..." Luo Xiafei still wanted to try to see if she could save Ao Qing.

It would be better if Ao Qing was already dead when he came down.

It would be terrible if Bian Lang killed Ao Qing in front of him again.

Before Luo Xiafei finished speaking, Bian Lang said with a smile: "I can't."

Luo Xiafei's face twitched, Bian Lang had finished talking to this point, so there was nothing more to say.

Although Ao Qing felt nervous, she still didn't quite believe that Bian Lang really dared to kill their father and son in front of the gods.

Ao Ju knew that a person like Bian Lang could do anything.

"Brother Bian, it's not that I want to save these two dragons, but that once you do this, you will become an enemy of the entire heaven..." Luo Xiafei could only change the angle, saying that he was actually doing this for Bian Lang good.

Shangguan Hongyu smiled coldly, and asked back: "When the aquariums in the four seas killed innocent fishermen indiscriminately, why didn't the heavens stand up to save those poor fishermen?"

"This is a matter between the human race and the water race. It's inconvenient for us..." As soon as Luo Xiafei opened his mouth, he knew that there was something wrong with what he said.

Shangguan Hongyu smiled and said, "It is inconvenient for the Heaven Realm to intervene when the Shui Clan kills the Shui Clan, but if the Human Race wants to kill the Shui Clan, the Heaven Realm has to intervene."

In the final analysis, from the perspective of the heavens, the life of the human race is far inferior to that of the water race.

Although Luo Xiafei didn't think so in her heart, most of the gods in the heavenly realm thought so.

Once upon a time, the dragon clan was also a fairy clan.

Only because the dragon clan committed a serious crime later, they were relegated to the mortal world to coexist with the human race.

But deep down, the Dragon Clan always thinks they are the Immortal Clan and looks down on the Human Clan completely.

If the Heaven Realm cannot guarantee absolute fairness, Shangguan Hongyu will not hesitate to fight the Heaven Realm.

Even knowing that the hope of winning this battle is very slim, but if you don't fight, how will the gods in the heaven know the demands of mortals?

Luo Xiafei actually wants to ask at this moment, Shangguan Hongyu is obviously a monster, why does she insist on standing up for the benefit of the human race.

Perhaps the biggest reason is that Shangguan Hongyu is supporting Bianlang.

"Brother Bian, there is no need to discuss this matter?" Every time Luo Xiafei spoke, Ao Qing really wanted to die.

As an immortal in the heavens, to be so humble to a mortal is really an insult to the majesty of the heavens.

Bian Lang said: "These dragons provoked me, and I decided to kill them. It's as simple as that. If Brother Luo wants to stop us, then we can only have a good fight."

"I have to say something more, when you are fighting with my husband, I am fully capable of killing them." Shangguan Hongyu smiled lightly.

Luo Xiafei smiled wryly, "I can't beat your husband."

Back then when they fought against Bian Lang, the gap in strength between them made Luo Xiafei feel desperate.

His cultivation didn't improve much after they separated. On the contrary, Bian Lang is very likely to improve faster than him. Even if Bian Lang is standing still, he is definitely not Bian Lang's opponent.

Bian Lang said: "Honey, are you doing it, or am I doing it?"

"Let me come. I told Ao Ju just now that I want to send their father and son to hell at the same time." Shangguan Hongyu felt that even a demon should keep his word and do what he says.

Bian Lang nodded and looked at Luo Xiafei with a smile.

Luo Xiafei looked helpless, she had no intention of stopping her.

"Brother Bian, you are indeed strong, but you also have to know that the heavens are stronger." Luo Xiafei sighed.

Bian Lang said: "I just feel bored, I wonder if brother Luo is willing to take us to heaven?"

"Go to heaven to accept punishment?" Luo Xiafei asked with a smile.

Bian Lang said: "Nature is to conquer the heavens."

Luo Xiafei smiled.

He has always acknowledged the strength of Bian Lang, but if he can compete with the heavens with a single Bian Lang, no matter how drunk he is, he won't think so.

Shangguan Hongyu didn't hesitate at all, she raised her hands, and a blood vine shot out from the palm of her hand.

Seeing the blood vine stabbing straight at Ao Qing and Ao Ju's eyebrows, Luo Xiafei wanted to stop it several times.

However, Bianlang stared at him with extremely cold eyes.

Luo Xiafei knew too well that even if he made a move, Bian Lang could stop him.

He alone will definitely not be able to save Ao Qing and Ao Ju's father and son this time.

The blood vine pierced into the eyebrows of Ao Qing and Ao Ju.

The two dragons recovered their real bodies in an instant, their bodies twisted, but they were powerless to resist.

Seeing Shangguan Hongyu's strength, Luo Xiafei was also quite shocked.

There is no doubt that Shangguan Hongyu is absolutely capable of breaking arms with him.

Bian Lang is already terrifying, but Bian Lang finds a wife who is also so powerful. The combination of this couple is really terrifying.

The vitality of the two dragons was quickly taken away by Shangguan Hongyu.

This means that Shangguan Hongyu's monster power has been greatly improved in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Bian Lang regretted it very much. He should have arrested Ao Chi and Ao Zi, so that Shangguan Hongyu could become stronger.

"Brother Bian, there will be a time later." Luo Xiafei was extremely helpless, and just wanted to return to the heaven to return to her life as soon as possible.

What Bian Lang and Shangguan Hongyu did was simply outrageous.

Even if their starting point is righteous, but under his earnest persuasion, they dare to be so unscrupulous. The heaven must teach them some lessons.

Those strong men who had no eyes on the heavens all went on the road of no return in the end.

Watching Luo Xiafei leave, Bian Lang didn't say anything.

"Husband, just let him go back like this?" Shangguan Hongyu felt that Luo Xiafei should be killed as well.

In this way, the news will reach the heavens later.

It's just that she didn't know that Bian Lang actually wanted to go to the heavens desperately, and let Luo Xia fly back, just to make this day come as soon as possible.

He took the dragon horns and dragon scales, and threw the two dragon corpses into the sea.

The Dragon King of the Four Seas exchanged his sacrifice for the lives of the aquariums of the four seas. If the aquariums of the four seas were smart, they would live in the deep sea from now on and would never have any conflicts with humans again.

As the ship returned, Hei Wushui still chose to take the water route.


Ding Dongcheng.

Liu Yi and the others are very relaxed.

Only Guo Chongyang kept a straight face all day long, always thinking that Bian Lang and others would fail, and what they waited for was the most terrifying anger of the Four Seas Aquarium.

In fact, Guo Chongyang didn't have the slightest affection for those bullies.

These multi-headed tribes have different tastes in food and drink, all of which are extremely difficult to serve.

But no matter how difficult it is to serve them, they still have to serve them well, and they must not be negligent in the slightest.

When the big ship returned, Liu Yi and others were very excited.

Guo Chongyang was full of disbelief.

To go to the deep sea to assassinate the Dragon King, but to be able to come back safely, how terrifying is this strength.

Guo Chongyang breathed a sigh of relief and was extremely excited when he learned that the Dragon King had died tragically, and even the dragon clan had been extinct.

Apparently Guo Chongyang didn't know that although this move felt very pleasing to the hearts of the people, it actually offended the heavens.

If the heavens really attack the mortal world, they will undoubtedly be more ferocious and cruel than the people of the four seas.

Guo Chongyang arranged a sumptuous feast of food and drink to welcome Bian Lang and others to celebrate their achievements.

Seeing Guo Chongyang being so stupid, Bian Lang couldn't bear to tell him that perhaps even more terrifying enemies would arrive soon.

If you know that if you destroy the dragon clan, you will offend the gods in the heavens, and many people in the mortal world would not dare to fight against the people of the four seas.

A few days later, everyone left Dingdong City and returned to Justice Fort.

The days back to Fort Justice were very peaceful.

Seeing Luo Xiafei again, Bian Lang wanted to ask Luo Xiafei if he knew the whereabouts of Xing Tian's head.

But then he thought about it carefully and finally decided it was best not to ask.

If the heavens know that he is looking for Xingtian's head, it will only make the gods in the heavens more anxious.

After all, Xingtian's body is in the dark area of ​​the mortal world. If Bian Lang gets Xingtian's head again, he can form a complete ancient war god Xingtian. That scene is definitely the last thing the heavens want to see.


Luo Xiafei returned to the heavenly realm and reported everything she saw and heard in the mortal world.

How to deal with Bianlang is not something that one or two gods can make a decision on.

Luo Xiafei just reminded the leaders of the heavens that Bianlang is very powerful, and that kind of power is definitely beyond their cognition.

So if you want to make a move against the human race, you still have to weigh it carefully.

It's just that Luo Xiafei's words naturally attracted the ridicule of many gods.

Luo Xiafei went down to the earth twice to do errands, but both times she met the corpse chaser Bian Lang, and was defeated by the corpse chaser twice, she was completely ashamed of the heavens.

Even now, Luo Xiafei's prestige is still in the palm of his hand, which is even more unacceptable.

If all the immortals are like Luo Xiafei, then what kind of power is there in this heaven?

Naturally, Luo Xiafei would not care about those taunts, after all what he said was true, since the immortals refused to believe it, there was nothing they could do.

Those gods who mocked him, if they had really fought Bian Lang, they would know how powerful Bian Lang was, and they would also know that blind arrogance would never end well.

Faced with the tragic situation of the dragon clan being exterminated, the immortals quickly made a decision, and they had to teach Bian Lang some lessons anyway.

Even if the human race did nothing wrong, even if the water clan was at fault, Bian Lang still wiped out the dragon clan with the intervention of gods. If such evil deeds are not properly punished, the heavens will not continue in the future Dominate the worlds.

The meaning of the heavens is that people must be sent down to kill Bian Lang and show his head to all the creatures in the mortal world.

After Luo Xiafei heard the news, she could only smile wryly.

In the entire heaven, who can be Bian Lang's opponent?

Maybe the Emperor of Heaven could have the power to fight Bian Lang, but the Emperor of Heaven is so noble, would he really go down to earth for this matter?

If the Emperor of Heaven goes down to deal with a mortal in person, it will only make Bian Lang's reputation reach its peak.

Besides, Luo Xiafei also had a feeling that even if the Emperor of Heaven went in person, he might not be Bian Lang's opponent.

The sense of oppression that Bian Lang brought to him was unprecedented, even the Emperor of Heaven couldn't do it.

Heaven has already decided to kill Bianlang and Shangguan Hongyu. The combination of human and demon is not tolerated by heaven.

It can be said that the heavenly world's expedition to the earth this time is justified.

But who is going to complete this task, there is also a huge controversy within the heavens.

Anyway, Luo Xiafei would not participate in this kind of discussion, and he knew very well in his heart that if he failed two missions, it would be impossible for the heavens to entrust him with such an important task.

The chance to go further in the heavens should be very slim.

But after seeing the power of Bianlang, Luo Xiafei completely disregarded the vain jobs set up by the heavens.

Even if he became the Emperor of Heaven, as long as his strength is not enough, he would still be easily killed by Bian Lang.

To become stronger, only to become stronger quickly is the only right way.

Luo Xiafei cultivated with peace of mind and didn't want to participate in this matter anymore, but she didn't expect that the new general selected by the heaven was actually his good brother Yan Ruyu.

Yan Ruyu is really good-looking, at least in the heavens, Luo Xiafei has never seen a more beautiful fairy than Yan Ruyu.

But in terms of combat power, Yan Ruyu might not be as good as him.

Of course, they have never really compared, and they have always refused to accept each other.

Yan Ruyu came to Luo Xiafei first before going out, just wanting to get some valuable advice.

Luo Xiafei, who had fought against Bian Lang twice, must know Bian Lang better.

Even gods know the truth of knowing yourself and the enemy and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.

"Brother Luo, I think you were scared by the corpse chaser." Yan Ruyu smiled wryly.

Luo Xiafei said: "Do you think I'm someone who can be scared of being beaten?"

"Very similar." Yan Ruyu said.

Luo Xiafei laughed and said: "Then we have nothing to talk about, anyway, no matter what I say, you won't believe it."

Yan Ruyu smiled and nodded, in fact, he just came to have a drink with Luo Xiafei.

He knew Luo Xiafei, and with Luo Xiafei's strength, it was impossible for him to be defeated by a mortal.

It can only be that Luo Xiafei has friendship with that mortal and wants to protect that mortal.

But Luo Xiafei is a fairy in the heaven after all, and there are some things on the scene that should be done or have to be done.

That was the wine, and it wasn't a good meal.

"Brother Yan, as a friend, I still want to remind you, don't be too arrogant, let alone provoke Bianlang, otherwise you may not be able to return to the heaven." Luo Xiafei said.

Yan Ruyu smiled lightly: "Brother Luo, I will not lose to a mortal."

"The mortal you mentioned can control the body of Xing Tian, ​​and can easily kill the Dragon King of the Four Seas. Even I can't do ten tricks under his hands." Luo Xiafei has never said these words to others. At this moment The reason why he said it was because he didn't want to see Yan Ruyu leave his life in the mortal world.

Since Bian Lang dared to kill the dragons of the four seas, he also dared to kill the gods in the heavens. He felt that there was nothing in this world that Bian Lang dared not do.

"Brother Luo, I suddenly feel that we are no longer suitable to be friends." Yan Ruyu sneered.

In the past, Luo Xiafei acted resolutely and acted fiercely, which was what Yan Ruyu learned from.

But now Luo Xiafei, indecisive, greedy for life and afraid of death, is simply a disgrace to the entire heaven.

Luo Xiafei also smiled, a person like Yan Ruyu who doesn't listen to persuasion is not suitable to be his friend.

Besides, based on Yan Ruyu's current state, even if she keeps making friends at this moment, it is estimated that she will lose this friend soon.


[Within April, drive the remains of the four-clawed chicken demon to Mangshan Mountain. 】

Chickens with two claws are plentiful, but chickens with four claws are really rare.

(End of this chapter)

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