Chapter 230 The Hesitation of Emperor Baiyang

Emperor Baiyang has always admired Luo Xiafei, and has always believed that the next immortal who is expected to be promoted to emperor is Luo Xiafei.

It's just that Luo Xiafei stumbled twice in front of Bian Lang, which made him feel quite sorry.

Luo Xiafei originally had a bright future, but because of two defeats, the future became gloomy.

However, after seeing Bian Lang's strength just now, Emperor Baiyang changed his view of Luo Xiafei.

The immortals in the heavens naturally have their pride, but Bian Lang's strength is indeed beyond their imagination.

It is undoubtedly right to deal with Luo Xiafei like that.

Yan Ruyu acted arrogantly and refused to bow her head, but in the end she just ended up in a miserable end.

At this moment, Emperor Baiyang was even thinking, is it right for the Heaven Realm to avenge the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas at all costs?

In fact, all the immortals in the heavens are well aware of that incident. Over the long years, the persecution of humans by the Shui tribe led by the dragon tribe is very exaggerated.

When such a situation occurs, it is reasonable for the heavens to take action to bring warnings or punishments to the dragons of the four seas.

As a result, Tianjie felt better, but felt that the fault was on Bian Lang, and poured all his anger on Bian Lang.

If it weren't for Bian Lang being a tough nut to crack, he would have already been crushed to pieces.

It's just that this is also the order of the Emperor of Heaven. Apart from feeling inappropriate, Emperor Baiyang still has to find a way to complete the task assigned by the Emperor of Heaven.

They did not intend to kill Bian Lang on this trip, but to capture Bian Lang alive and bring him back to the heaven for trial.

The Baiyang Emperor who was silent had a terrifying expression on his face.

The black-faced immortal didn't dare to talk anymore, what to do next still had to be listened to by Emperor Baiyang.

Luo Xiafei looked quite calm, as if this incident had nothing to do with him.

"Xiafei, how do you think we should deal with it?" Baiyang Dijun recovered from his contemplation and suddenly asked this question.

The black-faced fairy was full of surprise, for such an important matter, Emperor Baiyang could make a decision by himself, why bother to ask Luo Xiafei?
Luo Xiafei's celestial power is indeed very strong, but this guy is actually a waste, being played around by a mortal, how much trouble it has brought to the celestial beings.

"Back to Dijun, I think it's best to talk peacefully, persuade Bian Lang to go to the heaven with us, and explain the cause of this matter to Di Zun clearly, maybe the misunderstanding can be resolved." Luo Xiafei never felt that Bian Lang was important to the heaven is a threat.

But if the heavens keep pressing on, in the end, Bianlang may become a catastrophe for the whole heaven.

Luo Xiafei is very unwilling to see that day come, but what Tianjie has done is undoubtedly speeding up the process.

What's ridiculous is that relying on Luo Xiafei's power, she can't change anything at all, so she can only laugh at all this and see how the heaven will end up in the end.

"Peace talks? If we really do this, how can the majesty of the Heavenly Realm survive?" the black-faced fairy asked angrily.

Luo Xiafei sighed, and asked back: "Could it be that the Four Seas Aquarium did nothing wrong?"

"Even if the people from all over the world are at fault, it should be taken care of by the heavens, not by a mortal." The black-faced fairy scolded angrily.

Luo Xiafei retorted: "Thousands of years have passed, have we ever taken care of it?"

"Thousands of years, but a flick of a finger..." The black-faced fairy felt that the heavens should govern all realms, and it was reasonable to be negligent due to busy trivial matters.

Luo Xiafei laughed and said: "For us, the time of a thousand years is indeed an instant, but for ordinary people, it is a long time of more than ten generations. The grandparents and grandchildren have lived under the oppression of the four seas. The level of patience is good enough."

"Now is the time to discuss these? The top priority, isn't it time to discuss how to capture Bianlang?" The black-faced fairy couldn't argue with Luo Xiafei on this matter, so he simply changed the topic back.

Luo Xiafei said: "With all due respect, we alone can't do anything about it."

"30 troops can't do anything to a mortal?" The black-faced fairy was deeply disgusted by Luo Xiafei's behavior of destroying his prestige.

Luo Xiafei just smiled and stopped talking.

As long as Emperor Baiyang can understand his painstaking efforts, as for the black-faced fairy, he is just a clown.

Emperor Baiyang thought for a long time, and although he knew that Luo Xiafei was right, the current situation did not allow him to make the right decision.

If there is a peace talk, Bian Lang will definitely not be able to trick Bian Lang into going to the heaven alone.

But if Bian Lang is allowed to bring his companions with him to the heaven, those companions of Bian Lang will only die with him, which is something that Emperor Baiyang doesn't want to see.

"Dijun, Lang over there is in the forest at the moment, give an order." The black-faced fairy had already moved stupidly.

The five immortals who died were close friends with him.

The black-faced fairy is eager to avenge his friends at this moment.

Luo Xiafei shook her head lightly, she just felt that the black-faced fairy was an idiot, those five people couldn't catch Bian Lang's move, what could he do to Bian Lang if he went down?

Bian Lang was very powerful in the past, but now Bian Lang has learned the secret technique of the multi-headed monkey clan's 72 transformations. Even if the Emperor of Heaven comes in person, he will not be able to take Bian Lang down.

Emperor Baiyang waved his hand and said: "Send down the order, the whole army will attack and capture Bianlang."

"By order." The black-faced fairy was overjoyed and left in a hurry.

Luo Xiafei looked at Emperor Baiyang helplessly, and said, "Dijun, is it really right to do this?"

"Right or wrong is not important anymore." Emperor Baiyang sighed softly.

Luo Xiafei could understand the situation of Emperor Baiyang, and if he was in Emperor Baiyang's current position, he would make the same decision.

Since ancient times, the heavens have valued face more than anything else.

Anything that damages the face of the heavens will be erased at all costs.

Right and wrong are not that important compared to the face of the heavens.

"Xiafei, do you think we really won't succeed?" Emperor Baiyang then asked with a smile.

Luo Xiafei said affirmatively: "It is absolutely impossible to succeed, the side waves were very powerful before, and now he has learned 72 transformations, and he still has a Pangu ax..."

Hearing what Luo Xiafei said, Emperor Baiyang also felt that the hope of victory was very slim.

If in this battle, 30 heavenly soldiers are wiped out by Bianlang, the majesty of the heavenly realm will not survive.

They must win this battle.

But at present, it seems that there is no hope of winning, and the possibility of failure is very high.

Luo Xiafei knew that they had to make an attempt, but he still suggested to Emperor Baiyang that once he found that the situation was not good, he should immediately order the withdrawal of the troops, and he must not be brave.

Emperor Baiyang smiled and said that he would consider it.

Luo Xiafei stopped talking nonsense, the crucial battle was inevitable.

Even though there are only a few people in the forest, the number of the long-headed people is more than ten thousand.

Once the war starts, those multi-headed tribes will inevitably come out.

That is a very terrifying force, absolutely not to be underestimated.


Bian Lang and others have left the foggy forest.

This is naturally done to avoid destroying the entire forest due to fighting.

This battle is very important to them, but it is more important to consider for the future.

Whether it is the Misty Forest or the Fort of Justice, they must be preserved and cannot be destroyed.

The eyeliner of Tianjie has been watching them all the time, no matter where they go, they will be found.

"Brother Bian, is this really going to start?" Dugu Qiusheng was quite nervous.

Bian Lang asked with a smile: "Brother Dugu, don't you look forward to it?"

"I'm looking forward to it, but I wonder if I can beat those heavenly soldiers with my strength?" Dugu Qiusheng really doesn't have much confidence in his own strength.

Liu Yi said: "I told you before, at a time like this, you'd better go back to Iron Siege City."

This is a contest between Bian Lang and the heavens, or the misty forest and the heavens. I believe that the heavens will not involve other forces in this land.

"When the crisis is more serious, the more you want to be with your friends, even if you can't help them with anything." Dugu Qiusheng said it righteously.

Bian Lang smiled and said, "Brother Dugu's value is to provide us with enough Meng Po wine."

"Mengpo's wine must be enough." Dugu Qiusheng laughed.

Although everyone can still laugh, but no one feels relaxed about the next battle.

It's just that no one would speak out the depression in their hearts, and doing so would only add to the depression of others.

This battle is not easy to fight, but as long as it is won, it will be bright.

However, they have also considered that even if they can win, they may get even crazier revenge from the heavens.

This time it was an emperor leading a group of immortals, and then there were 30 heavenly soldiers and generals. Next time, it might be multiple emperors bringing an army of millions to kill.

The heavens are very powerful, if they really do that, then their situation will be very difficult.

However, in Bian Lang's plan, that day is unlikely to come.

After this battle, Bian Lang decided to start preparing for going to the heaven.

As long as the Heavenly Emperor is slaughtered, I believe that the Heavenly Realm will never embarrass them again.

As the heaven that governs the worlds, it should be fair and just, but in order to protect their shortcomings, they ignored the righteous way. Someone should come out to take care of such a heaven, so that the heavens can make real changes.

When we got to an open place, the waves stopped, thinking that this place is quite good.

Not surprisingly, a few clouds in the sky also followed, and then stopped in the sky above.

"I always feel that we are a little bit alone." Dugu Qiusheng was trembling with nervousness.

Liu Yi said: "I just saw a hole in the ground over there, after the drilling starts later, you can go in and hide."

"Why are you always mocking me?" Dugu Qiusheng was full of grievances.

Liu Yi said: "I see you are really scared."

"It's true to be afraid, but I won't shrink back." Dugu Qiusheng is still very confident about this.

At this moment, Maoqiu came from one side, bringing a large number of Xishenqiu.

Hiding in the Xishen Ball is the Hydra.

There must be at least three heads participating in this battle.

Only because there are only three heads, they have the strength to compete with the heavenly soldiers and generals.

Even if a two-headed animal participates in the war, it will be difficult to defeat the heavenly soldiers, and it will only increase casualties.

Bian Lang warned: "Don't let them come out yet, they must obey my orders."

Fuqiu just nodded, and his legs couldn't help shaking.

"Maoqiu, we are really like-minded." Dugu Qiusheng kept pinching his thighs with both hands, but even so, he still couldn't stop the trembling of his legs.

Mao Qiu glanced at it, and said speechlessly: "You are shaking because you are afraid, and I am shaking because I am too tired."

Maoqiu almost lost his life in order to make the Xishen ball needed by Bianlang.

After completing the task, I thought I could have a good sleep, preferably for a year or so.

It turned out well, before I had time to drink my saliva, I had to bring the multi-headed people here.

It was so exhausting.

Even a donkey pulling a mill would not be so tired.

The hairball simply lay down on the grass. For him now, he could sleep for a while, preferably for a while.

"Maoqiu, no matter how tired I am, I don't think I need to sleep now, maybe we will sleep forever soon." Dugu Qiusheng joked.

Mao Qiu rolled his eyes and said contemptuously, "I'm better than you."

Dugu Qiusheng was immediately speechless.

In fact, Mao Qiu is stronger than Liu Yi.

This guy has never shown his true strength, but he can be the manager of Xishen Pavilion for 1000 years, no matter how you look at it, he is an old monster.

Mao Qiu's words were very heart-wrenching, Dugu Qiusheng simply closed his mouth, it's better to talk less at this time.

The white cloud has been floating high in the sky and has no intention of falling.

Bian Lang stared at it for a while, wondering whether to take the initiative to kill him.

Liu Yi and Shangguan Hongyu beside him were setting up a stove to cook.

Since the Heaven Realm has been reluctant to attack for a long time, they can't be so exhausted all the time. When it's time to eat, they still have to eat.

Dugu Qiusheng actually wanted to say that the heavens probably wouldn't let them have a good meal.

After all, after they are full, they have more strength to fight against the heavenly army.

Letting them go hungry is the most correct way for the heavens.

But the fact was beyond their expectation, until the meal was over, the heavenly army remained silent.

The person who is most angry at the moment is that black-faced fairy.

Originally, Emperor Baiyang had already ordered him to lead his troops to kill, but at a critical moment, Emperor Baiyang told them not to act rashly for the time being.

All the immortals could only stay in the clouds, quietly watching the waves on the ground waiting for the people to eat, all of them gritted their teeth and were filled with righteous indignation.

No one knows what is going on in Emperor Baiyang's mind.

It's just that Shangxian present, although he dared to ridicule Luo Xiafei, did not dare to speak ill of Emperor Baiyang behind his back.

"Dijun, we have missed the best opportunity just now." The black-faced fairy's voice was full of complaints.

Ordinary people have to eat. If they don't eat, they will be hungry. Once they are hungry, they will have no energy.

Emperor Baiyang sighed: "Before killing the five immortals, Bian Lang didn't eat."

If they still think that Bian Lang is a mortal, they are undoubtedly very stupid.

"The emperor means that we don't need to fight this battle, just go back like this?" the black-faced fairy asked.

All the immortals looked at Emperor Baiyang. Emperor Baiyang clearly issued an order to attack, but then canceled it in a flash. This is too abnormal.

They all hope that Emperor Baiyang can give them a reasonable explanation, otherwise the impact on morale will be terrible.

Emperor Baiyang said: "I think Xia Fei is right, we should talk to Bian Lang first."

All the immortals were shocked when they heard the words, they didn't expect Emperor Baiyang to have such an idea in his heart.

Talk to Bian Lang?
How to negotiate?

Simply delusional.

But the immortals didn't care much, anyway, the result of this trip, the merits and demerits will basically fall on Emperor Baiyang.

(End of this chapter)

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