Chapter 233
It cannot be stopped, and it has to be stopped desperately, after all, there is no other way to go.

Shangguan Hongyu was also relieved to see Bian Lang appear safely.

But their current situation is actually very dangerous, and many bullies around them have fallen.

It feels like there are still a lot of heavenly soldiers and generals on the opposite side, and they can't be killed no matter what.

Fortunately, Sun Wuse and the others had firm eyes and did not flinch in the slightest.

Once this battle starts, it will inevitably be accompanied by a large number of deaths, and their multi-headed race has long been prepared for this.

No matter how sad they feel in their hearts, they will fight with all their strength at this moment. After all, only fighting can usher in a better future.

The Hydra have been hiding for too long, and now they don't want to hide anymore.

And if you want to live in the sun again, you need to work hard on your own. Only by using their sacrifices now can you exchange for the light of future generations.

Bian Lang was about to make a move, but he saw Emperor Baiyang's body dodge, and he was already standing in front of him.

Bian Lang smiled and said: "It seems that Emperor Baiyang is going to die in a hurry."

"There is no way to do this." Emperor Baiyang was indeed prepared to die in his heart.

Luo Xiafei was on the other side, pointing the long sword at Bian Lang.

The cooperation between Luo Xiafei and Emperor Baiyang will indeed bring Bian Lang a lot of trouble.

Bian Lang was able to deal with it, but if that was the case, he would have no way to help Shangguan Hongyu and the others.

Since we have no choice but to end the battle here as soon as possible, everyone can gather together and defeat the heavenly army together.

Looking at the state of those heavenly soldiers, even without the command of the coach, they can still fight the enemy bravely without mercy.


"Kill kill kill."

Suddenly there was an earth-shattering shout of killing from one side.

Whether it's the multi-headed tribe or the heavenly soldiers, they are all a little confused.

It was the headless people who killed from there.

Under the leadership of the patriarch Hollow, the headless clan rushed towards the heavenly soldiers after they appeared.

Bian Lang saw it in his eyes, with a relaxed smile on his face, and said with a smile: "Emperor Baiyang, it seems that your situation is getting worse."

"Unexpectedly, even the headless people will come to help you." This is indeed beyond Baiyang Emperor's expectation.

The multi-headed clan is already strong enough, and with the sudden addition of the headless clan, the result of this battle cannot be changed.

Emperor Baiyang was quite desperate in his heart, perhaps from the very beginning, he should have followed Luo Xiafei's suggestion and had peace talks with Bian Lang.

It's just that the current situation is hard to recover.

With the addition of the headless people, the situation did change in an instant.

Shangguan Hongyu and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

The multi-headed clan is even more morale like a rainbow, killing the enemy frantically.

Those arrogant heavenly soldiers and generals were full of fear at this moment, and retreated one after another.

"Dijun, give the order." Luo Xiafei said sadly.

Emperor Baiyang breathed a sigh of relief, and said loudly: "All officers and men obey the order and retreat."

His voice was enough to reach the ears of every heavenly soldier outside the void formation, but none of those soldiers obeyed the order.

At this moment, they insisted on fighting, just wanting to rescue their companions who were still alive in the void formation.

Emperor Baiyang saw it in his eyes, with tears in his eyes, and was moved by the actions of those heavenly soldiers.

The heavenly soldiers outside the void formation do have a chance to evacuate alive, but what about those in the formation?
If you just give up on them and ignore them, you will probably spend every moment of your life in extreme pain in the future.

Emperor Baiyang thought about it and said, "Bian Lang, even if we all die in battle today, we have to take you back to the heaven for trial."

"That's right, but if you want to do it, you'd better come up with the ability to suppress the bottom of the box." Bian Lang laughed.

If Emperor Baiyang still had the ability to suppress the bottom of the box, it would have been revealed long ago.

Under his nose, Bian Lang killed tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers, and he was powerless to stop them at that time.

Now I still choose to fight, but I just don't want to give up when I see the heavenly soldiers and generals.

With the addition of the headless clan, Bian Lang only needs to be optimistic about Emperor Baiyang and Luo Xiafei at this moment, and if they don't let these two guys add to the chaos in the past, they can win this battle.

Emperor Baiyang and Luo Xiafei cooperated seamlessly this time, and Bian Lang admired the power they erupted.

In such a battle, Bian Lang can also learn a lot.

As time passed, only the black-faced immortal remained among the heavenly soldiers and generals who entered the void formation.

Without an opponent, the black-faced fairy looked very confused.

Under the watchful eyes of Emperor Baiyang, the black-faced immortal suddenly raised his sword and cut his own throat severely.

Blood splattered, the corpse fell and dissipated like smoke.

And the heavenly soldiers and generals outside the formation were quickly wiped out.

Emperor Baiyang suddenly looked back, only to realize that he had become a polished commander.

Although there is still a Luo Xiafei standing beside her, but in this plan, there is actually no Luo Xiafei.

Besides, even if there is Luo Xiafei, it will not change anything.

The multi-headed clan responsible for maintaining the formation, such as Shi Wushou and Hei Wushui, etc., were all exhausted.

After the battle, all lay on the ground, gasping for breath.

It is not easy to win this war.

But now is not the time to relax, after all, there are still Emperor Baiyang and Luo Xiafei watching over him.

But for the multi-headed tribe, the remaining two immortals have nothing to do with them, and they just leave it to the boss to solve.

"Bian Lang, when I took up this heavy responsibility in the heaven, I never thought that it would end up like this in the end." Emperor Baiyang's voice was full of helplessness.

Luo Xiafei also didn't expect that, after all, there were a total of 30 heavenly soldiers and generals.

After such a disastrous defeat, no one has the face to return to the heaven.

Bian Lang said: "You gods have always been arrogant and think that the rules you make are correct, and you cannot tolerate the slightest resistance from creatures in other worlds, but as the times develop, more people will stand up and resist you."

"This statement is not false." Emperor Baiyang believed it deeply.

Over the years, looking at the deeds of the heavens, Emperor Baiyang went to remonstrate with the Emperor of Heaven several times, but unfortunately, the Emperor of Heaven didn't listen to him at all.

If the change of the heavens needs to rely on external forces, it is definitely a great tragedy.

Bian Lang asked with a smile: "Emperor Baiyang, shall we continue to fight?"

"There is no need for that." What Emperor Baiyang thinks in his heart now is to return to the heavens and return to his life, and then apologize with death.

The ten immortals and 30 heavenly soldiers all died tragically here. As the commander in chief, he couldn't absolve himself of the blame, and he was ashamed to continue living in this world.

When Emperor Baiyang said this, he was even more worried that Bian Lang would not let him go.

If they all died here, it would be impossible for the Heavenly Realm to know what happened here.

Now that he has personally seen Bianlang's strength, he has to tell the Emperor of Heaven about this situation, otherwise the next decision the Emperor of Heaven will make will inevitably be wrong.

Bian Lang said with a smile: "I also don't think there is any need to continue the fight. Anyway, after we take a short break, we will go to the heaven to greet the Emperor of Heaven."

"Are you going to the heaven?" Emperor Baiyang was shocked.

Luo Xiafei also frowned slightly, and felt that it was indeed the best time for Bian Lang to go to the heaven.

In the eyes of the immortals in the heavens, the 30 troops under the leadership of Emperor Baiyang will definitely eradicate Bianlang and his gang this time.

If what is waiting at this moment is the counterattack of Bian Lang and others, the seemingly powerful Heaven Realm may be vulnerable.

The immortals in the heaven would never have thought that Bian Lang would dare to kill him in the heaven.

When all the immortals stayed in their respective territories, it was a breeze to break through the side waves one by one.

"I don't know how brother Bian plans to go?" Luo Xiafei asked with a smile.

The road from the mortal world to the heavens is not easy.

If there is no special passage, it will be more difficult to pass.

Luo Xiafei felt that Bian Lang's best choice was to force him to lead the way with Emperor Baiyang.

It's just that he and Emperor Baiyang are definitely not the kind of people who would betray the heavens for their own survival.

If Bian Lang wants to go to the heaven, he has to find another way.

"Bian Lang, if you want us to take you to the heaven in vain, then don't dream." Baiyang Dijun said coldly.

Bian Lang smiled lightly: "Dare to ask the emperor, is your heaven really a monolith?"

These words made Emperor Baiyang frown frequently, unable to guess the deep meaning of Bian Lang's words.

But Bian Lang continued: "There was a fairy named Qingyun who was killed by a fairy in the world. Does the heaven know about this?"

"We have been investigating this matter, but since we couldn't find Qingyun's fairy body, we couldn't..." Luo Xiafei shut her mouth abruptly, "How does Brother Bian know that Qingyun is dead?"

Qingyun fell, and the heavens could indeed receive the news, but Bian Lang was unlikely to know.

Bian Lang smiled and said: "I can only say that Qingyun helped us open the door to the heaven."

"It's Yunrou?" Luo Xiafei immediately thought of Yunrou.

If Bian Lang can help Qingyun avenge her revenge, then Yunrou will probably choose to help Bian Lang.

This time they were killed, it seemed that Bian Lang and the others knew when they would appear.

Among the people who set off on the expedition, it is unlikely that anyone will report to Bian Lang.

But if it is Yunrou, then it makes sense.

Just relying on Yunrou's ability, can she really open up a passage for Bian Lang and others to directly enter the heaven?

Luo Xiafei felt that this was unlikely, unless Yunrou could find help from someone with stronger celestial power.

With Yun Rou's good looks, if she used a beauty trick, it would most likely be successful.

"You told us this, it seems that you don't intend to let us go back alive." Emperor Baiyang's face was terribly gloomy.

Bian Lang said: "Just leave the two of you in the human world for the time being, and take a good look at the scenery in the human world. When the time is right, we will go to the heaven together."

"Brother Bian, you are really a devil." Luo Xiafei said this from the bottom of her heart.

Shangguan Hongyu said contemptuously: "Compared to your indiscrimination, we are all kind."

"It's good that we don't distinguish between right and wrong, this is the best evaluation of us." Luo Xiafei felt that what they did was not distinguishing between right and wrong, black and white, which is exactly what demons would do.

Emperor Baiyang and Luo Xiafei did not resist.

Sun Wuse and the many-headed tribe built a cage, and temporarily wronged the two immortals to live in it.

As for how long they will stay inside, it depends on when Yunrou can open the passage.

As soon as the passage appears, they will kill the heavenly realm, beheading the pedantic heavenly emperor, and then reshape the laws of the heavenly realm.

"Dijun, what should I do?" Luo Xiafei really had no idea now.

Emperor Baiyang said: "This cage was built by the multi-headed clan, and it is impossible to break through it with our strength."

Judging from the meaning of this, Emperor Baiyang intends to let it go badly.

"Xiafei, I think you will think of a better way, right?" After a while, Emperor Baiyang asked with a smile.

Luo Xiafei smiled bitterly and said, "Dijun really thinks highly of me."

"Although I am an emperor, in my mind, I have always felt that I am not as good as you." What Emperor Baiyang said was sincere.

There are so many immortals in the heavens, but the one that Emperor Baiyang appreciates the most is Luo Xiafei.

Previously, Luo Xiafei went down to earth twice, but ended up hitting a wall twice, which surprised Emperor Baiyang, but at the same time was extremely disappointed in Luo Xiafei.

In the cognition of immortals, no matter how powerful the mortal beings are, they are incomparable with immortals after all.

Now that he has seen Bianlang's strength, Emperor Baiyang knows that he is too pedantic.

As a god, he undoubtedly had to change his perception of himself.

Ignoring everything in the eyes can't be exchanged for the long-term rule of the heavens.

Over the years, the Celestial Realm has encountered more and more challenges. Many challengers are only fighting for their reasonable interests, but the Celestial Realm is clinging to the power they have, resulting in constant conflicts and constant deaths.

"Dijun, if you had to choose again, would you still lead the army to conquer Bianlang?" Luo Xiafei asked instead.

Emperor Baiyang shook his head and smiled wryly. If he had the chance to do it again, he would definitely not do this.

That's 30 heavenly soldiers and generals.

"Dijun, it's actually not too late. When Bian Lang really kills the heavens, more people will die." Staying in this small cage, Luo Xiafei thought a lot.

In fact, a long time ago, he should have followed Bian Lang's advice and worked together to change the embarrassing heaven.

But he didn't do that, because deep down, he still enjoys the status and convenience brought to the immortals by the rules of today's world.

Emperor Baiyang looked at Luo Xiafei in surprise, and asked after a while: "You mean we should deal with Emperor Zun instead?"

"It's just forcing Emperor Zun to make changes." Luo Xiafei said.

Emperor Baiyang was silent.

He grew up under the teaching of the Emperor of Heaven, who was closer to him than his father.

Now let him deal with the Emperor of Heaven in turn, no matter what.

"Maybe I can be kept here forever." Emperor Baiyang knew that Luo Xiafei was right.

As long as Luo Xiafei participates in this matter, the casualties in the heaven can be minimized.

He doesn't participate, but Luo Xiafei can.

"Xiafei, even if you really want to change the heaven, I'm afraid Bian Lang won't trust you." Emperor Baiyang sighed softly.

Luo Xiafei said: "With my help, Yunrou will be able to open up that channel even more."

Emperor Baiyang didn't speak, but was seriously thinking about whether it was right or wrong to do so.

In fact, the heavens can make changes with their own efforts, without the intervention of external forces.

Luo Xiafei had already made up her mind, and immediately asked someone to invite Bian Lang.

Not long after, Bian Lang came to the dungeon.

"Brother Bian, let me go back to the Heaven Realm, I can help Fairy Yunrou quickly open the way." Luo Xiafei didn't talk nonsense.

Before Bian Lang could speak, Shangguan Hongyu, who was by his side, smiled and said, "You really think of us as fools."

Letting Luo Xiafei go back now would probably kill Yunrou directly.

Once Yunrou dies, if they want to go to the heaven, they have to find another opportunity, who knows if they will wait until the year of the monkey.

(End of this chapter)

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