Chapter 43 Heading to the Dragon Guard Villa
[Within April, drive the body of Marquis Tiedan to Xishen Pavilion. 】

Tie Dan Shen Hou Quan leans on the government and the public, with great ambitions, uses Hulong Villa to continuously cultivate his own power, with the ultimate goal of seeking to usurp the throne.

But it is a pity that at the critical moment, he was calculated by his beloved woman and killed by the secret agents he carefully trained.

The information given by the corpse brother is that the corpse of the Marquis Tiedan is currently parked in Hulong Villa.

Tie Dan Shenhou was originally a royal family, and he could be buried in the imperial tomb after his death, but because of his intention to rebel, he naturally could not enter the imperial tomb again.

However, the emperor thought of the merits of Tiedan Shenhou, and he was extra merciful and allowed him to be buried in the imperial tomb.

But those heroes who have been persecuted by Hulong Villa in Jianghu will never allow this to happen.

Hulong Villa is heavily guarded, and so is the Imperial Mausoleum.

If the heroes wanted to do something, they could only do so on the way to mourning.

The distance from Hulong Mountain Villa to the imperial mausoleum is not far.

Presumably, this section of the journey is heavily guarded and murderous.

After reading Brother Corpse's prompt, Bian Lang looked helpless.

In the task of exorcising corpses released by Brother Corpse earlier, the corpses were lying there, and no other exorcists could do anything about it. Only Bian Lang could control them, and he could easily drive the corpses on the road.

But this time, he was actually asked to grab the corpse.

The emperor wanted to bury the God of Tiedan in the imperial mausoleum, and the heroes of the rivers and lakes wanted to destroy the body of the God of Tiedan. Bian Lang needed to snatch the body from these two groups of forces and send it to the Xishen Pavilion.

Chasing the corpse this time is very difficult, if the corpse brother does not reward him after he succeeds and ends the rebooting period directly, Bian Lang wants to throw the corpse brother away.

The reduction of the rebooting period can only be rewarded by the dead brother, the days that usually pass will not affect the rebooting period.

During these days, Bian Lang lived extremely comfortably.

Every day is to eat tea, listen to music, and watch Shangguan Hongyu practice sword.

Now that it was time to part again, Bian Lang took out the Fire Lin Sword and gave it to Shangguan Hongyu.

The Red Rain Sword is a good sword, but the Fire Lin Sword is a rare sword.

Shangguan Hongyu danced around, her sword glowed like fire, with infinite power, she really liked it.

At this moment, a servant came over and said that the Iron Lady had invited her.

The Iron Lady is admiring the flowers in the back garden.

"Zhu ignored the news that he was killed, you should know, right?" Iron Lady got straight to the point.

Bian Lang snickered when he heard this, Iron Lady would never miss any chance to make Justice Fort famous.

Now the whole Jianghu wants to destroy the body of the iron gallant Hou Zhu Wushi. If Justice Fort can do it, it will undoubtedly increase the reputation of Justice Fort in the Jianghu.

Shangguan Hongyu raised her eyebrows and said, "Mother, don't you want us to..."

"This matter is extremely dangerous, but with Langer here, I believe you can succeed." Iron Lady smiled brightly.

After witnessing Bian Lang's martial arts with her own eyes, she can rest assured that Bian Lang accompanies Shangguan Hongyu through the rivers and lakes.

"Mother, we don't need to..." Shangguan Hongyu only wants to grow old with Bian Lang, and has no interest in leading Justice Fort to dominate the world.

Bian Lang hurriedly said: "Auntie, we will fulfill our mission."

Shangguan Hongyu had no choice but to hold back what she said later.

She wanted to live an ordinary life of men farming and women weaving, but she didn't know what Bian Lang's ambitions were.

If Bian Lang wants to dominate the world, then she will definitely support it with all her strength.

"Okay, okay, the road is not as good as home, remember to bring more money." Iron Lady was in a very good mood.

After leaving the main hall, Shangguan Hongyu looked dignified and bowed her head in silence.

Bian Lang asked, "What are you thinking?"

"Brother Bian, do you want to dominate the world?" Shangguan Hongyu asked directly.

If this matter is hidden in the heart, it will only become a knot in the heart.

Two people who are in love with each other should treat each other frankly and leave no overnight incidents.

Bian Lang asked with a smile: "Why do you think so?"

"Otherwise, why are we meddling in this matter?" Shangguan Hongyu asked.

Bian Lang said: "Hong Yu, this time I might make my aunt very angry."

"Why?" Shangguan Hongyu was puzzled.

Bian Lang sighed: "The emperor wants to protect Zhu Wushi's body, and the people of the Jianghu want to crush Zhu Wushi's bones and ashes, but this time I go, I want to snatch Zhu Wushi's body from their hands and send it to Xishen Pavilion."

Shangguan Hongyu was astonished.

Bian Lang's words are amazing.

One must know that Bian Lang's actions would offend the imperial court and Jianghu at the same time.

After Iron Lady heard the news, it would be easy not to be pissed off.

"Brother Bian, a person like Tiedan Shenhou should be crushed, why do you want to send him to Xishen Pavilion?" Shangguan Hongyu really couldn't figure it out.

Bian Lang said: "This is my mission to exorcise the corpse, if it cannot be completed, it will be very troublesome."

"Okay, I'll accompany you." The answer Shangguan Hongyu wanted was just this.

As for who is arranging the task of exorcising corpses for Bian Lang, if Bian Lang doesn't want to say, she won't ask either.

After packing up their things, the two immediately left Fort Justice.

The day of mourning for Marquis Tiedan was announced by the imperial court as one month later.

But everyone knows that this date is not accurate.

According to the court's style of doing things, either before that day or after that day, the body of Lord Tiedan will be quietly sent away.

People in the rivers and lakes are not afraid of officers and soldiers, but those disciples of the iron and brave gods are very difficult to deal with.

Although the God of Tie Dan was killed by their joint efforts, after all, the God of Tie Dan was kind to them, and it was they who joined forces to ask for the order to let the God of Tie Dan enter the imperial tomb. Naturally, they will desperately protect the remains of the God of Tie Dan comprehensive.

The two of them worked hard, and in less than ten days, they arrived at Longquan Town near Hulong Villa.

There is a spring in Longquan Town. The spring water is clear, sweet, and has the effect of nourishing the skin and prolonging life.

There are not many springs, and all of them were sent to the palace after they were produced.

Near Longquan, thousands of elite soldiers were stationed.

But the real Longquan Town is a mixed bag, where all the three religions and nine streams gather.

Although it was still early before the funeral of Lord Tiedan, a large number of people from the rivers and lakes had already arrived in Longquan Town.

They also found several inns, and only opened two upper rooms.

On the way, Bian Lang had told Shangguan Hongyu that his plan was very simple, that is, on a dark and stormy night, he would break into Hulong Mountain Villa and steal the body of Lord Tiedan.

That's the safest way to do it.

Don't worry that Longshan Villa is heavily guarded, but it's still not as good as the imperial mausoleum.

People who wanted to come to Hulong Villa would never have expected that someone would dare to enter Hulong Villa to steal corpses, so their guards might not be that heavy.

Seeing Bian Lang's confident appearance, Shangguan Hongyu didn't say anything, thinking that no matter whether there was a mountain of knives or a sea of ​​fire ahead, she would accompany Bian Lang to break through.

Having been on the road for many days, exhausted physically and mentally, Bian Lang planned to rest for two days before going to the Hulong Villa at night.

It happened to be able to inquire about the current situation in Longquan Town.

Almost all the people living in the inn are from the rivers and lakes.

Some of them came to destroy the remains of the Lord Tiedan, but most of them came to join in the fun.

As long as there is a little trouble in the rivers and lakes, countless people in the rivers and lakes will flock to it.

While eating, someone was talking about it right next to him.

(End of this chapter)

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