Chapter 84 Giving Names to Multi-Headed Animals

Perhaps it was precisely because the deadline was approaching that Brother Corpse brought him to this more exciting world of immortals.

With Bian Lang's current strength, he will continue to wander in the world of martial arts, let alone have the idea of ​​renewing his contract.

[Shangguan Hongyu is in a certain corner of this world, as long as he continues to chase the corpse, he will meet again soon. 】

On the matter of renewing the contract, Brother Shi is more anxious than Bian Lang.

Bian Lang played with the Pan Gu axe, compared with the world he had been to before, this world is indeed more interesting.

Bian Lang said with a smile: "It's okay for me to renew the contract, but the restriction on the rebooting period must be cancelled."

[The rebooting period is set to prevent the exorcists from being passive and sabotage, and it cannot be cancelled. 】

In fact, for Bian Lang now, it doesn't matter whether there is such a thing or not.

Bian Lang said: "Then continue for another 9 years?"

[[-] million years. 】

Bian Lang said, "Brother Corpse, you are so fucking cruel."

I feel that in the eyes of Brother Corpse, whether it is 9 years or [-] million years, it is just a simple number.

After chasing the corpse for 9 years, Bian Lang has already figured out the urine nature of the corpse brother.

After completing a mission of exorcising corpses, he will have time to rest, and he will go to another world after wandering around.

Maybe the structure of that world is the same as the previous world, but it always gives people a feeling of two things.

For example, a long time ago, he and Shangguan Hongyu left Justice Fort and wandered around the rivers and lakes. When they wanted to go back to Justice Fort to see Bian Yao, the mountains, rivers, forests had not changed, but there was no Justice Fort in that place, and no one even survived.

This situation made Bian Lang think of a parallel world.

As long as he keeps traveling in parallel worlds, not to mention 90 million years, even [-] billion years, even if the sun in the real world is destroyed, Bian Lang is still chasing corpses.

Bian Lang negotiated with Brother Corpse for a long time, mainly around reducing work tasks, increasing task rewards, and increasing task excitement.

As long as Bian Lang is willing to renew the contract, Brother Shi agrees to all these conditions.

[Bian Lang, are you sure you want to renew the contract? 】

Bian Lang said: "Sure."

[Congratulations on the successful renewal, the renewal period: [-] million years. 】

Bian Lang laughed at himself and said, "[-] million years? Even gods can't live so long?"

After finding a place to sleep, Bian Lang set off to return to the foggy forest.

The six-headed golden monkey promised to build a justice castle in the misty forest, but Bian Lang was still not at ease and had to rush back to supervise the work himself.


In the misty forest, it has been so lively for a long time.

Under the leadership of the six golden monkeys, all the animals participated in the division of labor and cooperation, and the progress of the project made the six golden monkeys very satisfied.

Justice Fort was built next to the hot spring lake, and the six-headed golden monkey was built according to the blueprint left by Bian Lang, the difference is that the building area has increased several times.

The residence for the Xian family must be magnificent.

After Xingtian's body left from the hot spring lake, the hot spring lake no longer had the magical power it had before, and only existed as a drinking place for all living beings.

But all the multi-headed animals worked so hard because the six golden monkeys told them that the fairy family would live here in the future, which would bring them more aura.

For example, it may take hundreds of years to grow from two heads to three heads, but after the Xian family moves in, it may only take a hundred years to succeed.

There are many animals in the misty forest, so the project is going on day and night.

Diurnal animals are responsible for the day, nocturnal animals are responsible for the night, and the progress is naturally amazing.

When Bian Lang came back, he was also taken aback and couldn't believe it.

Bian Lang was even more surprised to learn that the six-headed golden monkeys did not invite humans. These multi-headed animals are simply master builders.

All kinds of delicious fruits and wild vegetables are placed in front of Bian Lang.

Seeing Bian Lang eating with gusto, the six-headed golden monkey asked cautiously: "Xianjia, have you found an artifact to replace Xingtian's body?"

Bian Lang suddenly felt that the fruit in his hand was not fragrant, because he completely forgot about it.

After a little hesitation, Bian Lang smiled and said, "How can it be so easy to find an artifact comparable to Xingtian's body? But before you find it, you can replace it with this object."

As Bian Lang spoke, he flashed out his Pangu axe, and a frightening chill spread out, quickly spreading throughout the entire foggy forest.

All the creatures in the forest trembled and did not dare to move.

Even the six golden monkeys were prostrate on the ground, begging for mercy.

Bian Lang lifted the six golden monkeys up with a wave of his palm, and said, "Throw this ax into the lake first, and you will be able to find better things in the future."

"Thank you Xianjia." The six-headed golden monkey was quite excited.

Bian Lang said: "Don't call me 'Xianjia' from now on, it sounds ugly, just call me 'Boss'."

"Boss." The six-headed golden monkey called out immediately, feeling that this title was much closer than "Xianjia".

Now that he has decided to temporarily settle down in the misty forest, Bian Lang must rectify himself.

Bian Lang thought about it and asked, "Little Monkey, you don't have a name yet, do you?"

"Does the six-headed monkey count?" The six-headed golden monkey asked tentatively, but seeing Bian Lang frown, he hurriedly asked Bian Lang to give it a name.

Bian Lang laughed and said, "It's definitely not okay to call you Sun Wukong, so let me just change one word, and you will be called Sun Wuse from now on."

"Boss, I like the name Sun Wukong better." The six-headed golden monkey always felt that "Sun Wuse" sounded weird.

However, Bian Lang insisted that the six-headed golden monkey had no choice but to accept the name, and asked what "color" was?Is it color?

Bian Lang explained: "Sex is what you do when you find a female monkey to have a baby monkey."

"You are born with it, do you need enlightenment?" Sun Wuse shook six heads at the same time.

Bian Lang just smiled and didn't elaborate.

The "color" mentioned by the Buddhists is definitely not what he explained.

However, he was quite satisfied with the name "Sun Wuse".

Bian Lang said: "Wu Se, go and bring your most capable subordinates, I will also name them, so that it will be easier to call them later."

Sun Wuse just raised his head, and the six mouths let out strange screams at the same time.

In an instant, four animals with multiple heads approached, five lions, five cardinals, four pythons, and four elephants.

These four can be regarded as the right-hand men of the six-headed golden monkey. Not to mention their strength, they are also very flexible in mind.

For example, when the five cardinals were building the Fort of Justice, they were responsible for dispatching them in the air, which greatly improved the efficiency of the construction.

"See boss." Under the guidance of Sun Wuse, the four animals saluted Bianlang together.

Bian Lang suddenly realized that this naming is actually a very troublesome matter, and after thinking for a while, he said: "Shi Wushou, Que Wuxiang, She Wuxing, Xiang Wushi, these are your names from now on."

"Boss, I think their names are better than mine." Sun Wuse joked with a smile.

The four animals were very happy, because from this moment on, they also had names.

Bian Lang stood up and said, "Now, it's time to restore the hot spring lake to its former glory."

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(End of this chapter)

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