Chapter 94
"Patriarch Qingshan has murderous intentions." Dugumeng quickly ordered all the disciples to form a shield shape.

Even so, it couldn't stop the blow of Zhanying Patriarch.

Bian Lang said indifferently: "Even if we can escape, the old Taoist will still chase us."

Dugu Meng didn't say anything, but she was thinking in her heart, if she could escape today, at least she could save her life.

As long as he fled back to Iron Siege City, Ancestor Qingshan had to carefully weigh his own strength.

The ancestors in the iron besieged city did not fear the ancestors of Qingshan at all.

"I have a sword that can open the sky, split the earth, and kill people." The voice of Qingshan Patriarch resounded like a bell, resounding all over the world.

When the disciples in the iron besieged city heard the sound, they covered their ears and fell to the ground, howling continuously.

Looking at Patriarch Qingshan again, there was no sword in his right hand slowly raised.

"Slaying Baby Sword." Dugu Meng said in shock.

Unexpectedly, Patriarch Qingshan used the Baby Slaying Sword directly when he made a move.

It's just that the feeling of being valued by Patriarch Qingshan is so hopeless.

Dugumeng had planned everything, except for Zhanying Patriarch, who would disturb Shushan in this battle.

It was estimated that it was Bian Lang's blow just now, and the commotion was too loud.

However, to break through the ancient formation, how can the movement be small?
Everything is God's will.

"City Master Dugu, I'll give you another big gift." Bian Lang said as he jumped up, slapped the storage bag with his right hand, and the Pangu ax suddenly appeared in his hand.

"That's..." Dugu Meng's eyes almost narrowed into a line.

But because the distance is already very far, it is impossible to see the weapon that Bian Lang is holding in his hand.

With just a glance just now, I always feel that the weapon is very similar to the Pangu axe, an ancient artifact.

But how could the Pan Gu ax be in Bian Lang's hands?
This is absolutely impossible.

What Qiu Wuwei had in mind was the same as Dugu Meng.

Pan Gu's ax is so powerful that many people have spent their entire lives without finding any news.

Bian Lang is just a corpse chaser, and he can't beat Pan Gu's axe.

Patriarch Qingshan was about to sacrifice the infant-killing sword, when he suddenly saw the Pangu ax in Bian Lang's hand, he was horrified.

But he quickly calmed down, Bian Lang was just a kid after all, even if he held a Pangu axe, what could he do?

But when Bian Lang swung his axe and overwhelming coercion swept over him, Ancestor Qingshan immediately discarded the idea just now.

It was only at this time that the danger was realized, and it was obviously too late.

Patriarch Qingshan had just sacrificed the infant-slaying sword, and both the person and the sword were split in half by the Pangu axe in an instant.

Blood rained all over the sky, shocking everyone.

Qiu Wuwei staggered and fell to the ground, muttering: "Impossible, this is impossible..."

The dignified patriarch couldn't catch Bian Lang's axe?
"Old Taoist Qiu, it's your turn." Bian Lang's voice suddenly sounded in front of him.

Qiu Wuwei suddenly looked up, and saw Bian Lang's harmless smile.

"Bian Lang, you..." Qiu Wuwei was full of despair, and when he saw Bian Lang raising his axe, he didn't even want to resist.

It's not that he doesn't want to resist, but he knows that any resistance is futile.


With one swing of the axe, Qiu Wuwei's head flew out obliquely.

Only then did the disciples of Shushan come to their senses and fled away one after another.

Dugu Meng didn't expect that Bian Lang would kill Qiu Wuwei.

With Qiu Wuwei's temperament, after such a big defeat, he will never die.

Only by ending his life can he save a lot of trouble.

Until far away from Shushan, Dugumeng still feels like a dream.

"Brother Bian, when you dealt with us that day, did you borrow strength from Xing Tian's body?" This is what Dugu Meng wants to figure out most now.

Bian Lang said: "At that time, I could manipulate Xing Tian's body to deal with you, but I couldn't use Xing Tian's power for my own use."

Dugu Meng nodded, a knot in her heart was finally solved.

"City Master Dugu, I won't go back to Iron Siege City, I have to send the Kunlun Mirror there quickly." Bian Lang turned around and said.

Dugu Meng said: "If you have time, I often come to Iron Siege City to play."

"Okay, but I have one more thing, I want to ask City Lord Dugu for help." Bian Lang said with a smile.

Dugu Meng said: "Brother Bian, please tell me."

"Can you help me find out the whereabouts of Xing Tian's head?" Bian Lang felt that there are more people than others.

I believe that many people in this world wanted to find Xing Tian's head, but no one found it.

Even if it is just rumors, Bian Lang needs it very much.

Dugu Meng nodded in agreement, watched Bian Lang go away, and immediately rushed to Iron Siege City.


Su Jiuyin brought thousands of disciples from the backer gang, and they had already approached the Iron Siege City.

According to Qiu Wuwei's plan, they only need to feign an attack, but the attack must be fierce, so that Dugu Qiusheng, who is staying behind in the iron besieged city, feels that the iron besieged city is about to fall, so that he can ask Dugu Meng for help.

The natural danger of surrounding the city with iron, even if the Backer Gang tried their best, they would still be unable to break through.

"Father-in-law, are we walking too slowly?" Yan Mo caught up with Su Jiuyin and asked in a cold voice.

The time when they attacked Iron Siege City must be earlier than the time when Dugu Meng attacked Shushan.

But along the way, Su Jiuyin was not in a hurry at all, he stopped and stopped, crawling slowly like a snail.

Su Jiuyin said: "Dugu Meng isn't that stupid, he won't rush to attack Shushan, presumably it's a late move."

"We also have a plan." Yan Mo still wanted to remind Su Jiuyin, don't delay the battle because of Su Jiuyin's hesitation, but let the iron besieged city escape.

Su Jiuyin smiled, and ordered: "It's almost noon, let's rest."

Yan Mo turned blue with anger.

But he was only the eldest disciple of Shushan, and he didn't dare to make mistakes in front of Su Jiuyin.

"Father, let's listen to Yan Mo." Su Xiaoxiao also felt that Su Jiuyin's delay would undoubtedly ruin the whole plan.

Su Jiuyin frowned and said, "How can you fight if you don't fill your stomach?"

This makes sense.

All the disciples of the Backer Gang started to cook with serious expressions on their faces.

As we all know, if you want to take down the iron siege, you must use corpses to build it up.

Even if it was just a feint attack, the casualties would inevitably be heavy.

Before the rice was cooked, Yan Mo received a message from Shushan.

The two sides have already started a war, and the battle is very fierce.

Yan Mo went to look for Su Jiuyin again, but Su Jiuyin just said lightly: "You have to eat, right?"

Liu Yi, who was sitting not far away, knew very well what Su Jiuyin was thinking.

Su Jiuyin deliberately delayed along the way, just to make both Shushan and Tieweicheng lose-lose in the fight.

After this battle, no matter who wins or loses, the strength of Shushan and Iron Siege City will be greatly weakened.

The struggle between sects has always been like this.

Liu Yi could understand Su Jiuyin's decision, after all, in her heart, she had no confidence in the alliance of the three factions.

If the Backer Gang encounters a crisis, Shushan and Dengtian Pavilion may not necessarily help.

Su Jiuyin still stood up, urging everyone to eat quickly, the war had already started on the Shushan side, and the Iron Siege City had to keep up.

Before the disciples finished their meal, Yan Mo received another message from Shushan.

After reading the news, Yan Mo's face became extremely ugly, and he collapsed to the ground.

When Su Xiaoxiao asked, tears welled up in Yan Mo's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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