Chapter 4

It wasn't until after dinner that Zhou Ling asked Lin Huan to follow her.

Following Zhou Ling around a courtyard, Lin Huan came to the courtyard where Zhou Ling lived.

Walking into a room with a strong fragrance, Lin Huan followed Zhou Ling and said without words, "Your room smells so good."

Zhou Ling was not from the martial arts world. She hadn't seen the red cassock much before. She took out the red cassock from a package in the closet.

It was getting dark outside, and there were two oil lamps in Zhou Ling's room.

Lin Huan carefully held the red cassock to look after it under the lamp, for fear that it was a fake.

When Lin Huan saw the crooked words on the cassock, "If you want to practice this skill, you must first go to the palace; make alchemy and take medicine, both inside and outside", he was sure that it was the real thing.

I thought to myself, so this is the sword manual of fighting evil with the invincible hand in the world! ?

After calming down for a while, Lin Huan thought that now he had found the evil sword manual, but what about Zigong? ?

If I went to the palace to practice this thing, then I would become sister Lin, and I could only be sisters with the woman in front of me, this is too...

You have to think about this matter clearly.

Although I am a bit cynical, but after all, I have not yet developed a complex of world-weariness.

Another question is: there are no pictures in this evil sword manual, and there are only so many incomprehensible ancient texts, how can I practice it?
You can't go to someone to ask for advice face to face, otherwise not only the sword manual may be lost, but also your life may be lost.

People in this society like to kill and silence, especially after getting good things.

Looking at Zhou Ling's beautiful face, Lin Huan thought that even if she knew how to practice this kind of thing, she couldn't practice it for the time being.

Or if you want to practice, you have to be like that Yue Buqun, and you have to practice after you have your own children.

It turned out that getting what I wanted and my last stubbornness seemed not as happy as I imagined!
Thinking of this, Lin Huan still felt that it was necessary to go to the Cuiyun Tower now and control Yu Qingguo.

As long as he controlled Yu Qingguo, he would let Yu Canghai and the Qingcheng faction fight against them, and then judged that they would not dare to destroy the Lin family, otherwise he would kill Yu Qingguo himself.

Seeing that Lin Huan got the cassock, Zhou Ling wanted to leave. She stopped Lin Huan and said, "Now that you have the robe, do you want to fool around in Cuiyun Tower?"

Lin Huan said, "No, I just want to go there to find my friend."

"Do you think I'll believe it?"

"How about we...can we have a baby?"

Zhou Ling took a step back, blushed and said, "What are you talking about?"

Lin Huan said, "Aren't we happy with each other now? Why can't we?"

"Why are you so sloppy? We haven't gone through three matchmakers and six employments. How can you mention the matter of having a child? Before you rejected our Zhou family's matchmaker, my parents are still angry with you, maybe now I may not promise you anything right away."

"Why is your family so troublesome?"

"Three matchmaking and six employment between men and women, isn't this the case in Fuzhou City?"

"Then I have to leave now, let's see you when we are free."


Lin Huan said, "You don't want to have a baby with me, and you won't let me go. What's the reason?"

Zhou Ling said, "My house has a first-class guest room. You will stay at my house tonight. My parents will come back tomorrow. When you see my parents tomorrow, explain to them what happened before."

"Then can I explain it tomorrow?"

"No, don't think that once you get this robe, you won't listen to me. If you don't listen to me, then I won't return this robe. Without me, this robe It was stolen by that thief before."

Hearing what Zhou Ling said, Lin Huan also admitted that if the cassock had been stolen by a thief, there would be nowhere to find it.

Seeing the Four Treasures of the Study on the next table, it is estimated that Zhou Ling usually used it for calligraphy practice this week.

Lin Lingxin thought it was right. Not only did he not know how to practice this evil sword manual, but even if he knew, he didn't want to practice it at the price of his own palace. In order to prevent any accidents, he had to back up this evil sword manual. .

I can copy out several copies of the sword manual.

After copying a few copies of the real ones, copy a few more fake ones and remove some things from the beginning, middle and end of the evil sword score. Anyway, among the living people, only myself and Zhou Ling have seen the real ones. Zhou Ling didn't understand the evil sword manual, so he was the only one who knew which was the real sword manual and which was the fake one.

Thinking of this, Lin Huan hurriedly expressed his willingness to stay at Zhou's house for one night.

Following Zhou Ling to the courtyard where Zhou's family had a superior guest room, after Zhou Ling and Xiaohuan left, Lin Huan took a bath and changed, and began to copy the evil sword manual.

After copying three real sword manuals in a row, he started to get ten fake ones.

When the ink stains on the thirteen copies of the sword manual were completely dry, Lin Huan was very proud, and thought that if he wanted to bring disaster to the world of martial arts, he would ask someone to copy thousands of copies of this thing and distribute it everywhere.

Or find a place to print hundreds of thousands of copies, and send them out when you meet people on the street outside, so that this martial arts world in front of you will be the best in the world everywhere!

Seeing that it was getting late, Lin Huan wanted to leave Zhou's house.

After collecting the thirteen copies of the evil sword manual, Lin Huan found a place to hide the red cassock.

Then came to the courtyard where Zhou Ling lived, and saw that the courtyard was dark, Zhou Ling should have fallen asleep, Lin Huan climbed the fence and left Zhou's house.

Back outside the Fuwei Escort, Lin Huan saw that the door of the Escort was open and the lights inside and outside were bright.

Lin Huanxin thought that it was so late at night, all the people in the Fuwei Escort Bureau were still awake?
He hadn't even entered the bodyguard bureau when he was grabbed by the head of the bodyguard during the day.

Chief Li dragged Lin Huan to a hiding place and said in a low voice, "Young escort, where did you kidnap Yu Qingguo? The chief escort is sending people to look for you everywhere?"

Lin Huan said, "I didn't kidnap Yu Qingguo."

"Now Yu Canghai from the Qingcheng faction brought people to the door. Someone saw you with Yu Qingguo during the day, and Lin Qingdun who came to Fuzhou with Yu Qingguo this time, insisted that you kidnapped Yu Qingguo. They are very angry now, and they probably want to attack the Fuwei Escort before dawn."

"Is Yu Canghai in there now?"

"Yes, there are five of his apprentices."

"Great, I'm looking for this Yu, let's go in now."

Chief Li blocked Lin Huan and said, "Young escort, don't go in. If Yu Canghai sees you now, they will beat you to death."

Lin Huan felt that he had already changed the plot, he said, "It's okay, I didn't kidnap Yu Qingguo, I entertained him with good food and drink."

After speaking, he bypassed Escort Li and walked directly towards the gate.

(End of this chapter)

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