Chapter 40
After Lin Huan repeatedly explained, and even used the Huashan sword technique that Yue Lingshan had taught him before, the disciples of the Huashan School believed Lin Huan.

After Ning Zhong confirmed Lin Huan's identity, he saw that Lin Huan was a good-looking talent. He respected the rules, and he also liked Lin Huan very much, so he personally arranged for Lin Huan's accommodation.

Lin Huanxin thought that this Ning Zhongze was the woman that many online articles in the previous era wanted to guide, but she was actually a young woman, a middle-aged woman, similar to the situation of Lin Pingzhi's mother Wang in Fuzhou.

People really don't understand those web articles in the previous era, they don't go to attack Yue Lingshan, Yilin, or Ren Yingying, but they always come to attack Ningzhong?

Has the taste changed so much?

Ning Zhongze's daughter, Yue Lingshan, is already 20 years old. According to this inference, Ning Zhongze should be almost 40 years old, or even over [-] years old.

Ning Zhongze was also a member of the Huashan School before, she was Yue Buqun's junior sister, before marrying Yue Buqun, she was righteous, courageous, good at martial arts, known as a heroine, and had a good reputation in the world.

It is said that when Wo Xing, the director of the Sun Moon God Sect, saw Ning Zhongze, he respectfully called her Lady Ning Xia.

After Ning Zhong married Yue Buqun, he seldom showed his face outside, and stayed on Huashan to look after his husband and teach his daughter, and take care of the affairs of the Huashan faction.

After arranging Lin Huan's place to live, Ning Zhong took Lin Huan to the cafeteria for lunch. It was already past lunch time, and Ning Zhong had already had lunch. She asked the cook in the cafeteria to cook Lin Huan two a dish.

While Lin Huan was having lunch, Ning Zhong greeted Lin Huan again, asking a lot about what happened in Hengshan this time.

Hearing that Liu Zhengfeng's family was supposed to be slaughtered by the Songshan faction, but was rescued by the imperial court's Dongchang and Cao Shaoqin. Ningzhong was greatly surprised by such a result. She never thought that the Songshan faction was going to kill them this time. Liu Zhengfeng's family is full, but Dongchang has saved Liu Zhengfeng's family this time.

In the martial arts world, the Sun Moon God Sect, the imperial court's Dongchang, and Baihua Palace are all regarded as evil and crooked by the famous and decent sects. Unexpectedly, this time Dongchang interfered with Liu Zhengfeng's golden basin to wash his hands and broke the Songshan faction's plan to slaughter Liu Zhengfeng. Full of plans.

So Ning Zhong felt that Dongchang's performance was better than those decent schools this time, but the Songshan School made her feel sick.

After Lin Huan had lunch, Ning Zhong went to bring some changes of clothes and some toiletries to Lin Huan.

Lin Huan took the clothes and said, "Thank you, Master."

Ning Zhong nodded and said, "You may not be used to it when you first arrived at the Huashan School, but you will get better in the future, and you will treat this as your home, and you will be like yours in the future. Senior brother said, it’s okay to tell me.”

Lin Huan thought about what happened in Hengshan City before, and he wanted to test the situation of this mistress again, "I have something to tell my mistress now."

"Then tell me."

"This time I caused trouble in Hengshan City, Master, you must make the decision for me."

"What's wrong with you?"

"It was when I was in Hengshan City that I offended Namu Gaofeng and the Qingcheng faction, and even killed Tian Boguang and Fei Bin."

Ning Zhong was stunned, "Did you kill the flower picker Tian Boguang and Fei Bin from the Songshan sect?"

Lin Huan nodded and said, "That's right, Tian Boguang is really annoying. He always harassed the nuns of the Hengshan Sect. In addition, he wanted to kill me once before, but I killed him that time."

"That Tian Boguang should have been killed a long time ago. It's just that Fei Bin of the Songshan School is known as the Master of Songyang, and he is Zuo Lengchan's junior. His martial arts are extremely high. You... how could you kill him?"

"Maybe it was luck, plus that Fei Bin underestimated the enemy, so I killed him. He wanted to kill Master Dingyi and Yilin outside Hengshan City, and then blamed Dongchang and Cao Shaoqin. At that time, Master Dingyi It was too serious to heal, so I couldn't stand it anymore, so I killed Fei Bin."

In fact, Ningzhong has long been displeased with Fei Bin. When Fei Bin came to Huashan School before, he completely regarded Huashan School as a subordinate school of Songshan School, arrogant and dictating.

At this moment, hearing that Fei Bin was actually beheaded by the apprentice her husband had just accepted, Ning Zhong felt that Fei Bin's death was not a bad thing for the Huashan School.

She looked at Lin Huan and said, "Unexpectedly, when you first joined my Huashan School, you would have such a courageous spirit to eliminate two scourges for the Huashan School. You don't have to be afraid. If someone comes to 'question', I will replace you, Mrs. blocked."

Lin Huan said, "I'm not afraid of someone coming to 'question' now, but I'm afraid of Master, who loves face so much. He will settle accounts with me, after all, offending the Songshan faction is a big deal."

"Don't be afraid, I will tell your master clearly."

"But I'm still scared."

"Don't be afraid, I will make the decision for you."

"Thank you, Mrs. Ma, I thought I would make such a big fuss this time, so I have to express it, and use it to stop the mouths of those martial arts fellows."

"Then what are you thinking now?"

"Why don't you punish me, Mistress, to think about the cliff face and the wall?"

Lin Huan came to Huashan, the main purpose is to go to the secret cave of Siguoya, learn the martial arts on the cave wall, become a second-rate master, and complete the main task of his system. He wants to use this matter to go directly to Siguoya up.

Ning Zhong said, "No need for now, I will explain the situation to your master when your master and the others come back."

Lin Huan said, "But I don't feel safe, why don't you punish me to think over the cliff and face the wall? When the master comes back, seeing that I have repented so sincerely, maybe you won't be too angry with me. .”

"You didn't make a big mistake in this matter. Needless to say about Tian Boguang's matter, Fei Bin wanted to kill Master Dingyi and Yilin first, and wanted to blame Dongchang later. You don't have to face the wall and think about it. , when your master comes back, I will make it clear to him."

Lin Huanxin thought that it was so difficult for her to be punished for facing the wall and thinking about her mistakes.
Although Lin Huan wanted to ask Ning Zhongze for the punishment of facing the wall and thinking about his past, but he didn't get it, but he felt that this teacher's wife was still good, and it would be a pity to marry someone like Yue Buqun.

In the era before Lin Huan, he would have provoked this woman to divorce Yue Buqun.

Ning Zhong saw what Lin Huan was thinking when he didn't speak, and thought that Lin Huan was worried that her husband would be severely punished after he came back.

She walked up to Lin Huan and said, "Pingzhi, you don't have to be too scared, there is a teacher who will make decisions for you."

Lin Huan nodded and said, "Thank you, Master."

"Don't be afraid, there is nothing wrong now. You just came back today, and you will go back to the place where you live to take a shower and have a good rest. In the next two days, I will ask one of your senior brothers to come and take you, so that the familiar Huashan’s situation and door regulations, etc., is that okay?”

"Okay, thank you, Mistress."

When bidding farewell to Ning Zhongze and heading to his place of residence, Lin Huanxin thought that this woman surnamed Ning really made people feel warm. The old lady Wang in her hometown in Fuzhou didn't seem to have given herself such warmth.

(End of this chapter)

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