Martial arts cheating: starting from the evil sunflower

Chapter 43 This product finally appeared

Chapter 43 This product finally appeared

It was noon that day, and Lin Huan saw Ning Zhong, bringing some food with the former Huashan disciple named Tao Jun, came to Siguoya.

It turned out that Ningzhong had discovered that Lin Pingzhi had disappeared in the past few days, and asked several people to search everywhere but could not find it.

Tao Jun remembered that Lin Pingzhi had asked him about the location of Siguoya before, and he had only mentioned this matter to Ningzhong that day.

But Ningzhong thought of Lin Pingzhi beheading Tian Boguang and Fei Bin before, and asked her to ask her to think about the cliff face, and she thought that Lin Pingzhi might be thinking about the cliff, so that day Take Tao Jun to find Siguoya.

Seeing that Lin Pingzhi was really thinking about the past, Ning Zhong was very relieved, thinking that his husband had accepted such a courageous apprentice this time, and he didn't let him come here to face the cliff. He has thought about the cliff face and wall for so many days here.

It's hard for Lin Huan to explain that he didn't think about the past when he came to the Cliff of Thoughts, but since Ning Zhongze and Tao Jun thought he was thinking about it on the wall, he did his part.

After eating the food Tao Jun brought to him, he heard from Ning Zhong that Yue Buqun and Yue Lingshan came back from Mount Heng this morning, and when Lin Huan was about to leave Siguo Cliff with Ning Zhong, he suddenly looked at the people standing in the distance. An old man with white hair.

Seeing that the old man looked like a master, Lin Huan couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, thinking that this person should be living in seclusion here on Siguo Cliff, and would be able to fly like Dugu Nine Swords, right?

When I almost gave up, this product finally appeared.

Seeing that Feng Qingyang just looked at this side, he turned to a hidden place next to him, Lin Huan hurriedly strode after him.

After chasing to the place where Feng Qingyang was just now, Lin Huan also went to the place where Feng Qingyang turned, but Feng Qingyang had long since disappeared.

Since Feng Qingyang is living in seclusion here on Siguoya, Lin Huan can't leave Siguoya for the time being. The martial arts in the secret cave were destroyed by that fake Linghu Chong, even if the fake Linghu Chong copied down the martial arts in the secret cave in advance , but there is no better Dugu Nine Swords.

Ningzhong had already discussed with Yue Buqun about Lin Huan beheading Tian Boguang and Fei Bin in Hengyang in the morning, and Yue Buqun also agreed not to punish Lin Huan, so Ningzhong wanted to take Lin Huan away from Siguo Cliff .

But Lin Huan wanted to stay at Siguo Cliff where Dugu Nine Swords, who had a clear style of study, used the excuse that he had done something wrong, so he wanted to stay at Siguo Cliff until the two-month period expired, and send Ningzhong away. And Tao Jun left.

When Ning Zhongze and Tao Jun left, Lin Huan searched everywhere for Feng Qingyang, but he couldn't find anyone for two hours.

Back in front of the cave and sitting and resting, Lin Huan thought that Feng Qingyang had clearly seen him two hours ago, and Ning Zhongze and Tao Jun had also left here, so why didn't he show up?
Is this trying to test myself, or what?

There is nothing to test in this barren mountain, right?

When he was sitting in front of the cave and was about to fall asleep, Lin Huan heard a voice calling him. He opened his eyes and saw Yue Lingshan walking towards him with a beautiful basket.

Lin Huan felt a little annoyed, that Feng Qingyang might be testing himself, but a woman came, and when Yue Lingshan came, he might fail Feng Qingyang's test.

Only when there is no woman in the heart, can the sword be natural.

No big shot would pass on his housekeeping skills to a womanizer.

When Yue Lingshan approached, Lin Huan stood up from the ground and said, "What are you doing here?"

Yue Lingshan said happily, "I came here to see you at Siguoya. I heard from my mother that you are so self-disciplined. My parents didn't blame you for what happened in Hengshan before, but you are willing to stay here on Siguoya. Think about it, can I not come to see you?"

Lin Huanxin thought that she was thinking about my past on this wall, and this was too flattering to herself, "Since you know that I am thinking about my past on this wall, don't bother me."

"It's okay, my father and mother don't mean to blame you at all, you don't need to think about your mistakes on this wall."

"I think the scenery is good, and I want to calm down here, so let's go."

"My mother is full of praise for you, and my father also admires you when he heard that you killed Tian Boguang and that Fei Bin in Hengshan."

Lin Huanxin wondered why Yue Buqun didn't come to trouble him when he came back this time. It should be because he heard that he even beheaded Fei Bin, so he didn't dare to act rashly to him anymore, because he didn't want to behead Fei Bin. , not even a little sure, if he still wants to make trouble for himself, he has to weigh his own strength.

Yue Lingshan took out the food for Lin Huan from the food basket, including wine and fruit, as well as vegetables and rice, all of which were delicious and delicious.

Lin Huan searched for Feng Qingyang for two hours just now but couldn't find him, he might be a little hungry now.

"Xiao Linzi, eat quickly, I made this for you myself."

"You made it? Can you cook it so well?"

"Yeah, my cooking skills are really good, I forgot to tell you before."

Yue Lingshan poured Lin Huan a glass of wine with a small wine glass and continued, "Eat quickly, the food will not get cold later."

Lin Huan took the glass and drank the wine and said, "After I have eaten, you can leave here. I have something to do here. You don't have to visit me in the future. There are wild fruits nearby to satisfy your hunger, so you won't be hungry. with mine."

"What's the matter with you in this barren mountain? My parents don't mean to blame you at all. You don't have to think about it on this wall. Come down the mountain with me later."

"Why are you so troublesome? You don't have to be together every day if you want to fall in love, right?"

"You... what did you say?"

"Did your father send you to spy on me?"

"I don't even know what you're talking about, why is my father spying on you?"

Lin Huanxin wondered if it wasn't for your father because of my Lin family's evil sword manual, why would he accept me as a disciple?It's just that he didn't bother me when he heard that I killed Fei Bin of the Songshan faction.

But it's not good for Lin Huan to tell Yue Lingshan about this in detail, and she won't believe it, he said, "I just said nonsense. That's right, why didn't senior brother come to see me with you?"

Yue Lingshan said, "Don't mention the senior brother. When we came back to Luoyang, he disappeared. I don't know where to hang out. I and the other senior brothers searched for him for a long time. When we couldn't find him, my father let him go. Sixth Senior Brother stayed in Luoyang to wait for him, and the others continued to return to Mount Hua."

Lin Huan thought that [-]% to [-]% of Linghu Chong was a fake, and he had ruined the martial arts in the secret cave behind, so there was no need for him to set up a relationship with Yue Lingshan, "Why do you think the elder brother might have gone?"

"How could I guess, I'm not the roundworm in his stomach."

"By the way, when you came back with the senior brother this time, before you came to Luoyang, you didn't get any advantage from the senior brother, did you?"

(End of this chapter)

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