Chapter 44 Joint Force Casting

Qin Feng checked the casting method of Youlongjian again.

Youlongjian not only needs the fusion of the essence of hardware, but also needs the Longquan training pool to temper it.

It takes some effort to gather together the essence of hardware, but it is not so easy to get the Longquan Refining Pool.

Although he knew that there was a Longquan Purification Pool in the Imperial Palace, with his current status, he had no chance to enter the Imperial Palace and use the Longquan Purification Pool.

When Qin Feng was worried about this matter, he thought that there was a washing pool in Datianluo Temple for monks to train their bodies.I don't know if that refining pool can temper the Dragon Sword.

Youlongjian is the strongest sword in this group of seven swords. It is extremely aggressive and invincible.

It can cut off all the swords except Qinggan Sword which is the most defensive.

For casting the Floating Dragon Sword, Qin Feng is also bound to win.

When Wu Mie gets the Buddha bone relic next time and comes to him, he will take the opportunity to ask about the Cleansing Pond in Datianluo Temple.

After watching the soft hedgehog and the dragon sword, Qin Feng didn't immediately withdraw from the magic weapon book.

Instead, he unraveled the casting method of the Yin Yang judge pen, and then simulated casting in it with his mind.

The imitation casting of the Yin Yang judge brush is a bit special this time.

The Book of Divine Weapons also specially simulated a female foundry to assist him in forging Yin-Yang Ming Iron, the model is similar to Ling Xinyue.

He spent a little more time on the simulation casting this time.

Not only did he have to remember his own forging steps, but he also had to remember the forging steps of the other female caster who assisted him.

Let Ling Xinyue use this to forge later, and help him to forge this yin and yang judge pen together.

Therefore, he successfully simulated twice, and it took an hour.It is much more complicated than the Golden Snake Sword.

Qin Feng felt that he had almost mastered it, and time was running out, so he could only withdraw from the magic weapon book and opened his eyes.

At this moment, Ling Xinyue had already finished her meal and packed up.Sitting there looking at him curiously.

"Master, you are too tired, why are you falling asleep! Don't delay the business."

Ling Xinyue couldn't wait any longer and was about to wake Qin Feng up.

And she was also in admiration that she could still sit motionless on the stone bench and fell asleep.

"Superficial, what do you know? Are you asleep as a teacher? That's called meditation."

"I've been thinking about forging the Yin-Yang Judge Brush just now, and it's exhausting. Fortunately, I've figured out some difficult points."

Qin Feng said lightly.

Later, he was going to test it in the casting room first, and wait for Ling Xinyue to make no mistakes before proceeding to the formal forging.

"Master, are you really sure about forging the Yin-Yang Judge Brush?"

Ling Xinyue looked worried, half-believing.

If you try to forge Yin-Yang Ming Iron and fail.A lot of lifespan was lost, and the soul was seriously injured.It is not easy to compensate for the extremely rare piece of Yin-Yang Ming Iron.

"I never do things that I'm not sure about. You'd better put your mind on forging. I'll tell you some precautions in forging later. Just do what I tell you."

Qin Feng brought Ling Xinyue to the casting room.

First, she explained and demonstrated her operation method.

Then I took a few pieces of refined iron, and experimented with them first, and practiced two people working together to forge at the same time.

Ling Xinyue also had doubts in her heart, why Qin Feng seemed to be very skilled and clear, could it be that he had forged Yin-Yang Dark Iron before.

After trying it again, Ling Xinyue made dozens of mistakes, and the iron was damaged halfway.

Several times, her iron hammer was either a step slower or a little faster, and it hit Qin Feng's Tiangang hammer directly, and the strength was sometimes unstable.

"It doesn't make any sense to forge it in your state. This is just ordinary refined iron. If it is Yin-Yang Ming Iron, it will be dozens of times more difficult."

"How did your grandfather teach you to forge iron before? With your three-legged cat's craft, it's a shame that you came from the family of a magic weapon master! You should give up being a foundry master."

Qin Feng put down the Tiangang Hammer in his hand, and angrily reprimanded coldly.

He could see that Ling Xinyue was a bit pretentious and ambitious.It is absolutely impossible to forge Yin-Yang Dark Iron with such a state of mind.

Ling Xinyue stayed there quietly, and did not refute Qin Feng's words.

But in my heart I feel a little wronged.

Since his grandfather's accident, he never taught her to blacksmith again.

Later, it was her own stubbornness, she found some casting manuals of her grandfather, and pondered the forging skills alone at home.

She did this not only for herself, but also for her grandpa and family.

In the past, when her grandfather was a magic soldier, he was admired by others.She was also proud when she was a child.

Later, her grandfather could no longer forge a magic weapon, and the family was deserted, full of ridicules everywhere.

Some people even slandered each other, saying that his grandfather was a deceitful person and not worthy of being a foundry master.

Because of this, she is eager to forge a magic weapon more than anyone else, so as to wash away the shame of her grandfather and the Ling family.

"Master, I was wrong. I will treat the next forging well, please let me try again."

Ling Xinyue let go of her mentality, and said sincerely, her mind also attached great importance to it.

"Then try it for now. If you make more than seven mistakes this time, you don't need to forge."

Seeing Ling Xinyue's serious attitude, Qin Feng nodded and said sternly.

Ling Xinyue concentrated her energy, at this moment, only forging was left in her mind.

Then he recalled the steps in his mind, carefully assisted Qin Feng, and concentrated on forging.

This test forging was over, and Ling Xinyue only made five mistakes during the period.

Qin Feng was also surprised, this Ling Xinyue's forging talent was really extraordinary, if she hadn't received the Forge God Blood Curse, she should be able to become a magic weapon master at the age of 30 or [-] at most.

"Very good, I hope you will make fewer and fewer mistakes in the future, otherwise you won't even have time to eat and rest!"

Qin Feng nodded lightly and said expectantly.

"I will do it."

Ling Xinyue replied confidently with a nod, and continued to assist Qin Feng to forge it wholeheartedly.

In the next experiment, Ling Xinyue made fewer mistakes, and her operations became more and more skillful and dexterous.

After forging tirelessly until late at night, Ling Xinyue lived up to her expectations, and finally made no mistakes, a perfect test succeeded once.

Ling Xinyue also breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.She felt that her skills had improved a lot this time.

Especially my state of mind has also undergone a qualitative change.

"That's the end of today's experiment. Although you succeeded once, don't be too happy."

"Tomorrow is the official forging of Yin-Yang Mingtie, and there is no chance to experiment. There is only success in one fell swoop or the forging fails."

"If it fails, it will cause me to lose my life and lose money. Just pack up and leave for me!"

With a serious face, Qin Feng exhorted in a cold voice.

Tomorrow's joint forging will be even more difficult, and there must be no mistakes.The key fell on Ling Xinyue.

If the forging fails, he will suffer heavy losses.

(End of this chapter)

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