Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 10 1 Electric Chapters

Chapter 10 A Phone Call

The global crisis, the disaster is getting worse, and countless refugees are pressing towards the border of country H...

Right now, country H is fairly stable, and the heat is getting hotter, but everyone has food and shelter, and the government is still covering the subsistence allowances.

Mi Ajiu became more and more anxious, frantically scrolling through news posts full of anxiety and panic.

At this time, a post published 1 minute ago jumped out.

【Human beings are about to pay a terrible price for their naive behavior, which may elevate human civilization to a new height, but it is more likely to send human beings to eternal doom.

Thirty years ago, humans first obtained the material in its deep mines from Venus. They only said that there were rich minerals on it, but did not say that signs of life were found.

But in fact, scientists have unsealed the seal of the Eivirus, and combined with the immortal cells obtained from the glacier, they have completely completed the gene sequence of the immortal cells? !

These gene sequences can be fused with human genes to rejuvenate them, but they can produce independent consciousness under certain conditions.

For example, the "meteor shower" penetrated into human society beyond the scope of human scientific cognition.

Then, these independent consciousnesses in turn control the human body.

Thus, those who are injected or infected with the special virus become the immortal virus vector.

Maybe at this moment, the people around you are no longer the original one...]

——This post is surprisingly consistent with "Qi Mingyuan's" immortal virus theory, but it doesn't mention that we are petri dishes and... signal towers for immortal viruses.

Mi Ajiu just watched it for less than a minute, when the page suddenly became blank: the post was deleted.

Mi Ajiu closed the news website, opened the shopping website, and swept everything she thought would be useful into the shopping cart: dozens of quilts, dozens of sets of clothes and pants, hundreds of sets of shoes, socks and underwear, dozens of boxes of paper rolls Paper towels...sanitary napkins were also sold in dozens of boxes.What Mi Ajiu chooses are all ordinary miscellaneous brands, which are cheaper than shopping malls and have more varieties. The key is that she doesn't need to go to buy them one after another.

All kinds of biscuits, nuts, and crisps. How many boxes of each variety are ordered, and there are more than 40 boxes in total.

Dozens of stainless steel vats of fifty liters and one hundred liters.

Large drinking cups and lunch boxes, the better plastic materials are only a few cents or one piece, each order... more than 1000 pieces.

The total amount is about one hundred thousand, which is the maximum amount she can borrow.

Let's place an order first.

After finishing all this, Mi Ajiu felt a wave of exhaustion, simply washed up, and finally ended this busy, fulfilling and thrilling day.

As soon as he touched the bed, he fell into a deep sleep.

In the Rubik's cube space in the palm, the central pronucleus slowly rotates, and the energy is fed back to the body, imperceptibly seeping into every inch of bone meridians.


hum- hum-

The persistent ringing of the mobile phone woke up Mi Ajiu from her sound sleep. She reached out and groped the bedside table habitually, grabbed the mobile phone and swipe it with her thumb before reaching her ear, "Hey... something happened? What happened to Xiaojun?" Already? This... well, where are you? Well, I... will come over at about ten o'clock..."

Mi Ajiu put down the phone for a while, feeling a little dazed.

The person who called just now was Ni Jia, a college classmate and roommate. They are not close friends, but since they both worked in L City after graduation, they got closer.

Xiaojun is in another dormitory of the same class, and the relationship with Mi Ajiu is just to meet and nod, but the relationship with Ni Jia is better.

Probably because we are all in the same city, we couldn't help getting closer. Before Xiaojun got married, the three of us occasionally went to teahouses or parks to get together.

Information about Xiaojun flashed through Mi Ajiu's head. She sat up on the bed and carefully thought about the content of Ni Jia's phone call just now: she said in a hurried tone with unspeakable fear that Xiaojun was bitten by her husband...

Ni Jia wanted to visit and asked her to accompany her.

No matter how you listen to it, you find it incredible: First of all, Xiaojun and his wife are very affectionate. They have never heard of either of them having an affair, and the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is also very harmonious.

Furthermore, even if the relationship is really bad enough to do it... Normal people would slap their fists, so how could they move their mouths?Besides, if you bite someone, you won't just ask outsiders to intervene.

Suddenly, Mi Ajiu thought of something—crazy!
Four years ago, Xiaojun married a boy who was in the second year of high school at the same school. Mi Ajiu and Ni Jia went to her wedding together. The boy grew up well, and the boy and his parents treated Xiaojun very well. Well, I gave birth to a child in the second year of marriage, and gave birth to a second child last year.

The boy’s family is also considered to have small assets. His father opened a small company. After graduation, the boy worked in the company for a year or two before officially taking over and becoming a small boss himself.

It is said that the company's performance was once very good.However, the climate and the international environment have deteriorated in the past two years. Half a year ago, Mi Ajiu heard Ni Jia mention that Xiaojun and the others had closed the company and returned to their hometown to build a shanty planting base.Vegetables grown are in short supply.

Mi Ajiu remembered that when Ni Jia chatted with her on the Internet phone last week, when they talked about the frequent occurrence of various strange things, she casually said: The second day or the third day after the meteor shower, there was an explosion in Xiaojun’s planting base. There are many mice, big in size, aggressive, and not afraid of people.

Not only did the rats destroy a lot of base equipment, but they also bit Xiaojun's husband and several migrant workers.

At that time, Mi Ajiu was also in an extraordinary period, so she was thinking all day how to get rid of the uncertain factor of Qi Mingyuan without putting herself in it.

So when Ni Jia said these things, she just listened to them casually and didn't take them to heart.But what is certain is that the situation was not serious at the time.

At this time, Mi Ajiu thought that when she went to the company to go through the resignation procedures yesterday, she also heard a few colleagues say that someone had bitten someone madly, and suddenly felt a chilling panic.

So, all this is really caused by the immortal virus?

If the immortal virus activates independent consciousness, it may be like "Qi Mingyuan";
If it is not activated, it will always coexist peacefully with human genes, stimulate cell activity, repair damage, rejuvenate or something;

Or there will be genetic conflicts, madness, hurting people...

Mi Ajiu thought to this point, felt a thick layer of black clouds pressing down on her head, and felt anxious.

She could hear that Ni Jia was very worried about the current situation of Xiaojun's family, but Xiaojun felt uncertain about going alone in such weather, so she asked her to go with her.

If it was put in the past, Mi Ajiu would definitely deny it, and at most he would just make a phone call to say hello.Otherwise, there would be no label of indifference and inhumanity.

Of course, she doesn't care what labels others put on her.

But this time, because many channels of news were blocked, those news about abnormal phenomena one after another and the madness of humans and animals were all suppressed.

Ordinary people like her can't see the real appearance of this world at all, so they can only take the initiative to go out and "know" the world. This time is an opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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