Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 105 Chapter 15

Chapter 105 Chapter [-]
That's right, Mi Ajiu has already passed through and raided two service areas before, harvesting dozens of bags of various snacks, more than a dozen boxes of unopened mineral water, hundreds of cans, and nearly a ton of gasoline .

Mi Ajiu was thinking about how many leaks he could pick up in the service area this time, while using the space cells to collect the cars that collided with each other, and walked towards the service area step by step.

Entering from the fork in the service area, Mi Ajiu walked almost halfway, seeing the wide parking lot and the eye-catching logo of the gas station, her mood jumped up, and she couldn't help speeding up her pace.

However, at this moment, she felt a palpitation inexplicably.

Mi Ajiu quickly stroked her heart... It was definitely not because she fought for hours under the scorching sun, driving and walking for dozens of kilometers.

She is very clear about her body. Except that she is a little hungry but in a fully bearable state, her body is not too tired, and she doesn't even need to consume general energy to maintain consumption.

Therefore, this palpitation is not caused by oneself, but from the outside world...

Mi Ajiu slowed down and carefully sensed the surrounding environment.

There is a large green belt between the service area and the highway, which originally had lush vegetation.

The service area is also surrounded by tall trees. Even after such a long drought, there is still a trace of green that has not completely faded on these vegetation.

Concentrating and resting, Mi Ajiu finally noticed something was wrong.

There was no wind or cloud at the moment, but she found a slight shaking from the trees on the isolation belt on the left.

Not right, very wrong.

Although she still couldn't see anything when she looked far away, her heart palpitations became stronger.

Mi Ajiu stopped completely, feeling a strong sense of crisis in her heart.

—There is something hidden in this service area.

Is it a mutant animal or a mutant human?

Her body tensed up, and she immediately put away the external space unit—her first thought was whether there were any people or animals hidden in the service area.

No matter what it is, it is possible to destroy her Rubik's cube space.

If a living creature suddenly pops out and enters the range of the spatial cell, and you accidentally collect it...then the entire cell will be destroyed.

Mi Ajiu thought that she still had a damaged cell, and she hadn't found a way to repair it yet.

In fact, looking back now, she arranged the cells to transfer items all the way, and she didn't encounter a living creature lurking in the abandoned car. It was really lucky.

Whenever she encounters one, even if she struggles a little when she is forced to earn money, the space wall will be broken like paper...

If it's a human... her space will be exposed - then there must be a fight.It's okay if you can beat it, but if you can't beat it, you will definitely be exposed.

Whoosh, rustle——

The withered and yellow woods swayed from far to near, as if something was approaching her.

At the same time, Mi Ajiu also felt the ground began to vibrate slightly, and there was a very slight friction sound.

It's like... the sound of something extremely heavy being dragged along the ground.

What the hell?

Although Mi Ajiu didn't see anything now, as the rustling sound got closer, she quickly sacrificed her Mi's shield while backing away.

Mi Ajiu's left arm passed through two loops, and a cloth strip was wrapped around the iron loop so as not to cut her little hand when using it.The palm was just holding the handle - her hand is now fully restored.

The shield on his back was also hung on his shoulder by Mi Ajiu, and he swung his right hand down, pulling the giant ax in his hand.

It took her almost only a few seconds to enter the state of preparation.

But she is retreating in such a state of preparation...

Although it was only after six o'clock in the afternoon, the light was very bright, and it was very suitable for fighting from the environment.

However, Mi Ajiu felt that what she met this time was very terrifying, and before seeing the true face of Mount Lu, there was an indescribable deterrent force field, which made her feel fearful.

Since there is no fighting spirit in my heart, it is best not to fight without fighting.

Therefore, the preparation for the battle in one go only made her retreat more safely.

Mi Ajiu observed the surrounding situation back and forth, and retreated vigilantly - anyway, I have explored such a long way today, so I will go back and discuss with everyone first.

Even though she said just now that people can't run away from her, everyone's combined methods must be more than hers.

If it doesn't work, just take a detour, or just give up this road-there is another one on the Wu team's side, and according to the information from the previous contact, their side is also relatively smooth.

Just when she had just retreated to the expressway outside, suddenly, she felt flying sand and rocks beside her, and accompanied by a strong gust of wind, a huge soft tentacles rushed out from the road leading to the service area.

Another octopus monster?
The tail of this tentacle is also about half a meter in diameter, and the diameter near the body reaches several meters!

The dark brown background is covered with suckers as big as washbasins.

When the tentacle came close to Mi Ajiu, it suddenly lifted up and slapped it hard...

Mi Ajiu clearly saw that the tentacle was inlaid with suckers that were constantly wriggling, and the suckers were covered with circles of sharp teeth, rotating alternately with each other, and there was a scarlet mass of flesh wriggling in the middle...

If it was sucked, her whole head and body could be ground into mud by the spinning tines.

Mi Ajiu rolled to the side on the spot completely by instinct, barely avoiding the tentacles being patted.

And her Mi's armor is also included in the space - she has no confidence to withstand a blow from this thing, so the armor hinders her movement.

The tentacles hit the ground heavily, with a loud bang, sand and gravel splashed, and a long crack opened on the ground.

The tentacle failed to hit it in one fell swoop, and then swept over horizontally.

Mi Ajiu was prepared this time, and jumped up from a car next to her with her strength, and chopped down with the big ax when the tentacles swept across from below.

The ax is to the tentacles what the blade of a nail clipper is to a finger.

There was strong resistance from the hand, but... it seemed to have been cut in a little bit.

chi chi-

Blue liquid sprayed out from the cracked opening, and when it splashed on the ground, it began to bubble...

However, under the blue mucus, the big tentacle's wounds began to heal.

My arsenic is his honey.

At this time, two tentacles rushed out from the isolation zone and the protective forest on the other side.

One of them was as thick as this one, while the other was smaller and much shorter. With a strong sweep, it swept down the withered forest trees and smashed them to Mi Ajiu's side.

While avoiding two big tentacles, Mi Ajiu was defending against another attack, so she looked very embarrassed when avoiding the fallen dead wood.

His body was hung by tree branches, his clothes were torn, and there were bloodstains on his face and hands.

The blood energy made these tentacles seem to have a more precise positioning, and they attacked Mi Ajiu even more frantically.

By the way, blood?
(End of this chapter)

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