Chapter 111

Mi Ajiu asked Wen Yushan to notify the people left behind immediately that the situation here has changed, so be prepared.

But she stood up suddenly, rushed forward a few steps, grabbed a knife from behind with her right hand, and pulled out a knife, taking advantage of the momentum and throwing it forward.

This time, it was thrown at least 200 meters away, and stuck on the edge of that wriggling.

The one-foot-long chef's knife is as small as a needle in front of the vast color.

However, the needle stuck inside.

Then, those things that kept wrapping towards the foot of the mountain stopped, and then quickly burrowed underground.

Immediately afterwards, giant pythons appeared from nowhere, rushing toward Mi Ajiu in groups.

There are so many mutated snakes around?
When contacting Team Wu before, the other party said that they were attacked by swarms of giant mosquitoes, but now there are so many snakes?
Such an organized large-scale attack was carried out by mutants who could communicate with animals, and the purpose was to prevent them from rescuing Team Wu and others.

So, the thing under the ground really came from a human mutation? !
These snakes have different patterns on their bodies, and when they stand upright, their heads are flat like a fan, with their mouths open, spitting out a letter, and two fangs that are sharp and long.The body size ranges from two meters to three or four meters.

They were as fast as lightning, and there were so many of them that the two of them were trapped within a range of only a few meters in an instant.

Mi Ajiu held the knife like a flower, like a whirlwind, taking away the lives of several snakes every time a trace was drawn.

After a while, dozens of giant snake corpses were left around the two of them.

Some were devoured by later snakes, starving them to death.

And more snakes raised their heads and jumped out, almost half of their bodies flew into the air, biting the two of them fiercely.

Mi Ajiu can barely handle it, because she tied two iron armguards on her arms without any trace, as long as the opponent doesn't bite directly, it is generally difficult to bite through, and it can be resisted to some extent.

Wen Yushan was in a rather embarrassing situation at the moment. He was bitten by a giant snake a few times, and the bitten place began to turn black, and his whole body appeared in a trance.

He yelled at Mi Ajiu: "These snakes are too many and fierce, hurry up...I'll take you out..."

He clasped his hands in front of him, doing a lifting motion.

Mi Ajiu stepped on it without hesitation, leaped more than ten meters away with her strength, and then rolled forward to relieve the momentum, before standing up, she drew her knife and slashed across.

It is easier to kill from the outside to the inside, Mi Ajiu quickly tore a hole from the snake's encirclement.

Both of them were trapped in the center just now. When she found it difficult to break through the siege, she wanted to find a way to get one of them out first. Unexpectedly, Wen Yushan set up a platform for her... It is better to partner with such a collaborative person. Very comfortable.

Mi Ajiu came to the periphery, took out two big knives and started killing, and quickly cleared a place.

Looking at Wenyu Mountain again, he had already seen Mi Ajiu get out of the encirclement, and he was unable to support himself anymore. Although he has worked hard to live after the end of the world, but... well, that's good, at least he helped one person leave , and she is indeed more powerful, maybe she can go further.

However, when he was falling, the last consciousness saw that somewhat thin figure go and come back?

He tried his best to open his mouth, wanting to say that he finally got out of the encirclement, what are he doing back again?
He couldn't make a sound, he just stubbornly struggled with the increasingly blurred consciousness, staring at that direction...

The figure continued to slash wildly among the snakes, and approached him. Then, a hand that didn't seem very big picked him up... His whole body was suspended in the air...

Am I so light?

She, she came back to save me? !

I don't know if it was gratification, touch, shock, or other emotions that swept his heart.

There seemed to be something fragrant in his mouth, and then his consciousness fell into chaos.

Mi Ajiu threw the person who was completely unconscious in her hand into a pile of withered grass next to her, then turned around and pulled out her big ax from the space, and at the same time she carried Mi's shield on her back.

Before carrying an ax on his back, some people can only deal with it with a machete.

This time when I go back, I must make a strap for myself. In addition to the backpack as a fixed prop, the ax must also be placed on the bright side.

With a shield and an axe, the speed may not be as fast as a group of snakes, but in terms of strength, Mi Ajiu thinks that unless she is entangled by snakes, she can completely suppress and sweep.

Coupled with the fact that the blade of the ax has a wider surface, the effect is really leveraged.

As more and more giant snake corpses piled up around them, the gathering speed of the snakes in the distance slowed down, and even slowly receded.

Mi Ajiu looked at the pale yellow color that was still wriggling in front of her eyes, put away her giant ax and shield, and casually took away a lot of snake corpses around her.

These are the trophies of her hard work. At this moment, she is the only one who sees them, so she must take them.

Then, Mi Ajiu held Wen Yushan on his shoulders and ran towards the left-behind players.

...People have been holding various weapons, and even use the iron plates they have collected as shields to meet them tens of meters away.

Seeing two one-blooded men running towards them, they carried a big man equivalent to two of themselves on their thin-looking bodies, and ran towards them like a tornado.

Mi Ajiu shouted while running: "Hurry up, he's been poisoned by the snake..."

Snake venom?What snake?

Detoxifying serum is required.And the corresponding serum is required, where can I find it at this time?

The crowd turned around in a hurry, but they didn't expect that they would encounter a group of snakes.

How to do?How to do?
Could it be that he could only watch him die from poisoning?

Also, what if those snakes came over?
Mi Ajiu asked someone to take out a barrel of gasoline and sprinkle it on the road, and the snakes would set it on fire as soon as they came.

If you don't come, you can go to the front to explore later and discuss the rescue plan.

People have a backbone and gradually stabilized, but Wen Yushan's situation is very urgent.

Just when everyone was at a loss, Zhen Mingdong seemed to have thought of something, with a resolute expression on his face - anyway, he is a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Suddenly, he strode over to push aside the crowd, knelt down beside Wenyu Mountain, and drew out his short knife...

"what are you going to do?"

"Brother Zhen, you"

Amid the exclamation and horrified gazes of the crowd, Zhen Mingdong immediately cut a gash on his wrist, and shouted to the crowd: "Quick, open his mouth—"

Everyone was helpless at the moment. Seeing Zhen Mingdong's actions, this is... wanting to feed Wen Yushan with his own blood?Could his blood detoxify?
Although I don't know why, but when everyone is at a loss, a command will make people obey subconsciously.

People broke Wen Yushan's clenched teeth, and blood dripped into each other's mouths.

…and then, people looked at each other.

Is this all right?

What else can they do?
From when Mi Ajiu carried people back to when they were given blood, people were still in a state of bewilderment.

Ding Wen's voice brought back everyone's chaotic and clueless thoughts, "Sister Mi, how are you?"

"I am fine."

"Let me check it for you, just in case"

(End of this chapter)

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