Chapter 113

Zhen Mingdong's hands were held by his teammates one after another.

The warm and soft touch of the lips came from the wound, as well as the unfamiliar and stimulating sucking force, and... the weak feeling of the blood flowing from the body.

However, he can bear this weakness for the time being.

He felt his body carefully. This weakness was like the powerlessness caused by hunger, and it was not a fundamental reduction in the threshold of physical fitness.

So after a while, he only needs to supplement nutrition in time and he will gradually recover.

At the same time, he saw that his teammates were grateful to him from the bottom of their hearts, and the atmosphere of the whole team also unknowingly became more harmonious, which can be described in one word - intimacy.

Subconsciously, Zhen Mingdong felt that his state of mind had subtly improved under such an atmosphere.

And with the improvement of mood, the threshold of physical potential is also quietly loosening, and perhaps the next breakthrough is coming soon.

Thinking of this, Zhen Mingdong became more open-minded and magnanimous.

He couldn't help looking at Mi Ajiu, who was sitting quietly eating alone, his lips twitched, as if he wanted to say something.

But Mi Ajiu's gaze passed him flatly, and she had no intention of communicating with him at all.

On the other side, a few people who went to the front to investigate came back.

There were not a large number of poisonous snakes following, and there was still something wriggling under the barren hills in the distance.

They didn't dare to approach and came back to report the situation first.

Mi Ajiu rested for a while, finished eating what was in her hands, and fully recovered her physical and mental strength.

He stood up and said to everyone: "You guys wait here, I'll go ahead and check the situation."

Everyone gathered around and said, let them go this time.

But when asked how to deal with it and lure the underground things away, they were at a loss.

Then Qi Dong suggested: "That thing is hidden in the ground, and it is difficult for us to fight it head-on. Why don't we make some Molotov cocktails to lure it out...then let a team of people attract its attention, and attack if we can manage a fight. If not, Team Wu and the others can be rescued."

His proposal was approved by most of the team members. One team member asked: "That thing is hidden underground, almost covering a range of hundreds of meters. I don't know what kind of giant it is. Who will attract its attention?"

Whoever attracts means taking a great risk-almost equal to death.

The people who were discussing in full swing just now fell silent, and then Ding Wen suddenly said: "I can..."

Everyone looked at her one after another. A delicate woman is going to take the lead?This made many strong men who had previously yelled about how incredible they were, look ashamed.

But this is not the time to be brave, so everyone lowered their heads.

After a while, Qi Dong echoed: "I can make petrol bombs, I will definitely do it."

Zhen Mingdong wrapped up the wound on his wrist with a strip of gauze, "And me."

Mi Ajiu glanced at everyone, but said nothing, she fully respected everyone's choice.

So she will not take the initiative to arrange who should do what, nor will she point out what someone should not do.Just like Ni Jia in the past, since you have decided to be a fellow traveler, you should do your best to do your part.

Let's discuss it, do a good job of division of labor, and start working on our own.

Prepare materials to make Molotov cocktails, and various weapons are also integrated and redistributed.

Half an hour later, except for Wen Yushan who hadn't recovered and stayed where he was resting, and there was already a female team member who took care of him, the rest were all dispatched.

Ding Wen, Qi Dong and Zhen Mingdong approached from the other side of the barren hill with Molotov cocktails on their backs, throwing Molotov cocktails to attract the attention of underground monsters.

Several of them were thrown out, and the underground monster had no intention of showing up at all.

In the end, Zhen Mingdong grabbed a steel rod and threw it down, piercing through the soil layer more than one meter deep, and then the monster underground finally responded.

Qi Dong also threw an iron rod, which only penetrated into the soil layer less than [-] to [-] centimeters, not even touching the fur of the underground monster.

After all, the current soil layer has become very hard after several years of drought.

Mi Ajiu threw a nearly two-meter iron rod from a distance, and it sank directly into the soil layer, and then the whole ground began to move.

Ding Wen shouted, "Throw the Molotov cocktail..."

bang bang bang-

The violent explosion finally attracted the attention of the underground monster.

A large piece of ground floated up like water ripples, quickly approaching Ding Wen and the others.

As a large area of ​​stratum floats, people can vaguely see the outline of this monster...

To be precise, there was not one, but at least a dozen long monsters that were more than ten meters long.

They travel underground at about the same speed as a person can walk.You must know that the ground is very dry and hardened. Even if Mi Ajiu's force of hundreds of kilograms is thrown to add more than 1000 kilograms, all of it acts on the sharp cone of the iron drill less than one centimeter, and barely penetrates a depth of one or two meters.

And this thing has a huge body more than ten meters long and at least one or two meters in diameter. It can reach such a speed in such a hard underground, which shows that the opponent's body is extremely hard and powerful.

A teammate stopped others from throwing iron rods, because some of them hadn't even reached the location of the monster, and some couldn't even pierce the ten centimeter coating, so throwing it would be a waste.

He asked everyone to find all the iron rods and brazing that they could find, and hand them over to Mi Ajiu.

Mi Ajiu was not pretentious, looking at the dozens of various iron bars piled up at his feet, he began to greet one of the monsters.

Now, almost all the monsters surrounding that barren mountain started to move, chasing Ding Wen and the others.

Mi Ajiu originally thought that there was a super monster under the soil layer, after all, she met one when she was at the rest stop.Then she waited for other people to attract the monster's attention, and then she would do it if she could kill the other party, and withdraw if she couldn't.

But the current situation is that there is not only one here, but a dozen.

Then she is still sure to keep one of them.

Several steel rods were deeply buried under one of the wriggling soil layers, and then suddenly, a gray-brown columnar monster suddenly rose from the ground.

Probably because of the pain from eating, the body suddenly rolled up, raising dust several meters high.

And people finally saw the true face of the monster.

That is……

Earthworms magnified thousands of times!

The body of the ring-shaped nodule stretches and shrinks, and the mouthparts at the end are stretched from time to time, and then use the muscle power of the ring-shaped body to push forward.

Everyone screamed in fright when they saw this huge monster rolled up from the soil layer. Although they quickly calmed down, they also asked in horror, "What the hell is this?"

"Why does it look so much like an earthworm?"

"Gosh, have even earthworms gotten this big?"

"What's wrong with this world?"

When everyone was stunned, Mi Ajiu had already charged up with a big ax...

(End of this chapter)

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