Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 120 Common Enemy

Chapter 120 Common Enemy

Mi Ajiu wandered outside for a few days, and ran almost all the building materials trading markets marked on the map, cement factories, and some construction sites that were under construction before the end of the world.

After all, she still added the saved general energy to the space capacity.

Although she has always had a feeling: when the general energy is accumulated to a certain extent, there must be other uses.

However, during this period of time, no large-scale mutated creatures have been encountered, no major gains have been made, and the accumulation has been stagnant.

If she followed the big team in the future, she felt that her own income would be greatly reduced, and she didn't know when she would reach that threshold.

But right now she needs more space to collect supplies, which is imminent, so she simply used up all the energy.

So Mi Ajiu's current attribute value becomes:

[Magic cube space (third order): 27*2600]

[Universal Energy: 205]

[The origin of life: 106]

[Physical fitness: 336 (the sum of strength, agility, speed, endurance, etc.)]

Mi Ajiu puts all living materials, food, clothing, books, etc. in one space, water in a separate space, meat sorted from mutated animals in one space, and the remaining more than 20 space cells are used for Store collected supplies.

Now the whole city has been completely abandoned, but there are still remnants of the previous civilization inside. Mi Ajiu feels that she can collect it freely now.

All kinds of steel, abandoned cars, tables, chairs, even doors and windows, etc., are all the targets of her collection.

Anyway, her Rubik's cube space has the function of [sorting], these things can be split and compressed, turned into wood, steel plates and so on.

When she went deep into those large communities and the original market, she found that there were still many useful things that people missed, such as paraffin, gasoline, pots and pans.

There is also cement, river sand and gravel that make Mi Ajiu most happy.

Of course, Mi Ajiu didn't let go of the libraries in other districts when she passed by, and all the bookshelves and books were put into the space.

As for some food, Mi Ajiu killed some evolved wild boars and bison, and turned them into general energy and meat.

As for other processed foods before the end of the world, except for some compressed biscuits, dried vegetables, and packaged snacks that Mi Ajiu found, everything else was rotten.

To her delight, she found several large bags of materials for making milk tea, and she will be able to make some milk tea and put them in the space when she has the opportunity in the future.

I have been eating ice powder these days, no matter how delicious and refreshing it is, it is not fresh...

Finally, more than 20 space cells are basically stored in sevens and eights.

All kinds of wood accounted for seven, steel plates and other steel plates accounted for six, river sand, cement and gravel accounted for seven, and other miscellaneous things filled a full four space units...

And, Mi Ajiu also took the time to use the architectural books she had read before, and using the materials collected, she built a few huts with a length of [-] meters and a height of [-] meters.

Steel bars were stuffed into it for free. She tried it, but failed to blow it up with several catties of explosives... It's a pity that she managed to find the explosives from the ruins.But it can be regarded as knowing the bearing capacity of the hut I poured.

She thought, even if an earthquake of magnitude [-] came, she would not be afraid.

Well, the premise is not to be buried alive in the ground...

Mi Ajiu also plans to wait for more post-apocalyptic information in the future, and then come out and do it alone, and build a real castle by herself...

Mi Ajiu came out alone to collect supplies this time, because she did it freely, coupled with her terrifying strength, the mutated animals that still stayed in the city became her general energy and flesh.

In addition to these materials, the water that Mi Ajiu has been longing for has also collected almost one cell - [-] cubic meters.

... On the fifth day, Mi Ajiu had already received three messages on her cell phone... Ding Wen sent her.

Unexpectedly, Ding Wen's mobile phone still had power.

Mi Ajiu looked at the news: the transfer work has entered the final finishing stage.

She thought to herself, the executive power is so strong.

Well, I should go back and show my face, and find out what the outside world has become. Has the original pattern been broken?

She can only see L city now, and she doesn't know what other big cities are like, and what is the existence of the thing that drives countless people crazy to promote cell evolution?
These are just the most superficial reasons, and there is one more important factor that must follow the trend——

She had obtained a very crucial piece of information from Sister Wang and the others earlier: In fact, they had anticipated and made preparations for this disaster.

According to what Sister Wang said, according to their deployment, we can completely survive the crisis of the end of the world peacefully.It was because some external and internal forces disrupted and disrupted their rhythm that things became so bad.

In other words, someone predicted the end of the world!Let the national agencies make corresponding preparations!

Right now is the high temperature and drought that has lasted for two years, so what's next?

Has it been dry?When will the hot weather end?What will happen to the "new world" formed by those mutants?

In the future, will the world return to the "smooth weather" in the past, or will there be other extreme natural disasters?
Super volcano eruption?Extreme earthquake?Or flooded by seawater? ...

And, if they happen, are these extreme natural disasters worldwide or just one place?
Just like now, L City is experiencing continuous high temperature and drought, while some other places are flooded, or frozen for thousands of miles...

Only when she knows the news, can she cope better.

Of course, Mi Ajiu can't guarantee that she will get the information she wants, but...reason tells her that following the trend is the wisest choice so far.

Mi Ajiu hurried, and finally got on the last convoy to transport supplies.

Ding Wen and Qi Dong were also in the final escort team.

The captain of this team is a young man named He Dui, about [-] years old, with a tanned face and a medium build.

Ding Wen took the initiative to introduce, "This is Dui He, the captain of our material transfer team, who is said to be a disciple of Dui Wu. This is Mi Ajiu, one of the main forces of our park duty team..."

Mi Ajiu greeted with a smile, and handed over her ID card. Each team has a scanner, which can confirm the identity at any time.

When Dui He heard Ding Wen's introduction, an imperceptible surprise flashed across his face, and he repeated: "Your name is Mi Ajiu?"

He took Mi Ajiu's ID and scanned it. It was indeed the other party, and there was a number attached to it: 652 contribution value? !

In fact, after each on-duty person completes the task, in addition to exchanging rewards for points and storing them in the account or exchanging them for actual supplies, there is also a hidden message: contribution value.

Indicate the contribution made by the person.

The greater the contribution, the greater the ability of the opponent, and the greater space and platform in the base in the future.

He Dui scanned the ID card and handed it back to Mi Ajiu, "It turns out that you are Mi Ajiu. It's a pleasure to meet you. I heard that you have received Sister Wang's blood before, but according to the regulations, you still need to be injected..."

Anyone who goes to the new base must be injected with a gene blocker. Sister Wang said before that Mi Ajiu has long been mentally prepared.

So she rolled up her sleeves without any hesitation, and said bluntly, "Okay, just get the injection here?"

Team He paused for a moment, and took out a... pushpin from a storage compartment next to the driver's seat?There is a drop of liquid on the transparent thumbtack cap. To remove the mouth guard on the sharp pin, you only need to press it lightly on your wrist.

This is the first time for Mi Ajiu to see this form of injection, "Is this enough?"

She carefully sensed the changes in her body... nothing.

After all, her body has been transformed by the blood of Sister Wang's evolutionary gene.

"Well, that's fine."

Ding Wen looked at Mi Ajiu's surprised look like a curious baby, and laughed happily, remembering that she was like that at the time. "Don't you think it's so simple and amazing?"

Mi Ajiu nodded in agreement: "It's indeed different from the 'injection' I imagined."

Team He glanced at Qi Dong, Qi Dong lightly touched Ding Wen's arm, and the two walked aside to talk.

Mi Ajiu looked at Team He and asked, "Have we met somewhere before?"

He Dui remembered what Wu Dui had explained before, paused, and looked solemn: "Yes, before... we also investigated you because... about your boyfriend. I didn't expect that we would meet again on such an occasion. "

Mi Ajiu twitched her eyebrows to catch traces, so it was so.

Wu Dui was the person in charge of the Qi family case before, and He Dui was one of the specific investigators.

That is to say, people have known their details for a long time, and they naturally know their initial state and current transformation. It would be unreasonable to say that there is no such thing as an adventure goldfinger.

But people did not deliberately conceal or test behind the scenes, which is more frank and sincere.

This point, Mi Ajiu appreciates it very much.

The little grudge that still existed in my heart slowly dissipated.

Mi Ajiu replied: "I never thought we would have such a fate."

(End of this chapter)

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