Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 126 The Last Madness

Chapter 126 The Last Madness
To be precise, Mi Ajiu and the others are already on this plate, but they are on the verge of instability.

So... Even if this place will not completely sink into the water, there will be a geological movement like a catastrophe, which will be a catastrophe for ordinary people.

Mi Ajiu continued to ask, what will happen to the world after the earthquake?

There was a moment of silence over there: After that... the whole world will be covered by boundless black dust, which is caused by strong earthquakes and volcanoes, and the dust will float into the air, creating chaos.

This state will last for about two or three months. Of course, because everything is repeated, I don't know how long this time the chaotic period will last, whether it will be longer or shorter than the previous life.

And after the chaos is a protracted black rain...

The extremely corrosive black rain has become the master of this world.

Then what?What about after the black rain?
Mi Ajiu's voice was hoarse, and her voice trembled with intense urgency: "The black rain... how long will it last?"Then what?
There was no sound from the communicator, and just when Mi Ajiu was about to put it down, the obviously tired female voice came faintly: I... I don't know, I, I haven't survived the black rain...


The cracks continued to expand, and the corpses of countless bugs around them rolled into the abyss along with the gravel and mud.

The gloomy sky is like a huge pot lid, ready to be snapped off at any moment.

The sound of booming came from a distance, groundwater, sea water, erupting volcanoes, mudslides...

The whole world is in chaos.

Humans are really insignificant in front of nature.

Desperate, everyone feels powerless in the face of this mighty world.

At this moment, a figure retreated tens of meters, and then rushed forward, his body crossed a gap more than ten meters wide like a moth, and settled on the opposite side of the house with a puff, splashing a layer of smoke and dust.

It was Mi Ajiu, she actually jumped over.


Team He yelled anxiously, not only because the situation was urgent and he had to leave.As for the person on the other side...

It's also because this person was specifically told by the superiors to win over her. Although the files given to her once said: cold, selfish comments, but from the evaluation of her by Wang Jie and others, it can be seen that she may not be in the traditional sense. He is a good person in business, but he is definitely a person who has principles and understands right and wrong.

Having principles and unlimited potential is simply a great help for the base.

——The base is in disrepair, except for some deeply hidden corrupt elements inside, there are also those upper-level circles who have benefited from the policy dividends in peacetime. They have already established their own backyards in "safe" places garden.They are also finding fault with the base and doing things.

They colluded with the forces of the New World and internal corrupt elements. On the one hand, the base had to appease millions of people, and on the other hand, it had to deal with these guys. It was really an internal and external trouble.

So they really need someone like Mi Ajiu, and they really don't want Mi Ajiu to take risks at this time.

However, the opponent has already jumped over.

A rope was held in Mi Ajiu's hand, and he twisted the rope around his hand twice, and stood sideways in a lunge, with the center turned backwards, and shouted at the 20 people: "Hurry up!"

Amidst the ups and downs, the ups and downs, the great joy and the great sorrow, people were a little dazed, subconsciously grabbing the rope and moving towards the opposite side bit by bit.

They are now standing much lower than the opposite side. Fortunately, knots are tied on this rope, which is exactly the distance for each hand change.

Everyone's strength has improved a lot now, and they have experienced many battles, so they pass quickly one by one.

It wasn't until the last person crawled over that those survivors came back to their senses as if in a dream, turned around and called Mi Ajiu anxiously.

Holding the rope in his hand, Mi Ajiu took two steps to run up, and then pulled hard again, his body swung in the air again, and he quickly climbed the rope...



At this moment, Mi Ajiu felt the rope in his hand suddenly lose strength, and his body felt weightless.

The broken mountain on the opposite side actually began to collapse, and the big truck that fixed the rope slid down along with the rocks like a toy car...

Several team members standing on the side also slid down with the gravel. Fortunately, they were dragged by the people behind, but they almost rolled down themselves.

A group of people got up in a panic and kept retreating, the ground under their feet kept collapsing...

Dui He looked at the gap that expanded to hundreds of meters, and the mountain that collapsed tens of meters in an instant... closing his eyes in pain.

If everything can go back to the past, there is no need to investigate and follow up, just recruit them directly!
People looked at the cracks that were still collapsing, and there were more violent earthquakes. It seemed that Mi Ajiu was in danger.

At least, there's nothing they can do now.

Without a car, they could only rely on their two legs and began to run on the road as bumpy as the sea.

Rolling rocks at any time, cracks popping up suddenly, and geothermal magma erupting... They feel that they are not struggling on the death line, but are truly dancing with the sky and the earth.

... Before the largest batch of rocks rolled down from above, Mi Ajiu took out roots and wood from the space to support the mountain beside her, so that the body in free fall would have a little more lateral force out of thin air, and finally fell to the original lower level. The mountain road on that side was completely separated from Dui He and the others.

Of course, the mountain on this side was also shaking violently, and the rocks tumbled down.

With Mi's shield on her head, Mi Ajiu ran towards a flatter place with maximum speed and agility.

There is only dimness in the eyes, shaking vision and rolling smoke, and only the continuous roar in the ears...

She felt like a headless fly now, she couldn't tell the difference between south, east and north at this moment, and the lid of the pot in the sky was finally coming down.

I don't know how many cracks to avoid, how many landslides and falling rocks to escape...

The roar finally became louder and clearer, and then, she saw a huge black city wall coming from the edge of the pot lid that was pulled down.

Is it... monstrous waves? !

Mi Ajiu didn't know if the cave he pulled out temporarily could hold it, and he didn't know if the mountain, which had experienced continuous earthquakes, could still withstand the washing of the monstrous waves.

But, she has no other choice.

She could only fix the small space made of reinforced concrete in this small cave with channel steel as much as possible.

The small space is filled with all kinds of shockproof quilts to ensure that... She is afraid that this small space will be swept into the waves, even if this thing is not smashed, she is afraid that she will be bumped to death in it like a can.

The idea is closely related to the kayak in the space, and the balloon filled with air and so on.

A strong slap came, and she felt another wave of force constantly impacting her small space.

Except that the power was more intense at first, then it became softer and softer, and then everything finally calmed down.

(End of this chapter)

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