Chapter 13

Ni Jia: "You really think so? If... I mean if something bad happens, you won't hate..."

Mi Ajiu patted the other party again and shook her head: "What are you thinking? I'm an adult. Although you asked me out, I have the final decision whether to go or not. If I decide to go, I should bear it." corresponding consequences."

"Ajiu, in fact, you are not the cold and indifferent they say, you are truly transparent and open-minded."

Ni Jia's provocative words suddenly made Mi Ajiu stunned for a moment before recovering, "Don't put a high hat on me there, I won't take that kind of thing."

"Yes, I know you don't like this..." Ni Jia responded.

She remembered that when she was in school, everyone actively signed up for charity work, and only Mi Ajiu in the class did not sign up, and she was not active at all in helping the disadvantaged in society; How could she have the right to pity others when she lived on steamed buns and mustard? !
A classmate was sick and injured, and everyone went to care and greet them very enthusiastically, but Mi Ajiu ignored it; she said that she was sick and injured by herself, and the other party did not greet her. Want her to give care?
Mi Ajiu doesn't care about the gossip among her classmates and doesn't participate in the small talk; either makeup shopping or boyfriend and girlfriend, she said that she has no money to buy cosmetics and no time to make a boyfriend, how to talk?
So the relationship between Mi Ajiu and everyone is very dull.But she felt that dealing with Mi Ajiu was easy.

Ni Jia remembered that there was a boy chasing Ajiu in the university, and asked Ajiu to watch a movie on the road. After two appointments, Ajiu felt troublesome, and said that he delayed her part-time job: instead of making money, she had to pay for the date.

——In fact, Ni Jia learned from other people that the boy wanted to pay the bill, and it was Ajiu who insisted on AA.Ajiu said that people are willing to spend money to chase her now, but if they split up in the future, if they make a list for her or something, it will be depressing.Simply pay each other from the beginning.

After working, Mi Ajiu also met a few men, and they liked her "independent" AA style: how good it is, there are women without spending a penny.

But these men still want her to cook and wash clothes after AA?She saw that, according to this momentum, it must be her own business to have a baby in the future, right?After all, childbirth is a woman's bounden duty.

AA earns money, does housework, and takes care of the baby, grabbing inside and out?

Why bother to work so hard.

Did not say, blow.

Until I met Qi Mingyuan, the AA system, I made two phone calls a week or met for a meal without interfering with each other.As for getting married and having children, in Qi Mingyuan's own words before, he was still so young, he didn't want to get married, and he didn't want to be dragged down by his family and children.In a word: not enough.

Then others advised Mi Ajiu, you are almost thirty, if you don’t hurry up to get married and have a baby now, when you get older, it’s not you who picks others but others picks you, the one who suffers is yourself...

But Mi Ajiu was completely unmoved, she was very clear about her own definition of her own life.

She said that she saw her grandma all her life and knew that life was just her own business. Everyone, spouse, children... friends and relatives are just passers-by.

Among these passers-by, those who do not squeeze their own living space and resources are the happiest, but the reality is always superficially friendly and secretly full of various intrigues.

Said that someone was taking care of her when she was sick. Back then, Mi Ajiu saw her grandma lying on the bed and couldn’t move... and her uncle and uncle lived next to her, and she didn’t notice it for a few days...

So from the bottom of her heart, she doesn't think that getting married and having children is a necessity in her life, she just wants to make more money, and have the opportunity to see the great rivers and mountains in the future...

Therefore, a boyfriend like Qi Mingyuan is very suitable for her.

So when Qi Mingyuan suddenly became "affectionate" and sticky, she immediately became alert, coupled with some warnings given by the space, and finally...

While listening to Ni Jia's words, Mi Ajiu would answer twice from time to time.

While holding the phone to check the latest news - there is still no news from the villa.

No news is the best news.

In fact, looking at it from another angle: it is difficult for individuals to detect those "things", let alone determine who is who.

Besides, her relationship with Qi Mingyuan is also known to her colleagues and friends. Qi Mingyuan's side...I'm afraid it's impossible to spread it everywhere with his temperament, so it's not so easy to find out about her.

Thinking of this, Mi Ajiu felt relieved,
... The investigation of the villa has reached a dead end.

There are more than 50 corpses that can be discerned vaguely, more than 40 of them were found in a pit, and there is also a large group of twisted wreckage, only seven human body parts were separated...

The villa belonged to Qi Guoming, the president of Fukang Group, so at first they planned to determine the identities of these corpses through gene bank comparison, but found that in addition to some people in the pit who could still detect human genes, the other part obviously seemed to be killed by some kind of dead body. The mummy turned into a force cannot detect human genes at all, and the rest of the crumpled wreckage cannot detect human genes at all.

The part identified was not from Qi Guoming's family, but...someone completely unrelated to the Qi family.

Some of these people reported missing, some didn't even report...

They searched for a breakthrough from the person who reported the disappearance, and found a common point, one of the people they dated was a person named Qi Mingyuan.

A few days ago, Qi Guoming held a press conference and announced that his... illegitimate son, Qi Mingyuan, who was raised in the private sector, decided to hand over Beverly Group to Qi Mingyuan's sole management.

In fact, many people in society doubt Qi Mingyuan's identity, but Qi Guoming is such a shrewd person, he took the initiative to prove that the other party is his own son, and offered to give up power, how can outsiders refute?

The most important thing is that there were some young people in the group who were dissatisfied with the sudden emergence of a young man to take charge, but they all disappeared... Some even disappeared, and no one was alive or dead...

They very much suspected that among the pile of unidentified bodies, there were those members of the missing group.

However, there is no evidence, how to prove it!

In addition to the chaotic and disgusting scene of this case, the incomparable genetics, and the large group of fused corpses, it was too weird.

Fortunately, the person who discovered the fire was settled, and the news of the Qi family was completely suppressed, and even the fire was not announced.

However, the crisis of public opinion was avoided, but Qijia was involved in Beverly Pharmaceuticals and the production line. The first two batches of drugs had already flowed into the market and were being recovered to control the development of the situation.

Now that Qi Guoming is dead, all clues are broken.

They had to suspect that someone deliberately cut off this clue.

Just when the case was at an impasse, a man came to report the case, claiming to be Qi Mingyuan's half-brother.

He said that his brother had lost contact with him for several days. When he heard that the villa was on fire, he wanted to go and see it, but it was blocked and he couldn't see it.

When the police heard this, the Qi family had just recognized an illegitimate child, why did another one appear at this juncture?
After questioning, they finally figured out what this young man meant: he was Qi Mingyuan's younger brother who was fake. Since something happened to his elder brother, he, as his relative, should share some property...

It turned out to be for the Qi family property.

(End of this chapter)

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