Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 136 Enhanced version of the black and gray world

Chapter 136 Enhanced version of the black and gray world
The crowd joined in.

This move really kills two birds with one stone: it not only solves the problem of waste disposal, but also relieves the worries of those bastards who might unite to do things after knowing the truth.

After all, the entire world has undergone earth-shaking changes now. Without the Internet and the division of powers, those lowly species have no use value.

But although they are all rubbish, they are also high-spirited individuals who have been cultivated with great effort by someone who has been taken advantage of. What if they realize the fact that they have been abandoned and wake up, and then they are recruited by the base to make contributions to the base? Isn't it just giving the base more power in vain?

On the whole, the new world system is completely on the right track, and the only headache they have now is the absorption of source energy.

They have now accumulated almost tens of millions of sources of energy, but due to physical limitations, they cannot absorb large doses on their own.

The main reason is that they haven't really unlocked the body's genetic threshold so far. If they absorb a large amount of external life energy at one time, the genes will mutate into those tools or feed—in simple terms, they will become monsters.

Of course, through tens of thousands of experiments, they have also found the direction of gene mutation that absorbs excessive energy from external sources, so as to divert those lowly people into life forms that improve the soil, or become reproductive mothers, or become tools of war... …

As for themselves, those who can sit here so well now are all eliminated and screened out time and time again.

It can also be said to be the final winner of conspiracy struggles.

Some of them are 80 or [-] years old, some have various disabilities, and some have various underlying diseases...

It is all because of controlling the absorption of source energy in an appropriate amount, and then gradually becoming younger, not only repairing various internal diseases, but also repairing the original disability.

It even makes the body function more optimized, and everyone is handsome and beautiful.

But this is not their ultimate goal. They not only want a young and vigorous body, but also a long and long life, and more powerful strengths, such as supernatural powers.

But it seems that the current genetic threshold is stuck at maintaining this youthful state. Strength, agility, mental power, etc. are only at the level of ordinary young people, not beyond the scope of ordinary people.

Therefore, they are extremely eager to have supernatural powers in their hearts.

But looking at the lessons of countless losers, they can only tightly control the bottom line of absorbing energy.

Never absorb too much.

Everything can only wait for the newly evolved planting crops to come out, and extract the factors that can neutralize the mutation of the source energy from those plant genes.

Then, they can absorb a little more each time.

They are in a very urgent mood, but they have now mastered the absolute dominance of this world.

To domesticate the source energy, they are bound to win.

As for the threats from the base and the sea, with the super powerful and violent war machine, these are not to be feared.

After the routine meeting, a mechanical arm took out more than 6000 copies of "yuan energy" made into capsules from the password space above.

In addition to their core of more than 30 to high-level, there are middle-level management and low-level executives.

These are the pillars of their new world, and they must maintain the best physical condition. Each person takes one pill every week, no more and no less.


The base finally survived the crisis of the sudden black and gray world, and built a solid defense cover. The people are united, and production and life are gradually on the right track.

Although the outside is still filled with thick flying dust, people are no longer panicking.

At this moment, there was a sudden booming sound in the deadly black sky, and the ground also trembled.

During the monitoring, it seemed that huge life forms were moving towards the base.

Some got buried in the dust, some were buried by the moving dunes, and only one or two remained near the base where they finally arrived.

People finally saw what these giant life forms looked like: they turned out to be... people, super giants.

Although the heads of these giants barely retain the human features, they are severely deformed, with huge protruding eyes, a huge tumor on the nose, and almost no lips, revealing the jagged teeth inside.

And their bodies swelled up with big bumps, like sarcoids hanging on huge skeletons.

But the surface of these sarcomas is very rough, covered with thick stratum corneum.

They walked towards the base step by step with heavy steps, and a bunch of shells hit them like hitting a mountain without pain nerves.

Even if the body is punched with holes, as long as the hands and feet are intact, they will still move forward.

People were terrified, they didn't expect those guys to be so frenzied, to research such a perverted thing!
The first round of attacking giant attack was quickly killed, and fell to the desert, splashing a burst of black ash.

It can be seen that this is just the first to be sent as a test product by the New World. Their mobility, defense, and IQ are very weak, but more giants with better evolution will definitely be sent later.

The base put two still intact giant corpses into an experimental cabin for research.

... three months in the black and gray world.

Mi Ajiu now has to reduce the number of times she goes out to patrol the island, only once a day in the morning and evening, and collects the garbage that washes up on the shore to prevent it from rotting and attracting marine terrorist creatures.

After all, her current state is very unsuitable for fighting in a world filled with black and gray, her breathing and vision are severely blocked, and she doesn't have the tools to navigate on water.

Well, there are a few kayaks, and a few small boats for fishing, but these are pure death in the windless sea with three-foot waves.

Most importantly, she has very little air filter left.

If it doesn't rain again, she may start to inhale oxygen in at most two months.

In addition to exercising continuously every day, Mi Ajiu read a lot of miscellaneous books, looking for ways to purify the air under the current conditions.

Finally, she thought of a way to take out several box-like huts in the space and fix them on the top of the mountain, close the small door, and store the purified seawater.Then use steel to build a shelf above the small shack, put the pipes criss-cross on it, drill small holes one by one, and make a huge shower.

Although it can't completely purify the air, it can reduce the dust by nearly half, so as to reduce the pressure on the air filter.

The filter screen is easily corroded by dust, although Mi Ajiu recycled it to the Rubik's Cube space for "cleaning", basically only one of the three is still barely usable.

I have to use ordinary gauze on the outer layer, which is better than nothing.

Another two months passed, Mi Ajiu finally started to use the small hot pot and instant noodles in the existence space.

Cook a box every day, and heat one or two liters of pure water to make noodles, and eat some canned ham sausage.

(End of this chapter)

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