Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 148 Another Prompt

Chapter 148 Another Prompt
The two-meter-long steel drill fell into the monster's mouth, just like a toothpick in a human's mouth, it was too small.

Moreover, the opponent's skin is rough and fleshy, and the steel drill only pierced the mucous membrane a little before being blocked by the mucus in the mouth, and then... nothing more.

Therefore, even if she hits the opponent's weak point, it will not cause any damage at all.

However, Mi Ajiu's action made the iron-headed monster angry - this fly is really annoying.

Then... there was a sound of "咻", and a small hole was suddenly opened from the top of the pot cover, and a jet of water shot out.

Huh, spit? !

Mi Ajiu had seen this guy through the ice before and spit to test his prey.

As she flew back, she took out the Mishi shield to prepare for defense.

However, this "saliva" seems to be unusual, like a water column of about one meter long, flying hundreds of meters away.

Mi Ajiu was startled, how could the shield block it?
Quickly put away the shield, rolled his body to the side, and a wall of ice suddenly stood in front of him.

In an instant, a powerful shock struck.

Mi Ajiu stood stridingly, with both hands supporting the ice wall, and was pushed back about ten meters before barely stopping.

It's big enough to be a cow, but it's so powerful just to spit.

chi chi-


There was a fiery burning pain in the left shoulder, like...the kind of pouring pepper water on the wound and rubbing it twice.

Mi Ajiu grinned her teeth in pain, looked down, and gasped suddenly, the clothes on the shoulders were already torn, and the muscles were corroded by the seemingly transparent "water", revealing the bones underneath.

And this corrosion continues to spread inward and outward.

This is the worst time for Mi Ajiu after being seriously injured by a bat last time, it hurts so much, and...

She obviously felt that her life was passing by quickly, and her body was weakening.

The life source of more than 200 points dropped linearly, one hundred and seven, one hundred and twenty... fifty...

With a thought, Mi Ajiu directly added [-] general energy points to the account.

Heh, I thought that having more than 200 life sources was enough, but it seemed that the actual beatings I received were too few.

It decreased by twenty or thirty points almost every second. After the source of life continued to drop for several minutes, there were only more than 8000 points left in the source of [-] points of life. dot, dot...

The burning pain still persists, and now it has become the entire shoulder, from the side of the neck to the upper half of the arm and a large area above the left chest, with bones exposed.

You can even see the internal organs through the bones. The corrosion rate of the bones is a little slower, slowly turning from white to black, and the most serious parts are completely blackened and brittle.

Mi Ajiu has seen many bones before, and also seen many rotting bones, but this is the first time for him to watch his body rot and turn into bones.

Rumble, click, click...

The ice vibrated, and the ice began to crumble beneath my feet.

The giant iron-headed monster came directly towards her through the ice.

More walls of ice stood in front of her, buying her time to retreat.


The ice under his feet shattered directly, revealing a crack. Mi Ajiu lost his mobility due to the injury on one half of his body, and his other hand had to control the ice, which greatly restricted his speed and agility.All of a sudden fell into the sea.

The iron-headed monster had a head that broke through the ice and approached Mi Ajiu, but seeing the little fly fall into the sea, it also plunged into the sea, turned around from the water, and approached Mi Ajiu.

Before, it didn't think there was anything special about this little fly, really, even if it was brought to its mouth for it to eat, it felt that it was too small to waste the time of opening its mouth.

However, when its own digestive juices came into contact with the fly, it smelled a very delicious smell, and intuitively told it that eating the fly would be of great benefit to itself.


Just when the Ironhead opened its mouth again, the ring-shaped mouthparts popped out... At such a speed and such a short distance, the fly has long been in its pocket.

However, there was only a muffled bang and a resistance from the mouthparts. It seemed that he had bitten on something relatively hard just now, and dozens of teeth had collapsed, deeply stuck into the ice.

But seeing that little fly crawling back to the ice layer again, the iron-headed monster was furious.

Originally, I wanted to eat something by the way this time, but the fly harassed it again and again, and she also had a very attractive smell, so I just ate it in one bite.

The head of the iron-headed monster suddenly pushed upwards, an ice peak rose instantly on the ice layer, an iron head like a pot lid emerged, and another jet of water sprayed towards Mi Ajiu.

Come again?

Also, why is this guy still alive and kicking?Doesn't the black slime work on it?She stuffed it into several tons of sea beast meat in glass bottles, and used up two-thirds of the rest.Now there are only a few bottles left in the space, about forty or fifty liters.

Mi Ajiu resisted the pain in her body, completely surrounded herself with several ice cubes, preventing a drop of transparent liquid from falling on her body.

After the jet of water was sprayed out, she closed the ice wall in an instant and ran away.

It was a coincidence and luck that she was able to hunt down that huge monster last time, but this time she was completely powerless to defend against it.

Her strength and mental strength are just a joke in front of her absolute size and strength. Mi Ajiu is very eager at this moment if she can have the legendary supernatural power or some kind of exercise.

Not to mention waving her hands to use attacks like lightning storms, at least she can walk against the wind, and energy attack spells are also good.

Mi Ajiu desperately ran for her life on the ice... A wall of ice appeared behind her.

Because she needs to focus on running for her life, she can't look back at any time to see when the monster will spit at her again, so she can only rely on a subconscious behavior and use an ice wall to block her back. If you rush over, it's impossible for that mouth to pierce through several ice walls at once...

Rumble, click, click...

The ice layer under his feet shattered, and there was a more violent vibration behind him, and the surging sea water seemed to be surging below.

Mi Ajiu ran another one or two kilometers, the ice layer did not continue to break, and the vibration seemed to subside gradually.

Finally escaped.

Mi Ajiu was afraid after a while.

The injury on the shoulder did not continue to deteriorate. It seemed that new granulation was growing slowly but firmly to repair the injury.

It looked very hideous.

Mi Ajiu felt ruthless in her heart, this time she suffered a big loss, and consumed several tons of her flesh, not to mention the black mucus, and made herself so embarrassed.

And the loss of thousands of points of universal energy for nothing!

Taught her a solid lesson.

She glanced at the place where she fought just now, and she was very unwilling, but the strength lies there... He who knows the current affairs is a hero, next time he is fishing near the small island, he will find a soft persimmon.

At this time, a message appeared in my mind again: It was detected that the vitality of a sea beast weakened 2000 meters away...

This tip again?

(End of this chapter)

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