Chapter 150

Mi Ajiu understood this as the price she had to pay for using the space function of the Rubik's Cube, and it was a compromise she had to make in the face of reality.

But the price that must be paid must be her subjective request, not the rules of passive obedience formulated by Rubik's Cube Space.

Therefore, when Mi Ajiu realized that the Rubik's Cube space might be due to upgrading and collecting more and more materials and energy, thereby activating its hidden spirit, she then wanted to occupy the dominance between the host and the golden finger.

Mi Ajiu will never be willing to let herself be just a slave of Goldfinger. She doesn't want all the struggle and hard work in the future just to help the Rubik's Cube space collect materials, so that it can continue to upgrade and expand.

After eating a big meal leisurely, I don't know if it's because she's back to her prime now, or she's numb from the pain, or her tolerance to pain has improved. She feels that her left shoulder doesn't feel as painful as before.

Xiaoxiao tore off a little bit of gauze to check, and the muscles, blood vessels and nerve tissue inside had almost grown. Although the bones were still visible on the surface, granulation had slowly attached around it.

It's really raw meat.

In addition to the repair function of Rubik's cube space energy, her current physique has evolved several levels compared to the last days.

After eating, Mi Ajiu didn't read a book, and put the boiled water on the stove into the space, and replaced it with fresh pure water.

In the other big pot is stewed steamed cakes, based on the memory of eating steamed cakes before, and using the ingredients in the space to find out by myself.In short, it takes time to simmer slowly on low heat until the red dates, red beans and glutinous rice inside are completely soft, and then let it be put on the stove.

Routinely search the inside and outside of the hut roughly, and then close the clothes and lie reclined on the kang.

There was a deep sense of exhaustion in her body, but the pain and itching that came from time to time made it difficult for her to really fall into a deep sleep.

Mi Ajiu just let go of distracting thoughts as much as possible, and then slowly entered the state of breathing.

For more than two years, she has breathed out every day, but subconsciously felt that her physique was improving, but she didn't know exactly where and how she improved.

On the most intuitive attribute value panel, the increased "physical fitness" is also due to persistent exercise to keep fit.

But this time, Mi Ajiu actually felt a stream of energy like a clear spring continuously converging towards his shoulders. Under the action of this energy, his body functions at an unprecedented speed, transporting what he needed to his shoulders one after another. In the affected area, each cell begins to grow under the original genetic sequence of the body...

Mi Ajiu seems to see a super huge factory, and everything in it operates according to the established rules of genes.

And energy is the catalyst and the source of power to promote the operation.

In an instant, Mi Ajiu seemed to have a little understanding - the root cause of the monsters that many people have seen before is that their own gene sequences cannot control energy!

But why the body of ordinary people can be completely repaired indefinitely under their own gene sequence, even if there is a mutation, the probability of mutation is extremely small and the mutation is limited. Why do those injected with the "gene evolution agent" develop crazily in the direction of monsters?

As thoughts wandered, Mi Ajiu subconsciously felt a desire: I hope that the shoulder injury will be healed immediately.If I also have the size of those super sea beasts, then the battle will not be so embarrassing...

In this kind of subconscious thought, some energy is gathered to various parts of the body, making the cells in those places more active, as if they are ready to divide and grow at any time.

Fortunately, this force that wants to grow wildly is limited by the power of the genetic sequence... Hey, no, it seems that in addition to the energy flow provided by the Rubik's Cube space in her body, there seems to be a thinner energy in her body that runs slowly and firmly with.

This is something that Mi Ajiu has never sensed before.

Mi Ajiu was inexplicably excited, could this be the legendary... internal force?qigong?Or something more mysterious...spiritual power?
As soon as her thinking became active, Mi Ajiu lost her strength from the ethereal state, and the induction disappeared.

Her shoulders were still itchy and painful, but there was a heartfelt smile on the corner of her mouth—at least to show that her body's energy supply now does not completely depend on the general energy of the Rubik's Cube space.

She thought: Is it because of this that Rubik's Cube Space will actively communicate with her, intending to gain complete control?
It should be.

I slept for a while, and woke up the next day full of energy. The wound has healed about one-fifth, and it will recover in about five or six days.

For the past few days, Mi Ajiu has been nestling in the hut, using the ingredients in the space to cook food, routinely hoarding boiled water and ice cubes, occasionally reading books and exercising.

It's just that Mi Ajiu will deliberately sense the hidden energy flow in her body every night when she rests.

Three days after the last induction, she caught it again.

This time she was very careful, her consciousness moved along these energies as small as fragile threads, perceiving its origin and trajectory.

She found that these energies started from the dantian and finally flowed through the whole body, then gathered in the dantian, and so on.

So, this is really her own energy? !
Because of exercise and long-term breathing, plus eating so many high-energy foods every day, these energy will not become fat accumulation like ordinary people due to the evolved physique and the power of the Rubik's Cube space, so it is extracted Yuan energy is stored in the body.

Mi Ajiu also thought, so, in fact, since the monthly letter disappears, her body is actually converting energy into primordial energy.

It's just that it was too young at that time, and its own mental power was too weak to sense these at all.

Mi Ajiu is overjoyed, can he finally practice independently besides the monotonous exercise and breathing? !
With this joy, she broke away from the mysterious realm again.

In the next few days, Mi Ajiu spent more time breathing and exhaling, concentrating on sensing the energy in his body.

After each meal, after those energies are absorbed by the body, she also deliberately perceives their flow.

Another week later, Mi Ajiu was able to perceive her own energy freely.

Another two weeks later, Mi Ajiu thought that the energy he obtained from food and breathing was too little, if he could combine it with the general energy and transform it into his own energy...

It's just that the trajectory of the universal energy is completely different, and Mi Ajiu began to try to connect them with his own energy.

At this moment, a series of reminder messages began to pop up in my mind: warning, warning, the current behavior of the host is very dangerous, please stop immediately, stop immediately!
(End of this chapter)

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