Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 159 Cognitive Bias

Chapter 159 Cognitive Bias
Hunting, selling pure water and sea animal meat, practicing, daily hoarding of food, hot water and ice.

Mi Ajiu lived every day to the fullest.

The universal energy on the account is accumulated at a rocket speed, even if she converts half of the harvest into the body energy every time, after half a year, she still has 2 tons of universal energy.

1t is equivalent to [-] million, which is her newly unlocked energy unit.

She also found a set of high-tech diving suits in the mall. In addition to being more insulated than ordinary ones, she can also be connected to the oxygen cylinders and air tanks in the space to achieve autonomous breathing underwater.

In addition, this diving suit can increase underwater sensitivity, speed, etc.

Of course, its defense power is also stronger than all her previous clothes, and it is difficult for ordinary knives to cut it.There is no need to deliberately avoid some sharp shattered ice.

The underwater defense suit and dragon slaying make Mi Ajiu's sea hunting even more powerful.

In addition to gaining one or two giant sea beasts almost every day, her attribute points are also steadily increasing.

His physical fitness has finally broken through the 700 mark, and his strength has reached 1000 jin. Now he can easily lift a weight of nearly [-] jin.

The speed of running at full speed is almost 45, which is almost four times that of before the end of the world.

Agility and other attributes are also several times what they used to be.

The relationship between Mi Ajiu and Rubik's Cube Space has also become more harmonious. After all, they are also a special kind of living body with common interests and goals of struggle - longevity and strength.So there is more communication between them.

Mi Ajiu also finally understood why Rubik's Cube Space wanted to open the door of space in the first place.

Because, as far as the Rubik's cube space is concerned, it is originally the spirit of half-life space, and it is born with the ability to connect different space levels.

And any civilization that passes through it will automatically pay a certain "toll fee" for it, and the more advanced civilizations pass through the space gate, the more fees will be charged.

The point is, from now on, it can break away from or even devour the host, and become a real space life wandering in the big universe.

Because of level restrictions and lack of rules, Mi Ajiu's Rubik's Cube space now only has the most basic ability to store the lowest-level items. As for the space mall, it can only receive wide-area listing information.That's why she can only see the listing and buying information now, but can't see the real shops and business world.Of course, her own listing information can only be received by fewer people.

Another point, Mi Ajiu thought that most of the other fragments that fell on this world in that meteor shower have probably been integrated.

She herself doesn't want to open the door of space and make this world a hunting or testing ground for advanced civilizations, but she can't influence other people's decisions.

I don't know if the person who has the Rubik's Cube space fragments has opened the door of space.

In any case, her priority now is to accumulate energy and strength.

Another half a year later, Mi Ajiu's universal energy reached a terrifying 10t, and the total amount of energy she converted into primordial energy also exceeded 20t. After adding and consuming every day, she still has this amount.

At this point, she thought that there would be no grades in Yuan Neng cultivation, and finally there was a movement - an upgrade.

In her consciousness induction, the dantian space was subtly expanded by more than ten times, and the primordial energy, which was only in the state of dense mist, seemed to show signs of condensation, and gradually condensed into tiny particles in the dense mist. As she continued to convert the universal energy into primary energy, the condensed particles became more and bigger.

Mi Ajiu performed a set of fitness knife skills on the ice, the knife glowed like a rainbow piercing the sky, and a 200-meter-thick ice layer cracked and shattered.

The consciousness shines in the sea of ​​consciousness, and all the subtle movements within a hundred meters around are under control.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, a full three-dimensional projection within the range of [-] meters appears around the Rubik's Cube Heart.

Mi Ajiu's hunting distance reached [-] kilometers, because she did not have a more suitable means of transportation, she temporarily stopped the sea animal meat processing project.Of course, it is also because there is not much firewood left in the space, and all kinds of marinade have bottomed out. Even the salt is much reduced under the high consumption of stewing tons of meat every day.

In the absence of finding more resources, she kept the rest in the space for herself to use later.

Now, she doesn't have to go to and from the hut every day, and she doesn't have to think about the stove, so she can hunt freely.

There can be two or three sea beasts in a day.

She found that as they gradually entered the deep sea area, these sea beasts not only became larger in size, but also possessed more magical powers. In addition to the common physical attacks, she also saw the real... magic attacks.

For example, the unicorn sea beast that can release a strong current from the top horn of its head, the fire-breathing sea beast that can breathe fire from its mouth, and the magical sea beast that emits spherical lightning from its tail...

And the energy contained in these sea beasts, regardless of their size, is several times or even more than other sea beasts.

Moreover, when Mi Ajiu used the Rubik's Cube space to organize the spoils, she also separated some useful materials from their bodies.

The three lightning tentacles can also release at least three or four lightning attacks, whose power is equivalent to the explosion of hundreds of detonators.

Two fire pouches, super miraculous pouches, the fire elements inside are aggregated into a ball when sprayed out, which can burn in air and water for several minutes, and then explode, with a temperature as high as five or six thousand degrees in an instant.

There are also many sea animal skins, shells, minions, etc., except for the large pot cover harvested last time that was transformed into a new hut by Mi Ajiu, there is no refining method for the others.

When Mi Ajiu expanded the capacity of the Rubik's Cube space to 10t and the universal energy to 10t, a message came from the Rubik's Cube space:
[I just sensed the breath of the gate of space...]

Mi Ajiu paused for a moment, controlled a spatial cell to transfer the body of the sea beast just killed in front of her into the space.


The materials and sea animal meat are sorted by category.


+65 million

Mi Ajiu hummed, threw more than ten tons of sea animal meat into the sea, returned to the pot cover hut by herself, and took out a small hot pot to replenish the energy consumed.

Then I opened the panel and chatted with the Rubik's Cube space while eating: " said before that the original Rubik's Cube Heart was broken into at least dozens of pieces, and you fused three pieces at most, but as early as more than a year ago You have the ability to open the door of space before, and the other party has more fragments, why are you opening the door of space now?"

This upgrade speed is a bit slow.

Rubik's Cube space paused for a moment: [I remember that the idea you passed to me before was that you didn't want foreign civilizations to invade this world, but now they have opened the door to the world, why can't I feel your nervousness or...worries or something like that? mood? 】

Mi Ajiu glanced up at the text from the lunch box, and chuckled lightly: "You seem to have a little misconception about my moral level."

(End of this chapter)

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