Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 161 Spatial cells that can be set individually

Chapter 161 Spatial cells that can be set individually
Then, Mi Ajiu really found that there are some new control buttons on each space cell.

[Temperature: (to be determined) -200——+2000]

[Humidity: (to be determined) 0—100%]

[Time: (to be determined) and the rate of time elapsed with the outside world, 0-1 times]

The suffix is ​​the setting value area. Mi Ajiu looked at the space cells in front of him, and suddenly felt that many things he had done before were useless.

Such as collecting ice cubes, such as hoarding boiling water...

With the control ability of the spatial cell, she can turn the pure water in the entire cell into boiling water or ice cubes in minutes!What are you wasting so much firewood and time for?
The key is that she has worked so hard to collect it for more than a year, and she didn't even fill up half of the space cells...

Mi Ajiu closed her eyes and took a deep breath—calm and calm.

It's really that the plan can't keep up with the changes, just like the beginning of the end of the world, isn't it just one after another.

Although from the current point of view, she has done a lot of useless work, but...if she hadn't destroyed the spirit of the false space before, and the other party deliberately deceived these functions, she might never know that the space still has this setting.The preparatory work she did was not superfluous.

Mi Ajiu did some psychological training for herself, and after a while, she opened her eyes again and exhaled a long breath.

Damn, if she hadn't been used to self-comforting, she would have nearly suffocated herself to death just now.

After tidying up her mood, Mi Ajiu tidied up her space unit again.

All food and clothing expenses are collected in one cell, and then with a thought, fill the other six cells with seawater—purification.

In an instant, the sea water was reduced by almost one-fifth, but it became very clear.

But in a blank cell, several large and small white, yellow, black and other cubes appeared out of thin air.

It turned out to be substances separated from seawater, such as salt, copper, etc., and of course many organic and inorganic substances have been purified, and these extracted are things that are more useful to Mi Ajiu at present.

Such a powerful space.

Mi Ajiu reached out and touched the temperature setting of one of the cells: [-] degrees.

The water in space doesn't seem to change much.

She frowned slightly. Didn't it mean that the water will boil when it reaches [-] degrees, and if it reaches [-] degrees, it will not all become gaseous?

With a thought, she turned a little water out.The moment the water just came into contact with the outside world, she felt a mist of water steaming up in front of her, and with a puff, her whole body was enveloped in the mist.

She was stunned for a moment before she realized it, and then she was thankful: fortunately, she only took a small cup just now, fortunately, she was at least one meter away from her just now, fortunately, she has the habit of wearing a mask at all times... Otherwise, After being smoked by such high-temperature steam, I am afraid it will take hundreds of energy points to repair it.

Only at this moment did she realize with hindsight that different atmospheric pressures must have been adjusted in the space cells so that the water at two hundred degrees is still in a liquid state.Once brought to the outside world, it immediately boils and evaporates.

This is learned in elementary school or junior high school, and I forgot!
Mi Ajiu set the pure water in another cell to minus two hundred degrees.

It seems that apart from a slight change in size, there is no other change.

With a thought, she planned to take out some ice cubes to see the difference between the ice at minus two hundred degrees and the ice at minus fifty degrees.

Hey, I can't take it out.

Inside is a whole.

This is, the weak voice came from the sea of ​​consciousness: "You can use the sorting function to divide it into the size and shape you want."


The huge ice cube of nearly 10 tons was divided into small ice cubes with a cubic size. Mi Ajiu took out a piece, the whole body was pure and transparent, like crystal.

Stretching out his hand, the big ax fell into his hand.

With a bang, a shallow imprint was left on the ice in front of her, her palm was numb from the shock, but her ax completely collapsed.

After looking at it and throwing it into the space casually, the ax that had been with her for several years was considered to have completed its final mission.

Mi Ajiu flipped her wrist, and the broad-backed Dragon Slayer appeared out of thin air.

With all his strength, he slashed with all his strength, the ice cube cracked a crack, and the edge of the knife did not collapse.

Lucking again, pouring [-]% ​​of energy, the ice cube shattered into two halves with a click.

Such a hard ice cube can be used to smash people.

Mi Ajiu thought of something, and filled the remaining dozens of cells with seawater, purified them, and set them to minus two hundred degrees.

Thinking about it, even those gigantic sea beasts would be enough for the opponent to drink a pot if they were dropped with a weight of hundreds of millions of tons.It can be regarded as another available method besides dragon slaying.

It took Mi Ajiu a little time to familiarize herself with her Rubik's Cube space again, and she rested for a while, and started her hunting trip again after everything was ready.

As for the guy who claims to be the real spirit of the Rubik's Cube space, he told her that the hut and the food processing room she built can be bound to the Rubik's Cube space, but it only needs to occupy a space cell.

She thought about it, it would be great if the function of food processing can be bound to the space unit, but the priority now is to accumulate energy and improve strength.

Although she wasn't going to confront the alien invaders at the gate of space right away, she would definitely encounter them in the future, and a fight was certain.

In contrast, food processing seems less urgent.


Over the New World, a huge semi-circular spaceship slowly floated out of the vortex-like deep space, and then hovered quietly above.

And in the back, the vortex slowly shrinks due to lack of energy, until it is completely consistent with the surrounding space.

Under the transparent barrier of the new world, on the highest silver-white platform, a group of handsome people wearing long tailcoats symbolizing nobility and gentlemen stood respectfully, looking forward to the spaceship above.

The handsome blond man in the lead stretched his hands forward, with an extremely pious expression and eyes full of infinite desire.

At this moment, a mass of bright white light suddenly burst out from his chest, and then a crystal bead came out of his body, slowly floated up in the light, and flew directly towards the spaceship.

But the leading man's body shook violently, with a painful expression on his face.

His body bent involuntarily, his hands clutching his chest tightly.

The woman closest to him noticed the man, and her joyful expression was instantly replaced by horror. She opened her mouth wide, and it took a while to let out an inhuman howl.


Several people who were closer screamed.

how so?Aren't they the chosen ones?And the gods were invited by them so piously, didn't they take them to the realm of the gods to enjoy the glory, wealth and eternal life forever?

Why...the god stone, which represented the contract of gods, sucked their representatives into human beings in an instant? !
And the white light seemed to be alive, as the beads left the body, the more radiant light emitted from it, the wider the coverage area, covering all the people next to the leader.

(End of this chapter)

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