Chapter 164 Crisis
Less than an hour after the opening of the space gate, the new world was completely taken over by the foreign civilization.

These humanoid life forms covered in superalloy armor from the beginning to the end shuttle in the complex internal circulation system of the new world.

They thought it would take a lot of effort to reorganize this stronghold. After all, they can open the door of space, so they have two brushes.

The core of the entire new world is its internal circulation system, and the foundation of the system is those semi-mature petri dishes.Those low-level genetic life forms are produced in batches, and then go through layers of screening, or become feed for other life forms, or become tools...

Outland civilization took a little gene from these species kept in metal cages, put them in a metal groove on the wrist, and soon had a complete detection sequence, and then projected it on the working panel in front of them.

——Heh, I didn't expect that these lowly species would restore 90.00% of the genes they left here millions of years ago, just barely reaching the level they had been selected through countless generations of experiments and selections.This saves them a lot of effort.

Now they only need to make a little improvement in these maternal genes, and the internal circulation system will be perfect.

According to its reproduction speed, within two years, this place will become the world of these cultured animals and become their perfect breeding base.

Setting up another raw material processing point can continuously transport these materials to other star fields or planes, which is a huge profit.

Metal cages are neatly distributed throughout the space, and countless pipes shuttle through them in an orderly manner. Basically, a batch of mothers give birth every day.

In the beginning, these mothers still retained their human form more or less, and could only give birth to three or four daughters at a time.

Gradually screened and optimized mothers can give birth once every two months, and produce six or seven or even ten offspring at a time, and their shapes have also evolved from the initial external forcible intervention to remove useless limbs, and finally evolved to only The next huge cavity.

Compared with other species tested by foreign civilizations, these mothers cultivated with human genes can retain a certain amount of intelligence to the maximum extent, which is more conducive to subsequent screening and processing. The growth cost is low, the fecundity is strong, and the growth cycle is short.

In short, the civilizations from the outer domains who came from the gate of space did not hesitate to kill the "people" who controlled this complex system, and after improving the internal circulation system, they converted all the life energy collected in the new world into energy stones and put them in the spaceship .

These lowly things actually squeeze such precious ingredients directly into source energy, and because of the poor technology, one ingredient can only squeeze out at most dozens of source energy.What a waste of money.

Wait for the next batch of ingredients to grow up and be processed into finished products, each of which can sell for at least tens of thousands!

... The space gate above the original new world slowly shrunk. A Trithi man wrapped in metal armor stretched his arm forward, and shot out a beam of condensed beams from his forearm. Then, a beam like An amethyst-like bead slowly flew over from mid-air, and sank into his forearm along the beam of light.

He frowned slightly: It wasn't even a complete Rubik's cube space core.

To open the door of space with such defective products, I think these bastards spent a lot of thought and energy in the beginning.Too reckless.

He tapped a few times on his arm, and a panel was projected in front of him.

A very complicated three-dimensional figure appeared on it, and there were a few bright spots.

"It turns out that these scattered fragments have been separated from their original will, no wonder."

If the will of the original Rubik's Cube Heart is still retained, it will automatically return to the main body.

There are a total of four bright spots, except for one of which is brighter with green light, the other three light spots are relatively dim.

According to the information retrieved from the original new world before, the place emitting green light should be the direction called the base.

Could it be that those bastards who spent a lot of time and energy to support them back then actually broke through their own seal?
It would be ironic if that was the case.

However, now that they are here, this is their breeding ground, whether you break through or not, you will definitely become feed for their breeding!
As for the other dim Rubik's Cube Hearts, they will also be taken back, fused into a complete space core, and then used to stabilize the base.


【Ajiu, I feel a strong pulling force coming from the direction of the new world. I suspect that the alien civilization from the space gate has occupied that place and changed the rules. 】

Mi Ajiu is currently trying on the underwater defense suit she just bought from the mall.

Her original one can only move up to 200 meters underwater, and has limited bonuses to speed, agility and strength.

And this set was traded by her after hanging in the mall for a long time, using hundreds of tons of sea animal meat and purified water.

It looks not much different from ordinary diving suits, and even fits better without tightness.

Although it is second-hand, its defense power reaches [-] units, which is slightly weaker than the giant pot lid I picked up last time.

The key is that this defensive suit has bonuses to strength, agility and speed. Underwater is like the communication medium between the body and the water element. As long as she thinks in her heart, she can generate power from anywhere, and her stealth speed is faster than flying on land. Ben is more than several times faster.

In this way, this diving suit can withstand the pressure of 3000 meters under the sea. In the future, when fighting those large sea beasts, Mi Ajiu no longer has to worry about those guys diving into the deep sea...Of course, I don’t dare to go too deep into the bottom of the sea. After all, if someone kills her Wouldn't it be wrong to co-author other small fish and shrimp to swallow it?

Mi Ajiu wore this battle suit inside, and didn't take it off when she slept—it was like a layer of skin on her own body, breathable and heat-resistant, and she could move freely.

She heard the sound transmission of the Rubik's Cube in her mind, and asked, "Then can you still hold it?"

[That power has no effect on me now, I just feel that the main body of the original Rubik's Cube Heart is calling for those scattered fragments. 】

"That's good."

[Perhaps it won't be long before those foreign civilizations will follow this traction...]

"Come on, come on, anyway, you can't escape or hide."

Mi Ajiu responded, summoned the sleigh, and drove across the ice.

At this moment, she is already hundreds of kilometers away from the original small island. This area should be a former great plain, with an altitude difference of at least 2000 meters from the plateau.

There are many marine species living under the ice, and there are many 200-meter-long sea beasts. They saw a small bug flying above their heads. Although it was small, it exuded an irresistible and attractive fragrance, and they couldn't wait to break through the ice.

Then, these big guys were chopped off by a burst of white light, and the whole body disappeared out of thin air before sinking into the bottom of the sea.

Mi Ajiu is not interested in this kind of ordinary sea beast with a height of 200 meters, but if the other party brings it to her door, she doesn't mind accepting it.

(End of this chapter)

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