Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 169 The Power of Space

Chapter 169 The Power of Space
More than a dozen pieces of ice with millions of cubic meters fell from the sky, blocking the approach of the figure and separating Mi Ajiu from him.At the same time, there was a violent explosion sound from the other side of the huge ice wall.

The explosion blasted several cracks in the ice block in front of Mi Ajiu, and the ice layer hundreds of meters underground began to shatter, and the air was filled with the pungent smell of gunpowder.

Oh, this is so beautifully said.

He is tall and righteous, and he holds the moral high position to death.

If Mi Ajiu hadn't used the power of space to block the super explosion with a powerful ice block, such power might directly blast her into scum.

Mi Ajiu once felt that what she regretted the most was that she didn't get some gunpowder and shells when collecting materials. The main reason was that she didn't have the "foresight" at that time, and there was still time and realistic conditions. She didn't have the way at all.

After the end of the world, the power of thermal weapons should not be underestimated.

Mi Ajiu stretched out his hand and made a move, and the Dragon Slayer landed in his hand. The vitality was infused, and the blade trembled, triggering a blade glow tens of meters long.

With a loud roar, he slashed down towards the point in his consciousness.

Not surprisingly, the blade light was broken by a strong resistance and dissipated into the air instantly.

bang bang bang-

Dozens of huge ice cubes crashed down, and the figure was interrupted when he wanted to say something with his words of justice. He hurriedly avoided the falling iceberg-like monster, and rushed towards Mi Ajiu along the gap. .

I was horrified, I didn't expect this guy's space power to be so powerful, and the energy radiation range reached 600 meters!

And his power of space is no more than two or three hundred, so many methods in the space can't achieve the effect of surprise attack.

He understands better that those words that can fool ordinary people before the end of the world are completely ineffective in front of this person.Of course, they never thought of winning with just words, but it's just a matter of habit. Talking casually, it's good to disturb the other party's mind a little. If it's useless, it won't delay what they have prepared. ultimate move.

Hey, where are the other space hosts?
Didn't they agree that he would confuse and attract the opponent's attention from the front, and they would attack and assist from the side?
Now he is being beaten by the opponent using the power of space remotely, why don't those people do it?

Kacha, a crack appeared on the armor bestowed by the outsider.

What a strong attack!
No, this seems to be... yuan energy attack!
How did the other party do it?
Even if they have been completely taken over by the Rubik's Cube space and digitized their bodies, they have not been able to reach this level by directly using skill books and energy infusion.

Now he can only strike an energy attack of 30 meters at most. If it is farther away, the lethality will be greatly reduced, and it will not even be able to break through the opponent's defense.

And because of level restrictions and limited energy, he once thought that his energy reserves were not bad, and he could use at least four or five energy attacks, but this time it can't be put on the table at all.

Boom, click...

Just before the last attack fell, there was only a bang, and the iceberg-like ice directly smashed on his defensive armor, and the armor was overwhelmed and split directly.


Accompanied by a deafening crackling sound, the blade light pierced the layer of energy attached to the armor.

Although the sword light was resisted and dissipated by this layer of energy in the end, a cloud of transparent smoke exploded in the air, enveloping his body in an instant.

Then he felt that his body was wrapped in this layer of mist, and it began to melt like wax.

He felt unprecedented pain, and his digital body gradually became a speck of dots and melted into the mist.

The other debris hosts were not idle either, but they couldn't even break through Mi Ajiu's defense at the moment.

Even though the high explosives blasted the ice below into slag, the black pot lid remained unmoved.

On the contrary, Mi Ajiu took the opportunity to kill one of the debris hosts - it is better to cut off one finger than to hurt ten fingers.

After killing one, Mi Ajiu immediately pulled away and rushed to the one closest to her.

Countless destructive, corrosive and explosive objects rushed towards Mi Ajiu.

Mi Ajiu let out a loud roar, and rushed over with a slightly smaller transparent pot lid.

Those items fell on the transparent pot cover, and there were endless crackling sounds, sizzling corrosion sounds, and an extremely unpleasant pungent smell...

When this smell enters the respiratory tract, there is a strong burning sensation immediately...

When she penetrated into the internal organs with her spiritual sense, Mi Ajiu immediately became restless—the respiratory tract was destroyed in just a few moments. If it wasn't for the body's powerful repair ability to constantly repair the corroded places, she would have been covered by this from the inside out. The stuff turned into a puddle of mud.

Amazing.It is many times higher than the corrosive slime she collected before.

She hastily took out the respirator used for hunting at the bottom of the sea, the burning pain eased slightly, and her eyes fixed on the figure in front of her.

Obviously, the corrosive mist beyond this world must have been exchanged by the other party from the mall, using the explosion as a cover, seemingly harmless to the skin to deceive the other party, but in fact, as long as one breath enters the body, it is a dead end.

I don't know how much the other party has exchanged. If you don't kill it now, it will definitely become a big hidden danger.

bang bang bang

With the thought together, the Rubik's Cube space gathered all the ice cubes thrown out before, and then fell down with a bang, trapping the figure in front of it instantly.

The figure rushed left and right, and found that he was completely trapped by the iceberg, and another iceberg fell from the sky. In desperation, a circular array lighted up in his hand, and when the ice fell, it turned into a transparent barrier and landed steadily. Cover it up to block the pounding of the ice.

It is difficult to break through the energy barrier with the heavy blow of ordinary ice cubes. Mi Ajiu endured the pain and discomfort in the inner palace, and forcibly drove the dragon, trying to break through the opponent's defense.

Originally, the energy was going all out to repair the internal injuries of the body, but Mi Ajiu forcibly circulated it on the dragon slayer, and immediately spewed out a mouthful of blood. The blood mist dyed the white snow in front of him red, which was extremely eye-catching.

Wow——the blade was on display, and Mi Ajiu held the handle of the blade with both hands, and chopped down with all her strength.

The knife light sliced ​​through the giant ice cube above it like cutting tofu, and then fell on the energy barrier, bursting into a mass of light immediately.

A strong reaction force struck, and Mi Ajiu was sent flying upside down for more than ten meters.

Before the body landed, it was caught by an ice cube that appeared out of thin air.She stepped a little lower, and her figure flew forward again. When she was running, the big knife was thrown to one side, dragging out a long, bright blade light.

bang bang bang-

The cracking sound behind him exploded like a life-seeking talisman, and pieces of ice shattered into ice slags and fell to the ground after fulfilling the shield's final mission, followed by scales or giant bones appearing out of thin air. Always protecting Mi Ajiu's back...

And Mi Ajiu finally rushed to the effective attack range again, and the blade light that was raised high across the sky again, landed on the stubborn energy barrier...

(End of this chapter)

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