Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 17 Something is wrong

Chapter 17 Something is wrong

Ni Jia thought of the other party's usual style, and also, in the past, he used to put some chili powder in his bag when he was a tutor, so this move didn't feel awkward.

Ni Jia responded, and took the lead to walk forward. The door leading to the basement was wide open, garbage was scattered on the stairs, and there were traces of dragging.But along the way, no human or animal corpses were seen.

Mi Ajiu walked behind, although the door was a bit damaged, but it was made of solid materials, if they went down to the basement later, the door was accidentally blown shut by the "wind", wouldn't it be self-defeating?
She wanted to remove the whole door, but found that she had prepared a lot of things, but she didn't have the corresponding screwdriver, so she simply gave up.

Then he pushed a cabinet next to him to block it.

Seeing Mi Ajiu's cautious look, Ni Jia wanted to say something, but when she thought about the weird mummy she saw just now, she didn't say anything.

The two went all the way to the basement, and there was another door, this door was less damaged, and Mi Ajiu still blocked it with something.

This is a storage room, an underground wine cellar to be precise.

It's just that the shelves were pushed away, broken glass was everywhere on the floor, and the strong smell of wine was mixed with the smell of blood, which was particularly pungent.

Almost every wine cabinet has left its original location. It seems that not only has it been carefully searched, but also fierce fighting has occurred, and there are bullet holes in the wall.

Except for the occasional falling rags and debris from a certain part, there is still no body.

Mi Ajiu looked around, but didn't see any secret door.

Ni Jia, on the other hand, walked carefully to a corner after careful identification, and groped around the corner.

After a while, the complete wall on the right-hand side suddenly moved, and a keyhole and password panel appeared.

Ni Jia was very excited, there really is a secret door here!

Mi Ajiu was also stunned, this design is too delicate.

Ni Jia inserted the key into the lock, and when she was about to press the code, Mi Ajiu said suddenly: "Jiajia, wait a minute..."

Ni Jia's hand stopped in the air, and she looked back at Mi Ajiu: "What?"

Mi Ajiu looked serious: "Jiajia, I think things are too weird. Don't you think we came in too smoothly?"

"What do you mean?"

"Just now you also saw the appearance of this villa and the surrounding dwellings. It was obvious that there had been fierce fighting, and there were even many casualties, but there was nothing but those few mummified corpses. What do you think killed those people?"

Ni Jia shook her head, just when she was about to say something, a child's cry came faintly from behind the wall.

Ni Jia said anxiously: "Listen, the two children are inside, and they must be starving right now, so we'll talk about what's going on later."

Mi Ajiu walked over and grabbed the hand that pressed the password: "Jiajia, don't you think it's all too coincidental? Those people obviously came to the basement to search before. Why didn't the child cry? I believe that as long as there is a message from inside The sound, no matter how secret the secret door is, can be found. But the problem now is that those people died inexplicably, so inconceivably."

"Mom, mom...I want mom..."

A heart-piercing cry came from the secret room, and Ni Jia's heart almost broke.

"Ajiu, what happened to you? Didn't you hear the two children crying for their mother inside? You said why didn't they cry when those people searched here, maybe they were tired and fell asleep, they were just children. Well, I know you have good intentions, it is right to be cautious, but, no matter what, save the child first."

Ni Jia shook off Mi Ajiu's hand and pressed the password.

Mi Ajiu has no better reason to refute, after all, all this is just her feeling that something is wrong.

After being thrown away by the opponent, she subconsciously pulled the ax tightly.

She knew that she had already reached the door, and she would definitely not be able to persuade the other party, prepared as much as possible.

Click, bang... Accompanied by the sound of a slight collision of mechanism messages, a piece of the wall was dented, and then moved smoothly to the side, revealing a door opening.

"Mom, mom, I want mom..." The clear and piercing cry of the child came from the secret room.

Ni Jia rushed in with one stride, "Da Bao Xiao Bao..."

"Wait a moment……"

Before Mi Ajiu could shout out, Ni Jia couldn't wait to rush over.

"Auntie is here..."

In the middle of the warehouse, a crisscross aisle divides the secret room into four areas.

Two children sat in the aisle, neat and tidy...

"Auntie, woo woo, the baby is afraid, woo woo..."

Ni Jia picked up the younger one, and the older one stretched out his arm to her, so Ni Jia picked up the older one with the other hand.

"Don't be afraid, Auntie is here..."

Mi Ajiu watched the three of them huddling together, feeling a bit sour inexplicably in his heart: Two poor children, they probably don't know their mother and father, and even this family is... ruined.Reminiscent of when I was a child, it was said that the two wanted to sell her just after she was born, and my grandma tried her best to stop her.After the full moon, the two of them left it alone and threw it to grandma in the name of going out to work, and there was no news for more than ten years.It's not that they haven't seen each other at all, the two of them came back a few times, but they didn't come back to see her pay child support, but wanted her to drop out of school to make money for them. Fortunately, ZF intervened and she and grandma were determined to continue studying. Only then broke their delusions.When Mi Ajiu was in ZF and she worked hard to earn a scholarship and finally went to university, the two licked their faces and complained, saying that they ignored her in order to work to support their family, and did not fulfill their parental responsibilities. I hope she can understand their parents. Suffering and so on.Ah.

"Auntie, I'm hungry, Auntie, I'm afraid..."

The immature voice brought back Mi Ajiu's thoughts. She looked at the two children carved in pink and jade. For some reason, she felt an inexplicable sense of disobedience accompanied by sourness. She always felt... what Something is wrong.

This secret room is about 30 square meters. Against the wall on the left is a row of cylindrical stainless steel barrels with a height of two meters and a diameter of one meter. Next to the big barrels are boxes containing cooking oil, salt, canned food and various seasonings. .On the right is a box that occupies half of the basement space. Judging from the words on the box, it contains all kinds of tissues and boxes of bottled purified water.

Mi Ajiu made a rough estimate in her heart, and at least 34 cubic meters of supplies were stored in this basement.

How arrogant!
I think she spent more than [-] yuan on all kinds of shopping and buying in the past two days, but she can barely fill two spatial cells, two cubic meters.

As for others, they directly hid a whole room of things.

"Ajiu, come and help me..."

Ni Jia's voice brought Mi Ajiu back to her thoughts.

She saw Ni Jia holding a child in one hand, comforting him constantly, and then walking towards her, intending to ask her to help hold one.

Mi Ajiu finally knew something was wrong... By the way, these two children are really cute, and... such a small child, according to Ni Jia: Xiaojun locked the child here from seven or eight o'clock in the morning Well, it's eight o'clock in the evening, no one is feeding them, no one is changing their diapers, and there is no smell at all.

"Jiajia, hurry up, put them down quickly..."

(End of this chapter)

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