Chapter 172
Some may say, "This is a time and another time, now is an extraordinary period, we should unite all forces that can be united..."

Mi Ajiu's attitude is: whoever wants to do it by himself, anyway, this kind of rhetoric doesn't work for her.

——The bad species will never change their minds and camps just because you give it a chance, it just gives the other party a chance to entrap themselves again.

Facts once again proved that Mi Ajiu was right.

【Ajiu, it's over...】

The idea of ​​Rubik's cube space spirit came from the sea of ​​consciousness. It has completely fused the other four space fragments, and the effective range of space power reaches 1000 meters.

In other words, she can accurately lock any point within 1000 meters.

Mi Ajiu chatted with the two of them with their own ulterior motives. She knew that the other party was preparing a big move and was waiting for her to enter their ambush range.

She is also waiting, waiting for a suitable distance.

500 meters, 200 meters... [-], this is the time.

"Boom-" sound.

A violent explosion came from ahead, and the entire space expanded instantly, and the naked eye could see the space cracks extending outward, tearing the entire field of vision apart.

Immediately afterwards, everything in front of the eyes was covered by the white snow mist, and everything was in chaos.

Although Mi Ajiu had been mentally prepared and had done enough preparation work, the amount of "water" taken out at this moment to set the extreme temperature was too large, and the air pressure burst effect caused her head to buzz and her scalp to tingle. numb.

The ice wall in front of him has been broken away, and the protective cover like a pot cover that has been blessed with several layers has also been blown away.

Mi Ajiu felt a fishy and salty feeling in her throat, and with a puff, a mouthful of blood spewed out, dyeing the space in front of her dark red.

At the same time, there was a dull pain in his chest, as if he had been punched hard by an invisible force.

Very strong shock wave.

The body has automatically mobilized energy to start intense self-repair work, but Mi Ajiu felt a strong sense of loss of strength, as if many places were shattered.

Quickly use the mind to mobilize the energy in the body to run the body...

Bursts of dull pain swept through his body.

Mi Ajiu sat cross-legged on the ground, endured the pain and persisted in repairing her body, and at the same time sent out a thought to contact Rubik's Cube Space Spirit: "How is the situation over there? Is he dead?"

A spatial cell separated from the Rubik's Cube space overlaps with a real area in front of it, and transmits the real-time situation to Mi Ajiu in the form of three-dimensional imaging. [I have not detected signs of life fluctuations for the time being, and I am searching for space debris... ...]

Mi Ajiu hummed, the power of the explosion just now was so powerful even when he was 1000 meters away, and there were many barriers.

Those two people were in the center of the explosion, even if they had certain means of defense, they would not be able to please them.

No life fluctuations were detected, so it should have hung up.It's just that the Rubik's Cube space has not been able to search for the opponent's space fragments, which makes Mi Ajiu's heart hang.

At this moment, Rubik's Cube Space suddenly transmitted a voice: [No, the fragments are sneaking in the space. 】

Mi Ajiu didn't delve into how "space stealth" actually exists, she just needs to understand the meaning conveyed by the other party: if the other party's space debris wants to escape, that's fine.

He stood up awkwardly, with the energy in his body agitating, and waved away all kinds of obstacles in front of him, including the pot cover to defend the hut.

Suddenly, the steaming heat wave rushed over.

The ice blocks hundreds of meters around have long since disappeared, revealing the dark blue sea water boiling and steaming.

At this moment, it was several minutes before the explosion, and the temperature was at least one or two hundred degrees.

Although it is not the high temperature that Mi Ajiu can bear, but... just passing through it for a short time can still be done.

The diving suit on the body has a certain insulation effect. In the cold world of ice, it can isolate the cold air from the outside, and naturally it can also isolate a certain amount of heat flow.All she needs to do is put on a few layers of hood and rush through the area.

Regardless of her unrepaired body, Mi Ajiu endured the severe pain all over her body, gritted her teeth, plunged into the boiling sea water, and swam towards the wave direction of the fragments retrieved by the Rubik's Cube space at extreme speed.

"Rubik's Cube, go up—"

Mi Ajiu mobilized more than a dozen spatial cells and directly enclosed the fragments in them.

At this moment, she finally understood what Rubik's Cube Space said about "space sneaking" just now, that is, traveling in the dimensional space that belongs to Rubik's Cube Space itself.

But it's easy to get lost in nothingness in this way, so you have to follow the traction in the real world.

Obviously, these two fragments are slowly sneaking in the dimensional space following the traction force that now serves as the core of the space gate.

Mi Ajiu's Rubik's Cube Space Heart devoured two Yuanlings who were about the same size as her own.

When the space merged, Mi Ajiu climbed onto the ice layer, stepped on a sled to stay away from the boiling area, took out the base of the pot lid, and began to rest further.

Surrounding her is a city wall made of huge ice blocks, as well as space cells, which can be regarded as protection from the real space and the dimensional space at the same time.

Mi Ajiu killed several fragment carriers in Rubik's Cube space in a row, feeling very disturbed - she could imagine with her toes that these people must have come to her because of a power far superior to them.

Outland civilization.

She thought of what they had said before they died: metal men.

Can a metal body move as freely as a flesh body?

Mi Ajiu has never seen a foreign civilization, and at this moment, she can't imagine what kind of existence it is.

It's been a long time, why haven't those metal men come to avenge their lackeys?Now that he is seriously injured, it is a good time for a surprise attack.

Mi Ajiu doesn't think that the other party is a gentleman of war and doesn't take advantage of others' dangers.

If the other party doesn't come and confront her directly, there must be something the other party is afraid of here.

In any case, let's meditate and adjust the breath first, and let's talk about it after repairing the body.


The new world has now become the stronghold of the Tritites of the foreign civilization on this planet labeled "Dark Blue 0102".

The improved circulation system produces a large number of alienated bodies every day. They have stronger and larger bodies and are more adaptable to this world.An ocean exploration team is being formed. After all, 90.00% of the planet is covered by sea water, and ocean resources are the bulk.

The main evolution direction of the Tritites was the starry sky, and they could move freely in space.Because most planets do not have water resources, their adaptability in this area is relatively weak.

Things that are associated with their bodies are greatly affected, with abilities comparable to that of an ordinary human in a diving suit.

Huli went through the core of the space gate and found that several space fragments sent out had lost contact. He was very depressed: all tm trash.

The three-meter-high silver metallic body suddenly grew a layer of spikes due to anger, flying shoulder armor grew on the shoulders, and a skull-like helmet grew on the head.

(End of this chapter)

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