Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 178 The Amazing City of Hope

Chapter 178 The Amazing City of Hope
However, after several months of trekking, Mi Ajiu finally stood in front of the huge transparent cover, only to find that the size of the base was no less than that of a medium-sized city before the end of the world.

The two sides extend to the snow-white distance, and the top of the head also meets the gray-white sky.

She didn't see the door, nor did she see other people coming in and out around her.

The key point is that although this defensive cover cannot see the situation inside, it can see the snow peaks stretching across it.

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through Mi Ajiu's mind: Is there anyone else in this base?Could it be that it has become an empty city?

It's no wonder she thought so, just take her as an example, even with a golden finger like Rubik's Cube Space, it's just a struggle to survive in such a difficult environment.

What's more, the base accommodates all ordinary people, eats, drinks, lives and reproduces, plus internal and external troubles, lack of supplies...

Mi Ajiu withdrew her thoughts, thinking that she had already come, why don't she walk around the base, look for its entrance, and make plans after confirming whether there are survivors here.

Unexpectedly, just when she was uneasy and hesitating, a gap suddenly appeared in the one-piece defensive cover in front of her—the transparent cover opened.

Mi Ajiu immediately became alert, Slaying the Dragon fell into his hand, and his thoughts instantly connected to various small means in the space unit.

Immediately afterwards, a young woman in a gray-white robe came out from the air, and suddenly came to the front.

The woman looked at Mi Ajiu with undisguised joy on her face, and her smile became more and more gentle, her eyes were as kind as meeting an old friend for many years and knowing the intention of the other party's visit.

"Mi...Ajiu? Welcome to City of Hope, I am here..."


Mi Ajiu couldn't help blurting out, the excitement was beyond words.At the moment when I saw the other party take the initiative to greet me, all the anxiety and discomfort disappeared, and a warmth that had been hidden in my heart for many years subtly infiltrated the entire atrium in an instant.

Then they both laughed at the same time.

Strictly speaking, this is the first time the two have met, but it seems like they have known each other for a long time.

Mi Ajiu said: "Back then, thank you for giving me unreserved information, otherwise I'm afraid it would be difficult for me to survive those years."

Xi Yuan: "I often hear people in the base talking about you, saying that you are the most powerful person in terms of force and psychology, and I want to learn from you."

Mi Ajiu smiled happily: "Hehe, everything is just easy. Well, I came to the base this time not only to thank the Prophet for his kindness, but also..."

Xi Yuan interrupted her: "My name is Xi Yuan. My friends used to call me Yuan Yuan or Xiao Xi...Let's go in and talk. I'll show you the base first."

Mia Jiu hummed.Feeling a little excited, facing Xi Yuan's enthusiasm, after she was a little at a loss at first, something in her heart became firmer.

Thinking about it, the other party already knew that she was pregnant with golden fingers.

To put it bluntly, to win her over like this, apart from showing sympathy for each other, I am afraid there is also the meaning of wanting to use her cheating fingers.

Grandma told her since she was a child: The essence of this world is to use each other.Just like when you go to someone else to do something, you are using someone else's relationship or a certain ability.Correspondingly, when others ask you to do something, it must be because you have value in this aspect that they will come to you.People should be glad that they still have value, if they have no value at all...

What's more, she took the initiative to come to the base this time, didn't she also hope to obtain information about the Territi people from here, and exchange all kinds of spices, seasonings, fruits and vegetables, recipes, etc., which are almost exhausted.

Therefore, it is reasonable for the other party to value her golden finger.

This is not mutual exploitation, but mutual cooperation.

Xiyuan takes Mi Ajiu to visit the entire base.

It turned out that the one Mi Ajiu found was the No. [-] base, which is farther away from the original continental plate.

Mi Ajiu was stunned, she returned to the original island first, and then searched according to the direction in memory, but she did not expect to travel hundreds of kilometers in more than two months.

In fact, the nearest base to the island is only more than 40 kilometers away. According to her speed, it can be reached in about a day or two.

It seems that if a person has no orientation in the ice and snow world, it is easy to get lost.

Xiyuan said that the original No. [-] base was only one percent of the size it is today.

She pointed to the bunker-like building in the center, "It was a base built by hollowing out the entire mountain, and it accommodated 16 people at its peak. Later, with the development of the base, the original materials were not enough to maintain the needs, so we had to Expansion outward. The building complex around this large circle was built, and the outer periphery was transformed into a planting base."

Now the No. 70.00 base not only has [-]% of the planting base, but also a research and development base, a refining room, a training cabin, and more than a dozen entertainment venues.

The population is about [-] to [-].The main reason is that the shock after the black gray world damaged a lot.In the past few years, people have settled down and gradually resumed childbirth. Two to three thousand new children aged two to six are receiving systematic and free education at the base.

In other words, as long as everyone is willing to give birth, the base will take full responsibility.Of course, being a parent can also be extra nurturing.

Mi Ajiu watched the people here either walking and chatting leisurely, or going to the training cabin, or going to work with a relaxed and happy expression... They are healthy and ruddy, and even the elderly have something to rely on.

Hearing Xi Yuan's voice as soft as clear spring water in her ears, she felt inexplicably shaken.

This kind of living condition and living environment was once the place she imagined in her dreams.

Mi Ajiu said with a trembling voice: "Here, it's like... an ideal world. This is the real cradle of civilization..."

Xi Yuan smiled lightly, "Do you want to see the rules in the base?"

Mi Ajiu paused, and then, Xi Yuanyuan waved her hand lightly, and the rules of the base appeared in front of her.

Sweeping ten lines at a glance, Mi Ajiu understands clearly.

Such a rule... can only be done here.

It is precisely because of such rules that the people here have such a free, quiet and beautiful life.

Xi Yuan said, "I'll take you to other bases to see..."

As she spoke, she stretched out her finger and a circle of light appeared in front of her. She took a step forward and stood in it, then turned around and stretched out her hand to Mi Ajiu.

Mi Ajiu paused for a moment and stretched out her hand, Xi Yuan smiled more sincerely, and tightly held the other's hand.

Just as the aperture was teleporting, Mi Ajiu heard a flat voice: "The entire base is derived from my life space, and I can freely teleport anywhere in the base."

life space?

Mi Ajiu's heart was shocked, the other party was really a super space carrier.

However, the other party said that the life space has evolved into a base, so what about her? ...

When the surrounding halo dissipated, Mi Ajiu and Xi Yuan had already appeared in another base.

This base is similar to the No. [-] base just now, in addition to ordinary people, there are also supernatural beings who come and go nervously.Some are receiving tasks in the lobby, some are forming teams, some return to submit loot, and so on.

Mi Ajiu looked at Xi Yuan, and repeated: "Just now you said that the entire base, the main base and the satellite base... are all transformed by your life space?"

(End of this chapter)

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