Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 192 Gene Traction

Chapter 192 Gene Traction
About 2000 meters above the super disc-shaped spacecraft, Mi Ajiu saw a very small vortex emitting extremely strong energy fluctuations.

He actually felt something with his own Rubik's Cube space.

This is the door of space? !

The void from the spaceship to the gate of space seems to be distorted by an indescribable force, and the outlines of objects similar to water ripples can be vaguely seen up and down in it.


Mi Ajiu squinted her eyes and observed for a while, and determined that the contours of those water ripples were slightly smaller spaceships, but these spaceships turned out to be...invisible.

Is it because of optical effects?
These robbers are obviously grabbing the energy of their own planet, and those spaceships are clearly transferring supplies away, and they are deliberately pretending to be invisible?

Mi Ajiu was horrified by this scene that only appeared in sci-fi movies, and at the same time, she was angry that these invaders were really taking over her own world.


With a thought, he swung his hand to kill the dragon, poured his energy into it, and the light of the sword extended for thousands of meters in an instant, and then slashed wildly, stirring up the entire space.



Mi Ajiu only sees this material transfer system that is completely "automatically running", and has no "enemy" in the usual cognition, so he only wants to cause as much damage as possible by waving the dragon.

Sure enough, as soon as she moved, the Tritites hiding inside these huge monsters finally couldn't hold back.

Didn't see the attack launched from anywhere, Mi Ajiu only felt a strong energy fluctuation coming, and instinctively avoided it, and then saw a strong cracking sound at the place where he was originally standing, and there were torn holes Rift in space.

As expected of a high-level civilization, she didn't even have to show up, and even she didn't see clearly what weapons and what kind of attack trajectory they used, so she was almost blasted into scum.

Immediately afterwards, a series of explosions and the sound of space tearing followed behind Mi Ajiu.

While fleeing, Mi Ajiu observed the super spaceship ahead, and there seemed to be a light shining somewhere on its edge.

She escaped this round of attacks, her body was standing thousands of meters away, and those huge and slow-moving flesh bushes would be miserable.

The other side was blocked by an iceberg more than 2000 meters thick, and they couldn't escape, so all the attacks from the spaceship fell on them.

The huge white meat mountain instantly turned into a puddle of mud, and then flowed like thin mud, rushing directly to the central basin area.

It can be seen that the hemispherical energy cover above the basin began to shake under the impact of this huge thin mud, like soap bubbles exposed in the air that would burst at any time.

Because of the godly assist of the collapsed Roshan, Mi Ajiu finally saw the whole picture of this new world system, and many hidden traps and attack methods were undoubtedly revealed under the impact of the thin mud.

The spaceship stopped attacking, and the surrounding meat mountain melted down to less than a third.

To Mi Ajiu's delight, this meat mountain not only had a strong corrosive effect on Xi Yuan's base, but also had an astonishing destructive power on the defensive shields built by these invaders.

When she swung the dragon to help the melting speed of Roshan, the fragile defensive cover actually broke.

Before the scattered energy fragments in the air had time to fall, they were absorbed by the flowing thin mud.

Mi Ajiu was horrified, she didn't expect these things to have such a strong ability to devour energy.

And before Xiyuan's base endured round after round of crazy attacks, the other party resisted, which shows how much the other party has paid!
Fortunately, these intruders were also backlashed by the monsters they cultivated with their own hands.

Mi Ajiu saw that the mud had automatically disintegrated other thickets, so she no longer used her strength to deal with it, but concentrated on attacking the spaceship in front of her.

It's a pity that when the sword light fell on the spaceship, it was like a beam of ordinary light fluttering across it, causing no damage at all.

Then, Mi Ajiu thought of those giant ice cubes.

The heart of Rubik's cube space received Mi Ajiu's command, and the blank cells were arranged one by one, and the giant ice cube was transferred to the space again, and then the cells were transferred to the top of the spaceship... to release the space.

Huge blocks of ice appeared out of nowhere and fell heavily.

The ice cubes that suddenly appeared fell on the spaceship, some were bounced off by a layer of energy, and some even turned into gaseous state and dissipated.

Only a few ice cubes managed to affect the spacecraft, causing slight vibrations.

Mi Ajiu understood, there was a layer of energy protection on the outside of the spaceship, no wonder her blade glow couldn't touch the hull.However, with the spacecraft materials studied at the level of civilization of the opponent, I am afraid that the damage of the sword glow is also very limited.

Hundreds of ice cubes around were transferred by the Rubik's Cube space and smashed into the spaceship one after another.

Those bounced ice blocks fell into the surging mud below, and the mud climbed up the ice blocks, and would soon touch the spaceship.

The beam of light connecting the spacecraft and the center of the earth was finally infiltrated by mud, and the mud poured into the beam of light in an instant, turning into a pillar of mud, going upstream...

The spaceship began to shake violently, trying to fly away, but the mud below was like a huge piece of gummy candy, stuck and couldn't be shaken off.

Immediately after, more "mud" poured in...

Almost all the ice blocks used to block the meat bushes were used by Mi Ajiu to attack the spaceship, forming a new ring-shaped iceberg around the spaceship.

Under the power of the central beam of light, the mud seemed to have an infinite gravitational force, climbing the iceberg upstream, and a lot of mud stretched out long and thin tentacles to ride on the spaceship.

Mi Ajiu was taken aback by the scene in front of her: Aren't these fleshy clumps particle lifeforms genetically modified by the Tritites?Why are they attacking themselves now?

[Spirit of Rubik's Cube Space: Is there a possibility that these particle life forms are due to the genetic gravitational force between them? 】

Mi Ajiu: ...Well, it is possible.

Suddenly, a burst of light erupted from the spaceship in front, and layers of energy waves spread out from the ship.

All the mud that had been wrapped on the spaceship was shaken away and splashed in all directions.

This reminds Mi Ajiu of the scene where the dog rolls in the mud and shakes his body.

Mi Ajiu waited for the light in front of her to disperse, retracted the giant shield without any haste, and then used the space unit to continuously release ice cubes, swiftly galloping over it, and rushed to the boat with a few maneuvers.

—— Mi Ajiu was very puzzled, he had already locked the door, and the intruders inside couldn't come out to fight head-on except for firing some lasers and energy waves from the spaceship.

No matter what medicine these guys sold in the gourd, she had to make the other party pay something.

Want to slip away after plundering so many resources?

No way!
After the further attack just now, she roughly figured out the attack pattern of the spaceship, be careful, she still has the power to protect herself.

However, when Mi Ajiu stepped on the ice in the air and was about to approach the spaceship, the space in front of her suddenly distorted, and a small spaceship appeared out of thin air from the water ripples.

(End of this chapter)

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