Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 198 A Pleasant Chatting Process

Chapter 198 A Pleasant Chatting Process

Mi Ajiu quietly enjoyed a sumptuous lunch, and then found a cup of hot soybean milk and two bags of nut snacks from a corner of the space.

Tu Long was placed next to the wide-backed chair by her, and she sucked two mouthfuls of sweet soy milk before slowly "inviting" a Trinity who was already well.

Keep chatting.

This time, when the giant refrigerator was just released, before Mi Ajiu could speak, a large chat interface appeared on the ice.

The panel is clear and the display is stable.

Mi Ajiu opened her mouth and was about to say her opening remarks when she saw this sincere chat interface.

The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and even her eyes were curved like crescent moons, which showed that she was in a really good mood.

[Please don't kill me, what do you want to know, I know everything without saying anything. 】

Mi Ajiu was very satisfied with this Territi's understanding of current affairs, and asked in a gentle tone: "Actually, I have always wanted to know, who are you? Where did you come from? Why do you want to wipe out our world?"

After her voice fell, the chat interface in front of her only hesitated for a tenth of a second, and then a paragraph of text appeared:

[The language we translate into yours is the Tritites, and the name of the universe civilization world is the second-stage intelligence that evolves from the living body to the eternal matrix body.We are not like ordinary carbon-based life forms that must be completely parasitic on a planet with perfect conditions. As long as the conditions are ripe, we will establish base stations in space and then radiate to the surrounding galaxies. 】

[This time we were able to find this planet of life is completely an accident.When we received the energy fluctuation of the space gate here, we were a little surprised, because before that, we already knew that there was a mature space life annihilated in this area.In the past cognition, the annihilation of general space life forms means that the nearby area of ​​almost several light-years will become a void, and everything will disappear with the collapse of space. 】

[So when we sensed the breath of the space gate, we sent out a detection spacecraft... I didn't expect this place to be a basic life planet with such a full source of energy, so...]

Mi Ajiu looked at the screen in front of her, feeling like she was reading a bible.

I can understand each of the above characters, but I can't read them together.

What basic life body, eternal matrix body, intelligent body, space base station, life space annihilation and fall?
Thinking about it a little bit, it seems that I can understand what it means.Thinking about it carefully, I found that I didn't fully understand it.

Forget it, let's save this information first.

With a thought, Mi Ajiu used her special diary to use the power of space to print all the text on the chat panel in front of her.

From the point of view of this Tritite who poured out information like beans pouring out of a bamboo tube, the little native in front of him stared blankly at his chat panel, and it took a while before he made any new movements.

So he immediately expressed his sincerity and determination, and a text reappeared on the panel: [If you want to know anything else, just ask me, I will tell you honestly.For this time we were invited by the Space Gate to enter this planet, we really did not expect such a mature intelligent group, so to collect the source energy here as before, I swear, we really have no malice, we really It's not...]

Mi Ajiu still had a polite smile on her face, after all, she really said a lot just now.

Although she is unable to distinguish the truth from the other party's words now, there is still a pattern that should be there.

She looked at the "whitewashing" information displayed by the other party at this moment, and directly put it into another space unit.

The dozen or so Tritians in another cell watched that guy, and they all tried to uncover their old background, so that they would no longer have the slightest sense of mystery in front of this native.

——They originally wanted to express their sincerity and determination to each other when they were taken out.


They were even more disturbed than before: Now that the guy in front has revealed all the identities of himself and others, what should he say to prove his worth if he is taken out later?

As for the Tritite who was sent back to the space unit again, he still had a lot to say, but the native didn't give him a chance.

He thought, if he hadn't been so eager to defend himself just now, maybe...

Mi Ajiu didn't have the time to speculate on the thought activities of these intruders, she only knew one truth: don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Thanks to the broken-window effect of the Territi man's "knowing everything" just now, the following chat became very smooth.

However, the more cooperative these intruders were, Mi Ajiu didn't intend to chat with only one of them.

Instead, each Territi uttered a piece of information that hadn't been said before, and then sent it back to the space, and then found the next one to continue the conversation.

As for those guys who didn't come up with anything new, Mi Ajiu was also particular about it, and cut it off and turned it into a part of the particles.

Strong competitive pressure permeated the remaining ten or so Territi people.

Therefore, Mi Ajiu obtained more information, some of which would even be overthrown by the latecomers on the spot.

It seems that even in these self-proclaimed advanced civilizations, individual consciousness is completely superior to the collective in the face of absolute life and death.

Therefore, Mi Ajiu has always felt that the word "selfish" is by no means derogatory, but a neutral term.

After chatting happily with all the intruders, Mi Ajiu not only knew some basic knowledge of space and interstellar civilization, but also knew the information she wanted to know most about spaceships and spirits of space debris.

Cosmic space and interstellar civilization, to put it bluntly, is because the world is too vast, and the life planets born in each astronomical language are born at different times, and the parasitic civilizations on them have different development levels and evolutionary differences.

Then the fastest and best civilization that develops first gradually has the right to speak and dominate in the world, and formulates the so-called interstellar rules.

These civilizations are judged by Mi Ajiu's narrow standard of good and evil, that is: there are good civilizations that actively help low-level civilizations, or low-level life planets to establish a civilization system.There are also civilizations that plunder the resources of other planets to expand their own civilization infinitely and build super cosmic fortresses...

In short, these are too far away from her.

The planet she is on now, using her barren words, is: a planet with ordinary life on the edge of the old universe that is on the verge of annihilation.

In other words, the universe she is in now has passed the best period for the birth and glory of civilization.

Although I don't know why the civilization of this planet has only reached the primary state until now, it is obvious that the surrounding cosmic environment determines that even if this civilization can continue to develop, there is not much time left for them.

Many stars have entered the stage of aging and annihilation. Even if the civilization on this planet continues to exist, it will have to face the more difficult reality of interstellar escape.

(End of this chapter)

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