Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 200 Don’t Forget Where You Came From, Recognize Your Future [Grateful to the Old Book Leader

Chapter 200 Don’t Forget Where You Came From, Recognize Your Future [Grateful to the Old Book Leader]

In addition to the Rubik's Cube space wall finally having a certain degree of defense, the most humane thing is that the compatibility between Mi Ajiu and the Rubik's Cube space is higher now.

In many cases, it is almost unnecessary for Mi Ajiu to check and judge the collected items by herself, and the spirit of space will automatically detect them for her to avoid stepping on the trap.

But Mi Ajiu still found that Rubik's Cube Space existed beyond her cognition, and she still stumbled in daily communication.

It's like... originally their relationship was very close and strong, but every time the information and help given by the spirit of space are very important and useful.

But there is always a kind of poor communication, delayed messages or simply no response in many cases.

This time when Mi Ajiu was sorting out the Rubik's Cube space, she sensed that the Spirit of Space was active in her consciousness, so she couldn't help asking.

Mi Ajiu: "Why do I clearly sense your presence many times, but I can't get a response?"

Rubik's Cube space paused for a while, just when Mi Ajiu thought that this communication ended with no response from the other party, she received a slightly low neutral voice in her consciousness:
"Well, I'm sorry for not being able to give you timely help when you needed information support."

Probably because this is the first time that Mi Ajiu communicated with the other party in such a formal tone, which instantly made the chat atmosphere very serious.

When Mi Ajiu heard the other party apologize so solemnly, she immediately explained: "I didn't mean to blame you, and I don't have the qualifications to blame you, what I mean is..."

Rubik's Cube Space just finished delivering the sentence just now, and after a slight pause, it continued with its own words: "My current state is too far from being fully recovered. In your words, it is to activate and follow the subject consciousness."

"Resuscitated? Activated?" Mi Ajiu heard the other party say that she had not been "activated" for the first time, and thought, isn't the other party completely able to communicate with me?In the online state, how come there is no recovery?
"I'm trying to integrate with your life time, and it will probably take a while to fully integrate..."

Mi Ajiu hurriedly asked: "Connect with my life time? What does this mean?"

Rubik's Cube Space: "You have only experienced one civilization now, and in your cognition you only have the concept of your own life time. That is, the basic time of your previous civilization: seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, and years. In fact, for different species, they The life time settings are different..."

Mi Ajiu snorted, probably understanding what the other party meant.

"You mean, your life time is different from mine, for example, it may have been a day or two for me, but you only have a blink of an eye?"

"Almost." The spirit of space paused, and continued: "Actually, the civilization before you has already involved a little bit, but you haven't gone deep and entered the corresponding level. For example, the bacteria in the microcosm in your eyes, In your time, in a day or two, they may have multiplied for several generations or even more. With every breath of human beings, these lives have gone through a lifetime. Then for some life forms or some higher civilization……"

As Mi Ajiu listened, she suddenly felt enlightened.

She understood that what the other party wanted to say was that its life cycle was different from her own.

But she is thinking more at this moment: In addition to the supernatural existence like the Rubik's Cube space, there are also planets like the ones they live on now... last time those Tritites seized its source energy, that is to say, the planet itself is also Some kind of special living body?
It's just that its life cycle is longer, and its way of survival is different from her concept of "eating, drinking, and sleeping"?

And those huge nebulae, stars, neutron stars, planets, etc. in the universe, are they also different life forms?

This can also explain the "gathering" concept of the Territi people.

It took a long time for Mi Ajiu to recover from this indescribably grand world view.

At the same time, the "nebula" in her dantian was also subtly undergoing some qualitative changes.

From the calm and ordinary state of the nebula, a potential force of vitality emerges faintly.

The next time Mi Ajiu used Yuan Neng, she felt that the power bonus was more than several times the original one.

And the primordial energy has a greater effect on nourishing and strengthening the body. Even without the experience of life-and-death battles, her physique can still be improved.

After recovering, Mi Ajiu still wanted to say something to Rubik's Cube Space, but found that the other party probably entered another time dimension because she was "absent" just now.

Mi Ajiu knew what she wanted to know, and she was in a very happy mood.

Looking at the 124 space cells floating quietly in front of him, which is more than double the previous one, how much material must be stored.All of a sudden from "wealthy" to "tyrannical".

It's been a long time since I sold sea animal meat and clean water, although this is almost a lucrative business for her.

However, she is not going to do this business anymore, and she will not sell it in the future.

After the Tritite incident, she realized more deeply that the materials on this planet are too precious.

You can't turn your home planet into a barren star just for that bit of universal energy, especially after you have a deeper understanding of life forms and time latitudes, you don't want to sell them in a predatory manner.

Besides, the materials she has collected now are enough for her to use for thousands of years.

I clicked on the mall, and there was still no one to accept the purchase information hanging in the mall. It seems that the universe where this base point is located is indeed too remote and barren, and there are no qualified civilizations around.

Mi Ajiu thought for a while, and put the snatched spaceship up for sale.

The travel spaceship is in good condition as a whole, and it took a small fee for the mall to appraise it.

Probably between 5000t and 7000t.

Those collecting spaceships with built-in stealth functions are regarded as accessories of travel spaceships.

There are also about a dozen independent aircraft, which are equivalent to Qian Wenming's... balancing car, which is fine for occasional transportation.

According to the valuation of the mall, each looks like 5000 million.

She didn't have the corresponding genes, and she couldn't use them for a long time, so she simply put them up for sale.

Use the rules of the mall to block all seller information for a fee.

Mi Ajiu doesn't have to worry about being discovered by those Trititi tribesmen, and then they will settle accounts with her.

As for the station where the Territi stopped in space, Mi Ajiu didn't dare to follow the coordinate information left in the space gate to chase it.

It's also because she canceled the space gate here and lost the specific coordinates, so she doesn't have to worry about the other party finding it here.

At least it is impossible to find yourself in a short time.

Mi Ajiu rested and recuperated in the temporarily summoned pot-shaped resident. After resting, she was going to visit Xiyuan's base, and then she planned to go to her sea of ​​stars through the gate of space.

At this time, more than half a year has passed since the intruders were eliminated, and I don't know how the base is recovering.

 Today Chili's old book [Her left eye is unusual] received a huge reward from [reader 1657636295463211008] and became the leader of the book.Fearful, grateful and guilty, the books are mediocre, what can I do, it is really costly.

  Old books cannot be updated, so I specially express my thanks for this book. I don’t know if this reader can see it. Pepper sincerely wishes you all the best, peace and happiness! !
(End of this chapter)

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