Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 203 Chapter 23

Mi Ajiu and Xi Yuan put their trading chips on the table respectively, picked out the other party's items, and each took what he needed.

Xiyuan said that she didn't want to continue to be a nanny anymore, but she still prepared supplies to help the base cope with the current predicament.

Right now, there is no longer any place on land that can be planted. Even rebuilding indoor planting will require a long construction process.

As for going to the beach to hunt sea animals, you need to open up a channel to the beach.

There are ice peaks slashed by knives and axes and torn ravines everywhere, making it difficult for even supernatural beings to pass through.

After investigation, she estimated that this process would take at least half a year to a year.

What she has to do now is to exchange the necessary materials for this transitional period from Mi Ajiu.

Mi Ajiu didn't know the current situation of the base, so when the other party proposed to trade chips, she deliberately doubled or doubled.

After one exchange, hundreds of machines of various sizes, large and small, were added to Mi Ajiu's space.

Xiyuan received one or two hundred tons of various meat and vegetables, two hundred tons of clean water, and two tons of salt.

She put these things directly into the storage space attached to the main base, and then processed and packaged them according to the processing line inside to turn them into finished products, and then distributed them to the five bases according to the set rules and reward and punishment mechanism .

Mi Ajiu suddenly thought of something while sorting things out, and asked, "By the way, Yuan Yuan, do you have any electronic recipes similar to those before the end of the world?"

There are many recipe books in her collection, but they cannot be directly entered into the [Workshop], and she must "demonstrate" them on the spot before they can be included in the workshop.

Mi Ajiu thought, since it can be included if you cook it once, if you play the cooking video directly to it, can it also be included in the recipe by the workshop?

Xi Yuan didn't know why the other party asked this. This kind of electronic version doesn't take up much space. As for the memory space?For a powerful control core, it is not worth mentioning.

So the recipes collected before the end of the world, various teaching videos, various film and television dramas, etc., almost included everything in the world at that time.

Except for some film and television dramas that are occasionally requested by survivors, all other content is gray.

Because the recipes are no longer suitable for the current environment, and the corresponding ingredients cannot be found at all, what is the use of the recipes?

With a thought, Xi Yuan put all kinds of videos on the display panel in front of him: "These are all the electronic versions of the collected pre-civilization. In addition to diet, there are also many science and technology books..."

Speaking of this, she paused for a while, with a self-deprecating smile on the corner of her mouth.

Among these e-books, except for books on language and simple mathematics, other science books such as physics and biology will basically be overturned.useless.

At this moment, Mi Ajiu's eyes were already glued to the other party's item display board, and she exclaimed: "My God, you actually included all the electronic versions of books and film and television dramas of the previous civilization here, you, you are really amazing!"

She admired it sincerely.

Yes, she wants them all.

Mi Ajiu was worried that she didn't have enough spiritual food for the long time of her 100 million life energy, but she didn't expect it to be delivered to her door.

You must have a copy of them all!
Mi Ajiu directly took out her chips, and took out one unit of food and water respectively.

Seeing the other party's arrogance, Xi Yuan was slightly stunned for a moment, knowing that the other party not only really wanted the electronic version, but also deliberately supported the base.

Not hypocritical, just click on the transaction.

Mi Ajiu immediately integrated these electronic versions into the Rubik's Cube Space Spirit, feeling excited and a little anxious, wishing to start playing the video of food production and record it in the [Workshop].

She still restrained herself, this opportunity to have a "frank" and "in-depth" communication with Xi Yuan is really rare.

The other party was once the most critical link between the previous civilization and the post-apocalyptic civilization, and there must be many treasures.

Mi Ajiu suddenly thought of a very important thing - the production line.

Her [workshop] has the function of processing food because of the integration of her simple kitchen.

If you want to develop other functions of [Workshop], you must integrate it into other production lines.

She also thought of the underwater world to see if there were any large factories and production lines left over from the pre-civilization. Later, she did dive into the bottom of the sea, and those human traces have long been erased by time.

What Mi Ajiu wants most now is the production line for smelting and forging, as well as the production of lime cement, plastic, paper and so on.

Because she collects a lot of waste steel, plastic, paper, and wood in her space, if she wants to reuse it, she must have a corresponding production line.

"By the way, Yuanyuan, do you have the kind... that is to produce steel, paper and other... production lines?"

Xi Yuan is counting the items exchanged this time, thinking that this batch of supplies can at least satisfy the survivors for a year or two.

She repeated: "Production line?"

Mi Ajiu nodded, her eyes full of anticipation.

Xi Yuan hesitated and said, "You mean a factory similar to pre-civilization?"

Mi Ajiu nodded again.

Xiyuan: "Those production lines were originally relocated, but later because of internal and external turmoil, many were smashed and destroyed. In addition, those production lines are too fragile and the conditions are very harsh, so I gradually used my life Space-derived functions are replaced, so..."

That is, those production lines are gone.

Mi Ajiu couldn't hide her disappointment.

Xiyuan thought that the other party not only wiped out the invaders, but also "sent" a large amount of supplies like rain, saving the entire base twice.

She really didn't want to disappoint the other party.

She quickly added: "Well, I can isolate some of the functions and then derive them. Just wait for me."

Mi Ajiu didn't expect to be able to operate like this.

I was about to say something, but the figure in front of me disappeared in a flash.

Mi Ajiu opened her mouth, but finally said nothing.

She was very disturbed and a little guilty. She really wanted to have a complete production line, but she didn't want to cause trouble for the other party.

But obviously, the other party didn't want to owe her too much favor.

Mi Ajiu sat down to sort out her mood, breathed evenly, and entered the semi-cultivation state.

The energy here is still strong, sensing the changes in the nebula in the dantian, and soon entering that mysterious state, very comfortable.

About two days later, Xi Yuan appeared in front of him again.

With an excited expression and short breath, she waved her hand lightly, and several sets of production line projections appeared in front of her out of thin air.

Smelting forging, paper, gunpowder, textiles, glass and plastics.

Xi Yuan said: "There are a total of six sets of the most basic production lines here. You only need to put the corresponding raw materials into the inlet, and the entire production system can automatically produce the corresponding items."

This is also the only six production lines that she can independently and derive from the core of the living space.

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