Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 207 Chapter 27 You Can Eat It

Chapter 207 Chapter [-] You Can Eat It

Rubik's Cube Spirit: "I was also searching for information about this world just now. Judging from the current situation, these spores should all come from some kind of plant, so for creatures like you humans, to a certain extent, The powder from the annihilation of the spores is also edible."

Mi Ajiu collected the surrounding powder into the space. Of course, she didn't dare to move too much. With a little movement, the powder would rush up and fill her whole body in an instant.

Even if it is not toxic, it still poses a great obstacle to breathing.

Of course, she didn't dare to release the space cells directly and "collect" directly, because if those huge balls floating in the air were directly collected into the space cells, they didn't seem to be completely restricted by the space rules, and they would still be free inside. shaking.

Even if there is no resistance in the space, the initial force when it is put in will always exist, and it will bump into it randomly.

Colliding against the space wall, it seemed that the entire space trembled slightly.

Mi Ajiu was deeply afraid that his cells would be damaged by this thing, so he only tried once and released those spheres cleanly.

She kept collecting powder into the Rubik's Cube space with both hands, and in the sea of ​​consciousness, her consciousness reconfirmed with the Rubik's Cube space: "You said that these purified powders are really... edible?"

Mi Ajiu didn't realize it herself, when she asked this sentence, her eyes were brighter than ever, shining with the light of wisdom.

Although I still don't know how to eat these powders: mix them into batter pancakes, steam them into steamed buns... I don't know if they can be fermented, or they can be directly mixed with water as sesame paste...

However, as long as there is food in this world, Mi Ajiu feels more confident.

The spirit of Rubik's Cube sensed the other party's thoughts, and after a pause for a while, the thought continued: "I think you haven't grasped the point of this world: these powders are annihilated by the giant spores that could knock you out just now. come..."

Mi Ajiu hummed: "I know, what you want to say is that even the spores in this world are so huge, with a diameter ranging from tens of centimeters to several meters or even larger, so the plants and other creatures that release these spores are even more gigantic, right? ?”

Spirit of Rubik's Cube: ...

Mi Ajiu: "If the proportion of creatures in this world is the same as my former home planet, can it be understood that my current size is actually smaller than spores?"

As she spoke, she continued to lie on the ground to collect dust. The surrounding ground was cleaned by her, and a large area was obviously sunken. At least several cubic meters of powder were removed.

In exchange for tens of thousands of energy, and almost 100 catties of "pure" powder.

Spirit of Rubik's Cube: ...

Mi Ajiu: "That is to say, in my current state, as a higher-level life form, if you don't hold a magnifying glass, you can't see me? Isn't it?"

Spirit of Rubik's Cube: ...

Mi Ajiu: "That is to say, as a life form that is not at the same level at all, the other party does not know my existence at all, so it is impossible to deliberately deal with me. And, with my size, even if you want to If the opponent fights, I'm afraid..."

As she spoke, she froze in place.

She suddenly realized a question: Since she is so small compared to this world, based on the length and weight standards of her body shape, is it also...

Therefore, in her eyes, it is already a super invincible space unit, a huge cube with a side length of several kilometers, is it just... small, small water droplets in front of the size of objects in this world?

Thinking about it, Mi Ajiu felt that her mind became extremely active.

Time frequency, space level... Different civilizations, different life forms have different measurement standards among them.

By the way, "remaining time" and "remaining source of life".

Mi Ajiu suddenly asked the spirit of Rubik's Cube: "By the way, my time frequency you said before is different from yours and the frequency of this big universe. Is it because of this reason that when I enter space travel, it will be activated automatically?" Cosmic time?"

The Spirit of Rubik's Cube: "It's almost the same meaning."

Mi Ajiu looked at the number suffixed with "Life Source": 100, which was obtained by replenishing millions of energy just now.

The exchange rate between her time and this world's time is 1:100 million, which consumes almost 1 million a day.

At this moment, countless fragments suddenly floated down from the misty sky, densely packed, as if someone was pouring it directly from above.

Mi Ajiu looked up through the protective mask, and saw countless huge green balls burst without warning, turning into fragments and falling down.

The sound of bang bang sounded one after another around her, and it was very obvious to her ears.

Huh, there seems to be something wriggling in the dust piled up in front of him.

Mi Ajiu immediately became alert and pulled out Tulong.

The big and long tentacles like towering antennas protrude from the dust, and there is a small ball-like protrusion at the end of the tentacles, which is translucent as a whole.

Immediately afterwards, another tentacle came out from the other side.

An abyss-like mouthpart covered with countless teeth reveals its true colors, as if a long and thin tongue keeps stirring the surrounding freshly baked dust into the giant mouth.

Rows of teeth, like the gears of a noodle grinder, are interlaced with each other, and the dust in the mouth is ground by light bites, and then swallowed into the stomach.

This giant transparent green worm was eating deliciously. It probably didn't expect why the food that was so abundant was suddenly gone.

The thin tongue curled in the air, paused, and then the two balls on the tentacles slightly turned to aim at the little creature in the open space.

Mi Ajiu also paused, she couldn't recognize the name of the bug in front of her at all, she only had one thought in her mind at the moment: no matter what kind of species, size determines everything.

Be the first to act... to be strong...


Mi Ajiu's body was suddenly swept by a force and flew towards the huge mouth of the abyss ahead...

It turns out that biological instinct is indeed faster than conscious control to counterattack. When Mi Ajiu decided to fight this strange bug after meeting him face to face, it turned out that he didn't even have to think about it, and just moved his mouth according to his eating instinct.

Whoo, whoo—

Tu Long cut off the tongue in an instant, and the remaining half was retracted directly into the mouthparts of the insect, while the part wrapped around Mi Ajiu's body was like being covered with super glue, stuck tightly, and could not be pulled off.

Mi Ajiu cut it off bit by bit with a knife, put it into the space, and purified it.

A small puddle of clear viscous liquid was left in place.

And the insect in front was suddenly attacked during its instinctive eating, not only retracted its tentacles instantly, but also retracted its feet on both sides of its body, turning into a translucent ellipsoid.

(End of this chapter)

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