Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 211 Corruption and Rebirth

Chapter 211 Corruption and Rebirth

Mi Ajiu felt like a weak little leaf floating on a vast ocean.

Giant mushrooms collapsed everywhere, splashing waves dozens of hundreds of meters high, sweeping layer by layer.

Under the sweeping waves, more towering mushrooms collapsed and became part of the corrosive slime.

And after the last carnival, those bugs actually used the debris on the surface to wrap themselves into huge balls, floating on the ocean, rising and falling with the prodigal son.

Mi Ajiu looked at the scene in front of her, and a word could not help appearing in her mind—the sea of ​​corrosion.

The several-meter-thick spore debris floating on the corrosive slime had already been scattered by countless poured bacteria. Without the debris barrier and dense water vapor to suppress it, a black poisonous mist rose from the sea of ​​corrosion.

Mi Ajiu wore a mask on her head, breathing directly from the oxygen stored in the space.Just like hunting under the sea before.

However, this poisonous mist is also very corrosive, almost every half a day is riddled with holes and needs to be replaced.

Fortunately for Mi Ajiu, the production process of this mask is very simple, and it can be pressed out only with the corresponding raw materials and abrasive tools.

Coincidentally, when I exchanged production lines with Xi Yuan earlier, one of the production lines included this craft.

The stored raw materials can still make tens of thousands of protective masks...

Mi Ajiu is still worried, feeling that tens of thousands are too few: if she can't change the status quo, she won't be able to stay in this world for long.

Either get rid of the sea of ​​corrosion, or find more raw materials for making protective equipment!
Another huge black wave rushed over the mountain, and the small carapace boat was violently lifted up, and fell heavily again.

Immediately afterwards, a mountain floating on the sea of ​​corrosion slammed into it.

This time he couldn't escape, Mi Ajiu moved his mind, stepped on the boat and used his strength to jump up again, unexpectedly jumped to a height of seven or eight meters, and stabbed the dragon in his hand on the mountain in front of him.

Climbing vigorously with hands and feet interlaced, he suddenly stood on the top of the "mountain".

And the boat under his feet has been completely crushed into the sea of ​​corrosion by this floating mountain.

Mi Ajiu saw that this floating hill was at least a few hundred meters in diameter, much more stable than her boat of more than ten meters.

That's it for now.

Looking at the vast black sea in front of her, Mi Ajiu felt deeply lonely and helpless for the first time.

——so tiny.

The hill floats freely with the waves, and Mi Ajiu is powerless to control it.

Of course, even if she wants to control, she has no direction or destination, so let it be.

As time passed, Mi Ajiu counted the time.

Almost three months have passed since the night fell.

Night, is it so long?
It seems that her previous calculation of daylight hours also needs to be redefined.

Almost all of the original giant mushrooms collapsed and merged into the sea of ​​corrosion.

The sea gradually calmed down, and the whole world fell into a dead silence.

Another ten days passed, and with Mi Ajiu's time frequency, it took three full months.

Mi Ajiu noticed that there seemed to be a faint white light in the sky. Is it finally dawn? !

She was inexplicably excited. In just one night, she felt as if she had experienced a century.

At this moment, she discovered that on the remaining piles of the collapsed giant mushrooms, those that had not been eaten by the bugs in time to remove the white slurry, a new mushroom unexpectedly emerged.

The mushrooms grow very fast, reaching a height of more than ten meters in two or three days, and the bacilli fit the original stakes to become a new mushroom.

Looking around, Mi Ajiu found that small islands appeared one after another on the dead sea.

It is a new mushroom growing on the original old pile!

When Mi Ajiu first arrived, she was thrown by the space gate on a huge mushroom canopy. She couldn't imagine how such a large fungus grew.

Know it now.

It's a pity that under the cleaning of this wave of mushroom rot, the new mushrooms growing on the old piles are less than one-tenth of the original ones.

Mi Ajiu suddenly thought of something.

The mushroom she stayed in before had been eaten by insects and was riddled with holes, unable to recover.

But this time, she must find a more stable footing for herself—she must protect her foundation from the very beginning.

She had already spotted a mushroom head that had just emerged from a huge old pile, stronger than anything she had seen before.

Well, let this be your foothold.

It's a pity that the "hill" under her feet is floating in the sea of ​​corrosion and is not under her control.

She also couldn't move the huge monster with a diameter of several hundred meters.

After thinking about it, I decided to take out the carapace boat in the space and row over.

At this moment, Mi Ajiu sensed that the hill under her feet moved.

Just at the "top of the mountain", the soft ground began to rise and fall one after another, as if something was drilling up from below.

Then, beads that were bigger than a basketball, covered with a layer of debris on the surface, emerged one after another from the broken bottom layer.

These beads rolled down from the mountain, and more debris was wrapped on them because of the continuous secretion of mucus.

These beads fell into the sea of ​​corrosion, and as more and more beads fell into the sea, they gradually formed a large area on the sea.

As if they were summoned by some kind of summoning power, they moved towards the newly grown mushrooms one after another.

Of course, there are also some unlucky bugs, the corrosive liquid burns through the surface, and the eggs that have not had time to break their shells instantly turn into a puddle of slime.

Mi Ajiu didn't pay attention to so much, and let himself stand firm in this vast sea of ​​corrosion first.

Looking back, the hill she was standing on had completely disintegrated, turning into a large fluffy buoy, floating right in her direction.

Mi Ajiu thought, it's just in time.

In the second half of the polar night for nearly a month, she knew that the hill under her feet was formed by the accumulation of those insect eggs, but she didn't kill them.

It was because she didn't have a better way to cross the sea of ​​corrosion, so she had to rely on the floating power of the hill.


Overhead, the sky grew brighter.

The surrounding fluorescence gradually decreases.

Mi Ajiu pulled out the dragon slayer, and slashed in a chaotic black poisonous mist.

The surface of the eggs is covered with mucus, which is very slippery, but under the strong knife light, it can be touched and broken, and then melt into the sea of ​​corrosion.

Mi Ajiu hacked for a while, and killed a lot of eggs, but she didn't get much.

Because all the remains of the eggs that were killed were swallowed by the sea of ​​corrosion.

After thinking about it, let's wait until these bugs climb up.

As soon as the eggs touch the bacterium, the shell on the surface will break open automatically, and a translucent fleshy worm will drill out from the inside.

Tentacles protruded from the top of the head, touched the fungus, and then opened its mouth to bite down...

It's a pity that the hardness of the stalks is not something that freshly hatched insects can bite through, so after a few hard bites and no success, they began to climb up the stalks...

(End of this chapter)

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