Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 215 Overturning

Chaos is like a crazy virus, quickly spreading to the surrounding mushroom forest along with the air.

For most ordinary honey tribe people, this is just an extremely ordinary evening, but when they returned to their homes tiredly to wait for the polar night to fall, they found that the whole mushroom building was trembling.

Before they figured out what happened, they saw that the house they lived in began to collapse, and the walls gradually rotted and festered, oozing black mucus.

These slimes are extremely harmful to the honey tribe, and once touched, they will not die or be disabled.

They realized that there was a problem with the central source energy transmission channel of the mushroom.

The mushroom collapsed so quickly, it must not be an ordinary leak of source energy, but... it was artificially evacuated suddenly!

Can the source of the entire mushroom building core be evacuated? !
Frightened people ran out of the cozy honeycomb-like mesh holes, and rushed to the square above the canopy along the crowded crowd, but even the originally extremely strong passage began to decay at this moment.

Dimples appeared due to rot, and when the foot was stepped on, a puddle of black water appeared, and the foot began to rot when it was glued...

Many more people were trapped inside the huge fungus and canopy that turned into slime, turning into viscous thick water together with rotting tissue.

And those honey-like tribes who had worked so hard to climb to the canopy were also desperate at this moment, because the ground also began to collapse, and there were rotten black puddles everywhere.

They're trapped, no, they're sinking with the rotting strata.

Fear, pain, despair.

A truly inescapable catastrophe.

This man-made disaster put almost 90.00% of the honey-like people into a desperate situation, but the other less than [-]% were the biggest beneficiaries of this catastrophe.

Some of them were with those who launched the riots or knew about it. When they learned that other places started, they did not hesitate to draw the bottom of the mushrooms where they were, and seize the source energy.

Then, with a huge amount of energy, he flew away from the collapsed mushroom group with the wing clan.

In the air, countless wing tribes spread their wings and gathered together, like a mighty army in the air, flying towards one direction.

The people trapped in the black water mud belatedly discovered that there were so many winged tribes hidden among them?

Wasn't it forbidden to raise Yi tribe among the people hundreds of years ago?
Didn't the Wing Clan be expelled or excluded from their world long ago?Because they are too powerful and dangerous for the honey-like tribe, even if they are domesticated, they are not affordable for ordinary people.

But now, they realized how naive they were.

There are so many Wing Clans flying in the sky, they all come from the world of mushrooms they originally lived in, but they don't know anything about it.

They realized that they were cheated and abandoned...

They knelt on the ground begging, begging those of the same kind who were sitting leisurely on the Wing Clan, begging them to take themselves out of this rotten world.

Some people turned the Wing Clan and turned towards these people, laughing mercilessly, making no secret of their complacency and arrogance.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to have today! Back then, Liz went bankrupt in order to marry your daughter, knocking me down and mocking me and laughing at me..."

In the crowd, more than a dozen people knelt and begged one of the approaching Yi tribesmen, beating themselves with their front feet and weeping bitterly.

"We were wrong, you are the most capable, please take us away. For the sake of our in-laws over the years..."

The people on the Yi Clan looked down and begged for mercy, feeling extremely satisfied and happy, and they were ashamed.

He violently pulled the trembling middle-aged honey-like woman beside her, and then pushed her down without hesitation.

The woman hugged each other's arms tightly, "No, it seems that I have lived for you for so many years..."

"Md, I feel disgusted when I see you. Didn't you used to be very arrogant at home, saying that lz is useless, scolding lz for being useless. Today I will show you what kind of person is like... Oh yes, I still want to tell you, Your sixth sense is correct, those women you saw before are indeed my women..."

"You, you who suffered a thousand knives, you will die..."

"Hehe, I don't know if I'm going to die, but I know you're going to die soon. Md, I don't even look at what I'm doing. You should be grateful for my benevolence and generosity if I can keep you all these years ..."

Then, he raised his two feet and kicked the woman down hard.

Around, there are many similar scenes.

This is hell, but it is also the scene where countless dicks counterattack and slap their faces.

They stood on the backs of the Wing Clan, and the collapse and decay of the giant mushrooms below could not affect them at all.

They watched the wailing and begging for mercy of those desperate people, and they felt extremely happy.

Looking around, people found that on these Wing Clans who were like escape spaceships, all the strong men and their favorite offspring were left behind, as well as some young and beautiful females.And those who are old or have lost the advantage of physical age are basically abandoned, and then turn into black pus together with this rotten world.


In the distance, a rotting fungus actually released a large group of spores from the last trace of life energy.

These large and small green and white balls were thrown into the air, swirling one after another, and then slowly falling down.

Some people rushed to these spores as if they saw life-saving straws, and people started a new round of competition for survival.

And those people coiled above the decaying fungus, some were impacted by the spore eruption, shaking in the air.

The ostentatious survivors finally stopped and cheered away as more thallines released their last spores.


The survivors formed a mighty Yi tribe army and flew in one direction.

Below is a completely collapsed world, leaving behind a large black mucus, and a layer of black poisonous mist condensed above the mucus.

Soon, these places will become new seas of corrosion.

They don't care about it.

They already had a new goal, the World of Eden.

Moreover, they want to form a world with brand new rules, and they will become the masters of the new rules of this world.

Endless wealth, inexhaustible life energy, supreme power, and... a woman who enjoys it to the fullest.

Life should be like this.

In the distance, they could vaguely see the shadows among the countless flashing fluorescent lights, which were the projections of the Mushroom City.

Compared with the single-body mushrooms they used to live in, the Mushroom Forest in front of them is extremely magnificent.

Most of the original mushroom bushes are bacilli that grow independently, even in clusters, most of them split from the roots.

But the huge mushroom bush in front of him is a super huge fungus, standing like Optimus Prime between the sky and the earth.It is hundreds of times larger than the largest bacteria that ever lived!

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