Carry a Rubik's Cube Space

Chapter 217 This Is My Site

After eating food made with spore powder a few times, Mi Ajiu gradually got used to its color and taste.

What pleased her most was that this kind of food seemed to be more beneficial to the body's physical recovery, and under the same conditions, every time the body was tempered with energy, it was better than before.

So during these few shifts of polar day and polar night, her physical fitness has increased to [-]!

After ten polar days and polar nights, Mi Ajiu's expanded territory is equivalent to one-fifth of the area of ​​the parent star.

During the expansion process, countless bugs were killed, and countless spore powders were collected by the way, all of which became her energy and ingredients.

In addition to offsetting her daily consumption, the energy harvested every day also has a surplus.

The [Universal Energy] on the current account has reached 65t!

Mi Ajiu worked so hard to kill those bugs and save those huge giant mushrooms, not just because she felt sorry for them being eaten by bugs.

In her opinion, since those bugs like mushrooms so much, and since small bug eggs can grow into big fat bugs, it can be seen that the mushrooms are very nutritious.

It's just that this thing is harder than the hardest wood she has ever seen, and her teeth can't bite it anyway.

So she took advantage of these mushrooms to grow, and cut a few openings on them that reached the central core area, and the green energy liquid would automatically ooze out.

Then put the container aside to collect the stock solution.

In the later stage, because almost all the bugs around were cleaned up, so Mi Ajiu's main energy source is this.

Almost every day, each mushroom produces 0.05-0.2t of energy stock solution, and there are more than 1000 mushrooms in the whole area, which add up to a considerable amount.

It's a pity, because the means of transportation severely limited her collection speed, otherwise she would have more universal energy reserves on her account now!


Mi Ajiu, who had just collected a round of energy, put the improved skateboard into the space, and got into the hut in the largest mushroom.

Get ready to take a good rest, eat, and practice unshakably.

At this moment, the voice of Rubik's Cube Spirit suddenly came from the sea of ​​consciousness: "Someone broke into the range of cell No. [-]..."

In order to determine her current sphere of influence, Mi Ajiu temporarily placed several space cells on the mushroom canopies at several corners.

No matter how far apart, as long as things happen within the range of the cell, it can be transmitted to the Rubik's Cube Spirit in time, and then tell her.

Mi Ajiu drank the paste made of spore powder, which had a special flavor, licked the green soup on her lips, and responded lightly: "Let those little bugs squeal first. I am really tired today, and I will go to a pot tomorrow. gone."

The bugs inside the sphere of influence are cleaned up, and now they are basically spread by the bugs from the outside, and the mushrooms at the edge are the first to bear the brunt.

Every time a bug comes, the spirit of the Rubik's Cube will remind it.

Therefore, Mi Ajiu also casually responded this time, and then put the tableware in front of her into the cell, cleaned it with one thought, and began to practice cross-legged.

The spirit of Rubik's Cube transmitted again: "It's...another kind of...creature."

Rubik's Cube Ling paused, originally wanted to say "worm", but then changed the word to describe it.

Another creature?
Mi Ajiu repeated a sentence, and then her lazy temperament was instantly beaten up, and she became energetic.

She straightened her back and said hastily, "Send the image over there to have a look."

Then, Mi Ajiu saw giant creatures that looked like a combination of a human and a wasp.

Judging from the measurement of Mi Ajiu, these creatures are at least two meters tall, with two forefeet (hands), which are similar to humans, except that the fingers are longer and thinner, and four feet are thinner than humans, dragging their fat lower abdomen .

Wearing special clothes, aside from his bug-like head, his behavior is also very humane.

At this moment, some of these special creatures have skillfully climbed up the stalk of a mushroom, digging holes in it, and some directly expanded these holes, turning them into... rooms.

Some of them climbed onto the canopy and quickly built houses like small mushrooms on it.

Judging from the images sent back from the space unit, these guys are very excited at the moment.

But then, Mi Ajiu found that they seemed to become anxious, and a large group gathered together to discuss something.

At this moment, Mi Ajiu saw some of them going towards the concave area in the center of the canopy, and then...

With a puff, countless spherical spores burst into the air from the concave area.

The spores were flying in the air, some of them fell on the canopy, and a large part rushed out of the canopy, covering dozens of miles of surrounding space.

These guys became excited again when they saw the spores, and they took the intact spores into their houses one after another, while the broken powder piled up aside.

They took out the pouches from the pack they carried with them and poured out some balls...

Mi Ajiu is too familiar with these balls, they are insect eggs.

It was the eggs of more than a dozen bugs she had been fighting with in the past day and night!
These guys buried the eggs in the spore powder, and soon the eggs hatched, and they began to enjoy the inexhaustible spore powder, while their bodies grew at a speed that could be seen.

The human worms harvested these worms with great joy, divided them into pieces and enjoyed them...

Seeing this, Mi Ajiu immediately became depressed.

She worked so hard to guard this piece of mushrooms and kill the bugs, and finally got the whole mushrooms now.

I didn't expect these guys to invade her territory as soon as they came, and even brought bugs to breed, what the hell!

The spirit of Rubik's Cube sensed Mi Ajiu's killing intent at this moment, and said: "I suspect that these creatures are the aborigines of this world. Judging from their current appearance, they have formed their own civilization."

The subtext is: we are the outsiders in this world.

Mi Ajiu snorted coldly: "Don't you want to say that they are the natural way of life in this world, and no matter what we do, we can't interfere?"

After all, the spirit of the Rubik's Cube is a spirit born from the heart, and even some inherited information is very limited. For example, those who collect information about the civilization of the universe rely on themselves to accumulate it.

The Rubik's Cube Spirit is now barely in sync with the host's time and frequency, and is a little weak. At the same time, it is trying to collect information as much as possible. After hearing the host's other answer, it did not rush to answer, but asked:
"I checked the information I collected on your home planet just now. Didn't I say that we should fully respect the local area and distinguish between host and guest?"

Mi Ajiu raised her chin slightly, and said in a deep voice: "I remember you once said that there are many miraculous life forms in this big universe. For example, living planets, we are all just boarding bodies on it..."

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